- 1 - |
Kriegstagebuch "UA" |
from 31.7.41 to 25.12.41. |
31.07. -06.10.41 |
Lorient |
Shipyard period. Shipyard overhaul. Equipping. |
07.10.41 |
Lorient |
18.30 |
Cast off from Flottilla area. Put to sea in convoy. |
20.00 |
SW 2, 10/10, Swell, Vis. good |
20.38 |
Released from convoy at Point L 2. |
20.52 |
Test dive. |
21.10 |
Surfaced. Departed to the south on Routes Rosabella
and Rosa. |
08.10.41 |
00.00 |
BF 6451 |
2 mine search boats to port 1000 meters away.
Our recognition signal was not answered. From 00.00 hours zig zag
course. |
SW 2, swell, 5/10, Vis. medium, very bright moonlit night |
01.19 |
Point Ceder |
Course 239°, zig zagging. |
01.40 |
Aircraft in sight close by, possibly a Sunderland, comes
from the south, flies over forward of the bow, turns up, is then no longer
seen. Because the engine sounds remain in the vicinity and are loud, |
01.43 |
dived. |
02.19 |
Surfaced. No further aircraft or sounds in the vicinity. |
03.53 |
Point Tanne |
UA seems to have a broad oil trace. |
07.26 |
Twilight. Dived, because [the boat is] in a U-boat and aircraft
danger area. |
08.00 |
BF 5589 lower-left |
SW 2, swell 2, 5/10, Vis. very good |
12.00 |
BF 5821 |
Day's run: Surfaced
120.4 nm |
Submerged 14.3 nm = 134.7 nm. |
13.00 |
Surfaced for long wave program time. At the same
time examined the boat for an oil trace. After surfacing,
the entire boat is covered in a heavy, smelly oil film. Forward
at the level of main ballast tank 9 oil wells from both sides to the surface,
that quickly spreads. In the wake is a highly visible oil track. |
Decision: Return to repair the malfunction.
Boat is not ready for the Front. |
13.07 |
On opposite course. |
14.40 |
Sent Radio Message to B.d.U.: Heavy oil trace.
Suspect buoyancy bulkhead between 8 and 9. Position 9 October 07.00
hours Point L 2. UA. |
15.00 |
Crash dive for training. Tightness test at depth
T = 40 meters. [actual depth was 80 meters] Afterwards proceeded submerged |
- 2 - |
continued |
08.10.41 |
because we are in the air and U-boat danger area. |
Depth control and fire control training. |
20.00 |
BF 6474 |
20.30 |
Surfaced. Return transit to Lorient on Route Tannennadel. |
09.10.41 |
00.00 |
BF 6427 lower right |
Radio Message to UA: Escort positioned
9 October at 07.00 Point L 2.
B.d.U. |
S 1, Swell, 3/10, misty, Vis. medium |
Radio Message: Escort for UA position not
at 07.00 hours, but not until 9 October at 09.00 hours at Point
L 2. |
B.d.U. |
00.30 |
Dived. Proceeded submerged. |
06.15 |
Surfaced. Headed for Point L 2. |
08.00 |
BF 6184 |
Calm, light Swell, fog, Vis. 300 meters |
09.30 |
Point L 2 |
Escorted by 2 fishing trawlers in fog. |
10.40 |
Anchored in the protection of the Isle de Groix, because
of fog and harbor area boats not on station. |
12.00 |
At Isle de Groix |
Day's run: Surfaced
112.3 nm |
Submerged 40.5 nm = 152.8 nm. |
16.12 |
Anchor aweigh. |
18.10 |
Made fast Lorient. Afterwards dry docked, Dock II. |
10.10.-14.10.41 |
Shipyard work in Lorient. Removal of the fuel bunker
leak. |
15.10.41 |
13.30 |
Lorient |
Departed U-boat base for sea trial. Ran out in convoy. |
16.00 |
BF 6176 |
Test dive at Point L 2, until 16.18 hours. |
WbyS 2, Sea W 1, 4/10, Vis. very good |
16.36 |
Crash dive for training. |
17.01 |
Deep diving test to depth T = 35 meters [75 meters] . Forward periscope
(LZSR) [air search periscope] out of service. Full of water.
Surfaced. |
Ran back to the Isle de Groix. From L 2 escorted
by Sperrbrecher. |
18.27 |
Anchored off St. Tudy (Isle de Groix), because entering
at low water is not possible. |
16.10.41 |
Entered Lorient |
Waited for high water behind the Isle de Groix |
- 3 - |
continued |
16.10.41 |
to raise the anchor and for escort. |
09.35 - 10.13 |
WbyS 3, Sea W 1, 9/10, Vis. good |
Trim test at anchor to check on oil trace and air blowing. |
12.20 |
Anchor aweigh. Entered in convoy together with U-67. |
14.30 |
Lorient |
Made fast Lorient U-boat Base. |
Day's run: Surfaced
41.7 nm |
Submerged 3.8 nm = 45.5 nm. |
18.10.-20.10 |
Lorient |
Repair of the periscope packing and the leaking emergency
shutoff valve of main ballast and reserve fuel oil tank VIII. Equipping
of the boat. |
21.10.41 |
15.00 |
Lorient |
Cast off from the U-boat Base. Put to sea together
with U-106 in convoy. Harbor protection vessel and Sperrbrecher. |
16.00 |
Entrance Lorient |
From Point L 2 escorted by M 9 and 12 on Route
Rosabella and Rosa to the south, speed 10 knots. |
NW 1, Sea NW 0-1, 7/10, Vis. very good |
20.00 |
BF 6425 center-left |
Aircraft in sight to starboard. Own aircraft,
because sea plane. |
N 1, Sea N 1, 8/10, Vis. good |
22.10.41 |
00.00 |
BF 6492 center-right |
ENE 3-4, Sea NE 3, 3/10, dark clear night, Vis. good, +15°C |
Transit to the south on Route Rosa under escort by M 9
and M 12. |
08.00 |
BF 6886 right edge upper |
E 3-4, Sea E 3, clear, cloudless, Vis. very good |
08.05 |
Mouth of the Gironde |
Point 36. Escort taken over by Sperrbrecher.
Entered the mouth of the Gironde. |
10.45 |
Made fast to a buoy at Le Verdon Roadstead. |
12.00 |
Le Verdon Roadstead |
Day's run: Surfaced
185.2 nm |
ENE 3-4, Sea NE 3, Vis. very good, +17°C, clear, cloudless |
Submerged 0.7 nm = 185.9 nm. |
In the afternoon discussed the task of escorting "PUMA". |
20.00 |
Le Verdon Roadstead |
[PUMA was the blockade runner PORTLAND] |
20.30 |
NE 2-3, Sea NE 1, 1/10, Vis. good, +18°C |
Put to sea behind "PUMA" under escort by 4 new
M-boats via Point 36 and Route Burggraf. |
23.10.41 |
00.00 |
BF 9314 center |
NE 4, Sea NE 3, 1/10, bright, light misty night, Vis. medium,
+16°C |
- 4 - |
continued |
23.10.41 |
00.00 |
Route "Burggraf". |
03.00 |
Point "Burg". Came to course 270°. |
08.00 |
BF 9148 lower-right |
Escort by M-boats ended. |
NE 4, Sea NE 3, 4/10, Vis. medium, +16°C |
2 He 115 take over close escort. 1 Condor aircraft
passed for reconnaissance sweep. |
08.34 - 09.00 |
Test dive up to 09.00 hours. |
10.00 |
A third He 115 appears as relief. |
12.00 |
BF 8349 lower-right |
Day's run: Surfaced
192.2 nm |
EbyS 4-5, Sea E 4, 4/10, Vis. very good, +17°C |
Submerged 1.5 nm = 193.7 nm. |
12.30 |
From Radio Message U-boat situation: |
2.) Convoy detected departing Gibraltar yesterday
evening. Operation continues. |
As can be seen from the above, we must get well clear of
the convoy. |
16.00 |
BF 8248 center |
E 5, Sea E 4, 4/10, Vis. good, +17°C |
18.00 |
Clocks set back 1 hour to M.E.Z. [Mitteleuropäische
Zeit = GMT +1] |
21.00 |
BF 8147 upper-right |
Escort aircraft broke off close escort at 17.45 hours. |
ESE 5-6, Sea ESE 5, 8/10, Vis. medium, +17°C |
24.10.41 |
01.00 |
BF 7349 |
Steered west behind "PUMA". |
E 6, Sea E 5, 4/10, medium bright night, Vis. moderate,
+15°C |
09.00 |
BF 7158 |
Test dive until 08.32 hours. Weather
is favorable for transfer. Seas may not increase much but because
then driving at higher speed into the seas will be in question. |
EbyS 7, Sea E 5-6, 3/10, misty, Vis. medium |
11.50 |
Radio Message to UA for PUMA: Today air reconnaissance
with 4 Condors between 43°N and 47°N to 19°W 14.00 hours in
the west. Repeat tomorrow with up to 2 aircraft anticipated.
B.d.U. |
I believe the address of this Radio Message = To PUMA -
is dangerous. According to Operations Order I re-transmitted it
to PUMA. |
The Radio Message gives, if the enemy is reading our general
traffic - and I take that as likely - great insight into the type and
area of operations. |
13.00 |
BE 9367 |
Day's run: Surfaced
288.5 nm |
E 7, Sea E 6, 5/10, misty, Vis. medium, +14°C |
Submerged 1.8 nm = 290.3 nm. |
17.00 |
BE 9347 lower-left corner |
The lubricating oil consumption is unusually
high, especially for the port diesel. Attempted to find the leaks
and remove. |
E 7-8, Sea E 6, 4/10, misty, Vis. medium, +14°C |
19.00 |
Set clocks back 1 hour to M.G.Z. |
[Mittlere Greenwich-Zeit = GMT] |
- 5 - |
continued |
24.10.41 |
19.41 |
BE 9259 center-left edge |
"PUMA" reports vessel in sight ahead.
Initially PUMA continues on old course and goes on course 300°, when
by turning away UA suggests to him the possibility changing course. "PUMA"
makes the basic error, with "UA" standing before him, therefore
directly towards the enemy, of sending Morse with his very bright searchlight. |
Evening twilight |
(The signal service on PUMA is actually extremely clumsy.
There is nothing to be said of the naval signal personnel.
Most cases confirm that one of the ship's officers is signaling, the normal
merchant ship signal procedure. |
Each message must be given 3 to 5 times. It takes a long time for urgent quick signaling, it is insufficient) |
The reported vessel was not sighted by "UA".
It remains questionable whether or not it is an illusion. |
22.15 |
PUMA again goes to course 270°. |
22.30 |
Supercharger out of service. Bearings damaged.
Repair by onboard means is questionable. (The work order of the boat to
check the supercharger during the shipyard period was dropped by the Flotilla.) |
25.10.41 |
08.00 |
BE 9118 upper-right |
Radio Message to UA for PUMA: |
E 5-6, Sea E 4, 9/10, bright night, Vis. medium |
Today's remote reconnaissance without sighting the enemy.
25 October reconnaissance between 43°30'N and 47°30'N up to 22°W
with 3 Condors at 14.00 hours to the west. |
10.00 |
BE 8237 upper-right |
EbyS 6, Sea E 5, 10/10, Vis. medium, +15°C |
11.13 |
Test dive and servicing of the torpedoes until 11.42 hours. |
Up to this morning 30 cbm of fuel oil have been consumed.
Because "PUMA" has only 35 cbm for us on board, meaning this
supply cannot extend operational range. |
Because "PUMA" does not run at 12 knots but between
13 and 14 knots, UA can just keep up at GF = 15 knots at 13.1 cbm of fuel
per day. |
The equipping of PUMA with fuel for us proves to be too
low by half. |
14.00 |
BE 8217 upper-right |
Day's run: Surfaced
299.7 nm |
E 5-6, Sea E 4-5, 10/10, cloudy, Vis. medium, +16°C |
Submerged 2.3 nm = 302.0 nm. |
- 6 - |
continued |
25.10.41 |
18.00 |
BE 8113 |
EbyS 5, Sea E 4-5, 9/10, Vis. medium, +16°C |
26.10.41 |
02.00 |
BE 7223 center |
In work worthy of recognition the control room
personnel have succeeded in getting the supercharger operable again.
(Masch.Mt. Kregeloh, Masch.Gefr. Grossmann). |
EbyS 3-4, Sea E 4, 10/10, Vis. medium, +17°C |
10.00 |
BE 7114 upper-left |
E 4-5, Sea E 4, Vis. very good, +17°C |
14.00 |
BD 9315 center-right |
Day's run: Surfaced
318.2 nm |
ESE 4, Sea ESE 4, 3/10, Vis. very good, +18°C |
Submerged - - nm = 318.2 nm. |
18.00 |
BD |
27.10.41 |
02.00 |
BD 8365 center-right edge |
SE 5, Sea ESE 4-5, 5/10, Vis. medium |
10.00 |
BD 8247 |
SSE 5, Sea SE 3-4, 2/10, Vis. medium, +17°C |
11.07 |
Test dive until 11.55 hours together with torpedo servicing. |
14.00 |
BD 8181 |
"PUMA" came to course 230°. |
ESE 5, Sea ESE 4, 6/10, Vis. moderate, +18°C |
Day's run: Surfaced
301.2 nm |
Submerged 3.7 nm = 304.9 nm. |
18.00 |
BD 7636 |
SE 4, Sea ESE 3, 6/10, Vis. moderate, +17°C |
28.10.41 |
02.00 |
BD 7866 |
SE 3-4, Sea SE 3-4, 6/10, Vis. medium |
05.00 |
CD 3421 upper-right |
"PUMA" on course 230°. |
10.00 |
CD 3621 |
SE 3, Sea SE 2-3, 3/10, Vis. very good, +18°C |
12.45 |
CD 3673 |
Began fuel transfer from "PUMA". |
The taking over of the gear is very difficult in the considerable
swell; PUMA also has difficulty. The people on deck are up the neck in
the water many times. Naturally a midshipman falls overboard, but is quickly
fished out again. |
14.00 |
CD 3673 |
Day's run: Surfaced
270 nm |
SE 3, Sea SE 3, increasing Swell, Vis, medium, +21°C |
Submerged -.- nm = 270 nm. |
18.00 |
CD 3673 |
SE 1-2, Swell 3, rain squalls, Vis. very good to moderate,
+22°C |
- 7 - |
continued |
28.10.41 |
18.05 |
Fuel transfer from PUMA ended. |
Taken over: 35 cbm. |
Consumption to now: 70 cbm, therefore exactly double. |
PUMA gives an inventory, with the result that 46 cbm were
taken over. |
Transit continued, PUMA has instructions direct from SKL
to steer course 205°. Reason unknown here. |
29.10.41 |
02.00 |
CD 3889 |
SSW 1-2, Swell 1, misty, thunderstorms, Vis. moderate to
medium, +19°C |
10.00 |
CD 6541 |
SE 2, Swell 3, 5/10, Vis. very good, +20°C |
14.00 |
CD 6736 |
PUMA goes to course 192°. |
ESE 2, Swell 2, 5/10, Vis. medium, +20°C |
Day's run: Surfaced
199.6 nm |
Submerged 1.6 nm = 201.2 nm. |
15.00 |
CD 6739 |
Released by "PUMA". Great farewell.
Initially continued on PUMA course diesel-electric. PUMA drew ahead
only gradually. |
17.00 |
Officer-Only Radio Message to UA: |
1.) For U-boat attack the currently released area
includes the following areas. |
1.) Between
the latitudes from square CF 2522 and square ES 4888 the area east of
the longitude of square Dora Gustav 2455. |
2.) South
there from up to the latitude of square 2757 of the large square that
lies south of square ES, the area east of the longitude of square ES 8721. |
2.) Outside these area must expect several own ships,
therefore released case by case depending on the situation. |
B.d.U. |
18.00 |
CD 6797 |
E 3, Sea E 2-3, 5/10, Vis. medium, +23°C |
18.40 |
Crash dive for training up to 19.10 hours. |
19.00 |
CD 9131 |
"PUMA" out of sight ahead. |
Continued to run on the same course until the beginning
of twilight. |
22.00 |
CD 9153 |
Came to course 140°. This is not
the shortest course to the attack free area, this would mean too great
a detour on the way to the designated operations area. Therefore
I decide to steer the more southern, somewhat longer, course of 140°. |
E 2-3. Sea E 3, 2/10, Vis. good, +22°C |
- 8 - |
30.10.41 |
02.00 |
CD 9511 |
Course 140°, diesel-electric = 9 knots. |
E 3, Sea E 2, 2/10, Vis. good, +22°C |
10.00 |
CD 9594 |
E 3, Sea E 1-2, 4/10, Vis. very good, +22°C |
11.30 |
Crash dive for training. Followed by depth control
and fire control training until 13.00 hours. |
14.00 |
CD 9914 |
Day's run: Surfaced
198.2 nm |
SE 3, Sea SE 2-3, 3/10, Vis. very good, +23°C |
Submerged 3.9 nm = 202.1 nm. |
18.00 |
CD 9981 |
SE 2-3, Sea SE 2, 3/10, Vis. very good, +24°C |
31.10.41 |
02.00 |
DF 3373 |
Course 140°, diesel-electric, 9 knots. |
ENE 3, Sea E 2-3, 9/10, Vis. medium, +21°C |
10.00 |
DF 3693 |
E 2-3, Sea E 2, 9/10, Vis. very good, +23°C |
12.15 |
Test dive and depth control training until 13.00 hours. |
14.00 |
DG 1716 |
Day's run: Surfaced
207.3 nm |
E 3, Sea E 2, 6/10, Vis. very good, +22°C |
Submerged 2.0 nm = 209.3 nm. |
18.00 |
DG 1759 |
ESE 3-4, Sea ESE 2-3, 10/10, rain squall, Vis. changing,
+23°C |
01.11.41 |
02.00 |
DG 4258 |
SE 3, Sea SE 2-3, 10/10, rain showers, Vis. changing, +23°C |
10.00 |
DG 4645 |
SE 3-4, Sea SE 3, squalls, 10/10, Vis. medium changing,
+24°C |
14.00 |
DG 4688 |
Day's run: Surfaced
191.0 nm |
SSE 4, Sea SSE 3, 10/10, rain squalls, Vis. changing, +24°C |
Submerged 3.0 nm = 194 nm. |
16.50 |
DG 4934 |
Steamer in sight about 110°T. Bow left, target
angle 90°. Turned away, showed the stern and ran off until just
the masts and smokestack are seen. |
16.56 |
The steamer now bears 85°T, has 2 slanted masts, 1
broad smokestack, before that a high freestanding bridge, gray paint.
Apparently a passenger steamer or auxiliary cruiser. About 10-12000
tons. |
Target angle 90°. Steamer shifts quickly out,
apparently runs at high speed. |
17.05 |
Turned to a parallel course (0°). At the moment, UA can
only run at 11 knots, because when the steamer came in sight a cooling
water pipe of the starboard engine had just been dismantled and was being
welded in the conning tower. |
- 9 - |
continued |
01.11.41 |
The engine was operable after one hour, a job that would
normally have taken 2-3 hours. |
17.14 |
DG 4931 |
A rain squall moves over the boat and then towards the
steamer, as a result, is lost from sight. |
17.16 |
Angled in on course 30°. |
17.23 |
Came to course 45°. |
17.51 |
DG 4697 |
Steamer in sight ahead (30°T). |
It is again transverse, bow left, and is moved well ahead. |
17.55 |
Because it is quite well out, must move off on opposite
course (210°T). |
18.00 |
DG 4923 |
Came to course 25°. |
SSE 4, Sea SSE 4, 5/10, rain squalls, Vis. changing, +24°C |
Steamer quickly passes out of sight. |
18.16 |
DG 4694 |
Pursued on the probable general course of the steamer (10°)
and ran at highest continuous speed. Starboard diesel is again in
service. |
19.57 |
DG 4656 |
Came to course 340°, because up to now the steamer
is not in sight again and to make a leg across his suspected general course. |
21.30 |
DG 4624 |
Beginning of twilight. Pursuit is broken off as hopeless.
Steamer is too fast. |
Course 140°, diesel-electric, 9 knots. |
02.11.41 |
02.00 |
DG 4692 |
SE 5, Sea SE 4, 10/10, squalls, rain showers, Vis. moderate,
+25°C |
02.05 |
Short Signal sent: Have completed auxiliary
task I. UA |
Was in fact acknowledged, however, not repeated. |
Since the Operational Order had already been destroyed
and I neglected to see the groups provided for the message, I had
to use the group above from the U-boat Short Signal book. |
10.00 |
DG 5754 |
SW 5, Sea SW 4-5, 10/10, squalls, rain and thunderstorms,
+23°C |
14.00 |
DG 5797 |
Day's run: Surfaced
198.8 nm |
SW 5, Sea SW 4-5, 10/10, squalls, rain and thunderstorms,
Vis. medium, +24°C |
Submerged 2.7 nm = 201.5 nm. |
18.00 |
DG 8165 |
SW 6, Sea SW 5, 10/10, rain squalls, Vis. medium |
- 10 - |
03.11.41 |
02.00 |
DG 8544 |
SSW 4, Sea SW 3, 8/10, thunder squalls, Vis. medium |
08.00 |
Short Signal from yesterday sent anew, because up to now not
repeated. This time understood and confirmed. |
10.00 |
DG 8849 |
SSW 4-5, Sea SW 5, 5/10, rain squalls, Vis. medium, +25°C |
12.45 |
Test dive until 13.07 hours. |
14.00 |
DS 3341 |
Day's run: Surfaced
187 nm |
SW 3-4, Sea SW 3-4, 6/10, squalls, Vis. medium, +24°C |
Submerged 1.6 nm = 188.6 nm. |
18.00 |
DS 3376 |
SW 3, Sea SW 2-3, 8/10, Vis. medium, +25°C |
04.11.41 |
02.00 |
DS 3698 |
SSW 3, Sea SSW 2-3, 8/10, rain squalls, Vis. medium, +25°C |
10.00 |
DT 4115 lower-right corner |
SW 3-4, Sea SW 3-4, 8/10, Vis. medium, +26°C |
11.50 |
Test dive until 12.33 hours. |
14.00 |
DT 4184 |
Day's run: Surfaced
200.6 nm |
SW 3, Sea SW 3, 6/10, squalls, Vis. medium |
Submerged 2.2 nm = 202.8 nm. |
18.00 |
DT 4456 |
We have managed to reduce the lubricating oil
losses. However, lubricating oil consumption is still too high and is 4% of
fuel consumption. |
SSW 3-4, Sea SW 3, 5/10, light rain squalls, Vis. medium
changing, +26°C |
05.11.41 |
02.00 |
DT 4798 |
SSW 2, Sea SSW 2, 8/10, rain squalls, Vis. medium, +23°C |
10.00 |
DT 7551 |
S 1, Sea S 1, 5/10, summer lightening, Vis. very good, +27°C |
14.00 |
DT 7822 |
Day's run: Surfaced 240.6
nm |
SSW 1-2, Sea 0-1, 3/10, Vis. very good, +27°C |
Submerged -.- nm. |
18.00 |
DT 7867 |
SSW 0-1, Swell, 2/10, Vis. very good, +30°C |
19.00 |
Stopped for preservation work below deck until 20.45 hours. |
06.11.41 |
02.00 |
EJ 1296 |
SSW 1, Swell, 6/10, Vis. medium, +28°C |
10.00 |
EJ 1916 |
Course 150°. Passed Cape Verde Island
Antao at a distance of 40 nm. |
SE 2, Sea SE 1, 3/10, Vis. good, +27°C |
- 11 - |
continued |
06.11.41 |
12.00 |
Test dive until 13.00 hours. |
14.00 |
EJ 1982 |
Day's run: Surfaced
199.7 nm |
E 2, Sea E 1, 2/10, Vis. very good, +28°C |
Submerged 3.2 nm = 202.9 nm. |
18.00 |
EJ 4338 |
NNE 2, Sea NE 1-2, 4/10, Vis. very good, +30°C |
19.00 |
Radio Message to Southern Boats: (Officer-Only) |
Make no attacks in the U-boat free area southwest of the
line ES 15 to ES 55 from now until 11 November. |
B.d.U. |
07.11.41 |
02.00 |
EJ 5459 |
E 2, Sea E 2, 2/10, Vis. good, +28°C |
10.00 |
EJ 5876 |
E 2-3, Sea E 2, 3/10, Vis. very good, +29°C |
12.30 |
Test dive until 11.00 hours. |
14.00 |
EJ 8228 |
Day's run: Surfaced
222.5 nm |
NNE 2-3, Sea NE 2, 4/10, Vis. very good, +29°C |
Submerged 2.8 nm = 225.3 nm. |
18.00 |
EJ 8298 |
NE 1-2, Sea NE 1, 4/10, Vis. very good, +30°C |
08.11.41 |
02.00 |
EJ 8929 |
NE 1, Swell, 1/10, Vis. good, +29°C |
10.00 |
ES 3146 |
E 1-2, Swell, 4/10, Vis. very good, +29°C |
Considerations. |
After passing the Cape Verdes the boat entered the actual
operations area of the Southern Boats. Further instructions for
UA were not yet available at the time. The area off Freetown still
appears to be sparsely traveled. U-107, U-125 and apparently U-103 remain
here without success. U-126 has, as far as is known, reported traffic,
however neutral. |
In the South Atlantic at the latitude off German Southwest
Africa U-68 had few but beautiful successes, off Walvis Bay however no
traffic met. |
Due to the high fuel consumption for the PUMA
escort task, only half of which was supplied, the action radius of UA
extends to Walvis Bay. There is no attack reserve. So going there
would only be worthwhile if heavy traffic was expected, or if prior supply
was possible. |
Unfortunately other areas that in my opinion appear worthwhile,
St. Paul's Rocks, Ascension and St. Helena are not currently released. The delimitation of attack areas here in
the south, which directs the U-boats in poor ship traveled areas in order
to keep the rest of the Ocean |
- 12 - |
continued |
08.11.41 |
for sporadic own independents turns out to be a great hindrance
for the U-boats, even the western boundary at 30°W is annoying. (See
the large steamer on 31°W on 1 November.) |
I intend to proceed further in the general direction of
Ascension and Walvis Bay. I expect to get further orders now and
retain most of my fuel for long range operations. |
11.30 |
Radio Message: Eckermann is reminded
of report concerning special task. |
It was arranged that: |
a) A Short Signal in B.d.U. Orders.
This was sent on 2 November and again on 3 November. |
b) In the Group West Orders: a report
concerning |
1.) Further intentions of the Kapitän if deviating from previous
orders (with supplement if necessary) |
2.) Sighting of the enemy. |
3.) Special events, combat operations. |
To all points there was nothing to report.
Therefore only a Short Signal was sent. A message beyond the Short
Signal, if nothing special was to be reported was not ordered from the
wording of the order, however, apparently was intended. |
Therefore |
Radio Message: task completed 29 October square
CD 91 without special occurrences. ES 34, 185 cbm.
UA. |
The delivery of this Radio Message is very
awkward, since the boat is about 500 nm from Freetown, also possibly in
the U-126 operations area. Furthermore, by using Bathurst there
are good bearing possibilities and angles. The radio message is
superfluous, but unfortunately now regarded as ordered. It is also
not advisable to delay delivery, because I think it is better to transmit
north of Freetown, not south closer to the subsequent operations area.
One advantage lies in the fact that the B.d.U. is made aware of the unfavorable
evolution of the fuel situation. |
11.45 |
Test dive until 12.15 hours. |
14.00 |
ES 3431 |
Day's run: Surfaced
232 nm |
NE 1-2, Swell, 3/10, Vis. very good, +31°C |
Submerged 1.6 nm = 233.6 nm. |
18.00 |
ES 3547 |
NE 1-2, Sea NE 1, 2/10, Vis. very good, +33°C |
09.11.41 |
02.00 |
ES 3895 |
NE 1-2, Sea NE 1, 4/10, Vis. good, +29°C |
10.00 |
ES 6623 |
E 1, Swell, 4/10, Vis. very good, +29°C |
- 13 - |
continued |
09.11.41 |
11.50 |
Test dive until 12.25 hours. |
14.00 |
ES 6669 |
Day's run: Surfaced
221.6 nm |
ESE 2, Sea SE 1-2, 4/10, Vis. very good, +32°C |
Submerged 2.2 nm = 223.8 nm. |
18.00 |
ET 4716 |
SSE 3, Sea SE 3, 3/10, Vis. very good, +31°C |
10.11.41 |
02.00 |
ET 7139 |
SSE 2-3, Sea SE 2, 4/10, Vis. good, +29°C |
10.00 |
ET 7564 |
SSE 2-3, Sea SE 2, 3/10, Vis. good, +28°C |
14.00 |
ET 7911 |
Day's run: Surfaced
219.5 nm |
SSE 2, Sea SE 1, 4/10, Vis. good, +30°C |
Submerged - - nm. |
18.00 |
ET 7981 center |
SSE 2, Sea SSE 1, 2/10, Vis. very good, +29°C |
11.11.41 |
02.00 |
FE 1396 |
SE 2, Sea SE 1, 5/10, Vis. good, +28°C |
10.00 |
FE 2725 |
SE 3, Sea SE 2, 4/10, Vis. very good, +27.5°C |
12.00 |
Test dive until 12.15 hours. |
14.00 |
FE 2792 |
Day's run: Surfaced
209.7 nm |
SE 3-4, Sea SE 3, 4/10, Vis. very good, +27°C |
Submerged 1.1 nm = 210.8 nm. |
Crossed the Equator to the south. |
18.00 |
FE 5211 |
SSE 2-3, Sea SSE 3, 3/10, Vis. very good, +27°C |
12.11.41 |
02.00 |
FE 5248 |
SSE 3, Sea SE 2-3, 3/10, Vis. medium, +26°C |
10.00 |
FE 5591 |
SE 4, Sea SE 3, 5/10, Vis. good, +25°C |
11.50 |
Test dive until 13.00 hours. |
14.00 |
FE 5917 |
Day's run: Surfaced
181.2 nm |
SSE 3-4, Sea SE 3, 8/10, Vis. good, +29°C |
Submerged 3.0 nm = 184.2 nm. |
18.00 |
FE 5987 |
Radio Message Officer Only to UA: |
SE 4, Sea SE 3, 5/10, Vis. good, +28°C |
1.) Traffic situation in square ET 38 is not yet
clear after the return of several boats. Boats did not close within
1100 ? (or 110) nm. B.d.U. recommends approaching closer to shore
and possibly also search along the coast to the southeast and east. |
2) Supply is intended in the first week of December
about in the current Merten supply area. Then operation with
- 14 - |
continued |
12.11.41 |
other boats is planned to the south near the coast. |
Situation: |
"UA" is positioned in square FE 83
already south of the Equator. The fuel supply is still sufficient
for 7700 nm. The route "via Liberia coast - supply place -
homeland is 8000 nm. So due to fuel it is no longer possible, as
recommended by the B.d.U., to search in Freetown and the coast to the
east, time would be available for 3 days. |
I intend therefore to go to the area freed
by U-68 to operate there and then to be at the supply place at the beginning
of December, the boat has just enough fuel for the return transit. |
13.11.41 |
02.00 |
FE 8392 |
ESE 2-3, Sea ESE 3, 7/10, Vis. medium, +24°C |
10.00 |
FE 9713 |
ESE 3, Sea ESE 2-3, 2/10, Vis. very good, +24°C |
11.50 |
Test dive until 12.10 hours. |
12.15 |
Course 140°. |
14.00 |
FE 9752 |
Day's run: Surfaced
184 nm |
SE 3, Sea SE 3, 1/10, Vis. very food, +25°C |
Submerged 1.1 nm = 185.1 nm. |
15.00 |
Radio Message (Officer Only): |
To Eckermann and Bauer: |
Transmitting and attack are forbidden within 300 nm of
the supply point anticipated for Bauer. |
18.00 |
FE 9799 |
ESE 3-4, Sea ESE 3, 5/10, Vis. very good, +25°C |
14.11.41 |
02.00 |
FM 2289 |
ESE 3-4, Sea ESE 3, 3/10, Vis. medium, +24°C |
10.00 |
FM 2687 |
ESE 3, Sea ESE 2-3, cloudless, Vis. very good, +24°C |
12.10 |
Test dive until 12.30 hours. |
14.00 |
FM 2961 |
Day's run: Surfaced
196.5 nm |
ESE 3, Sea ESE 2-3, 5/10, Vis. very good, +26°C |
Submerged 1.2 nm = 197.7 nm. |
18.00 |
FM 3777 |
ESE 3, Sea ESE 3, 3/10, Vis. very good, +29°C |
15.11.41 |
02.00 |
FM 6197 |
ESE 3-4, Sea ESE 3, 7/10, Vis. medium, +23°C |
10.00 |
FM 6823 |
ESE 3, Sea ESE 2-3, 10/10, Vis. very good, +22°C |
- 15 - |
continued |
15.11.41 |
11.50 |
Test dive until 12.20 hours. |
14.00 |
FM 6863 |
Day's run: Surfaced
190.8 nm |
ESE 2-3, Sea ESE 2, 9/10, Vis. very good, +22°C |
Submerged 1.3 nm = 192.1 nm. |
18.00 |
FM 6976 |
ESE 3, Sea ESE 2-3, 5/10, Vis. very good, +24°C |
16.11.41 |
02.00 |
FM 9366 |
ESE 2-3, Sea ESE 1-2, 9/10, Vis. medium, +23°C |
10.00 |
FN 7428 |
Course 170°. |
SSE 3, Sea SSE 2, 9/10, Vis. medium, +23°C |
11.55 |
Test dive until 12.10 hours. |
14.00 |
FN 7495 |
Day's run: Surfaced
166.0 nm |
SSE 3, Sea SSE 2, 8/10, Vis. medium, +23°C |
Submerged 1.2 nm = 167.2 nm. |
18.00 |
FN 7765 |
SE 3, Sea SE 3, 8/10, Vis. medium, +22°C |
20.00 |
Radio Message to Southern Boats: Up to 22
November attack forbidden against independents south of the line ER 6155
to Point 140 nm south of ES 9799 |
17.11.41 |
02.00 |
FU 1165 |
ESE 3, Sea ESE 2-3, 10/10, rain squalls, Vis. good, +20°C |
10.00 |
FU 1547 |
SE 3, Sea SE 3, 10/10, Vis. moderate, +22°C |
11.50 |
Test dive until 13.00 hours. |
14.00 |
FU 1811 |
Day's run: Surfaced
171.5 nm |
SE 3-4, Sea SE 3, 8/10, Vis. medium, +22°C |
Submerged 2.9 nm = 174.4 nm. |
18.00 |
FU 1844 |
SE 4, Sea SE 3-4, 3/10, Vis. medium, +22°C |
18.11.41 |
02.00 |
FU 4219 |
SE 4, Sea SE 3-4, 10/10, rain, Vis. low, +20°C |
10.00 |
FU 4528 |
Course 160°. |
SE 4-5, Sea SE 4, 10/10, Vis. medium, +22°C |
11.50 |
Test dive until 13.00 hours. |
14.00 |
FU 4559 |
Day's run: Surfaced
138.5 nm |
SE 4, Sea SE 3-4, 9/10, Vis. medium, +22°C |
Submerged 3.8 nm = 142.3 nm. |
18.00 |
FU 4589 |
SE 4-5, SE 4, 10/10, Vis. medium, +24°C |
- 16 - |
continued |
18.11.41 |
20.30 |
FU 4838 |
Stopped to conserve fuel. |
19.11.41 |
02.00 |
FU 4838 |
ESE 2-3, Sea ESE 3, 10/10, Vis. medium, +23°C |
10.00 |
FU 4838 |
Course 160°, 7 knots. |
SE 3-4, Sea SE 3, 9/10, Vis. medium. +21°C |
14.00 |
FU 4824 |
Day's run: Surfaced
52.4 nm |
ESE 3-4, Sea SE 4, 10/10, Vis. medium, +21°C |
Submerged -.- nm. |
16.00 |
FU 4851 |
Stopped to save fuel. |
18.00 |
FU 4851 |
SE 3, Sea SE 2-3, 9/10, Vis. medium, +22°C |
20.11.41 |
02.00 |
FU 4851 |
SE 3, Sea SE 2-3, 9/10, Vis. moderate, +22°C |
10.00 |
FU 4851 |
Boat lies stopped to conserve fuel. The
fuel situation does not permit going further south, before supply is somewhat
reasonably assured. |
SE 2-3, Sea SE 3, 10/10, Vis. good, +21°C |
11.50 |
Test dive until 12.10 hours. |
14.00 |
FU 4845 |
Day's run: Surfaced
10.7 nm |
SE 3, Sea SE 2-3, 7/10, Vis. good, +22°C |
Submerged 1.6 nm. |
18.00 |
FU 4845 |
SE 3, Sea SE 2, 9/10, Vis. good, +23°C |
21.11.41 |
02.00 |
FU 4844 |
SE 2, Sea SE 2, 9/10, Vis. moderate, +23°C |
10.00 |
FU 4841 |
Boat lies stopped to conserve fuel. |
SE 2, Sea SE 1-2, 10/10, Vis. very good, +22°C |
14.00 |
FU 4817 |
Day's run: -.- |
SE 2, Sea SE 1, 5/10, Vis. very good, +23°C |
18.00 |
FU 4817 |
SE 1-2, Sea SE 1, cloudless, Vis. very good, +25°C |
22.11.41 |
02.00 |
FU 4738 |
ESE 1-2, Sea ESE 1, 1/10, Vis. good, +23°C |
10.00 |
FU 4737 |
Boat lies stopped to conserve fuel. |
ESE 2, Sea ESE 1, 2/10, Vis. very good, +25°C |
11.50 |
Test dive until 12.10 hours. |
- 17 - |
continued |
22.11.41 |
14.00 |
FU 4737 |
Day's run: Surfaced
0.2 nm |
ESE 1-2, Sea ESE 1, 3/10, Vis. very good, +23°C |
Submerged 1.0 nm = 1.2 nm. |
18.00 |
FU 4737 |
ESE 0-1, Swell, 3/10, Vis. very good, +22°C |
23.11.41 |
02.00 |
FU 4728 |
SSE 1, Swell, 2/10, Vis. good, +23°C |
10.00 |
FU 4728 |
Boat lies stopped to save fuel. |
ENE 1, Sea ENE 1, 6/10, Vis. very good, +23°C |
11.00 |
Bauer reports sinking of the supply ship at the
meeting point. Clausen and Mohr were ordered there. |
UA is 1000 nm away, too far to go on our own initiative. |
14.00 |
FU 4722 |
Day's run: Surfaced
2.5 nm |
ESE 1-2, Sea ESE 1, 7/10, Vis. very good, +25°C |
Submerged 0.0 nm = 2.5 nm. |
15.00 |
Radio Message Officer-Only: |
1.) Bauer report position, course and anticipated
speed of advance. |
2.) Mohr and Clausen go to Bauer. |
3.) UA report position and fuel. |
At the moment sending a Radio Message is not
possible because there is no reception on any of the available frequencies.
The possible candidate Daytime Remote Service below 20 meters is not manned
in the homeland on the reception-side. Also "UA" cannot
switch to it. |
On a hunch came to course 320°, 10 knots, to be closer,
if the boat is tasked to take over survivors. |
18.00 |
FU 4448 |
ESE 2, Sea ESE 1, 5/10, Vis. very good, +25°C |
22.00 |
Sent Short Signal: Position naval square FU
43. Attempt was not acknowledged. Control transmited in between, therefore . . . |
24.00 |
Sent Radio Message: 135 cbm, naval square
FU 44. |
"UA" |
24.11.41 |
00.30 |
FT 6348 |
From Radio Message traffic learn that Supply Ship "PYTHON"
is to take over all the crew of the auxiliary cruiser and that it is intended
that the approaching Mohr and Clausen will remain in
the south. |
Therefore stopped, boat again allowed to drift to save
fuel. |
01.35 |
FT 6348 |
Watch believes they saw a light bearing 260°T. |
- 18 - |
continued |
24.11.41 |
Illusion by a setting star is possible. Ran towards
for 1 hour. Does not come in sight again. |
02.00 |
FT 6347 |
Lying stopped to conserve fuel. |
ESE 2, Sea ESE 1, 5/10, Vis. medium, +23°C |
10.00 |
FT 6293 |
ESE 3, Sea ESE 3, 5/10, Vis. very good, +22°C |
10.50 |
Test dive until 12.05 hours. |
14.00 |
FT 6269 |
Day's run: Surfaced
106.3 nm |
ESE 4, Sea ESE 4, squalls, 7/10, Vis. good, +21°C |
Submerged 1.2 nm = 107.5 nm. |
18.00 |
FT 6269 |
ENE 6, Sea E 5, 8/10, Vis. good, +22°C |
25.11.41 |
02.00 |
FT 6292 |
ESE 4, Sea ESE 4, 4/10, summer lightening, Vis. medium,
+21°C |
10.00 |
FT 6293 |
Lying stopped to conserve fuel. |
ESE 3, Sea ESE 3, 2/10, Vis. good, +23°C |
14.00 |
FT 6293 |
Day's run: Surfaced -.- |
ESE 4-5, Sea ESE 4, 4/10, Vis. good, +26°C |
18.00 |
FT 6293 |
ESE 3, Sea ESE 3, 6/10, squalls, Vis. good,
+24°C |
Radio Message: |
1.) Bauer reports transfer completed and
returning. |
2.) Mohr, Clausen head for Kleiderstoffe
area as ordered. |
B.d.U. |
26.11.41 |
02.00 |
FT 6284 |
ESE 4, Sea ESE 3, 5/10, squalls, Vis. good, +23°C |
10.00 |
FT 6246 |
Course 160°, 7 knots. Intention: |
ESE 4, Sea SES 3-4, 10/10, squalls, Vis. good, +23°C |
Delayed transit to the anticipated supply area. The
proposed area is now far south so that in case of failure return transit
from there to the western France is not guaranteed with the remaining
fuel supply. B.d.U. must be aware of this since location and fuel
was reported. It is therefore accepted. |
11.45 |
Test dive until 12.30 hours. |
14.00 |
FT 6285 |
Day's run: Surfaced
17.2 nm |
ESE 4, Sea ESE 4, 3/10, Vis. good, +22°C |
Submerged 2.5 nm = 19.7 nm. |
- 19 - |
continued |
26.11.41 |
18.00 |
FT 6529 |
ESE 4, Sea ESE 3, 2/10, Vis. good, +22°C |
27.11.41 |
02.00 |
FT 6834 |
Radio Message: |
E 3, Sea ESE 3, 9/10, Vis. medium, +21°C |
1.) Supply from "PYTHON" takes place in
square 9634, of the third large square west of large square GJ.
Additionally for Merten: supply point bears Point Bruno
in 353°T, 755 nm. |
2.) Strive for the following supply time points:
Eckermann on 30 Nov. |
Merten on 1 December |
Mohr and Clausen on 5 December |
Supply must be completed by 8 December. |
3.) Within a circle of 400 nm supply point of the
completion of the last supply radio transmitting and attack are forbidden. |
4.) "PYTHON" will be at the supply point
daily at 08.00 and 16.00 local mean time. |
04.00 |
Went to diesel-electric = 10 knots. |
10.00 |
FT 9318 |
SE 3-4, Sea SE 3, 8/10, squalls, Vis. good, +22°C |
14.00 |
FT 9384 |
Day's run: Surfaced
165.0 nm |
SE 3, Sea SE 2, 2/10, Vis. good, +22°C |
Submerged -.- nm = 165.0 nm. |
18.00 |
FT 9637 |
ESE 4, Sea ESE 3, 9/10, Vis. good, +23°C |
28.11.41 |
02.00 |
FU 7718 |
SE 4, Sea SE 3, 6/10, squalls, rain showers, Vis. good,
+19°C |
10.00 |
GF 2244 |
ESE 4, Sea ESE 3, 8/10, Vis. good, +20°C |
14.00 |
GF 2522 |
Day's run: Surfaced
204.3 nm |
ESE 4, Sea ESE 3, 6/10, Vis. very good, +22°C |
Submerged 0.0 nm = 204.3 nm. |
18.00 |
GF 2596 |
ESE 4, Sea ESE 3, 6/10, Vis. very good, +20°C |
23.08 |
GF 2953 |
Faint light glow in sight to port bearing 30°T below
the horizon. |
23.11 |
Turned towards and ran towards. A steamer gradually
comes out, steers a straight course of about 290° and is moderately
lighted. Does not seem to have illuminated nationality markings. |
- 20 - |
continued |
28.11.41 |
Although UA stands inside the 400 nm circles around the
supply point and therefore attack is prohibited, I decide to have a closer
look at the steamer. I consider it quite possible that in this remote
area the British steamer plays innocent and proceeds with set lights. |
23.42 |
Came to parallel course (around 300°) and maneuvered
ahead at 2 x GF. |
29.11.41 |
Because it is a bright moonlit night, UA cannot go near
enough on the surface. |
01.39 |
UA is positioned ahead of the steamer. |
01.48 |
GF 2832 |
Dived. Steamer comes on and passes at a distance
of about 600 meters. He runs a forward steamer light, side lights,
a few and faint lights on deck. About 3 to 5 illuminated side windows.
Absolutely no illuminated neutrality markings. The after ship is
completely darkened. Flag neither set or illuminated. |
The character of the ship remains unclear. |
02.00 |
GF 2832 |
ESE 2, Sea ESE 2, 5/10, Vis. good, +20°C |
From 02.23 hours ran off submerged. |
02.35 |
GF 2831 |
Surfaced. |
I decide to run ahead one more time, to look at the steamer
after dawn. Because the boat will then be located just within 400
nm of the supply location, I can shoot is he proves to be enemy.
I accept that the supply point will not be reached at the anticipated
time, but rather 1 day later. |
Moved off on the starboard side of the steamer (moon lee)
at 3000 meters cross distance and maneuvered ahead at GF. |
06.00 |
GF 2548 |
Angled in and maneuvered ahead. |
ESE 2, Sea ESE 1-2, 7/10, Vis. good, +21°C |
07.27 |
GF 2468 |
It is bright. Boat stands about 6 nm exactly ahead
of the steamer and dived. |
Steamer comes on and passes at a distance of 500 meters.
A large American flag is painted on the side of the hull amidships.
There are no further neutrality markings, additionally flies no flag.
Medium sized normal freight steamer about 5000 GRT, 5 hatches, unarmed.
Boats all swung in, stowed and covered. Name not legible, home port
New York. |
- 21 - |
continued |
29.11.41 |
According to Merchant Ships it may be a steamer of the
City-Isthmian Steamship Co., New York. |
According to regulations he can neither be stopped and
examined nor sunk. |
08.52 |
GF 2454 |
Turned away and ran off submerged. |
09.38 |
Surfaced. Continued transit to supply place. |
10.00 |
GF 2458 |
ESE 2, Sea ESE 1-2, 8/10, Vis. very good, +21°C |
14.00 |
GF 2735 |
Day's run: Surfaced
221.3 nm |
ESE 3, Sea ESE 2, 9/10, Vis. very good, +22°C |
Submerged 11.7 nm = 233.0 nm. |
18.00 |
GF 2873 |
ESE 1-2, Sea ESE 1, 3/10, Vis. very good, +23°C |
30.11.41 |
02.00 |
GF 5373 |
W 1, Sea W 1, 3/10, Vis. very good, +19°C |
10.00 |
GF 6482 |
SSE 1, Sea SSE 1, 8/10, Vis. very good, +20°C |
12.00 |
Test dive until 12.20 hours. |
14.00 |
GF 6738 |
Day's run: Surfaced
225.7 nm |
WSW 2, Sea WSW 1, 1/10, Vis. very good, +23°C |
Submerged 1.1 nm = 226.8 nm. |
Radio Message (Officer Only): Eckermann,
Mohr, Clausen, Merten. |
After completing supply set off to the east, so not cross
the latitude of the supply point of UA to the south. |
B.d.U. |
Radio Message (Officer Only): |
There is nothing wrong with taking individual members of
the crew of SHIP 16 on board, as long as operational capability is not
affected. |
B.d.U. |
18.00 |
GF 6681 |
WSW 1-2, Sea WSW 1, cloudless, Vis. very good, +24°C |
01.12.41 |
02.00 |
GF 9373 |
WSW 3, Sea WSW 2, 6/10, Vis. good, +21°C |
05.00 |
GF 9631 |
Shadow in sight bearing 100°T. Turned towards. |
05.45 |
Shadow is Supply Ship "PYTHON" - U-68 lies at
the stern and is taking over fuel oil. Held in the vicinity of PYTHON.
Kmdt. U-68 (Merten) comes on board for discussion. |
10.00 |
GF 9388 |
SSW 2, Sea SSW 1, 1/10, Vis. very good, +22°C |
Went to the stern of PYTHON and began fuel oil transfer. |
U-68 made fast to PYTHON with a bow line for torpedo transfer. |
- 22 - |
continued |
01.12.41 |
In the course of the morning fuel oil transfer and beginning
of lubricating oil transfer. |
14.00 |
GF 9388 |
Day's run: Surfaced 123 nm. |
SSW 1, Swell, 1/10, Vis. very good, +25°C |
Continued fuel and lubricating oil transfer, along with
it provisions transfer. |
The British cruiser DORSETSHIRE arrives punctually at the
ordered time at the supply point (meeting point). |
17.25 |
Alarm on PYTHON. 2 masts and brown oil smoke cloud
in sight bearing 210°T. |
Chopping of the oil hose and the towing connection happens
very quickly. |
17.35 |
PYTHON goes on course 40° at AK. The enemy quickly
comes closer, directly at PYTHON. As if by a miracle one succeeded in getting all of
the crew on board at the last minute. |
Out of caution communications with PYTHON were however
extremely restricted. |
[V-boat = Verkehrsboot - a picket boat, ship's boat] |
The V-boats from PYTHON had in the mean time gathered the
people from the hose and transport boats and come alongside. 27
men were taken over. |
UA was during this time made ready to dive in a hurry.
Most of the provisions which were on deck were taken into the boat. |
17.40 |
Course 210°, to run towards the enemy since that is
the only chance of getting close. When he sees the drifting boats,
he realizes what was going on and turns off. |
Enemy comes out quickly. Warship masts target angle
0°. |
17.54 |
GF 9384 |
Dived, ran further towards the enemy, then came to port
on course 140°, to gain distance abeam. The Engineering Officer
Lt.Ing. Trieps has the boat well in hand. |
18.08 |
SSW 1, Swell, 1/10, Vis. very good, +26°C |
Suddenly the enemy starts to zig zag and is identified
as a cruiser of 10000 tons London Class (DORSETSHIRE). At first
bow right, then bow left. Enemy turns off until it is almost transverse
and visibly reduces speed. Additionally I think I see a signal.
Range about 3000 meters. I suppose that he has seen the boats, observed
the situation and must make a great circle around the dive location and
shoot at PYTHON from |
- 23 - |
continued |
01.12.41 |
long range. Despite the great range I decide to shoot
a bow three fan from tubes 1, II, IV. |
18.18 |
GF 9381 |
3-fan from tubes I. II, IV, |
G7e, target speed = 12 knots, torpedo speed = 30 knots, target angle 90°, bow
left, depth 3 meters, range = 3000 meters, spread width 180 meters. |
Fan misses. |
Apparently the enemy increased speed again. (Later
comparison with the sketch of PYTHON, showed that the occasionally slow
speed of the enemy had also been observed from there.) Moreover about
1 minute after the shot the enemy turns to target angle 45°. |
18.19 |
Quickly comes closer such that I decide on a stern-fan.
Speed was initially set at 20 knots. Despite the ongoing combat
the shift takes place so slowly that I again reduce the enemy speed setting
to 12 knots. |
18.21 |
GF 9381 |
2-fan from tubes V and VI. |
G 7e, torpedo speed 30 knots, enemy speed 12 knots, target
angle 90°, bow left, depth 3 meters, range = 2500 meters, spread width
180 meters. |
Tube VI is a tube runner, which leaves the tube after some
time by itself. The other shot also misses |
"PYTHON" is running off in about 30°T.
"DORSETSHIRE" pursues to the east. |
19.00 |
GF 9358 |
Surfaced. PYTHON is in sight ahead in a large smoke
cloud, was previously hit. The enemy can still be seen faintly in
the east. At 18.35 hours "PYTHON" received a stopping volley
from long range, about 18000 meters. He then turned to starboard,
stopped, and at 18.45 hours put out his boats. At the same time
he was blown up and set on fire, and sank at 19.32 hours. |
19.20 |
Ran to the sinking location. On the way to the shipwrecked
the last V-boat was met. The boat's crew was put aboard and instructed
also to go with the rafts to sinking location. Lines and buoys were
prepared as rescue gear. The mess was set up as a dressing station.
Hot coffee was prepared. |
19.30 |
Aircraft in sight to starboard. |
19.32 |
Aircraft again out of sight. |
20.25 |
GF 9364 |
Reached PYTHON's sinking location. |
The complete and unwounded crew including the crew of Ship
16 drifts in boats and rubber dinghies. |
- 24 - |
continued |
01.12.41 |
Began taking over the crews. In the mean time U-68,
which had previously dived before the aircraft, approached. |
20.50 |
Among the first taken over, was the previously wounded
Kaptlt. Kühn (First Officer Ship 16). He hangs in
his transport hammock just in the conning tower hatch when an aircraft
flies from the south. At the same moment, the "DORSETSHIRE"
comes in sight again with its cloud of smoke bearing 220°T. |
Apparently he has not noticed the presence of the U-boats
and wants to take over the crew of the PYTHON. |
20.52 |
"U-68" and somewhat delayed "UA" dived.
However because the aircraft must have seen us the cruiser does not come
closer. According to English information the presence of U-boats
was "suspected". |
21.41 |
GF 9391 |
Surfaced. Cruiser no longer seen.
Went to the boats. The people on the rubber rafts were taken on
board on deck. There are now 104 men on each submarine, in the cutters
still about 200 men. The cutters (5 each) are taken in tow by both
U-boats. |
SSW 1,Sea SSW 1, 1/10, Vis. very good, +23°C, twilight |
23.50 |
Redistribution is completed. For this the V-boats
which approached in the meantime gave good service. Came to course
330°, speed 5 knots. Intention is, to run towards the boats
U-124 and U-129 and get as much distance from the sinking point as possible. |
Crew is stowed away in the boat, initially up to 24 men
must remain on deck in rubber boats. In case of a crash dive the
rubber rafts will be put off and remain with the released cutters. |
In the boat room for all must be created slowly at first.
The Artillery ammunition is thrown overboard to get the magazine free,
torpedoes were reloaded. Provisions stowed. There is a huge
rummaging in the boat. |
The following Radio Messages were sent on several frequencies: |
1) 19.00 hours, PYTHON sunk by heavy cruiser
at the supply point. "UA" |
2) 00.30 hours, With Merten square 9364,
course 330°, 5 knots towing. No losses. "UA" |
- 25 - |
02.12.41 |
02.00 |
CF 9352 |
Together with "U-68" continued transit on course
330°. |
SSW 1, Swell, 1/10, Vis. very good, +20°C |
Radio Message Officer Only from Merten: |
PYTHON sunk at the meeting point by heavy English cruiser.
Secret things destroyed. All rescued. Both towing. Course 330°,
5 knots. Position 2 December square GF 9367 at 00.15 hours. UA and
U-68 both have fuel for return transit. |
10.00 |
GF 6893 |
NNW 1, Sea NW 1, 1/10, Vis. very good, +23°C |
11.00 |
GF 6868 |
The mast and smokestack, occasionally also the bridge,
of an eastbound tanker in sight bearing 210°T. Turned away temporarily,
so as not to affect the rescue. |
Radio Message: |
Mohr and Clausen. |
Request position, own position 11.00 hours naval square
GF 6893, course 330°. Keep Africa Circuit monitored. |
Eckermann. |
14.00 |
GF 6938 |
Day's run: Surfaced
108.7 nm |
NNE 1, Swell, overcast, Vis. very good, +24°C |
Submerged 7.2 nm = 115.9 nm. |
17.00 |
The following Radio Message not heard by UA comes over
from Merten: |
To Southern boats: |
Eckermann immediately report: |
1.) Fuel inventory of both boats, |
2.) Length of time both boats may remain at sea with
lifeboats considering provisions. |
Mohr and Clausen operate on UA and immediately
report provisions inventory. |
B.d.U. |
Answer: (Can send this not earlier than tonight) |
1.) Fuel both each 210 cbm. |
2.) With 11 lifeboats and 2 U-boats 14 days.
With 4 U-boats 104 men each also to Spanish port, if necessary home port.
With this prolonged diving impossible due to air supply. With lifeboats
not sea capable and too slow. Kmdt. Bruno asks return transit
as soon as possible with four submarines without towing.
"UA". |
18.00 |
GF 6581 |
NE 2, Sea NE 1, 6/10, Vis. very good, +24°C |
23.30 |
Radio Message: Request Clausen, Mohr
position, own position naval square GF 6549. "UA". |
23.50 |
Radio Message to Southern boats: |
After meeting with "UA", Clausen and
Mohr take shipwrecked on board and with highest possible speed
head for home port. Intend to send other boats to relieve. |
- 26 - |
03.12.41 |
Radio Message: Mohr position
2 December 06.00 hours naval square FT 83. Clausen naval
square 9614. Boats do not report again. Orders follow. |
02.00 |
GF 6439 |
NE 2, Sea NE 1, 9/10, Vis. good, +21°C |
Continued transit. 5 boats in tow, additionally 75
men below deck. 25 men on deck. Sleeping under tarpaulins in the
inflatables. While cruising supplied the V-boats with coffee and
food, so this does not cause any delay. |
10.00 |
GF 6127 |
WNW 2, Sea WNW 1, 3/10, Vis. very good, +23°C |
12.37 |
GF 6124 |
2 masts in sight bearing 137°T, coming higher out.
Target angle 0°, soon 90°. Enemy bow right. |
12.50 |
I decide to attack. Let the boats go. Rubber
boats with 70 men put overboard. (Were taken in tow and on deck
by U-68.) |
12.55 |
Set off, cannot maneuver ahead for a long time because
I cannot leave the boats too long with Merten. |
The enemy seems to approach quite favorably on general
course 300°. |
13.07 |
GF 6112 |
Dived. Closed the enemy on about course 145°. |
13.28 |
As the enemy comes in sight in the periscope it was determined
that the general course is westerly after all. About 270°. |
13.30 |
Ran towards the enemy on course 210° and later further
up to 250°. In so doing ran a total of 24 minutes at AK. |
Enemy zig zags between 330° and 210°. Therefore
UA only gets closer slowly. |
The steamer comes closest on his course of 300°. |
Range however was not under 3000 meters. |
Also the target angle on this course is as much as 90°.
14.00 |
GF 6115 |
Day's run: Surfaced
143.5 nm |
WNW 2, Sea WNW 1, 3/10, Vis. very good, +23°C |
Submerged 3.0 nm = 146.5 nm. |
Steered course 270°. Attempted to get ahead at
AK on the general course while the enemy zig zags. Gained little.
Indeed, while the target angle is sharp again the range threatens to increase.
Therefore when the enemy again came to course 330°, tried to get even closer on course 250°. |
14.59 |
GF 6111 |
3-fan from tube I. II, IV. |
Torpedo speed = 30 knots, target speed = 9 knots, target
angle = 90°, spread width 100 meters, range = 3000 meters, depth 2.5
meters, 2 G 7e, 1 G 7a. |
Due to the long range I had decided |
- 27 - |
continued |
03.12.41 |
to shoot a 3-fan, although a G 7 a had to be included. |
Enemy held his course until 6 minutes after the shot, only
then turns within the framework of his zig zagging to course 250°. |
No hit! Miss! |
Almost unexplainable. Torpedoes were recharged the
day before, must therefore reach despite the high shooting distance of
3200 meters. The spread width covers a target from 7.6 knots to
10.3 knots, without consideration of the target length. Target angle
was exact. |
The steamer sighted the G 7a, then he sent an SSS-report
with position (received by U-68). Apparently he did not evade.
When he turned the torpedo was at 5500 meters, however the shooting range
was only 3200 meters. |
Believe it was English "CLAN MACMAH or CLAN MACMAN,
6076 tons out of Glasgow. |
15.18 |
Came to course 45°. |
A new attack must be cancelled, because the shipwrecked
cannot be left alone any longer. |
15.50 |
GF 6111 |
Surfaced. Via the departure location steered behind
Merten on pre arranged courses. |
18.00 |
GF 3772 |
NE 1, Sea NE 1, 9/10, Vis. good, +22°C |
Merten (U-68) with the boats in sight. Also
U-129 which had arrived in the mean time. |
Further distribution of the shipwrecked and the rubber
rafts. There are now 104 additional men on board. |
To bring up U-124 and U-129 the following were carried
out: |
- 29 - |
04.12.41 |
02.00 |
GF 2699 |
Radio Message Mohr reports:
American SAGADAHOC from New York to Durban sunk. Naval square FU
7887. Dimmed steaming lights. No neutrality markings. |
NNE 1, Sea NNE 1, 9/10, Vis. very good, +22°C |
From that Mohr is located at 00.00 hours about
100 nm away. The meeting can therefore take place about 07.00 hours. |
10.00 |
GF 2628 |
ENE 2, light Swell, 8/10, Vis. very good, +22°C |
14.00 |
GF 2292 |
Day's run: Surfaced
151.0 nm |
ENE 1, light Swell, Vis. very good, +26°C |
Submerged 9.0 nm = 160.0 nm. |
16.30 |
Mohr is not still there. He seems to have passed
by, although from here everything has been done to facilitate his finding
the formation. In a hardly prudent manor bearing signals have been sent
since yesterday at noon and, from time to time position, course and speed
on shortwave and request to give bearings. |
17.00 |
Radio Message on Africa Circuit: |
To Mohr from Eckermann. |
Immediately report position. Own position 15.00 hours
DGZ naval square GF 2265, course 330°, speed 7 knots. Stand
by for bearing signals. |
18.00 |
GF 2237 |
ENE 1, Sea ENE 1, 4/10, Vis. very good, +20°C |
20.00 |
Mohr is still neither heard nor seen. Although
he has the order to operate on us, he has so far done nothing to clarify
the situation. |
22.00 |
Radio Message 2155 from B.d.U.: |
Eckermann or Merten send bearing signals
for Mohr in accordance with Standing Kriegsmarine Order 211 on
781 meters. Mohr is located in square 2689. |
By this Mohr has passed by and is
120 nm behind us. The time of the position is not clear. |
Came to 2 knots, to let Mohr overtake. |
22.30 |
Radio Message to B.d.U.: |
Position 22.30 DGZ naval square FU 7881, speed 2 knots,
course 330°. Bearing signals were sent for 24 hours. Now
pausing. New bearing signals from 10.00 hours. Request Mohr
begin continuous monitoring of Africa Circuit for direct traffic. |
Eckermann. |
A lookout believed he saw a red-green light in 270°T, although the
observation does not seem confirmed, evaded by steering 7 knots on course
0° for 1 hour, then on course 300°, to 2 knots back to the old
course line. |
- 30 - |
05.12.41 |
02.00 |
FU 7848 |
NE 0-1, Sea NE 0-1, 9/10, Vis. very good, +25°C |
05.20 |
Radio Message 0410 from B.d.U.: |
If meeting has still not taken place, Eckermann
send further bearing signals as ordered. All involved boats continuously monitor Africa Circuit. |
B.d.U. |
Bearing signals were taken from "U-129". |
08.00 |
Radio Message to Mohr (on Africa Circuit). |
Request position. Own 08.00 DGZ naval square FU 7844. |
Eckermann. |
This radio message was sent once again at 08.00 hours after
changing frequency, was however not answered by "U-124". |
10.00 |
FU 7841 |
NNE 3, NE 2, 9/10, Vis. very good, +22°C |
14.00 |
FU 7736 |
Day's run: Surfaced 91 nm. |
ESE 2-3, Sea ESE 2, 9/10, Vis. very good, +24°C |
Because Mohr has still not been sighted, at 13.0x
the Radio Message with position request was sent once again on Africa
Circuit. |
The behavior of Mohr is completely
incomprehensible to me. He brings the entire rescue operation in
danger, first by the fact that food and water rapidly decrease with the
useless waiting and now that the 48 hour-long bearing signal sending in
this wide sea area must bring the enemy. A position message from
him would clarify the situation immediately and allow appropriate measures
to be taken. It almost seems as if he has not manned his radio
station for days. |
It is with this operation further disadvantage,
that the messages given on the various frequencies of the boats by the
B.d.U. are not all repeated on any area frequency. So there is no
overview of what happens to all the individual boats, how much fuel they
have, where they are etc. |
18.00 |
FU 7498 |
Radio Message Officer-Only: |
ESE 1, Sea ESE 1, 7/10, Vis. very good, +25°C |
From 6 December 00.00 hours address Heinrich Krause,
Holstenstraße 25 takes effect. In parenthesis note after keyword
Holstenstraße page 5 and for example page 6, paragraph 2 is emphasized. |
22.10 |
Bearing signals heard bearing 199°T. Apparently
"U-124". |
22.30 |
"U-129" exchanges recognition signals with a
vessel in about 210°T. It is "U-124" At last! |
Bearing signals were sent for 55 hours for him! |
The cutters were towed by the V-boat to "U-124".
The people were taken over. "U-124" went |
- 31 - |
continued |
05.12.41 |
alongside U-68, to transfer 50 cbm fuel oil. |
22.45 |
U-129 was released. He has 123 cbm fuel oil and can
run to Lima at HF. Therefore has enough fuel to get home at the
most economical transit speed. |
06.12.41 |
01.05 |
"UA" set off. Because the fuel oil transfer
"U-68"/"U-124" has still not ended, Merten
was instructed to send a fueling group report after completion. |
Course 340°, speed 14 knots. |
02.00 |
FU 7491 |
Return transit to the home port with 105 men
of the crew of Ship 16, speed 14 knots. |
ESE 2, Sea ESE 2, 7/10, Vis. medium, +22°C |
07.00 |
Radio Message from Merten. |
Mohr 23.00 hours. Eckermann 190
cbm, Clausen 125 cbm. Return transit. After giving 50 cbm, Mohr inventory 140 cbm,
own 160 cbm. Position square 7486. Both return transit.
Each boat 104 survivors. |
10.00 |
FT 6999 |
ESE 3, Sea ESE 2-3, 9/10, Vis. good, +22°C |
10.38 |
Test dive until 13.16 hours |
14.00 |
FT 6937 |
Day's run: Surfaced
180.0 nm |
ESE 3, Sea ESE 3, 7/10, Vis. very good, +23°C |
Submerged 2.5 nm |
182.5 nm. |
18.00 |
FT 6618 |
Course 325°, to pass west of Ascension. |
SSE 3-4, Sea SE 3, 6/10, Vis. very good, +24°C |
07.12.41 |
00.00 |
FT 3847 |
Radio Message: |
ESE 2, Sea ESE 2, 9/10, Vis. medium, +22°C |
1.) Transfer of a total of 260 shipwrecked to 4 Italian
U-boats intended. |
2.) Debarkation in the period from 15 - 17 December
in the area of the western third of square EJ anticipated. Therefore
head for the middle of the western half. Supply for Merten:
head for RS 40 |
3.) Transfer of 900 day's provisions to each German
U-boat anticipated. |
4.) B.d.U. expects day's run of 230 nm. |
06.00 |
Radio Message (Officer Only) to B.d.U. from Merten. |
Transfer unnecessary, fully ready to dive. Provisions
up to base. Only time lost. |
2. Rogge requests common harbor due to secrecy
and transportation home. |
- 32 - |
continued |
07.12.41 |
10.00 |
FT 2633 |
ESE 3, Sea ESE 3, 9/10, Vis. good, +21°C |
11.30 |
Radio Message (Officer Only) from B.d.U. to Merten. |
Intention to transfer to an Italian remains. Boats
must be ready to submerge for long duration, especially in the Bay of
Biscay. |
To further clarify the situation the following Radio
Message was sent. |
From "UA" |
1.) Arrival in EJ 40 as early as 13 December in the
evening. Have big inflatable raft. Transfer in low sea state possible. |
2.) Clausen has only "PYTHON"
people |
3.) Merten has Heinrich Krause,
Holstenstraße. |
14.00 |
FT 2325 |
Day's run: Surfaced
313.2 nm |
SSE 3, Sea SSE 3, 8/10, Vis. very good, +24°C |
Submerged - - - nm |
313.2 nm. |
18.00 |
FM 8866 |
The mood with the shipwrecked has warmed up very well. |
ESE 3, Sea ESE 3, 5/10, Vis. very good, +24°C |
The bearing of people from "Ship 16" is exemplary.
The rooms in the boat are occupied as follows: |
UA |
Ship 16 |
Total |
Bow room: |
16 |
47 |
63 |
Officer's mess: |
9 |
5 |
14 |
Ammunition magazine: |
-- |
9 |
9 |
Control room: |
5 |
-- |
5 |
Petty Officers room: |
10 |
15 |
25 |
Stern room: |
15 |
29 |
44 |
55 |
105 |
160 |
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = |
The air is satisfactory with the diesel during surface
cruise. Even just before awakening CO² was not measurable in
the rooms. When diving, the CO² content increased rapidly and after
1 hour reached 1.8% in the bow. |
23.20 |
Came to course 315°, to pass Ascension at an adequate
distance. |
08.12.41 |
02.00 |
FM 8198 |
ESE 3, Sea ESE 3, 9/10, Vis. good, +24°C |
06.00 |
Radio Message: From the evening of 7 December
a state of war exists between Japan and the U.S.A. |
10.00 |
FM 4955 |
SE 3, Sea SE 2, 10/10, Vis. good, +24°C |
11.50 |
Test dive until 12.25 hours. |
14.00 |
FM 4833 |
Day's run: Surfaced
291.2 nm |
SE 3, Sea SE 2, 8/10, Vis. very good, +25°C |
Submerged 2.2 nm |
293.4 nm. |
- 33 - |
continued |
08.12.41 |
18.00 |
FM 4519 |
E 2, Sea E 2, 6/10, Vis. very good, +26°C |
22.00 |
FM 4156 |
Course 336°. |
09.12.41 |
02.00 |
FM 1772 |
E 3, Sea E 2, 2/10, Vis. very good, +24°C |
10.00 |
FL 3382 |
ESE 2, Sea ESE 1-2, 9/10, Vis. very good, +26°C |
14.00 |
FE 7977 |
Day's run: Surfaced
310.5 nm |
E 3, Sea E 2, 2/10, Vis. very good, +29°C |
Submerged --- nm |
310.5 nm. |
18.00 |
FE 7823 |
ESE 2, Sea ESE 1, 2/10, Vis. very good, +29°C |
20.30 |
FE 7500 |
Passed the sinking location of "Ship 16".
Brief remembrance. |
10.12.41 |
02.00 |
FE 7135 |
E 2, Sea E 1-2, 4/10, Vis. good, +24°C |
06.00 |
Radio Message to Southern Boats: |
English gave U-boat warning today for area of naval square FM
19 at 19.19 hours. |
Assuming the time of the sighting was 16.00 hours, "UA"
was located 280 nm north-west, so it is hardly in question. |
10.00 |
FE 4441 |
Radio Message concerning Standing Order No. 14. |
ESE 2, Sea ESE 1, 8/10, Vis. very good, +23°C |
12.00 |
Test dive until 12.45 hours. |
14.00 |
FD 6367 |
Day's run: Surfaced
308.5 nm |
ESE 3, Sea ESE 2, 5/10, Vis. very good, +27°C |
Submerged 2.4 nm |
310.9 nm. |
17.45 |
FD 3988 |
Mastheads of a southbound steamer in sight bearing 87°T. |
18.00 |
FD 3987 |
ESE 2, Sea ESE 2, 4/10, Vis. very good |
19.33 |
FD 6319 |
Steamer steers on a straight course of 215°T.
Maneuvered ahead. Boat is positioned ahead of the steamer.
Dived, ran towards him. Again a neutral! It is thought to
be the 2900 ton Spanish "MONTE ALBERTIA" from Bilbao.
Well marked. In accordance with orders did not stop. Ran off
submerged. |
20.32 |
Surfaced. Continued transit. |
23.14 |
Passed the Equator to the north. |
- 34 - |
11.12.41 |
02.00 |
FD 3831 |
ESE 2, Sea ESE 2, 5/10, Vis. good, +27°C |
10.00 |
FD 3135 |
SE 3, Sea SE 2, 6/10, Vis. very good, +27°C |
14.00 |
ES 9728 |
Day's run: Surfaced
297.0 nm |
ESE 2, Sea ESE 1, 9/10, Vis. very good, +29°C |
Submerged 2.4 nm |
299.4 nm. |
18.00 |
ES 9441 |
ESE 2, Sea ESE 2, 7/10, Vis. good, +28°C |
21.30 |
Radio Message to Eckermann. |
1.) Report position, day's run, arrival in objective
square. |
2.) Report if 4 boats are proceeding together and information
about last position, day's run and arrival of the boats in the same square
for transfer. |
This Radio Message almost gives the impression
that B.d.U. has not received our message of 7 December. The Radio
Message was acknowledged and repeated 2 times correctly. |
Radio Message to B.d.U. from Eckermann: |
Independent transit square ES 83, day's run 300, arrival
14 December 00.00 hours. Last common position 6 December 00.00 hours
naval square FU 7498. Other day's runs unknown. Estimate 260 nm. |
12.12.41 |
02.00 |
ES 5954 |
NNE 4, Sea NNE 4, 9/10, Vis. medium, +26°C |
10.00 |
ES 5291 |
NE 3, Sea NE 2, 9/10, Vis. good, +27°C |
14.00 |
ES 2881 |
Day's run: Surfaced
316.6 nm |
NE 3, Sea NE 2, 9/10, Vis. good, +26°C |
Submerged --- nm |
316.6 nm. |
18.00 |
NE 4, Sea NE 3, 6/10, Vis. good, +28°C |
13.12.41 |
02.00 |
ES 2151 |
Radio Message (Officer Only) to Southern Boats. |
NE 4, Sea NE 3, 6/10, squalls, rain showers,
Vis. medium, +26°C |
1.) Meeting point Eckermann with "TORELLI"
on 14 December from 14.00 in EJ 14. |
2.) Following meeting points intended. Clausen
with "FINZI" on 15 mid day on the latitude of EJ 14.
Merten with "TAZZOLI" morning 16 December on the latitude
of DT 78. Mohr with "CALVI" morning 16 December
on the latitude of DT 16. Details follow. |
3.) Transfer: Eckermann 50 men.
Remaining boats 70 men. |
4.) Report completion by Short Signal after passing
the latitude of DT 25. |
- 35 - |
continued |
13.12.41 |
5.) Orders concerning behavior at the meeting point
follow. |
10.00 |
EJ 7695 |
NE 4, Sea NE 3, 5/10, Vis. medium, +27°C |
14.00 |
EJ 7385 |
Day's run: Surfaced
292 nm |
NE 5, Sea NE 4, 2/10, Vis. moderate, +26°C |
Submerged --- nm |
292 nm. |
Radio Message to Southern Boats. |
Regarding recognition signal change as early as 12.00 D.G.Z. |
18.00 |
EJ 7315 |
Radio Message (Officer Only) to Southern Boats. |
NE 5, Sea NE 4, 4/10, Vis. moderate, +25°C |
If not together at meeting point place 48 hours after given
time point, Southern boats send bearing signals for Italian
U-boats on allocated frequency from 30 to 35 minutes each hour five figure
letter group with interspersed five figure arbitrary number group, which
adds up to the allocated reference number, UA frequency 852 meters,
reference number 21, U-68 frequency 756 meters, reference number 26, U-124
frequency 686 meters, reference number 29, U-129 frequency 647 meters,
reference number 31. If after a further 24 hours meeting is not
successful, report by Short Signal. |
B.d.U. |
14.12.41 |
02.00 |
EJ 4583 |
NE 5, Sea NE 4, 5/10, Vis. low, +24°C |
10.00 |
EJ 1877 |
NE 4, Sea NE 4, 10/10, Vis. good, +22°C |
14.00 |
EJ 1739 |
Day's run: Surfaced
264.6 nm |
NE 4, Sea NE 4, 5/10, Vis. 5/10, Vis. good,
+23°C |
Submerged --- nm |
264.6 nm. |
Due to the heavy Trade Wind and own damage in the engines
the boat has been delayed a bit. |
17.20 |
EJ 1455 |
U-boat in sight 30 mils to port. Turned
towards. Recognition signals exchanged. Italian. Large
rubber boat launched. 55 men transferred to the Italian U-boat "TORELLI"
(Kommandant: Korv.Kapt. de Giacomo). Provisions and lubricating
oil taken over. |
18.00 |
EJ 1455 |
NE 3, Sea NE 4, 7/10, Vis. good, +24°C |
The Italians are extremely accommodating and warm. The
big rubber boat proves itself extremely well. |
21.40 |
EJ 1446 |
Transfer ended. |
Large rubber boat recovered. |
23.00 |
Course 20°. Began return transit. |
There are still 50 men of the crew of "Ship 16"
on board. The distribution |
- 36 - |
continued |
14.12.41 |
in the boat is: |
UA |
Ship 16 |
Total |
Bow room: |
16 |
24 |
40 |
Officer's mess: |
7 |
3 |
10 |
Ammunition magazine: |
4 |
2 |
6 |
Petty Officers room: |
11 |
8 |
19 |
Engineering Officer's locker: |
2 |
- |
2 |
Stern room: |
15 |
13 |
28 |
55 |
50 |
105 |
15.12.41 |
02.00 |
EJ 1188 |
NE 3, Sea NE 3, 8/10, Vis. moderate, +23°C |
10.00 |
DT 7841 |
NE 3, Sea NE 2, 5/10, Vis. good, +21°C |
Speed diesel-electric 9 knots due to work on the engines. |
11.50 |
Test dive until 12.15 hours. |
14.00 |
DT 7557 |
Day's run: Surfaced
235.1 nm |
NE 3, Sea NE 2. 4/10, Vis. very good, +24°C |
Submerged 0.6 nm |
235.7 nm. |
18.00 |
DT 7289 |
A piston in the port engine is damaged.
Apparently burned through. Was switched off and run idle. |
NE 3, Sea NE 2, 2/10, Vis. very good, +24°C |
16.12.41 |
02.00 |
DT 4944 |
NE 2, Sea NE 1, 1/10, Vis. medium, +22°C |
10.00 |
DT 4631 |
NE 2, Sea NE 1, 3/10, Vis. very good, +23°C |
14.00 |
DT 4363 |
Day's run: Surfaced
248.7 nm |
NE 2, Swell 1, 3/10, Vis. very good, +22°C |
Submerged --- nm |
248.7 nm. |
18.00 |
DT 2743 |
ESE 1, Swell 1, 2/10, Vis. very good, +25°C |
17.12.41 |
02.00 |
DT 2169 |
Radio Message Short Signal: Have
completed additional task II. |
NW 1, Sea NW 2, squalls, 9/10, rain showers, Vis. moderate,
+21°C |
"UA". |
08.00 |
Radio Message Ulli Anton reports: Additional
task completed. In area DH 40 expect the presence of Italian U-boats. |
10.00 |
DG 9694 |
SSE 2, Sea SSE 1, 10/10, rain squalls, Vis. medium, +16.5°C |
- 37 - |
continued |
17.12.41 |
14.00 |
DH 7177 |
Day's run: Surfaced
301.1 nm |
NW 1-2, Sea NW 1, 2/10, Vis. very good, +19°C |
Submerged --- nm |
301.1 nm. |
18.00 |
DH 7116 |
Lubricating oil consumption is concerning.
The boat still has 3500 liters, this is enough for 6-7 days at current
consumption. |
SE 1, Sea SE 1, 3/10, Vis. very good, +21°C |
18.12.41 |
02.00 |
DH 4438 |
SE 1, Sea SE 1, 2/10, Vis. medium, +21°C |
10.00 |
DH 1854 |
NE 2-3, Sea NE 2, 9/10, squalls, rain, Vis. medium, +18°C |
11.50 |
Test dive until 12.20 hours. Thereafter, course 30°. |
14.00 |
DH 1595 |
Day's run: Surfaced
292.2 nm |
SE 3, Sea SE 3, 8/10, rain squalls, Vis. medium,
+18°C |
Submerged 1.1 nm |
293.3 nm. |
18.00 |
DH 1612 |
ENE 3, Sea ENE 2-3, 7/10, Vis. moderate, +17°C |
20.25 |
DH 1355 lower-left |
Smoke cloud in sight bearing 330°T. Turned towards.
Came to course 280° and closed. On approaching the bright steaming
lights of the ship shine on the evening horizon, then numerous other lights.
Ship has smokestack aft. Target angle about 220-240°.
Steamer is tuning on 600 meters. However, it is excluded that he
has seen "UA" against the dark rain shrouded evening sky.
"UA" settles slowly astern. Can only run at 2 x HF due
to lubricating oil. |
xx.24 |
DH 1351 |
Pursuit broken off due to lubricating oil situation.
Continued return transit. |
19.12.41 |
02.00 |
CF 8864 |
ESE 3, Sea ESE 2, 8/10, Vis. moderate, rain squalls |
10.00 |
CF 8622 |
SE 3, Sea SE 2, 8/10, Vis. medium, +15°C |
14.00 |
CF 8363 |
ENE 4, Sea ENE 3, 7/10, Vis. good, +14°C |
15.30 |
Radio Message: On outbound and return transit
avoid naval squares BF 74 to 78 because of heavy U-boat danger. |
B.d.U. |
18.00 |
CF 6749 |
ENE 3-4, Sea ENE 3, 4/10, Vis. very good, +16°C |
- 38 - |
20.12.41 |
02.00 |
CF 6511 |
ENE 2-3, Sea ENE 2, 4/10, Vis. good, +14°C |
10.00 |
CF 3869 |
E 3, Sea E 2, 8/10, Vis. very good, +12°C |
12.00 |
Radio Message to Eckermann and Merten. |
1.) Today at 20.00 hours switch to Ireland Circuit. |
2.) In naval square CF 50 one north and one southbound
convoy each were sighted. Do not operate on them. |
14.00 |
CF 3679 |
Day's run: Surfaced
273.5 nm |
E 3, Sea E 2, 7/10, Vis. very good, +14°C |
Submerged --- nm |
273.5 nm. |
18.00 |
CF 3634 |
E 3, Sea E 2, 9/10, Vis. very good, +12°C |
21.12.41 |
02.00 |
BE 9874 |
E 3, Sea E 3, 9/10, Vis. low, +12°C |
10.00 |
BE 9561 |
ENE 4, Sea ENE 3, 9/10, Vis. good, +11°C |
10.40 |
Test dive until 11.10 hours. |
11.30 |
Radio Message to Eckermann, Merten,
Mohr and Clausen: |
1.) Return harbor is St. Nazaire. |
2.) Eckermann and Merten report
anticipated arrival date by Flottilla Short Signal. |
14.00 |
BE 9371 |
Day's run: Surfaced
261.3 nm |
ENE 4, Sea ENE 3, 9/10, Vis. good, +11°C |
Submerged 1.7 nm |
263.0 nm. |
15.00 |
Course change to 73°. |
17.00 |
Advanced clocks by 1 hour to M.E.Z. |
17.00 |
BE 9354 |
Dived. Proceeded submerged because we have crossed 12°W to the east. |
ENE 4, Sea ENE 3, 9/10, Vis. good, +11°C |
19.15 |
Surfaced. |
22.18 |
Short Signal: On the morning of the 24 day of the
current month. |
"UA". |
22.12.41 |
01.00 |
BF 7126 |
E 4, Sea E 3, 10/10, Vis. low, +9°C |
09.00 |
BF 4869 |
E 3, Sea E 3, 7/10, Vis. medium, +9°C |
09.20 |
Twilight. Dived to proceed submerged. |
13.00 |
BF 4947 |
Day's run: Surfaced
186.7 nm |
Submerged 15.8 nm |
202.5 nm. |
- 39 - |
continued |
22.12.41 |
13.30 |
Radio Message: Eckermann and Merten. |
Announcement in accordance with operations Order 45 V a
9 is reminded. |
16.00 |
19.30 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
BF 4958 |
Short Signal: Position in 36 hours off return
harbor. |
E 3, Sea E 2, 8/10, Vis. good, +10°C |
"UA". |
21.00 |
Radio Message: Eckermann be off
return harbor at 07.00 hours on 24 December. |
B.d.U. |
23.12.41 |
00.00 |
BF 4963 |
E 3, Sea E 3, 7/10, Vis. medium, +9°C |
08.00 |
BF 5815 |
Radio Message: Escort for "UA"
positioned on 24 December at 08.00 hours at Point N 1. |
ESE 1-2, Sea ESE 1, 8/10, rain showers, misty, Vis. medium,
+7°C |
09.30 |
Twilight. Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
BF 5835 |
Day's run: Surfaced
128.0 nm |
Submerged 21.5 nm |
149.5 nm. |
12.25 |
Surfaced to observe and to ventilate until 12.45 hours. |
16.00 |
BF 5831 lower left edge |
Several detonations at long range. |
E 1, Sea E 1, 8/10, Vis. very good, +10°C |
17.15 |
Radio Message (Officer Only). A suspected
mined area exists in naval square BF 5519 and 5527. Avoid area by
a circle of 10 nm. |
19.30 |
BF 6477 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
U-boat in sight ahead. Recognition signals exchanged. |
21.00 |
Short Signal: Request Radio Beacon Group 6. |
"UA". |
21.50 |
Radio Message: Radio Beacon Belle Ile and
Ile de Yen operate for Eckermann from 24.00 hours. |
24.12.41 |
00.00 |
BF 6458 |
Radio Message: Eckermann
and Merten 24 December at 09.00 hours be at Point N 1 for convoy
intake. From St. Nazaire immediate further movement anticipated. |
E 1, Sea E 1, 4/10, Vis. medium, +9°C |
Radio Message: To 7. U-Flottille. Need
0.9 cbm lubricating oil. |
"UA". |
00.00 |
Passed Point Ceder. |
03.00 |
Reached Point N 1. Back and forth in position.
The Radio Beacon Belle Ile and Ile de Yen are very unfavorable for navigation
off St. Nazaire. |
08.00 |
BF 6462 |
Calm, Sea calm, 6/10, Vis. moderate, +6°C |
09.30 |
Escort vessels in sight. |
- 40 - |
continued |
24.12.41 |
12.00 |
St. Nazaire |
Day's run: Surfaced
123.3 nm |
E 1, Sea -/-, 6/10, Vis. medium, +7°C |
Submerged 19.8 nm |
143.1 nm. |
12.20 |
Together with "U-68" and "U-581" entered
St. Nazaire. Made fast in the Bassin de Penhoet. Transferred
the rescued of "Ship 16". |
Welcome by Admiral Lindau. |
Lubricating oil and provisions supply. |
17.45 |
Ran out of St. Nazaire in convoy together with "U-68" |
Ran to the north on the Coastal Route, Rosa, Rosabella. |
20.00 |
BF 6439 |
WNW 2, NW 1, 9/10, Vis. medium, +14°C |
25.12.41 |
00.00 |
BF 6184 |
NW 2, Sea NW 1, 9/10, Vis. medium, +10°C |
01.50 |
BF 6176 center-right |
Dived. Put the boat on the bottom. Depth T =
35 meters. [70 meters] |
06.30 |
Surfaced. |
08.00 |
BF 61 |
Anchored Point L 1. |
NW 1, Sea NW 1, 9/10, Vis. medium, +10°C |
09.00 |
Raised anchor. Ran in convoy. |
10.45 |
Made fast Lorient. |
Remaining day's run: Surfaced
106.5 nm |
Submerged 2.6 nm |
109.1 nm. |
Completed, 25 December 1941. |
Korvettenkapitän |
and Kommandant. |
Sea days: |
66 |
Total distance covered: 12648.1 nm
Surfaced |
163.3 nm Submerged |
nm |
= = = = = = |