Memorial Card of Matrosengefreiter Otto Lottersberger
This document was made available by Samuel Auer |
Memorial cards were given to relatives of the deceased and attendees of the funeral. They were not limited to military personnel but were are a common part of German funerary tradition. They were not issued by the military. Rather, the design and text of a memorial card and ordering the required quantities from a printer on behalf of the deceased man's family was a standard part of the services rendered by German funeral parlors. The size of the card was about 2.25 x 3.75" = 5.7 x 9.5 cm. |
1939 Eisernes Kreuz |
1939 Iron Cross |
Zur Christlichen Erinnerung |
In Christian remembrance |
an unseren lieben jüngesten Sohn und Bruder |
of our dear youngest son and brother |
den Matrosen-Gefr. |
Matrosengefreiter |
Otto Lottersberger |
Otto Lottersberger |
der im 21. Lebensjahr, |
who, in the 21st year of his life, |
am 28 April 1943, auf feindfahrt |
on 28 April 1943, on war patrol |
den heldentod sand. |
died a hero's death. |
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Ihr habt gewünscht, gebet voll Vertrauen: |
You have wished, prayed with trust: |
"Herr, laß daheim uns alle wiederschauen." |
"Lord, let us all say goodbye." |
Ich bin daheim - in Gottes Schoß und Frieden, |
I am at home - in God's lap and at peace, |
Ihr steht im Kampf des Lebens noch heinieden; |
you still struggle in the battle of life; |
O, kämpfet gut und hört nicht auf zu flehen: |
Oh, fight well and don't stop pleading: |
"Herr, laß bei Dir uns alle wiedersehen! |
"Lord, let us all see you again! |
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Ehre seinem Andenken |
Honor his memory |
Vater unser - Ave Maria |
Our Father - Ave Maria |
"Du hast ihn uns geliehen o herr, er war unsere Freude; | "You have lent him to us, O lord, he was our joy; | |||
Du hast ihn zurückgefordert und wir übergeben ihn Dir ohne Murren, aber das herz voll Wehmut." | You have recalled him and we hand him over to you without complaint, but with our heart full of sadness. " | |||