U-957 - 6th War Patrol

Translation by Jerry Mason with help from Andi Forster

Days at Sea
23 July 1944
3 September 1944


Click the icon to download a KMZ file displaying the U-boat track, significant events and locations for this patrol.  You must have Google Earth loaded on your computer to view this file.  Download Google Earth here

Ships Hit
KTB Time
26 Aug 44
75°42'N, 90°13'E
 Total = 411
Note:  The positions in the table above and in the Google Earth patrol summary are derived from the KTB and in many cases do not match those set forth in authoritative references such as Jürgen Rohwer, Axis Submarine Successes of World War Two or the Uboat.net website.  The goal here is to present the picture relative to the U-boat and not the absolute position that the ship was attacked or sank.

                           K  r  i  e  g  s  t  a  g  e  b  u  c  h  
                                              f  o  r  
                                      "  U  957  ".  
                   Kommandant:  Oberleutnant zur See    S  c  h  a  a  r  
                                          5th Patrol  
         Operated in accordance with Operations Order No. 16  
                   Beginning:             8.  June 1944  
                   Ending:                 3.  September 1944.  
1. Copy B.d.U. for O.K.M. Copy No. 1
2.     " B.d.U. for O.K.M.         "       2
3.     " B.d.U.         "       3
4.     " Kom. Adm.U.-Boote         "       4
5.     " F.d.U. Norwegen         "       5
6.     " F.d.U. Ausbildung         "       6
7.     " 27. U.-Flottille         "       7
8.     " 11. U.-Flottille         "       8
                                                       . . . . . 3. . . .  Enclosures  
        © U-boat Archive 2024 - all rights reserved  
Click the flag to view the above page from the original German KTB
- 2 -
    08.07. - 23.08.44   Training and outfitting period.  
        Narvik, Tromsö and Hammerfest.  
        As ready boat put to sea twice on convoy reports.  
        23 June and 18 July incorrect reports.  
        Entered, carried out filming in Tromsö as ordered by Ob.d.M.  
    23.07.44 Hammerfest    
    18.10   Put to sea from Hammerfest for 5th war patrol.  
    18.15   Departed in convoy.  
    21.15   Boat anchored in Trollvika Bay.  
    21.32 to 22.10   Fuel loading, about 500 liters from Räumboot.  
    23.00 - 00.00   Practiced landing maneuver.  
    04.00   Weighed anchor.  
    07.31   Aircraft abeam to starboard.  Suspect Ju 88 weather aircraft, was unnoticed.  
    07.34   Outgoing Radio Message:  0714/75:  
        07.00 hours passed SR 1.    Schaar.  
    07.56 - 08.00 AC 7248 Test dive.  
    08.47   Steered deceptive course.  
    09.05                                                   Switched to diesel-electric (8 knots).  Speed setting turned out to be impractical!  Both LF (250 RPM) is more favorable.  
    24.07.44 Northeast of Hammerfest    
    12.00 AC 7136 Since Hammerfest distance covered:  
      E 4, Sea 2, light Swell, completely overcast, Vis. 6-10 nm                Surfaced       70 nm  
                     Submerged     2 nm  
                     Total             72 nm  
        Incoming Officer-Only Radio Message:  Richard 1025/754.  
        U-957 (Schaar) proceed from Hammerfest to ÄF 88.  
Sun and Moon Data 23.07.44
Sun and Moon Data 24.07.44
- 3 -
    24.07.44 Northeast of Hammerfest    
    16.00 AC 4884    
      ENE 4, Sea 3, light Swell, overcast, Vis. 8 nm    
    20.00 AC 4883    
      ESE 5 Sea 4, overcast, Vis. 7 nm    
    00.00 AC 4944    
      E 5, Sea 3, light Swell, overcast, Vis. 6-8 nm    
    04.00 AC 4925    
      ESE 5, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. 7 nm    
    06.05   Small drifting object, suspected Russian mine shot, continued on!  
    08.00 AC 4699    
      EbyS 5, Sea 4, light Swell, overcast, Vis. 6 nm    
    08.35 - 11.00   Test dive.  
    12.00 AC 5475 Day's run:        Surfaced       130 nm  
      E 5, Sea 4, medium Swell, overcast, Vis. 8 nm                        Submerged       5 nm  
                             Total             135 nm  
      Am directly into the seas, therefore low speed over the ground.  Speed loss about 2 knots.  
    16.00 AC 5458    
      E 5, Sea 4, overcast, medium Swell, Vis. 6 nm    
Sun and Moon Data 24.07.44
Sun and Moon Data 25.07.44
- 4 -
    25.07.44 Northeast of Hammerfest    
    20.00 AC 5462    
      E 5, Sea 4, overcast, light-medium Swell, Vis. 5-6 nm    
    21.30   Rubber boat taken out of the over deck container.  
      Provision of a proper container is necessary, because even in light seas it is damaged by chafing on the boat.  
    00.00 AC 5515    
      E 4, Sea 2-3, partial overcast, medium Swell, Vis. 8-12 nm    
    02.45   One cylinder of the starboard diesel out of service.  
    04.00 AC 5281    
      E 5, Sea 4, light overcast, medium Swell, Vis. 10 nm    
    08.00 AC 5293 My cruising speed:  Both diesels 250 RPM.  Least fuel consumption with greatest speed of advance 110 liters/hour.  
      E 5, Sea 4, 1/4 overcast, clear, medium Swell, Vis. 8 nm  
    10.45 - 13.00   Test dive.  
    12.00   Day's run:        Surfaced       130 nm  
                               Submerged       25 nm  
                               Total             132 nm  
    16.00 AC 3778    
      E 3, Sea 3, few clouds, light Swell, Vis. 11 nm    
    20.00 AC 3769    
      E 4, Sea 3, clear, light Swell, Vis. 8 nm    
Sun and Moon Data 25.07.44
Sun and Moon Data 26.07.44
- 5 -
    26.07.44 Northeast of Northern Norway    
    23.13 - 23.40   Dived.  
    00.00 AC 3827    
      E 2, Sea 1, lightly overcast, light Swell, Vis. 12 nm    
    02.03   Passed through the first fog bank.  
    04.00 AC 3678    
      E 3, Sea 2, lightly overcast, a few fog banks, Vis. 300 meters - 10 nm    
    08.00 AC 3668    
      E 4, Sea 2, fog, no Swell, Vis. 200-1000 meters    
    1x.40 - 1x.45                                                   Work on the over deck:  Paining of the conning tower (dirty white), well proven, re-mounted the rubber boats from port and starboard forward, to behind the Wintergarten, more suitable than in the rubber boat canisters.  
    12.00 AT 1451 Day's run:        Surfaced       225 nm  
      E 3, Sea 2, fog, Vis. 500-1000 meters                        Submerged     3.5 nm  
                             Total            228.5 nm  
    13.12 - 15.05   Test dive.  
    16.00 AT 1435    
      E 2, Sea 1, fog, Vis. 400-500 meters    
    20.00 AT 1291    
      ESE 3, Sea 2, 1/4 overcast, Vis. 8-10 nm    
    23.00   Supposed U-boat periscope found to be a fishing marker.  Primitively manufactured buoy with glass balls and a stake, in the foot of the stake batteries and lamp.  
Sun and Moon Data 26.07.44
Sun and Moon Data 27.07.44
- 6 -
    28.07.44 West of Novaya Zemlya    
    00.00 AT 1352    
      E 2, Sea 1, lightly overcast, Vis. 12 nm    
    04.00 ÄF 7988    
      E 1, Sea 0, very slight Swell, few clouds, Vis. 14 nm    
    06.48 Fog, Vis. 300 meters    
    07.10 Breaking up    
    08.00 AT 2122    
      N 2, Sea 1, partial overcast, at times fog, Vis. 8-10 nm    
    12.00 ÄF 8791 Day's run:         Surfaced       144 nm  
      ENE 1, Sea 1, lightly overcast, Vis. 8-12 nm                         Submerged     2.4 nm  
                              Total            146.4 nm  
    14.40   The first seal!  
    16.00 ÄF 8854    
      Wind 0, Sea 0, Vis. 200-500 meters    
    17.11 - 19.05   Dived.  
    20.00 ÄF 8856    
    19.42   First iceberg ahead to port.  
                                                       Shadow on the horizon.  Similar to a U-boat.  After prolonged stalking turns out to be an iceberg shadow, with oblique incident light such shadowing was observed frequently.  
    00.00 AT 8152 Rounded Cape Jelanija, distance 60-80 nm and came to southerly course.  
      E 1, Sea 1, fog, Vis. 200-300 meters, breaking up to 2-3 nm  
        Will operate on Yugorskiy and Kara Strait, at the same time search the steamer route.  
Sun and Moon Data 28.07.44
Sun and Moon Data 29.07.44
- 7 -
    29.07.44 Northwest of the north tip of Novaya Zemlya    
    0x.10 - 0x.28   Test dive.  
        With clearer visibility Novaya appears, estimated distance 30-40 nm, before it some ice ice fields.  When approaching strong fluctuations in the water temperature.  
    04.00 AT 3352    
      NNE 2, Sea 2, completely overcast, Vis. 8 nm    
    xx.x21   Operated on a shadow.  Again an iceberg.  
        In so doing determined:  Seawater density, varies between 1.017 - 1.034.  Had to pump while going to periscope depth!  
    xx.30 - xx.10   Dived.  
    12.00 AT 3378 Day's run:         Surfaced       210 nm  
      NNE 1, Sea 1, overcast, Vis. 6 nm                         Submerged     1.5 nm  
                              Total            211.5 nm  
        Thick ice fields between the boat and Novaya.  
    16.00 AT 3564 The embarked Intercept Radioman cannot receive on low frequency.  Almost all entirely on short wavelengths.  Determined:  increased incidence of fast broadcasts (Volume 5).  Suspect Russian transmitter.  
      N 1, Sea 1, overcast, Vis. 10 nm  
    20.00 AT 3312    
      NbyW 2, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. 8-10 nm    
    21.19   Dived.  
    22.40   After rounding Zhelaniya the boat is painted in dark tones because for the time being I no longer expect ice fields. Fog which often occur here stays away, providing an opportunity to shoot the Sun.  We have the knack for the Norwegian Sea better now and are better at plotting. Only minor navigation offsets up to 15 nm.  
Sun and Moon Data 29.08.44
- 8 -
    30.08.44 Kara Sea, south of Cape Jelanija    
    00.00 AT 3739    
      N 1, Sea 0, no Swell, completely overcast, Vis. 8 nm    
        Sunday morning!  
                                                        After a thorough investigation a Maschinenmaat suspected of influenza.  Carried out isolation:  berth and work location the E-motor Room. No longer in contact with the crew.  WC use forbidden, own dishes etc.  
    04.00 AT 3784    
      N 1, Sea 1, partial overcast, Vis. 15 nm    
    08.00 AT 6144    
      NE 3, Sea 2, light Swell, overcast, Vis. 8-10 nm    
    12.00 AT 5635 Day's run:         Surfaced       172 nm  
      NNE 1, Sea 1, light Swell, completely overcast, Vis. 8-10 nm                         Submerged       2 nm  
                              Total            174 nm  
    16.00 AT 5695 Numerous incoming Radio Messages (officer-Only) indicating vessel movements in the area.  
      NE 3, Sea 2, overcast, light Swell, Vis. 8 nm  
                                                       Previous intention:  operate on the frequently traveled Yugorskiy Strait exit.  Suspicion:  Beluschja convoys run, if eastbound through the Kara Strait (shortcut).  
                                                        New intention:  steer search courses up to the Kara Strait exit, back and forth in position there, possibly later to the Yugorskiy Strait.  I cannot determine when the convoys depart from the Radio Messages at hand.  
    19.03 - 20.29   Dived.  
    20.00 AT 5953 Steered search courses in the direction of the Kara Strait.  
Sun and Moon Data 30.08.44
- 9 -
    31.07.44 Kara Sea, northeast of the Kara Strait    
    00.00 AT 5975    
      NW 2, Sea 0, overcast, misty, Vis. 6 nm    
    0x.17 - 0x.30   Test dive.  
    04.00 AT 8232    
      Wind 0, Sea 0, light Swell, completely overcast, Vis. 8 nm    
    0x.x0   Several oil slicks.  
    08.00 AT 8251    
      NNE 1, Sea 1, overcast, Vis. 8 nm    
    11.15 - 11.45   Dived.  
    12.00 AT 8196 Day's run:         Surfaced       213 nm  
                                Submerged     3.5 nm  
                                Total            216.5 nm  
    1x.45 - 1x.11   Dived.  
    16.00 AT 8194    
      SSW 2, Sea 0-1, overcast, Vis. 14 nm Ice blocks with shadows often taken as steamers and similar.  
    17.19 - 17.27   Dived.  
    19.46   Dived. Boat is positioned off the Kara Strait at a distance of about 15-20 nm  
        Approached submerged.  
    20.00 AT 8189    
    00.00 AT 8197    
    04.00 AT 8439                                   Through the periscope a large ice field observed.  Due to the current, the ice is driven into the Kara Strait, so that unhindered passage is hardly possible.  
Sun and Moon Data 31.07.44
Sun and Moon Data 01.08.44
- 10 -
    01.08.44 Kara Sea, off the Kara Strait    
    04.31                                                  Huge chunks of ice surrounded by pack ice.  Periscope hazard.  Surfaced in the ice field, disguised the boat with white mats and charged.  Fog off the strips of land.  Advanced further in the direction of the Kara Strait in the ice.  Hove to.  No steamers pass through here.  Moved off from the coast.  A slab pushed on the forecastle, the net deflector tears off.  Compass housing at the forward edge of the bridge is dented.  Worked our way out of the area under cover of the fog.  Strong mirage over land.  Fog breaks up.  Hopefully "Ivan" won't see our reflection from the Bolwanski Noss.  
                                                       Intention:  Due to the impassibility of the Kara Strait ran to the Yugorskiy Strait. There I can combat convoys coming from the east or west.  
    08.00 AT 8511    
      Wind 0, Sea 0, low hanging clouds, Vis. 6-8 nm    
    11.17   Headed on the convoy route through the Yugorskiy Strait.  Visibility deteriorating.  
    12.00 AT 8564    
    12.34 - 13.02   Listening dive.  
    13.32 - 13.41   Listening dive.  
    13.48   An oil trace pointing to the passage.  
        No locating up to now.  
    13.59   Ran to within about 15 nm of the coast.  Strips of land without characteristics (75 meter lattice mast) faintly distinguished.  
    16.00 AT 8581 Began submerged transit, all hands to the berths.  

Sounding below 100 meters.  Came to opposite course, after fog broke up determined ship's position, 5 nm north of Bjolyi Nos Beacon was distinguished.  Moved back and forth off the entrance on the 150 meter line.

    20.00 AT 8521    
Sun and Moon Data 01.08.44
- 11 -
    02.08.44 Off Yugorskiy Strait    
    00.00 AT 8585    
    04.00 AT 8585 With the assistance of the landmark Bjolyi headland, Cape Yarossel lighthouse, the Jugorskischar radio mast and the Tonkiy Beacon determining the ships position is possible.  The straits can be seen clearly.  
    08.00 AT 8589                                   Back and forth in position off the entrance.  Off Jugerskischar a vessel with two masts, one smokestack, range 5-6 nm.  Vessel turns to starboard, on easterly course and passes out of sight.  Apparently they only wanted to go in the direction of Anderma.  Was of type "JSCNORA" of "FLUMJA".  Even if he had come near me I had to let him go so as not to give away my favorable position in the hope of a fatter target.  
    12.00 AT 8586 Back and forth in position.  With one E-motor KF or completely stopped.  Boat lies on a layer at 11-13 meters.  Nearly all hands in the bunks.  Air is still good.  Only cold in the boat, 8°C .  The watches pant like asthmatics.  
      ENE 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. 8-10 nm  
    16.00 AT 8594    
    20.00 AT 8597    
    2x.30                                                  Set off from land to charge at sea.  Intend to run on the convoy route again, here I can detect east and west bound convoys with certainty.  In the event that it goes unnoticed, there is always suspicion of mine action in the event of any ship losses. With outgoing convoys I can hang on to attack later in the Kara Sea.  
    00.00 AT 8594    
    0x.14   Surfaced.  
    0x.16   Dived.  
    -x.50   Surfaced, on changing search courses off convoy route.  
    0x.32   Incoming Radio Message: 1014/767  
        Contents:  Now belong to Group "Greif".  
    04.00 AT 8568    
      NE 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. 8 nm, no Swell    
Sun and Moon Data 02.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 03.08.44
- 12 -
    03.08.44 Off Yugorskiy Strait    
    08.00 AT 8566    
      NE 3, Sea 2, fully overcast, Vis. 6-8 nm    
    12.00 AT 8647 Day's run:         Surfaced       24 nm  
      ESE 3, Sea 2, overcast, light Swell, Vis. 5-8 nm                         Submerged     4 nm  
                              Total            28 nm  
    16.00 AT 8565 Land comes in sight, boat pre-flooded to lay in 16 meters water and moved off.  
      NE 2, Sea 2, fully overcast, Vis. 6-8 nm  
    17.55   Began submerged transit.  
    20.00 AT 8582    
      NNE 2, Sea 1, 1/4 overcast, Vis. 15 nm    
    00.00 AT 8589 Back and forth in position.  This time ran along the 100-meter line, from here can possibly reach to attack vessels on both routes.  For hours the boat lies on a layer at depth 12 meters.  
    00.30                                                  Mastheads come over the horizon out of the Yugorskiy Strait.  Vessels (3) come towards me at a sharp target angle. My position is good.  After an hour it turns out to be an about 500-ton fishing trawler and 2 about 200-300-ton sized motor cutters.  Pity!  
      Too small.  First I would like to achieve something, before I begin the long transit to the east.  Huge red flags flutter at the sterns.  They pound slowly through the sea (can no longer be detected in the listening gear).  All three vessels are older types however well painted.  
    01.58   Secured from Action Stations!  
    04.00 AT 8589    
    09.50   Presented Officer-Only Radio Message 1755/789 (Hans).  
        Yugorskiy Strait 3 August, one freighter, one vessel course NE and so forth . . .                                F.d.U.  
        They must have passed through directly under the coast while we charged at sea.  
Sun and Moon Data 03.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 04.08.44
- 13 -
    04.08.44 Yugorskiy Strait    
    08.00 AT 8589 All lay in the berths, the air is significantly better.  
    1x.x0   Very low frequency mostly received well!  
        Presented Officer-Only Radio Message 0248/795 (Anton)  
        And so forth . . .  3 August 10.20 freighter "JASTROB".  (750 GRT) at Cape Greben.              F.d.U.  
        My additionally embarked Radioman (Intercept) states that vessels should anchor there.  
        Suspect convoy assembly.  
        Day's run:         Surfaced       31 nm  
                                Submerged   38 nm  
                                Total            69 nm  
    12.00 AT 8586 Mostly stopped in position.  At times fog patches.  
    16.00 AT 8594    
    xx.x0   Presented Officer-Only Radio Message 1408/706 (Ysop)  
        And so forth . . . "Cape Greben" 4 August 00.36 two freighters 3 patrol vessels anchored.  "Yugorskiy Strait" 4 August 00.45 hours 3 vessels passed course 90° and so forth . . .    F.d.U.  
                                                      My suspicion that convoys assemble at "Cape Greben" is confirmed.  Therefore remained in position. 30 nm from here the prey is at anchor and noone can pass unnoticed here!  
    20.00 AT 8594    
    00.00 Off the Yugorskiy Strait    
    04.00 Vis. about 500 meters Fog all around.  
    0x.x5   Surfaced to ventilate and charge.  
    0x.x5   Dove quickly when the fog suddenly broke up.  
    12.00 Off the Yugorskiy Strait Day's run:         Surfaced      14 nm  
    20.00 Off the Yugorskiy Strait    
      Mirror flat, Sea 0, Vis. good    
Sun and Moon Data 04.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 05.08.44
- 14 -
    06.08.44 Yugorskiy Strait    
    00.00 Off the Yugorskiy Strait In position with stopped engines.  A seal drifts by on a wooden beam.  
    03.28   2 vessels come out of the Yugorskiy Strait.   
        No sound bearing detected.  
        A patrol vessel, large coastal fishing logger 100-150 tons.  Developed upper deck, apparently with gear.  At an interval of about 500 meters a coastal steamer 750-1500 tons, 2 masts, smokestack, camouflage, gray-white fields.  
        Steered course:  10° slowly to 110° turning in the vicinity of the coast.  
        To small!  Will not stir up the area.  
    04.11   Secured from Action Stations.  The crew will have to forgive me!  
    08.00 Off the Yugorskiy Strait Escort vessel, similar to the one in the morning, with a freighter 200-400 tons comes in sight.  Came to presumed attack course.  Battery is nearly empty after moving off 7-8 hours  
      Mirror flat sea, Vis. good  
Submerged shot from tube II:  Zaunkönig  
Shot angle        350°  
(torpedo report)
Depth               4 meters  
        Setting              Far shot  
        Enemy              bow right 85-100°  
        Speed               8 knots  
        Range               3000 meters  





Shot was unnoticed.  Missed.  Cause suspect [the torpedo] sank before completion of the run due to low acid temperature.  Water temperature +6°C, recharged 3 August, heated 2 August.  Escort vessel drove irregular courses apparently without gear in contrast to [earlier] today.  The respective courses steered suggest a barrier.  Location clear in the sketch.  
Sun and Moon Data 06.08.44
- 15 -
    06.08.44 Yugorskiy Strait    
                                                       I can no longer wait on the dawn and must begin the return transit.   The battery is empty.  The 2-year old battery can no longer handle long submerged cruise.  Air in the boat is very bad.  Moved off to sea to charge.  Due to incomplete filling with 2 cartridges the air renewal installation is only limitedly operational.  Up to now 160 potash cartridges have been consumed, still have 25 kg oxygen.  Therefore a long submerged cruise can not be completed.  
                                                       Left the original operational area towards Dikson to explore for the operation of other boats.  
    12.00 AT 8597 Day's run:         Submerged      16 nm  
      NW 2, Sea 2, light Swell, Vis. good    
    16.00 AT 8594    
      Duck pond Sea, light Swell, Vis. good    
    xx.x6   Surfaced.  Exceptionally good visibility today.  
        Battery power falls rapidly, acid density falls below the minimum limit, capacity below 50%. The diesels smoke heavily and betray the boat before the bright horizon.  
    xx.50 - xx.40   Dived.  Once again caution.  
    xx.43 - xx.40   Dived.  To await twilight.  
        Set off from land.  
    20.00 AT 8591    
    00.00 AT 8617 Across the Kara Sea on the convoy route.  
      NW 1, Sea 0, light Swell, few clouds, Vis. 15 nm    
Sun and Moon Data 06.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 07.08.44
- 16 -
    07.08.44 Yugorskiy Strait    
    04.00 AT 8389    
      NW 1, Sea 0, leaden Sea, few clouds, Vis. 12 nm    
    08.00 AT 9147 Headed for AT 6166 on a northerly course 15-20 nm west of Jamal Peninsula.  
      Wind 0, Sea 0, intermittent partial overcast, at times fog  
    12.00 AT 9125 Day's run:         Surfaced       171 nm  
      ENE 1, Sea 0, light Swell, fair, cool                         Submerged     8.8 nm  
                              Total           179.8 nm  
    11.34 - 12.35   Dived.  
    16.00 AT 6768 Seawater hues are once again dirty greenish-brown.  
      N 2, Sea 2, few clouds, Vis. 13 nm, no Swell    
    20.00 AT 6496    
      NNE 3, Sea 2, light Swell, completely overcast, Vis. 8-10 nm    
    08.08.44 Kara Sea, northwest of Cape Bjalyj    
    00.00 AT 6193    
      NNE 3, Sea 2, light Swell, overcast, Vis. 8-10 nm    
    04.00 AT 6241    
      NNE 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. 8-10 nm    
    06.35   Rounded Bjalyj, came to easterly course.  
    08.00 AT 6251    
      NE 3, Sea 2, short stiff Swell, at times fog, Vis. 1000 meters - 7 nm    
Sun and Moon Data 07.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 08.08.44
- 17 -
    08.08.44 Kara Sea, northwest of Cape Bjalyj    
    xx.xx - xx.xx   Test dive.  Water depth 16 meters.  Boat got under quickly.  Water density is very variable.  Put the boat on the bottom.  
    12.00 AT 6263 Day's run:         Surfaced       195.5 nm  
      E 2, Sea 2, sunny, Vis. 500-800 meters, breaking up 4 nm                         Submerged      0.5 nm  
                              Total              196 nm  
    16.00 AT 6362    
      NE 1, Sea 0, completely light Swell, Vis. 14 nm    
        Headed for "Vil'kitskiy lighthouse" to check position.  
    20.00 AS 4173    
      S 3, Sea 3, completely overcast, Vis. 6-8 nm    
    00.00 AS 4196 Steered an easterly course.  
      NE 4, Sea 2, completely overcast, light Swell, Vis. 8-10 nm    
    04.00 AS 4259    
      NE 4, Sea 3, light Swell, nearly overcast, Vis. changing between 2 - 8 nm    
    xx.xx - xx.xx   Test dive. Came to southerly course and headed for the tip of Dikson.  
    12.00 AS 4173 Day's run:         Surfaced       176 nm  
                                Submerged     0.5 nm  
                                Total            176.5 nm  
    16.00 AS 4373    
    16.10 NNE 4, completely overcast, at times fog, Vis, changing 500 meters - 4 nm Several shadows, suspect small vessels or air mirage.  
    16.25   Dived, because lost in fog.  
Sun and Moon Data 08.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 09.08.44
- 18 -
    09.08.44 Kara Sea, north of Vil'kitskiy Island    
    16.32   Detection by sound bearing.  
        Took ahead and pursued.  
    16.44 Vis. changing 200 meters - 3 nm    
    xx.00 - xx.08   Dive to listen, ahead 2 bearings.  Pursued bearings, suggest that they are vessels proceeding under land.  
    xx.28 - xx.36   Sound bearing ahead, like a diesel.  
    xx.55   Land came in sight faintly to starboard in snowfield.  
    00.56 - 00.08   Dived to listen.  
    xx.07   Set off from land to starboard.  
    xx.17   Dived to listen, one bearing ahead.  
    xx.24   Barely recognizable Cape Polyn'ya Beacon.  
    18.41 - 19.51   Dived to listen, as before.  
                                                       Am now close off Fischer Bay at Cape "Polyn'ya" and Cape "Dalekij".  Visibility improving.  Nothing seen in the direction of the last observed sound bearing from me.  Bay 3/4 circular, probably focused reflected surf noise.  No sightings.  Am positioned just off the Bay and decide to run in to possibly silence people.  The hut indicated on the chart is now visible.  Flooded the boat to 6 meters and camouflaged it.  
    19.55 AB 4373 Launched the rubber boat with 1 Watch Officer and 4 men.  Hut uninhabited, found 2-day old footprints  
      E 3, Sea 2, light Swell, fog, Vis. 500 meters  
    20.00 (area of Fischer Bay)    
                                                       Intention:  Because I am already at the coast, ran submerged in the direction of Dikson to put my Russian speaking soldiers in a suitable place, possibly in fog to reconnoiter the harbor and layout of Dikson.  Pickup locations, equipment etc. will be determined.  Ran along the coast measured strips.  Took down depths. On land, observed some huts not marked on the map with lots of new construction material.  Passed the beacon, the bay behind it, passed a 2nd bay and noticed a rapid decrease in depth.  
Sun and Moon Data 09.08.44
- 19 -
    09.08.44 Off the North Siberian Coast, Fischer Bay Pointed the boat directly towards land.  Men have not been seen so far.  Periscope observations very bad due to condensation.  Decide to blow to half to take an all around view.  Ahead 3 fishermen smoking pipes.  Flood!  Remained unnoticed, because the maneuvers took only seconds.  
                                                       Went back to the "Samojeden Bay" to charge there in lee (rough sea 3-4, strong surf) and if necessary to disembark.  Battery empty.  Refrained from disembarking later because the bay off Samojeden is inhabited and ran further off to sea.  Visibility deterioration and strong mirage.  
    00.00 AS 4387 Moved off.  
      Snow showers    
      E 2, light Swell, fog in places, Vis. 500 meters to 5 nm    
    04.00 AS 4379    
    08.00 AS 4373    
    12.06 N 3, Sea 2, light Swell, half overcast, Vis. 6-8 nm Began to proceed submerged.  
      Day's run:         Surfaced       61 nm  
                                Submerged   12 nm  
                                Total             73 nm  
    16.00 AS 4346    
    20.00 AS 4346    
    00.00 AS 4351    
      NE 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. 8 nm    
    xx.x0   Surfaced, continued on northeasterly course.  Headed for Scott Hansen Islands.  
    04.00 AS 1995    
      N 2, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. 6 nm, waft of mist    
Sun and Moon Data 09.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 10.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 11.08.44
- 20 -
    11.08.44 Kara Sea, Scott Hansen Islands    
    08.00 AS 2748    
      NNE 3, Sea 2, overcast, at times snow showers, fog    
    08.35 - 11.10   Test dive.  
    12.00 AS 2728 Day's run:         Surfaced       72 nm  
      N 2, Sea 0, overcast, Vis. 4-6 nm                         Submerged   15 nm  
                              Total             873 nm  
    16.00 AS 2731    
      Wind 0, Sea 0, overcast, isolated sow showers, Vis. 4-8 nm    
    18.34   Land in sight ahead to port!  
    18.35 - 20.12   Dived, so as not to be discovered.  
    20.00 AS 2733    
      N 2, Sea 1, completely overcast, at times fog, at times snow showers, Vis. 1-6 nm    
    20.40   Hansen Scott Island  
    20.44   Dived and moved off.  
    00.00 AS 2499    
      Wind calm, Sea 0, overcast, Vis. changing    
    00.35   Surfaced.  
    01.05   Boat went through an drift ice field.  
    01.20   In 350°T an Island in sight.  Suspect Ringnes Island.  
    04.03   "Ringnes Island" in sight bearing 172°T.  
Sun and Moon Data 11.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 12.08.44
- 21 -
    12.08.44 Kara Sea, at Ringnes Island    
    xx.07 - xx.xx                                                  Dived, to pass between both islands unnoticed and get in position there.  With good visibility this is not possible, therefore set off to the north.  
    08.00 XZ 7146 [XA]    
    12.00 XZ 7413 [XA] Day's run:         Surfaced      115 nm  
      N 1, Sea 0, overcast, Vis. 4-6 nm                         Submerged    6.8 nm  
                              Total           121.8 nm  
    xx.x0   Incoming Radio Message 1046/761:  Schaar, Lange try to  meet in AS 2125, with ice interference on corresponding longitude the next day at 07.00 or 19.00 hours.  Arrange further meetings there.    F.d.U.  
        Operated on meeting point.  Icebergs, drift ice fields all around.  
    16.00 XZ 7175 [XA]    
      N 1, Sea 0, leaden sea, Vis, 2-10 nm    
    12.08.44 Western Siberian Sea, north of Izvesti Tsik Islands    
    20.00 AS 2165    
      Wind 0, Sea 0, overcast, Vis. 1000 meters - 6 nm, at times fog and snow showers    
    xx.xx   Drift ice field abeam to port.  
    00.00 AS 2128 At meeting point.  Back and forth in position.  
      NW 1, Sea 0, overcast, driving snow, Vis. 1 nm    
    xx.x2. - xx.x3   Dived to listen.  
        Nothing heard of Lange.  Back and forth surfaced and submerged.  
Sun and Moon Data 12.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 13.08.44
- 22 -
    13.08.44 Western Siberian Sea, north of Izvesti Tsik Islands    
    04.00 AS 2125    
      S 3, Sea 2, overcast, light snow showers, at times fog    
    08.00 AS 2125    
      S 3, Sea 2, overcast, light snow showers, at times fog    
    12.00 AS 2125 Day's run:         Surfaced      124 nm  
      W 2, Sea 1, overcast, light snow showers, Vis. 2-4 nm                         Submerged      2 nm  
                              Total           126 nm  
    12.30 - 13.10   Dived to listen.  
    15.55 - 18.10   Dived to listen.  
    16.00 AS 2125    
    20.00 AS 2124    
      SbyW 2, Sea 2, completely overcast, Vis. 3-10 nm    
    21.15 - 23.15   Dived to listen, Sent Underwater Telegraph signals hourly.  
    00.00 AS 2125    
      N 1, Sea 0, overcast, no Swell, Vis. 6-10 nm    
    00.10                                                   Tied onto an iceberg to take over ice for fresh water supply. Lit a fire to show a smoke marker because the boat can hardly be seen between the icebergs and ice fields. Started Fubo [contact keeper buoy]. Did not light, the igniter does not burn on the outside.  Buoy case destroyed.  Ignition cord lit directly.  
Sun and Moon Data 13.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 14.08.44
- 23 -
    14.08.44 Western Siberian Sea    
    04.00 AS 2125    
      ESE 2, Sea 1, clear sky, no Swell, Vis. 14 nm    
      U-Lange in sight, had noticed Fubo.  Recognition Signals exchanged.  
    12.00 AS 2125 Day's run:         Surfaced      105 nm  
      NNE 3, Sea 2, overcast, light Swell, Vis. 8 nm                         Submerged    4.5 nm  
                              Total          109.5 nm  
    xx.x6   Made fast alongside U-Lange.  
        Experience exchange with Group Kent. Shared experiences on Yugorskiy Strait. Influenza suspect disembarked.  
    16.00 AS 2122 Boat lays in an icefield alongside U-Lange.  Took over provisions and fuel oil.  
      NE 2, Sea 1, half overcast, Vis. 12 nm  
        Boat cast off.  
    20.00 AS 2133 Boat lay on the bottom.  
      NNE 2, Sea 1, Vis. 5-10 nm    
    00.00 AS 2133    
    04.00 AS 2133 Very Low Frequency reception.  
      NE 4, Sea 3, 3/4 overcast, Vis. 10 nm    
    0x.xx.   Incoming Officer-Only Bruno Radio Message:  0028/706  
        Own boats in Kara Sea noticed  etc.  
    08.00 XA 74x7    
      E 3, Sea 3, light Swell, fog in paces, Vis. 5 nm    
Sun and Moon Data 14.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 15.08.44
- 24 -
    15.08.44 Western Siberian Sea    
        Lange transmitted our experiences concerning the Yugorskiy Strait  
        Incoming Officer-Only Dora Radio Message: 0119/707  
        Schaar reports . . . . etc.  Experiences Yugorskiy Strait.  - From Lange.  
    09.00   Surfaced.  
    12.00 XA 4788 Day's run:         Surfaced      60 nm  
      NE 4, Sea 3, light Swell, overcast, Vis. 8 nm                         Submerged    -  nm  
                              Total            60 nm  
    16.00 XA 4766    
      NE 2, Sea 2, very light Swell, Vis. 10-12 nm    
    20.00 XA 4843 Since 20.00 hours the boat drove through an ice field with small breaks.  
      NNE 3, Sea 2, completely overcast, at times fog and snow, Vis. 1-6 nm  
      Ice reconnaissance: It is still too early for other boats to depart, because a sweep is not yet possible  
    00.00 XA 4837    
      NNE 1, Sea 0, overcast, fog, Vis. up to 4 nm    
    01.08   Stopped, waited for the visibility to improve.  
    01.44   Kirova Island in sight, headed in for reconnaissance and to determine ice conditions in an easterly direction.  
    04.00 XA 4839    
      NW 1, Sea 0, overcast, Vis. 9-10 nm    
    04.06 (area) Landing party set off, killed a polar bear and found the island uninhabited.  
Sun and Moon Data 15.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 16.08.44
- 25 -
    16.08.44 Western Siberian Sea, north of Isachenko Island    
    0x.xx   Put the boat on the bottom, to conceal it.  
        Engine work.  
    08.00 XA 4839    
      S 1, Sea 0, half overcast, Vis. 5 nm    
    12.00 XA 4839 Day's run:         Surfaced      90 nm  
      S 1, Sea 0, half overcast, Vis. 5 nm                         Submerged    -  nm  
                              Total            90 nm  
    16.00 XA 4839    
      Half overcast, S 1, Sea 0, Vis. 5 nm    
    20.00 XA 4839    
      S 1, Sea 0, nearly overcast, no Swell, Vis. 5-8 nm    
    2x.xx   Boat raised from the bottom, continued to the east.   
    2x.xx   All around drift ice fields.  
    00.00 XA 4957    
      S 2, Sea 0, overcast, Vis. 8-12 nm    
    0x.xx   Boat steered through the gaps in the ice fields in the direction of clear water.  
        Course for Russky Island.  
    04.00 XA 4992    
      NE 2, Sea 1, overcast, Vis. 6-8 nm    
    0x.xx - 0x.xx   Dived.  Went beneath pack ice, because there is free water in our course direction.  
Sun and Moon Data 16.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 17.08.44
- 26 -
    17.08.44 Western Siberian Sea, south of Kirova Island    
    07.50   From shifting of the wind the boat became stuck in the ice.  Breaking through was unsuccessful.  Am awaiting a new wind direction.  
    08.00 XA 4982    
      WNW 2, Sea 0, half overcast, Vis. 8-10 nm    
    12.00 XA 4982    
      W 3, Sea 0, completely overcast, Vis. 4 nm    
    16.00 XA 4982 Stuck in the ice.  
      WSW 4, Sea 1, Vis. 1-5 nm Attempted to go back the way we came, because an advance to the east is impossible.  
    16.45 - 17.01   Dove under an ice floe to gain [illegible word].  
    17.08 - 17.16   Dived as above.  
    20.00 XA 4982    
      WNW 2-3, Sea 0-1, completely overcast, at times rain, Vis. 50 nm    
    00.00 XA 4902    
      WNW 2, Sea 0, half overcast, Vis. 8-12 nm    
    04.00 XA 4982    
      W 2, Sea 0, overcast, Vis. 2-6 nm    
    06.40   New attempt to break through.  Breaking through unsuccessful, all around sweep with the extended periscope only white expanse.  
    08.00 XA 4982    
      W 2, Sea 0, completely overcast, Vis. 4-6 nm    
Sun and Moon Data 17.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 18.08.44
- 27 -
    18.08.44 In drift ice field southeast of Kirova Island    
    xx.x0                                                   Set an ice reconnaissance troop off in westerly direction with one man inflatable boats, because I assume there will soon be open sea.  
    xx.x7   Aircraft!  Aircraft of type "Catalina" range 8000-12000 meters, flies along the coast in the direction of Russky Island  
      Pre-flooded  Remained unnoticed.  Painted the boat even brighter and made giant camouflage mats from white cleaning rags.  
        Tremendous camoflage performance!  
    12.00 XA 4985 Day's run:         Surfaced         5 nm  
      W 1, Sea 0, half overcast, Vis. 10 nm                         Submerged   0.5  nm  
                              Total            5.5 nm  
    1x.x0   New attempt to break through the ice.  
    16.00 XA 4985 Caught up with the troop, took them on board.  
      WSW 2, Sea 0, overcast, Vis. 1-5 nm    
    1x.x2 0 1x.x3   Dove under the ice.  
    20.00 XA 4984 Stuck again!  
      W 1-2, Sea 1, completely overcast, fog, Vis. 1 nm    
    00.00 XA 4976    
      WNW 2, Sea 0, overcast, Vis. 1 nm    
    04.00 XA 4973 Boat is in a large ice free location area in the fast ice.  
      W 2, Sea 0, fog, Vis. 600 meters    
    0x.x6 - ox.x7   Dived under the ice sheet. Direction west.  
Sun and Moon Data 18.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 19.08.44
- 28 -
    19.08.44 In ice field southeast of Kirova Island    
        Got free!  
                                                       While proceeding to the east the boat ran into a broken field of about 12 nm radius. The large free areas were driven together by changing wind direction. By the fact that after getting stuck every meter was made good in a westerly direction the boat came free again. Thoughts of wintering over faded again.  
    08.00 XA 4947 Ran along the solid ice limit.  Drift ice to starboard.  
      WSW 2, Sea 2, fully overcast, fog, Vis. 1-2 nm    
    12.00 XA 4947 Day's run:         Surfaced      27 nm  
      WSW 3, Sea 1, light Swell, overcast, Vis. 5 nm, at times fog                         Submerged   4  nm  
                              Total            31 nm  
    12.08 [Stamukha = a grounded accumulation of sea ice rubble that develops along the boundary between fast ice and drifting pack ice] Bearing 263°T a navigation marker between the pack ice and Stamukha, beacon of Severnyy Island.  Killed a walrus.  
    15.47 Isachenko Island in sight, left it to port and steered a southwesterly course.  Off Isachenko Island north, northwest and west coast countless Stamukhi.  
    16.00 XA 4843 Intention:  Operate to the east of the Yermaka Bank, because on the basis of the ice situation convoys are forced to steer along the coast. Other boats are not yet approaching.  Report not required.  
      NW 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. 1-8 nm  
    20.00 XA 5865    
      NW 3, Sea 3, light Swell, completely overcast, mainly snow showers, at times fog, Vis. 1-6 nm    
    20.24   Dived to refilled the battery with distilled water.  
    00.00 XA 4768 Surfaced.  
Sun and Moon Data 19.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 20.08.44
- 29 -
    20.08.44 Northwest of Isachenko Island    
    00.38 Foggy    
    04.00 XA 7123 Visibility bad, drift ice fields, driving snow.  
      NW 2, Vis. 6 nm, Sea 2, completely overcast    
    08.00 XA 7162    
      WSW 3, Sea 3, no Swell, at times fog, completely overcast, low hanging clouds, isolated ice bergs, Vis. 1-6 nm    
    09.40                                                   Began welding work on the outer tube doors of the upper tubes.  The leeway between the inner and outer doors became too small as a result of indentations caused by ice hit against them. The malfunction was eliminated by burning out the outer flap in a semi-circular shape.  
    12.00 XA 7275 Day's run:         Surfaced      110 nm  
      SW 2, Sea 1, completely overcast, fog, Vis. 4-6 nm                         Submerged    8.5  nm  
                              Total           118.5 nm  
    16.00 XA 7275    
      SW 2, Sea 1, fog, fully overcast, fog, Vis. 4-8 nm    
    1x.x0   Over deck work ended.  
    20.00 XA 7275 Several drift ice fields to port and starboard side.  
      SSW 3, Sea 2, fog, completely overcast, Vis. 1 nm    
    xx.x0 - xx.x0   Dived.  
    xx.x0   Ice fields were becomming more common.  
Sun and Moon Data 20.08.44
- 30 -
    20.08.44 Western Siberian Sea south of Isachenko Island    
    22.30 XA 7275 Boat came about to get to a free sea area.  
    23.00   Boat is out of the thick ice and set off to the west.  
    00.00 XA 7195    
      SW 4, Sea 3, light Swell, Vis. 1 nm    
    04.00 XA 7188    
      SE 4, Sea 4, completely overcast, Vis. 1-6 nm    
    04.30   Dived.  Put the boat on the bottom.  
    08.00 XA 7188    
    11.35   Surfaced.  
    12.00 XA 7188 Day's run:         Surfaced      89 nm  
      WSW 6, Sea 4, overcast, medium Swell                         Submerged   1.5  nm  
                              Total           90.5 nm  
        Gyro-compass out of service.  
    13.51 - 15.00   Dived, put the boat on the bottom for repairs.  
        Did not achieve repair of the malfunction.  
    16.28   Dived for repairs.  
    20.00 XA 7188    
    00.00 XA 7188    
    00.58   Surfaced.  Gyro-compass in service again.  
Sun and Moon Data 20.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 21.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 22.08.44
- 31 -
    22.08.44 Western Siberian Sea south of Isachenko Island    
    04.00 XA 7198 Yermaka Bank sounded "to determine position", because the gyro-compass has indicated incorrectly for many hours.  
      SW 4, Sea 3, Vis. in fog 500 meters - 2 nm, sometimes breaking up to 7 nm  
    08.00 XA 7435    
      SW 4, Sea 3, light Swell, fog, Vis. 400 - 1000 meters, completely overcast    
    xx.07 - xx.27   Test dive.  
    12.00 XA 7438 Day's run:         Surfaced       54 nm  
      SW 4, Sea 3, light Swell, overcast, fog, Vis. around 1000 meters                         Submerged     2  nm  
                              Total             56 nm  
    13.33 - 14.19   Dived, Ran up to the island (Kravkov Island).  
    14.35   Reconnaissance troop away.  
    16.00 XA 7463    
      SW 2, Sea 2, light Swell, completely overcast, fog, Vis. 500 meters to 2 nm    
    17.00 (area) Troop back.  Results, light beacon newly installed, because:  
      (markers) 1.  Not destroyed.  
        2.  At construction site new cigarette butts were found.  
        3.  Light system completely new.  
                                                        Two man observation post left behind to monitor because from the tower the coastal route is well monitored. Signals agreed. Nothing to look for further east because of ice. Decide on the careful exploration of favorable shooting positions for boat operations.  
Sun and Moon Data 22.08.44
- 32 -
    22.08.44 Western Siberian Sea, northeast of Cape Storligowa    
    16.47   Dived.  
    20.00 XA 7544 Behind Uzkiy Island, Island is uninhabited.  
    00.00 XA 7166 Boat steered back and forth between the islands searing for convoys.  Maybe some vessel will come after all, perhaps an icebreaker  
      SW 2, Sea 2  
    04.00 XA 7169    
    08.00 XA 7544    
      SW 3, Sea 3, at times fog    
    10.08   Surfaced.  
    10.14   Grounded.  
    12.00 XA 7547 Day's run:         Surfaced      36 nm  
                                Submerged     7  nm  
                                Total             43 nm  
    15.30 Boat is positioned submerged off Stalinze Island.  
    15.37   Surfaced.  Island uninhabited.  Charged in sight of land.  
    20.00 XA 7547    
      WbyN 2, Sea 2, light Swell, completely overcast, Vis. 5-7 nm    
    20.25   Dived Moved off to Kravkov.  
    00.00 XA 7547    
    01.30   Surfaced.  
    02.47   Took the two soldiers on board from Kravkov.  
    04.00 XA 7541    
      W 2, Sea 1, light Swell, completely overcast, Vis. 8 nm    
Sun and Moon Data 22.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 23.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 24.08.44
- 33 -
    24.08.44 Northeast of Cape Storligowa    
    04.45   My advance to the east keeping in contact with the coast.  
    08.00 XA 7528    
      WNW 2, Sea 1, light Swell, Vis. 3-8 nm, at times fog and snow    
    08.45 - 08.59   Dived.  Pursued sound bearing.  
    09.19 - 09.35   Dived to listen, one bearing.  
    09.43 - 10.05   Dived to listen.  As suspected, again the echo of a bay with surf.  
    10.26   Headed for Dubinskogo Headland, primitive three leg beacon, on top a top marker mounted.  
    10.36   Dived.  Set off.  
    12.00 XA 7553 Day's run:         Surfaced      30 nm  
                                Submerged     6  nm  
                                Total             36 nm  
    16.00 XA 7529    
      Vis. good, flat sea Broken ice limit on the starboard side.  
    20.00 XA 7528 Ice for too strong for the boat. Moved off to the west towards Kravkov Island.  
      NW 2, Sea 1, light Swell, light fog, completely overcast, Vis. 3 nm  
    00.00 XA 7528 Ice free again!  
      WNW 3, Sea 1, light Swell, overcast, mostly fog, Vis. sometimes up to 6 nm    
Sun and Moon Data 24.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 25.08.44
- 34 -
    02.26   Dived.  
    04.00 XA 7545    
    08.00 XA 7548    
    12.00 XA 7549 Day's run:         Surfaced      81 nm  
      Vis. 8 nm, 3/4 overcast                         Submerged   10.5  nm  
                                Total            91.5 nm  
      Headed to the Kaminskowa, Island, which is convenient for me. Surfaced before it. Reconnaissance troops and lookouts deployed.  Charged.  
                                                       Very good lookout conditions!  From here you can overlook the entire inner route unnoticed.  
    16.00 XA 7549    
      W 1, Sea 0, no Swell, completely overcast    
    17.45   Grounded the boat off Kaminskowa Island.  Boat flooded and camouflaged like a rock.  
    00.00 XA 7549    
      WNW 2, Sea 1, light Swell, completely overcast, Vis. 8-10 nm    
    01.04   Lookout on land reports:  Off Kravkov Island set off about 8 nm 2 mastheads.  
      In a few minutes the boat was de-camouflaged, raised from the bottom and made ready for operations, departed.  The steamer bears 300°T, maneuvered ahead in the sun sector.  Vessel runs at low speed.  
                                                       Am positioned ahead of the target, ran to meet.  Can make out a small steamer, nice looking with numerous portholes, one cannon fore and aft however flying a merchant flag. Tonnage-wise not worth a torpedo. However, it seems to me to be a special ship, as it is not similar to a fishing or transport steamer.  Suspect that he may exchange signal and radio personnel and supply the positions.  In any case I can "eliminate" it unobtrusively because the next radio or signal position is far away.  I hope for prisoners who can make statements because the sea area to be monitored is too large.  
Sun and Moon Data 25.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 26.08.44
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    26.08.44 Kaminskowa Bay    
                                                       I would like to have information about treks, ice conditions and ship movements.  
                                                        Surfaced about 200 meters abeam, have him asked in Russian to go into the boats and not to transmit, one man races to the cannon:  opened fire from all barrels and spread the over deck with light machine gun fire.  Ship made large course changes.  Bridge caught on fire quickly.  All superstructure burned but despite this he transmits with roaring volume (received on board without antenna) on 600-meter "U-boat, I am "NORD" (ship's call sign), longitude 90°20'E "NORD" 90°20'E.  Dikson did not understand and requested repetition of the message, called other vessels at sea.  
                                                       A few men jump overboard, ceased fire, the cannon over there are manned again, gunner felled by light machine gun fire. Burning wreck is holed, smokes and drifts to land. The cutter is launched. Took 3 men on board.  
(see logs)
1 Leutnant (Red Army Man) intelligence officer. 1 Lighthouse Master, 1 Ship's Boy.  
      Set off from the wreck to the west, to pick up a lookout from Kaminskowa Island.  
      Immediate interrogation!  
      It turns out to be a special survey vessel "NORD" of the Administration of the Northern Sea Route, size approximately 100-200 tons.  It had the task of sending things to the signal points, lighting beacons and exchanging people.  
        A good catch!  
                                                       The statement of the Leutnant, who, under pressure, was as willing to testify as the others, was very revealing and is important for the commando operations.  
    05.00 - 05.08   Dived.  
    06.47   Lookout at Kaminskowa Bay picked up.  
    08.00 XA 7549 Burning wreck passed.  Took over a Bootsmann hanging on to it.  Severe burns.  He hung onto the scorching hot wreck for hours.  
(see logs)
    12.00 XA 7561 Day's run:         Surfaced      140 nm  
      SW 3, Sea 4, light Swell, light overcast, Vis. 3 nm                         Submerged    5.5  nm  
                              Total            145.5 nm  
Sun and Moon Data 26.08.44
- 36 -
    16.00 XA 7538    
      SSW 3, Sea 4, overcast, isolated show showers, Vis. 2-3 nm    
    16.42 Lighthouse on Belukha island in sight bearing 315°T.  
    20.00 XA 7533    
      WNW 4, Sea 3, light Swell, fully overcast, sometimes snow and fog, Vis. 3-6 nm    
    20.35   Rubber boat from the over deck stowage attached to the 3.7 cm platform again.  
    20.56 - 05.00   Put the boat on the bottom.  
    27.08.44 Off Dekalonga    
    00.00 XA 7379    
    04.00 XA 7379    
    07.00   Broken ice to starboard.  
    07.00   With prevailing western winds, Matisen Strait is clogged with ice  
        I decide to carry out ice reconnaissance to the north.  The passage must soon be ice free.  
    08.00 XA 7361    
      W 4, Sea 4, no Swell, completely overcast, sometimes snow and fog, Vis. 1-7 nm    
    10.19   Aircraft!  Catalina flying boat in sight bearing 210°T, range 3000 meters  
    12.00 XA 7355 Day's run:         Surfaced      81 nm  
      N 3, Sea 2, light Swell, completely overcast, Vis. 6 nm                         Submerged    6  nm  
                              Total             87 nm  
    16.00 XA 7354    
      W 3, Sea 2, Vis. 10 nm, individual snow showers, Vis. deteriorating    
Sun and Moon Data 26.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 27.08.44
- 37 -
    27.08.44 Off Dekalonga Bay    
    18.05   Off Dekalonga Bay  
    19.00 - 19.57   Dived.  
    20.00 XA 7353    
      W 3, Sea 2, light Swell, completely overcast, sometimes snow and fog, Vis. 1-8 nm    
    2x.x0   Due to the wind, the ice has become considerably unsound and has been driven eastwards.  
    22.00   Camouflaged and stopped in the ice at the wreck position.  
        [wreck is crossed out with an illegible handwritten word above - the boat was in the exit of the Matisen Strait]  
    00.00 XA 7393    
      W 1, Sea 0, light Swell, completely overcast, Vis. 8 nm    
    04.00 XA 7386 Boat lay at the drift ice limit.  
      W 1, Sea 0, Vis. 12 nm, overcast    
    08.00 XA 7388    
      W 1, Sea 1, light Swell, half overcast, Vis. 6-12 nm    
    12.00 XA 7388 Day's run:         Surfaced      133 nm  
      Wind 0, Sea 0, light Swell, half overcast, Vis. 8 nm                         Submerged     6  nm  
                              Total            139 nm  
    13.45 - 14.02   Test dive.  
    04.40   Astern a "Catalina", range 6000 meters, from left to right, remained unnoticed.  
Sun and Moon Data 27.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 28.08.44
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    28.08.44 At Dekalonga    
    14.47 - 15.19   Dived.  Am missing 11 Serial Numbers, because there is no short wave reception.  
    16.00 XA 7376    
      W 0, Sea 0, nearly overcast, strong mirage, Vis. 14 nm    
    16.30   Incoming Radio Message:  1309/703:  
        If situation report is necessary, go to ÄF80, since there is apparently no communications east of Novaya.        F.d.U.  
                                                       Now other boats seem to follow. My job was to scout for the operation of other boats. I will have to give up my good position if my Radio Messages are not heard. For the time being, however, determine whether boats are leaving.  
    20.00 XA 7295    
      S 2, Sea 1, no Swell, little overcast, Vis. 6-12 nm    
    22.58 4 nm north of Belucha One masthead bearing 195°T.  Range 7-8 nm.  A mine searcher.  
    23.03   Dived, because moving off is not possible.  
    01.06 3 nm north of Belukha A patrol vessel passed.  Range = 2000 - 3000 meters before the bow.  Running about 12 knots.  
        Three further patrol vessels bearing 179°T. 195°T and 197°T.  
    02.31   Maneuvered behind Belukha Island to charge and pursue in sight.  
    03.00   Surfaced.  
    03.11   A patrol vessel behind an island. Went back.  
        Ran behind an island myself.  
Sun and Moon Data 28.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 29.08.44
- 39 -
    03.x9   Took the three patrol vessels astern, the [illegible word] is at the ice limit of the Matisen entrance.  
                                                       Turned to keep in contact with the last patrol vessel to find out more about the course, speed and intent.  
    04.00 XA 7295    
      W 1, Sea 0, Vis. 14 nm, Vis. deteriorating    
    04.45 - 05.18   Dived to listen, have contact.  
    06.16 - 06.26   Dived to listen, have contact.  
    06.49   Visual and sound bearings lost.  
      Patrol vessel has either stopped under land or has run off at high speed. According to prisoners, the vessel runs up to 18 knots. It has a diesel engine, is made of wood and has, among other things, a magnetic mine clearing device.  Pursued up to the ice limit: nothing to make out. Probably ran off in the broken ice of the Matisen Strait to the east to pick up a convoy.  
    06.00 XA 7387    
      Vis. now very good    
    09.00   Pre-flooded in the ice, lay at the entrance, observed.  Aircraft radio communications:  two aircraft airborne.  Tried several times to send Radio Messages which would inform Leadership about my findings for the operation of further boats.  
    12.00 XA 7387    
      W 0, Sea 0, half overcast, Vis. 5 nm, strong mirage    
    14.41   Sent Radio Messages several time, because of the convoy, now urgent.  Bearings were taken!  Dikson sends to aircraft:  a bearing report, aircraft doubts its correctness, as the ray points to land.  
    16.00 XA 7387 Boat lies in a drift ice field in waiting station.  
      W 0, Sea 0, Vis. 14 nm, strong mirage    
Sun and Moon Data 29.08.44
- 40 -
    29.08.44 Off the Matisena Strait Carried out reconnaissance at the beginning of evening twilight.  
    20.00 XA 7387    
      SSW 1, Sea 0, fair, lightly misty, Vis. 8 nm    
      I cannot monitor the entire area alone, I had the mission to scout the area and must now report.  
      Decision:  Transit at high speed on outer route to scout at the same time and from Scott Hansen Island to Cape Zhelaniya send Radio Message with the most important insights for the planned  operation of other boats.  
    00.00 XA 7298    
      W 2, Sea 1, no Swell, little overcast, Vis. 12 nm    
    00.50   Catalina ahead 6000-8000 meters, turned towards, was noticed.  
    00.53 - 01.32   Dived, because it seemed to be closing, however no run in.  
    04.00 At Ringnes Island    
      XA 7466    
      SW 2, Sea 2, no clouds, Vis. 15 nm    
    05.27   Catalina abeam to port, from right to left:  was unnoticed.  Range 10000 meters.  
    06.25   Aircraft 225°T from left to right, turned towards, was unnoticed.  Range 10000 meters.  
    08.00 AS 2499    
      SSE 2, Sea 2, no Swell, half overcast, Vis. 20 nm    
    09.36   Scott Hansen Island out of sight.  Course for Cape Zhelaniya.  
    12.00 AS 1692 Day's run:         Surfaced      353.6 nm  
      WSW 3, Sea 2, light Swell, completely overcast, fog and visibility deterioration 4-6 nm                         Submerged     2.4  nm  
                              Total            356.0 nm  
Sun and Moon Data 29.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 30.08.44
- 41 -
    16.00 AS 1526    
      SSW 4, Sea 3, completely overcast, Vis. 1-3 nm    
    20.00 AS 1154    
      SW 4, Sea 4, completely overcast, Vis. 5 nm    
    31.08.44 East of Cape Zhelaniya    
    00.00 AS 3313    
      WSW 4, Sea 3, light Swell, completely overcast, Vis. 4 nm    
    04.00 AS 3315    
      S 3, Sea 2, completely overcast, Vis. 4 nm    
    08.00 ÄF 8945 All attempts to send Radio Messages were unsuccessful.  No communications with homeland station, auxiliary antenna deployed with 6 Aphrodite.  Unsuccessful.  Will go further to the west.  
      Off Zhelaniya  
      S 3, Sea 2, light Swell, completely overcast, at times fog, Vis. 5-7 nm  
    12.00 ÄF 8858 Day's run:         Surfaced      278 nm  
      W 1, Sea 1, Light Swell, Vis. 5 nm                         Submerged     1  nm  
                              Total            279 nm  
    1x.06   Boat came to southwest course.  
    16.00 ÄF 8793    
      NW 4, Sea 3, completely overcast, Vis. 12 nm    
    16.50 - 17.10   Dived to listen.  Each Radio Message sent on all Circuits unsuccessfully.  To get information quickly to the outbound boats because a convoy is expected shortly I will run at high speed in the direction of Hammerfest at the same time to give over the important prisoners to the intelligence officers.  Plan:  there new outfitting and again run out to the Kara Sea.  
Sun and Moon Data 30.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 31.08.44
- 42 -
    31.08.44 West of Cape Zhelaniya    
    18.10   Radio Message Officer Only I. 1510/778.  
        F.d.U. for 4 days transmitting no communication, therefore already at AT 21.  Objective Hammerfest for immediate supply and passing of information. Through prisoners, among them an Intelligence Officer with Intelligence Chief Dikson. Important information for other U-boats.  Certain convoy indications.  Suggest as soon as possible, 4 boats stationed 12 nm from the coast, depth depending on visibility.  Transit from Kaminskiy Islands to the east.  Low speed, group circuit.  55 cbm.  
    20.00 AT 2222    
    23.45 NNW 4, Sea 3, light Swell, completely overcast, Vis. 3-5 nm, at times snow showers Incoming Radio Message 2218/780.  
      U-957 (Schaar) In transit from AT 21 to Hammerfest.  
    01.09.44 West of Cape Zhelaniya    
    00.00 AT 2155 Outgoing Radio Message Officer-Only O. 1858/786:  
      W 3, Sea 2, light Swell, overcast, Vis. 2 nm F.d.U.  East route since 24 August monitored by U-boats and with 4 Catalina, without Fu.M.O..  On 29 August 5 M-boote among these Wedemeyer-type, course east, suspect convoy assembly.  Nattisamo, Russki, Brucheis.  Bad ice year.                            Schaar.  
    0x.x1   Incoming Radio Message 2341/785  
        Schaar 1.  AC 50 expect carrier aircraft and destroyer group.  60 nm from objective increased U-boat danger.  
        2.  From Hammerfest send ahead short report, from there with Ob.Ltnt. [illelgible name possibly Kentemann] and prisoners immediate continued transit to Narvik.  
    04.00 AT 1388    
      SSW 3, Sea 2, Vis. 14 nm, half overcast    
Sun and Moon Data 31.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 01.09.44
- 43 -
    01.09.44 West of Novaya Zemlya    
    08.00 AT 1596 Again no Radio Message communications.  
      SSW 6, Sea 5, light Swell, nearly overcast, Vis. 8 nm, at times snow and hail showers, rain    
    09.20 - 09.57   Dived to listen.  
    12.00 AT 1494 Day's run:         Surfaced       267 nm  
      SSW 4, Sea 3, light to medium Swell, Vis. reduced by rain and hail showers to 2 nm, normally 8 nm                         Submerged       0 nm  
                              Total            267 nm  
      The boat has carried out exploratory work for weeks, with no visible success so far.  In any case, I would now make use of my experiences in the well-known sea area.  Also, I hope to be able to give other boats operational ice knowledge. Thanks to knowledge of the location and crew strength, as well as the conditions of a radio and signaling station, the success of the occupation plan with the assistance of my radio intercept operators is clear. This view, however, is fantastic in terms of German conditions, but can be carried out well in Siberia and would provide further, important material for Nordmeer U-boat warfare and keying material. Therefore:  Radio Message 0320/784  Officer-Only Jot.  
        F.d.U. Request 1.  Boat to leave Hammerfest for immediate outfitting for continuation of prepared undertaking.  Details by telephone.  
        2.  If possible aircraft to report with [illegible two words], Intelligence Officer and Lighthouse Master.  
        3.  Accelerated advance [Creif - perhaps a navigation point?].
    16.00 AF 1714    
      SSW 5, Sea 3, medium Swell, individual clouds, Vis. 12 nm    
    20.00 AC 2948    
      WSW 6, Sea 4, Vis. 2-6 nm    
Sun and Moon Data 01.09.44
- 44 -
    01.09.44 West of Novaya Zemlya    
    23.38   Radio Message 2306/711.  
        Schaar - Interrogation anticipated in Hammerfest.  Prepare secure teletype message and short report.  Radio silence except for checking in.        F.d.U.  
    02.09.44 Eastern Barents Sea    
    00.00 AC 6213 On return transit.  
      WSW 3, Sea 2, half overcast, light Swell, Vis. 6 nm, 1002 mb, +2°C    
    01.02 - 01.17   Dived to listen.  
    04.00 AC 6154    
      SSE 3, Sea 2, nearly overcast, medium Swell, Vis. 12 nm, 1002 mb, +2°C    
    08.00 AC 5622    
      SSE 5, Sea 4, light Swell, nearly overcast, Vis. 6 nm, +4.5°C, 999 mb    
    12.00 AC 5553 Day's run:         Surfaced       163 nm  
      SW 4, Sea 3, light Swell, overcast, Vis. 8 nm, +5.5°C, 997 mb                         Submerged       4 nm  
                              Total            167 nm  
        Total distance covered:        4680 nm  
                                                   4847 nm  
    16.00 AC 5453    
      NW, Sea 3, nearly overcast, showers, Vis. 13 nm, 1000 mb, +4.5°C    
    20.00 AC 4668 On return transit.  
      WNW 4, Sea 3, light Swell, half overcast, Vis. 5-10 nm, 1003 mb, +4°C    
Sun and Moon Data 01.09.44
Sun and Moon Data 02.09.44
- 45 -
    03.09.44 Off Hammerfest    
    00.00 AC 4919    
      SW 3, Sea 1, light Swell, nearly overcast, showers, Vis. 4 nm, +4°C, 1004 mb    
    04.00 W 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, Vis. 10 nm, +4°C, 1006 mb    
    04.30   Aircraft abeam to port from right to left type unknown, changing courses.  
    04.50   Dived.  
    05.32   Surfaced.  Up to now identifiers of radio beacons is not understood.  
      Considerations and experiences:  
      1)  Icebergs widely visible, often give sharp outline, square outline.  
      2)  Disguise of an iceberg, gray-white paint, was well proven.  
      3)  Before and over ice fields there are often very strong distortions (like fata morgana).  Careful observation of the sea water temperature shows approach to an ice field with certainty.  Caution when traversing channels in ice sheets, the boat can  get stuck easily.  Pre-flooding the boat while traversing ice fields was well proven, to protect the outer tube doors of the upper torpedo tubes, which are easily dented and so immovable. The stem of a fully blown boat is very sensitive, especially the forward opening for speed measurement.  When driving in ice, free areas are often indicated by the darkening of the sky.  
      4)  Sea water density varies widely due to surface current.  Pump when surfacing.  
      5)  In the southern Kara Sea and off Dickson very dirty water, further to the east clear Atlantic water.  
      6)  T 5 practical only in a few places.  
      7)  Taking a transmitter (portable) very advantageous, to maintain communications with and island lookout if necessary.  
Sun and Moon Data 03.09.44
- 46 -
      8)  In the operations area the given square of the Prawdy-Radio Station must mean 7396.  
      9)  As a result of the frequent occurrence of polar bears, a small microscope for the examination of the meat (20-fold magnification) is recommended.  Carrying of 2 rifles is required.  
      10)  The checking of oxygen and acetylene before departure is especially important, because welding work is necessary due to ice damage.  
      11)  The rubber boat carried beneath the over deck was ruined by pounding in a short time.  
      12)  After prolonged exposure to water, avoid smoking prior to taking a warm meal (fainting).  
      13)  In the vicinity of the coast surf noise in bays is often similar to sound bearings.  
      14)  Radio Message experiences separately.  
    12.50   Ran in to Hammerfest, made fast alongside "BLACK WATCH".  
                                 On board 3 September 1944.  
                                      Oblt.z.See and Kommandant  
Sun and Moon Data 03.09.44

                                                          Enclosure   1   to F.d.U Norwegen Gkdos 5270  

Comments of the F.d.U. Norwegen

on the K.T.B. "U 957" from 8.6. to 3.9.1944
1) Very imaginative, skillful and carried out with good success reconnaissance of the experienced Kommandanten with difficult ice conditions and in little known shallow water with light defenses.
2) Noteworthy, albeit partially known, experiences for ice and coast.
3) Successes:  Research ship "NORD" (about 200 tons) shot on fire, valuable prisoners brought in.

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