1 - |
25.03.43 |
Lorient S II
Torpedo offload
from 16.00 to 20.00 hours, fuel oil and munitions offload. Cleared
the boat. |
26.03.43 |
S II |
Towed to Keroman
Bunker 18, lubricating oil offload, Cleared the boat. |
27.03.43 |
K 18 |
Cleared the
boat. |
28.03.43 |
K 18 |
Towed and dry
docked in Bunker III. |
- |
28.04.43 |
Shipyard work. |
08.04.43 |
Undocked for
Keroman Bunker 14. When the boat was refloated a leak was discovered
in tube IV. Redocked and a new gasket installed in tube IV. |
- |
20.04.43 |
K 14 |
Shipyard overhaul.
21.04.43 |
K 14 |
Torpedoes loaded, fuel oil loaded, dockyard testing. |
22.04.43 |
K 14 |
Test run, check fired flak armament and machine guns. |
23.04.43 |
S 1 |
Completion of
the shipyard period. Equipping. |
24.04.43 |
S 1 |
Equipping, final
adjustments and overhaul. |
25.04.43 |
S 1 |
Final trim testing. |
26.04.43 |
S 1 |
Final equipping,
ready for sea and diving. |
27.04.43 |
18.00 |
Departed on 9th
war patrol. |
18.20 |
Taken in convoy.
20.15 |
NW 2-3, Vis.
10 nm |
Released from
convoy. |
22.00 |
Enemy radar
detection, proceeding submerged. |
24.00 |
On Route |
N 2, 9/10, strong marine phosphorescence |
28.04.43 |
While proceeding
submerged a strong odor issued from new insulation of the exhaust manifold.
Because CO2 development was assumed
smoke was evacuated by the diesel, and absorbed by potash cartridges.
In spite of using escape lungs several sailors collapsed after a while,
even in other spaces. Other gases were not discovered with the new
gas examiner. CO2 content amounted
to 0.7%. On surfacing a few more sailors collapsed. Because
under these conditions an extended underwater passage in the Bay of Biscay
could not be justified, return transit to Lorient. |
02.05 |
Radio Message:
Returning because of the appearance of unknown gas while proceeding submerged. Positioned 04.00 hours Point Laterne. |
"Markworth" |
03.05 |
Crash dive!
for radar detection. |
05.05 |
Surfaced. |
05.33 |
Crash dive!
for radar detection. |
06.16 |
Surfaced. |
08.00 |
Taken in by
Sperrbrecher. |
10.20 |
Made fast in
Skorff Bunker. |
19.00 - |
Testing. |
24.00 |
29.04.43 |
Skorff Bunker.
Work on the diesel and E-motors operating exercises. |
2 - |
continued |
29.04.43 |
18.00 |
Departed on
9th war patrol. |
18.10 |
W 1, Sea 0,
8/10, Vis. 10 nm |
In convoy with
Sperrbrecher. |
20.55 |
Released from
Sperrbrecher convoy. |
30.04.43 |
xx.xx |
WSW 2, Sea 1,
overcast, strong marine phosphorescence |
Passed various
illuminated fishing vessels. |
04.00 |
BF 5471 |
Released from
convoy. |
05.18 |
Crash dive for
training. |
08.00 |
BF 5496 |
12.00 |
BF 5499 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 107 nm |
Submerged 10.5 nm |
16.00 |
BF 5732 |
20.00 |
BF 5735 |
23.34 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
BF 5738 |
01.05.43 |
00.35 |
Crash dive for
training. |
04.00 |
BF 5764 |
05.05 |
Surfaced. |
05.06 |
Crash dive for
radar detection. |
05.42 |
Surfaced. |
06.20 |
Crash dive for
radar detection. |
08.00 |
BF 5785 |
NNE 3, Sea 2,
4/10 |
12.00 |
BF 5785 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 12 nm |
Submerged 34.5 nm |
16.00 |
BF 5788 |
20.00 |
BF 8213 |
22.48 |
Surfaced. |
23.42 |
Crash dive for
training. |
24.00 |
BF 8217 |
02.05.43 |
04.00 |
BF 8241 |
04.35 |
Surfaced. |
05.40 |
Crash dive for
training. |
08.00 |
BF 8192 |
12.00 |
BF 8192 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 21 nm |
NNW 4, Sea 4, overcast |
Submerged 32.5 nm |
16.00 |
BF 8194 |
20.00 |
BF 8197 |
22.45 |
NNW 4, 6/10,
Sea 4, strong marine phosphorescence |
Surfaced. |
23.40 |
Crash dive for
training. |
24.00 |
BF 8426 |
03.05.43 |
00.00 - |
4, Sea 4, 5/10, Vis. clear, medium marine phosphorescence |
Drills. |
02.00 |
04.00 |
BF 8428 |
04.11 |
Surfaced. |
3 - |
continued |
03.05.43 |
04.15 |
Steamer light
bearing 130°T. |
05.17 |
Steamer light
bearing 280°T. |
05.38 |
Steamer light
bearing 220°T. |
06.11 |
Crash dive for
training. |
Radio Message.
. . . 5.) . . .Markworth . . . assemble
in naval square BD 33, depth 80 nm. More to follow. |
08.00 |
BF 7693 |
NNW 3, Sea 3,
8/10, Vis. 6 nm |
12.00 |
BF 7934 |
run: Submerged 32.5 nm |
Surfaced 33 nm |
16.00 |
BF 7929 |
20.00 |
BF 7952 |
NNW 4, 9/10,
Sea 5, (rain), Vis. clear, strong marine phosphorescence |
22.35 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
BF 7953 |
04.05.43 |
NW 5, 8/10,
Sea 5, strong marine phosphorescence |
03.25 |
Steamer bearing 260°T on northerly course. |
04.00 |
BF 7942 |
Several steamer
lights. |
06.00 |
NNW 6, 8/10,
Sea 6, strong marine phosphorescence |
Dived. |
08.00 |
BF 7853 |
12.00 |
BF 7852 |
run: Surfaced 72 nm |
Submerged 20 nm |
16.00 |
BF 7851 |
20.00 |
BF 7843 |
21.00 - |
Drills. |
22.00 |
22.31 |
Surfaced. |
22.32 |
Crash dive for
radar detection (naval reconnaissance) |
24.00 |
BF 7841 |
NNE 4, 8/10,
Sea 4-5, strong marine phosphorescence |
05.05.43 |
00.26 |
Surfaced. |
00.52 |
Crash dive! |
03.11 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
BF 7761 |
NW 6, 4/10,
Sea 6, medium marine phosphorescence, Vis. good |
04.20 |
Crash dive for
training. |
08.00 |
BF 7752 |
NW 7, Sea 6
12.00 |
BF 7751 |
run: Surfaced 17 nm |
Submerged 44 nm |
16.00 |
BF 7743 |
15.02 |
Radio Message .
. . . 2.) . . . . . Markworth. . . . |
Occupy at economical
cruising speed. Patrol line from BD 3238 to AL 1843. Later
transit to the north to combine with boats named in [paragraph] 1
in patrol line is [illegible word]. [From
U-190's KTB the illegible word is intended.] |
- 4 - |
continued |
05.05.43 |
20.00 |
BF 7741 |
23.16 |
5, Sea 5, 8/10, Vis. moderate, strong marine phosphorescence |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
BE 9962 |
06.05.43 |
03.48 |
4-5, Sea 5, 8/10 |
diesel out of service, tie rod and crank case torn in several places. |
04.00 |
9943 |
5-6, 2/10, Sea 5, (rain) |
05.57 |
dive for training. |
08.00 |
9941 |
12.00 |
9862 |
run: Surfaced 65 nm |
Submerged 34 nm |
14.24 |
Message . . . . Markworth. . . . send passage report immediately.
16.00 |
9861 |
6/10, Sea 5 |
20.00 |
9853 |
22.32 |
3-4, 3/10, Sea 3 medium marine phosphorescence |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
BE 9851 |
07.05.43 |
03.30 |
3, 3/10, Sea 4 |
dive for aircraft with a lighted turret. |
04.00 |
9817 |
05.19 |
Message 1.) Starboard diesel tie rod cylinder 7-8 broken. |
3, 7/10, Sea 3, moderate marine phosphorescence |
Will finish repairs to crankcase and bearing this evening. |
Question allowable load. |
BE 89. |
07.00 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
9735 |
fighting training. |
12.00 |
9731 |
run: Surfaced 54.5 nm |
Submerged 31 nm |
14.23 |
Message Diesel with broken tie rod limited to only HF load.
Avoid oscillation points. |
14.23 |
Message Contrary to previous orders new staging point for . . . .
Markworth AJ 30. No message on arrival. |
16.00 |
9723 |
16.48 |
Surfaced. |
17.02 |
Dived. |
20.00 |
9722 |
21.56 |
2-3, 9/10, Sea 5 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
9725 |
08.05.43 |
5, overcast, Sea 5, strong marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
9715 |
07.06 |
dive for training. |
08.00 |
9741 |
6, Sea 5 |
12.00 |
8963 |
run: Surfaced 51.5 nm |
Submerged 29.5 nm |
5 - |
continued |
08.05.43 |
15.25 |
4, 6/10, Sea 5, Vis. good, marine phosphorescence |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
8938 |
dive for training. |
20.00 |
8961 |
22.40 |
4-5, 4/10, Sea 5 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
8943 |
09.05.43 |
4-5, overcast, Sea 5 |
04.00 |
8862 |
4, 4/10, Sea 5 |
07.31 |
dive for training. |
08.00 |
8851 |
4-5, Sea 5, 9/10 |
12.00 |
8842 |
run: Surfaced 71.5 nm |
Submerged 22.5 nm |
15.39 |
Surfaced. |
15.40 |
dive for training. |
16.00 |
8841 |
17.48 |
3, 7/10, Sea 4 |
Surfaced. |
18.19 |
dive for training. |
20.00 |
8763 |
5, overcast, Sea 5 |
21.23 |
7, overcast, Sea 6-7 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
8761 |
10.05.43 |
7, overcast, Sea 6-7 (rain) |
04.00 |
8727 |
marine phosphorescence, Vis. changing, rain showers |
08.00 |
8711 |
6-7, Sea 6, overcast |
09.00 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
7699 |
run: Surfaced 66.5 nm |
3, 8/10, Sea 3-4 |
Submerged 25.5 nm |
13.48 |
Surfaced. |
15.46 |
dive for training. |
16.00 |
7694 |
16.02 |
3, 4/10, Sea 3-4 |
Surfaced. |
18.32 |
Message 1.) 28 April DC 9261 U-cruiser Type "NARWHAL"
170°, 14 knots, dived. |
DC 12-14, independents going SW on the 100-meter line apparently
by fits and starts, "Hatteras" night leg, no sea surveillance. 6 May
after transmitting square 2280, night radar detection 162 cm, destroyer
course 130° high speed without detection, heavy air by day. |
Night of 7 May CA 8825 tanker in ballast 8000 GRT 180° 9 knots straight
course. 3 fan miss Ato depth 5 meters, 2 single misses Eto depth
4 meters unexplained. Both times matched speed exactly, Sea 4, torpedo
course into the sea. Return transit. |
Yesterday CA 9997 last torpedo on a large tanker, miss 150°
17.5 knots. |
CB 7914, 39 cbm. Request barrel for Flak 38 . . . . |
"U-129" |
6 - |
continued |
10.05.43 |
20.00 |
7854 |
4, 4/10, Sea 5 |
21.35 |
Message Bargsten, Markworth,
Wintermyer make for CA 87. |
Above the Azores to "Cape Hatteras"
from the south (with the Gulf Stream)
because enemy south-north traffic
will use the strong current (80 nm/day's
run). |
24.00 |
7642 |
3, 4/10, Sea 4, no marine phosphorescence |
11.05.43 |
4, 3/10, Sea 3, (rain) |
04.00 |
BE 7561 |
light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
7551 |
08.45 |
3-4, 4/10, overcast (rain) |
dive for training. |
12.00 |
7542 |
run: Surfaced 109
nm |
Submerged 12.5 nm |
16.00 |
7436 |
6, Sea 5, mist,
overcast |
16.50 |
Surfaced. |
17.45 |
dive for training. |
20.00 |
7434 |
6, Sea 6, 6/10, strong marine phosphorescence |
21.14 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
7456 |
12.05.43 |
6, Sea 6, 2/10 |
04.00 |
7483 |
strong marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
7473 |
5-6, Sea 6, 9/10 |
08.30 |
dive for training. |
12.00 |
7474 |
run: Surfaced 55.5
nm |
5, 6/10, Sea 5 |
Submerged 32.5 nm |
12.20 |
Surfaced. |
14.27 |
dive for training. |
16.00 |
9693 |
20.00 |
9691 |
23.15 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
9688 |
13.05.43 |
2, 4/10, Sea 2, long swell, no marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
9958 |
3, 4/10, Sea 3, no marine phosphorescence |
7 - |
continued |
13.05.43 |
08.00 |
CE 3238 |
09.00 |
Crash dive for
training. |
12.00 |
CE 3256 |
run: Surfaced 110.5
nm |
Submerged 31 nm
12.45 |
Surfaced. |
12.47 |
Crash dive for
training. |
12.55 |
Surfaced. |
13.59 |
SW 2, 5/10,
Sea 3 |
Crash dive for
training. |
16.00 |
CE 3281 |
NW 4, Sea 3,
5/10 |
18.52 |
Surfaced. |
19.35 |
Radio Message
Markworth report weather. |
20.00 |
CE 3278 |
21.41 |
NNW 4, Sea 4, 7/10 |
Crash dive for
training. |
22.40 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
CE 3437 |
14.05.43 |
NNW 3, 4/10,
Sea 3, Vis. good, weak marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
CE 3448 |
06.04 |
Short Weather
Message sent. |
08.00 |
CE 2685 |
NNW 3, Sea 2-3,
9/10 (rain) |
08.37 |
Crash dive for
training. |
08.45 |
Surfaced. |
08.58 |
NNW 3, 5/10,
Sea 3 |
Crash dive for
training. |
11.40 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
CE 2679 |
run: Surfaced 128
nm |
NNW 3, 4/10,
Sea 3 |
Submerged 20.5 nm |
14.01 |
Crash dive for
training! Blowing! and 2 cm clear. |
15.30 |
Crash dive for
training. |
16.00 |
CE 2837 |
16.52 |
Surfaced. |
16.57 |
Crash dive for
training. |
17.20 |
Surfaced. |
18.44 |
N 4, 6/10, Sea
3 |
Crash dive for
training. |
18.51 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CE 2846 |
N 3, 9/10, Sea
2-3 |
21.44 - |
in sight. |
22.27 |
24.00 |
CE 2765 |
15.05.43 |
01.43 |
NbyE 3, 9/10,
Sea 2-3, no marine phosphorescence |
Radio Message
1.) On 15 May 10.00 hours "Markworth" switch
to America II Circuit. |
2.) "Markworth"
report weather. |
04.00 |
CE 2784 |
08.00 |
CE 4332 |
10.00 |
NbyE 3, 7/10, Sea 2-3 |
Switched to America II Circuit. |
12.00 |
CE 4351 |
run: Surfaced 124.5
nm |
Submerged 4.5
nm |
8 - |
continued |
15.05.43 |
NbyE 4, 5/10,
Sea 4 |
15.15 |
Crash dive for
training. |
15.46 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
CE 4347 |
N 4, 7/10, Sea
4 |
20.00 |
CE 4258 |
N 5, Sea 4-5,
4/10 |
21.59 |
Radio Message
"Markworth" report weather. |
24.00 |
CE 4196 |
16.05.43 |
NE 4, 3/10,
Sea 4, Vis. 10 nm, no marine phosphorescence |
03.27 |
Radio Message
"Markworth" immediately switch to America Circuit.
Serve as radio repeater for U-boats in the North Atlantic. |
04.00 |
CE 4423 |
06.38 |
Reported weather
by Short Signal. |
06.50 |
Crash dive for
training (radar detection). |
07.05 |
Surfaced. |
07.20 |
Crash dive for
training. |
07.25 |
Surfaced. |
07.55 |
Crash dive for
training. |
08.00 |
CE 4419 |
08.07 |
N 5, 6/10, Sea
4 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
CD 6659 |
run: Surfaced 162
nm |
Submerged 2.8 nm |
15.00 |
N 4, Sea 4,
3/10 |
Crash dive for
training. |
16.00 |
CD 6677 |
Surfaced. |
16.26 |
Radio Message
"Markworth" on 17 May at 00.00 hours switch to Hubertus
Circuit. |
18.59 |
NbyE 4, 3/10,
Sea 4, Vis. good 10 nm |
Crash dive for
training. |
20.00 |
CD 6826 |
20.06 |
N 4, 6/10, Sea
3 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 - |
23.00 |
Combat exercises. |
24.00 |
CD 6845 |
17.05.43 |
00.00 |
N 3, 7/10, Sea
2, no marine phosphorescence, moonshine |
Switched to Hubertus Circuit. |
04.00 |
CD 6792 |
08.00 |
CD 9121 |
W 2, Sea 1,
8/10 |
12.00 |
CD 8339 |
run: Surfaced 176.5
nm |
SbyW 3-4, 7/10,
Sea 3, Vis. good |
Submerged 2.5 nm
16.00 |
CD 8329 |
19.17 |
SbyW 1, Sea
2, overcast, rain |
Crash dive for
training. |
19.34 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CD 8345 |
20.10 |
Crash dive for
training. |
9 - |
continued |
17.05.43 |
20.23 |
Surfaced. |
20.25 |
Crash dive for
training and blowing. |
20.34 |
SW 1, overcast,
passing showers, (rain), Sea 2, long medium-high swell |
Crash dive for
training and blowing. |
21.21 |
Radio Message . . . . 2.) "Markworth" Short Signal weather report
before 05.00 hours. . . . |
24.00 |
CD 8292 |
18.05.43 |
SbyW 2, Sea
1, overcast (rain), long SW-swell, Vis. moderate 3-5 nm, strong marine
phosphorescence |
03.10 |
Shadow to port.
04.00 |
CD 8523 |
04.01 |
2 cm ready!
04.08 |
Shadow is a
large floating whistle buoy. Sunk by flak bombardment. |
04.54 |
Sent Short Signal.
08.00 |
CD 8518 |
ESE 3, Sea 2,
6/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
CD 8465 |
run: Surfaced 159
nm |
E 3, 3/10, Sea
2, long swell, Vis. good |
Submerged 2.5 nm |
16.00 |
CD 8468 |
20.00 |
CD 8488 |
20.44 |
E 2, Sea 2,
4/10 (rain) |
Crash dive for
training. |
21.00 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
CD 8715 |
NNE 2, 2/10,
Sea 1, long swell |
19.05.43 |
04.00 |
CD 7964 |
NE 2, 2/10,
Sea 2, long medium-high swell, no marine phosphorescence, Vis. good, bright
moonshine |
08.00 |
CD 7973 |
10.46 |
NW 3, Sea 2,
5/10 |
Radio Message . . . . 2.) "Markworth" switch to America I Circuit
at 16.00 hours. |
12.00 |
DF 1133 |
run: Surfaced 152
nm |
W 4, overcast,
Sea 3-4, Vis. good |
Submerged 1
nm |
12.00 |
Smoke cloud
and mastheads in sight. |
13.10 |
Dived "Action
Stations". |
10 - |
continued |
19.05.43 |
14.08 |
SW 4, 5/10,
Sea 3-4, Vis. good 10 nm |
Steamer abeam.
It is the Portuguese "GAZA", course 85°, speed 10.5 knots. |
15.00 |
Steamer passes
out of sight bearing 85°T. |
15.08 |
Surfaced. |
15.15 |
Crash dive for
training. |
16.00 |
DF 1211 |
Switched America
I Circuit. |
16.06 |
WNW 3-4, Sea
3, 4/10 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
DF 1137 |
W 3-4, Sea 3,
overcast (rain) |
24.00 |
DF 1157 |
20.05.43 |
WbyN 4, overcast,
Sea 3, hazy horizon |
04.00 |
DF 1174 |
08.00 |
DE 3631 |
WbyN 3, overcast,
Sea 3 |
12.00 |
DE 3651 |
run: Surfaced 135
nm |
Submerged 1
nm |
16.00 |
DE 3647 |
W 3, Sea 3,
3/10 |
20.00 |
DE 3567 |
WNW 3, 6/10,
Sea 2-3 |
24.00 |
DE 3587 |
21.05.43 |
W 3, 6/10, Sea
2-3, no marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
DE 3816 |
SW 2, Sea 2,
3/10 |
08.00 |
DE 3763 |
WNW 1, 5/10,
Sea 1, Vis. good |
12.00 |
DE 3791 |
run: Surfaced 143.5 nm. |
15.41 |
Crash dive for
training. |
16.00 |
DE 3783 |
16.26 |
SWbyW 2, 7/10,
Sea 1, Vis. good |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
DE 3787 |
SW 2, Sea 2,
4/10, Vis. good |
24.00 |
DE 6114 |
22.05.43 |
SW 2-3, 4/10,
Sea 2, Vis. 8 nm, no marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
DE 5358 |
SWbyW 3, Sea
2, 9/10 |
08.00 |
DE 5375 |
11 - |
continued |
22.05.43 |
12.00 |
DE 5522 |
Day's run: Surfaced 169.5 nm |
SW 2-3, 6/10, Sea 2, Vis. good |
Submerged 1 nm |
16.00 |
DE 5542 |
SW 2, 5/10, Sea 2, Vis. very good |
20.00 |
DE 5465 |
21.30 |
Crash dive for training. |
22.15 |
Surfaced. |
23.01 |
Crash dive for training. |
23.14 |
SW 1, 2/10, Sea 2, Vis. very good |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
DE 5488 |
23.05.43 |
SW 1, 1/10, Sea 1, Vis. very good |
04.00 |
DE 5742 |
08.00 |
DE 4991 |
11.55 |
W 2-3, 2/10, Sea 3, Vis. good |
Mastheads bearing 180°T. |
12.00 |
DE 4979 |
Day's run: Surfaced 166 nm |
SSW 3, 2/10, Sea 3, Vis. very good 15 nm |
Submerged 4.4 nm |
16.00 |
DE 8114 |
By plotting the steamer runs at a general speed of 16 knots. With one diesel at HF and one at 2 x GF (exhaust temperature at 600°) in this sea I can do 14-14.5 knots. Falling behind. |
SW 2-3, 2/10, Sea 2, Vis. good |
18.11 |
Chase abandoned, in 2 hours the steamer passes out of sight. |
20.00 |
DE 8143 |
SWbyS 2-3, Sea 2, 5/10 |
20.37 |
Crash dive for training. |
21.51 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
DE 8171 |
24.05.43 |
SW 3, 2/10, Sea 2, Vis. moderate, no marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
DE 7622 |
SW 2, Sea 2, 1/10 |
08.00 |
DE 7618 |
SSW 2-3, Sea 1, 7/10 |
12.00 |
DE 7568 |
Day's run: Surfaced 202 nm |
Submerged 4 nm |
16.00 |
DE 7587 |
Masthead in sight. It is a drifting unmanned lifeboat, was sunk with hand grenades |
SSW 3, 4/10,
Sea 2, (mist), Vis good |
12 - |
continued |
24.05.43 |
20.00 |
DE 7815 |
SSW 2, 3/10,
Sea 2, Vis. good |
21.55 |
Radio Message
. . . . 2.) On 25 May at 08.00 hours "Markworth"
switch to America II Circuit. |
24.00 |
DE 7764 |
W 2, Sea 1-2,
overcast |
25.05.43 |
SW 2, overcast,
Sea 2, Vis. bad, very dark night, no marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
DE 7784 |
08.00 |
DP 2314 |
Switched to
America II Circuit. |
12.00 |
DP 2222 |
run: Surfaced 171 nm. |
NW 1, overcast,
Sea 0, Vis. moderate, (mist) (rain) |
12.08 |
Crash dive for
training. |
16.00 |
DP 2215 |
18.51 |
EbyN 1, Sea
1, 7/10, (rain) |
Surfaced. |
19.55 |
Radio Message
Occupy attack areas: "Wintermeyer" area to the north, "Markworth"
south of the line CA 7698. "Bargsten" free to maneuver
in the whole area.
point 100-meter line. In the named sea, area apart from the situation report
from "U-129", no specific information concerning traffic. Expect
stronger land-based air day and night especially after being noticed. Radar. |
20.00 |
DP 2135 |
NE 1, 4/10,
light medium-long swells, misty |
24.00 |
DP 2115 |
26.05.43 |
04.00 |
DP 1325 |
NE 2, overcast,
long low swells, Vis. bad misty, medium marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DP 1235 |
SW 1, Sea 0,
overcast, (rain), mist, Vis. bad |
12.00 |
DP 1215 |
Day's run: Surfaced
136.5 nm |
SWbyW 1, 8/10,
slight swell, strong marine phosphorescence |
Submerged 18.5 nm
12.45 |
Crash dive for
training. |
16.00 |
DP 1136 |
18.43 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
DP 1126 |
Wind calm, 3/10,
Sea flat, misty, clear horizon |
13 - |
continued |
26.05.43 |
24.00 |
DO 3336 |
27.05.43 |
04.00 |
DO 3316 |
Wind calm, 5/10,
misty, Vis. bad, (fog), medium marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DO 3226 |
11.25 |
Crash dive for training. |
12.00 |
DO 3136 |
Day's run: Surfaced 131.5 nm |
Submerged 17.5 nm |
16.00 |
DO 3134 |
16.25 |
Wind calm, 1/10,
Sea like a duck pond, misty, Vis. moderate 5 nm |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
DO 3115 |
24.00 |
DD 8775 |
28.05.43 |
NW 1, 3/10,
Sea 0, misty, Vis. bad, light marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
DD 7986 |
WNW 1, 5/10,
Sea 0, strong marine phosphorescence, Vis. bad, misty, indistinct horizon
08.00 |
DD 7975 |
Heavy mist,
Vis. very poor, W 1, Sea 0, 4/10 |
11.16 |
Crash dive for training |
12.00 |
DD 7894 |
Day's run: Surfaced 150.5 nm |
Submerged 15.5 nm |
16.00 |
DD 7886 |
16.10 |
SW 1, Sea 1, 3/10, Vis. good |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
DD 7872 |
24.00 |
DD 7783 |
SW 1, 9/10, Sea 1, Vis. good |
29.05.43 |
04.00 |
DD 7772 |
SW 1, 1/10, Sea 1, Vis. moderate, misty |
08.00 |
DC 9991 |
11.43 |
SW 1, Sea 1,
2/10, Vis. moderate, light mist |
Crash dive for training. |
12.00 |
DC 9943 |
Day's run: Surfaced 120.5 nm |
Submerged 40.5 nm |
16.00 |
DC 9918 |
14 - |
continued |
29.05.43 |
18.00 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
DC 9835 |
SW 3, Sea 2, 6/10, Vis. good |
24.00 |
DC 9554 |
WSW 3-4, 3/10, Sea 2-3, Vis. good |
30.05.43 |
04.00 |
DC 9436 |
SW 3, overcast, Sea 2, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DC 9189 |
NW 3, Sea 2-3, 7/10, (rain) |
12.00 |
DC 9187 |
Day's run: Surfaced 134.5 nm |
NNW 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. good |
Submerged 18 nm |
16.00 |
DC 8393 |
N 2, Sea 1,
2/10, Vis. good, misty |
17.50 |
Crash dive for training. |
19.05 |
Surfaced. |
19.31 |
Crash dive for training. |
20.00 |
DC 8364 |
21.20 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
DC 8327 |
W 1, 5/10, Sea 0, Vis. good |
31.05.43 |
04.00 |
DC 5977 |
N 1, overcast, Sea 1, Vis. bad, misty, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DC 5883 |
Wind calm, Vis. moderate, heavy mist, indistinct horizon, strong marine phosphorescence |
11.02 |
Crash dive for training. |
12.00 |
DC 5846 |
Day's run: Surfaced 143 nm |
Submerged 10 nm |
13.11 |
Vis. good |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
DC 5817 |
WSW 1, 5/10, Sea 1, Vis. 12-14 nm |
20.00 |
DC 5731 |
W 1, Sea 1, 9/10, Vis. good |
24.00 |
DC 5448 |
SSE 1, 1/10, Sea 1, Vis. medium, indistinct horizon |
15 - |
01.06.43 |
04.00 |
DC 4638 |
08.00 |
DC 4616 |
W 1, blue sky,
flat sea, Vis. moderate |
11.41 |
Crash dive for
training. |
12.00 |
DC 4522 |
run: Surfaced 152.5
nm |
SW 1, blue sky,
Sea 1 |
Submerged 9
nm |
16.00 |
DC 4521 |
20.00 |
DC 4513 |
20.20 |
Surfaced. |
20.53 |
Crash dive for
training. |
24.00 |
DC 4277 |
02.06.43 |
01.59 |
W 2, blue sky,
Sea 1, Vis. moderate, no marine phosphorescence |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DC 4182 |
SSW 5, Sea 2,
blue sky |
08.00 |
DC 4171 |
11.35 |
WSW 3, Sea 2-3,
7/10 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DB 6368 |
run: Surfaced 75.5
nm |
Submerged 28.5 nm |
16.00 |
DB 6367 |
20.00 |
DB 6358 |
24.00 |
DB 6357 |
03.05.43 |
02.37 |
SW 3, blue sky,
Sea 2-3, no marine phosphorescence |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DB 6323 |
07.46 |
Crash dive for
radar detection! 140 cm, 2 x 5 seconds duration, 5 second
pause. |
08.00 |
DB 6319 |
10.43 |
SW 4, Sea 3,
blue sky |
Surfaced. |
11.38 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DB 6343 |
run: Surfaced 32.5
nm |
Submerged 36 nm |
16.00 |
DB 6348 |
20.00 |
DB 6371 |
24.00 |
DB 6374 |
04.06.43 |
SW 3, blue sky,
Sea 2, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
02.44 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DB 6651 |
WSW 2-3, Sea
2, overcast, Vis. good |
08.00 |
DB 6641 |
Vis. good |
11.42 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DB 6534 |
run: Surfaced 51.5
nm |
SW 2-3, blue
sky, Sea 2 |
Submerged 30 nm |
16.00 |
DB 6522 |
20.00 |
DB 6521 |
24.00 |
DB 6513 |
16 - |
05.06.43 |
02.45 |
Vis. very good,
starlit |
Surfaced. |
02.59 |
Crash dive for
radar detection 150 cm, Volume 2-3 and First growing higher and lower,
afterwards continuous tone. No indication on magic eye. |
04.00 |
DB 6268 |
05.05 |
Surfaced. |
08.00 |
DB 6297 |
W 3, blue sky,
Sea 2, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
11.40 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DB 6534 |
Day's run: Surfaced
26 nm |
Submerged 48.5 nm |
16.00 |
DB 6537 |
20.00 |
DB 6529 |
24.00 |
DB 6553 |
06.06.43 |
SW 1, 3/10,
Sea 1, misty, Vis. bad |
02.46 |
Surfaced. |
03.18 |
Crash dive for
radar detection. |
04.00 |
DB 6553 |
05.10 |
Vis. bad |
Surfaced. |
05.24 |
Radio Message
"Markworth" . . . . Report situation or position as
soon as you are detected. U-boat sighting report from naval square
DM 26. Attention is called to the Kommandant's Handbook Paragraph
354. |
08.00 |
DB 6554 |
SW 1, blue sky,
Sea 1, Vis. moderate, strong marine phosphorescence |
11.37 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DB 6439 |
Day's run: Surfaced 43.5
nm |
Submerged 18 nm |
16.00 |
DB 6439 |
20.00 |
DB 6461 |
24.00 |
DB 6466 |
07.06.43 |
02.50 |
Wind calm, blue
sky, misty, Vis. moderate, no marine phosphorescence |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DB 6544 |
SE 1, blue sky,
Sea 1, light marine phosphorescence, Vis. good |
08.00 |
DB 6546 |
11.38 |
S 1-2, blue
sky, Sea 1, Vis. moderate, thunderstorms, strong marine phosphorescence |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DB 6516 |
Day's run: Surfaced 52
nm |
Submerged 16 nm |
16.00 |
DB 6518 |
20.00 |
DB 6518 |
24.00 |
DB 6542 |
17 - |
08.06.43 |
02.54 |
S 2, 5/10, Sea 1, Vis. good |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DB 6291 |
SSW 1, overcast, no marine phosphorescence, summer lightening |
08.00 |
DB 6522 |
11.35 |
Dived |
12.00 |
DB 6288 |
Day's run: Surfaced 30.5 nm |
Submerged 36 nm |
16.00 |
DB 6288 |
16.20 - |
16.30 |
At periscope depth, afterwards quickly to depth A +20 meters for inbound aircraft type "Catalina". |
20.00 |
DB 6286 |
24.00 |
DB 6294 |
09.06.43 |
SSW 1, 2/10, Sea 1, Vis. good, summer lightening |
02.45 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DB 6291 |
08.00 |
DB 6522 |
12.00 |
DB 6276 |
Day's run: Surfaced 43.5 nm |
SSW 2, 5/10, Sea 2, Vis. good |
Submerged 16 nm |
15.07 |
Sound bearing 20°T. |
16.00 |
DB 6282 |
16.12 |
Aircraft. |
16.15 |
To Action Stations! |
16.39 |
Tanker bearing 355°T, target angle left 80°, 10 nm range. |
17.32 |
Second tanker bearing 165°T, target angle left 50°, 10 nm range. Both tankers protected by airships and Catalina's. Attempt to reach an advantageous position in relation to the second tanker submerged. To reach the first is hopeless. At the limit of range a 3 fan on the tanker which zigs away shortly after the shot. |
General course 20°, torpedo course 85.5°, target speed 15 knots, range = 5000 meters, target angle 82° bow left. |
Chasing after is hopeless for me, because both are making general speed of 15 knots. With my diesel I can make only 13-14 knots and because of the air must go around far off. Because up to now we are unnoticed, pursuit broken off. |
17.50 |
Secured from Action Stations |
20.00 |
DB 6259 |
20.21 |
Semi-rigid airship sighted bearing 290°T, course 25°. |
20.50 |
SW 2, 2/10, Sea 3, Vis. good |
Airship out of sight. |
24.00 |
DB 6267 |
18 - |
10.06.43 |
02.59 |
S 2, Sea 2, 2/10, Vis. good, summer lightening, no marine phosphorescence |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DB 6268 |
SW 4, Sea 3, 5/10, heavy summer lightening |
08.00 |
DB 6283 |
Vis. worsening,
thunderstorms, NW 4, Sea 3, overcast |
12.00 |
DB 6285 |
Day's run: Surfaced 47 nm |
Submerged 38.5 nm |
16.00 |
DB 6283 |
16.30 |
Flying boat "Catalina" course 200°, bearing 60°T. |
17.10 |
Flying boat bearing 240°T. |
17.11 |
2 flying boats bearing 60°T, to depth A -10 meters. |
18.14 |
Periscope depth. |
20.00 |
DB 6283 |
20.02 |
Masthead bearing 200°T. |
20.18 |
Tanker bearing 199°T on general course 20°, 15 knots. |
20.58 |
DB 6294 |
Single shots from tubes V and VI. |
Target speed 13 knots, target angle 90°, range = 500 meters, depth = 8 and 5 meters. |
After 28 seconds hit amidships. Tanker gives off many secondary detonations, from the location of the hit from the front to the stern running upward and afterwards collapsing. Burns immediately about the entire length with the exception of the forecastle. 2nd hit in the stern, this breaks off and sinks immediately. Foredeck capsizes, afterwards only a sea of flames. Tanker was over 150 meters in length, estimated "New construction 10000 GRT" had set international identification signal Lucie 74. |
24.00 |
DB 6294 |
11.06.43 |
SSE 2, 8/10, Sea 2, Vis. good, summer lightening, moonlit, no marine phosphorescence |
01.30 |
Foreship sunk. |
02.53 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DB 6377 |
Light marine phosphorescence, WbyS 1, Sea 1-2, 4/10, Vis. moderate, heavy summer lightening |
08.00 |
DB 6234 |
11.35 |
WSW 1, Sea 1, 1/10 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DB 6513 |
Day's run: Surfaced 55.5 nm |
Submerged 28 nm |
13.43 |
Sound bearing. |
13.45 |
To Action Stations. |
13.48 |
Steamer bearing 132°T, airship escort, medium size passenger steamer, speed 15 knots, target angle 90°. |
14.05 |
To A +40 meters, secured from Action Stations. |
16.00 |
DB 6287 |
19 - |
continued |
11.06.43 |
19.17 |
Quickly to A +0 meters for 2 fast land-based aircraft. |
20.00 |
DB 6285 |
22.06 |
Quickly to A -20 meters for 2 fast aircraft. |
24.00 |
DB 6294 |
12.06.43 |
Vis. good, moonshine, no marine phosphorescence |
02.55 |
SE 1, 6/10, Sea 2 |
Surfaced |
04.00 |
DB 6292 |
08.00 |
DB 6523 |
ESE 2, Sea 2, 5/10, Vis. good, heavy summer lightening and marine phosphorescence |
11.14 |
White light bearing 280°, airship. |
11.24 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DB 6285 |
Day's run: Surfaced 50.5 nm |
Submerged 29.5 nm |
12.30 |
Airships bearing 210°T and 70°T. |
15.40 |
Airship bearing 20°T course 180°. |
16.00 |
DB 6294 |
16.08 |
Flying boat bearing 220°T, type "Martin". |
16.17 |
Flying boat out of sight bearing 310°T. |
16.29 |
Flying boat in approach bearing 240°T very low, quickly to depth A -10 meters. |
20.00 |
DB 6293 |
20.17 |
Flying boat bearing 291°T to depth A -35 meters. |
21.02 |
Flying boat bearing 36.5°T to depth A -35 meters. |
24.00 |
DB 6372 |
13.06.43 |
EbyS 3-4, 4/10, Sea 3, Vis. good, moonshine |
01.00 |
Airship bearing 339°T. |
01.36 |
Radio Message . . . . "Markworth" report situation or if no insights position. |
02.50 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DB 6381 |
08.00 |
DB 6374 |
SE 2, 3/10, Sea 1, Vis. good |
12.00 |
DB 6292 |
Day's run: Surfaced 64 nm |
Vis. medium, moonshine, light marine phosphorescence |
Submerged 15 nm |
16.00 |
DB 6269 |
17.22 |
Flying boat bearing 270°T SE course. |
20.00 |
DB 6347 |
24.00 |
DB 6344 |
14.06.43 |
SEbyE 2, 3/10, Sea 1, Vis. good, moonshine |
02.57 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DB 6348 |
20 - |
continued |
14.06.43 |
SSW 1, 3/10, Sea 1, Vis. good |
08.00 |
DB 6291 |
ESE 1, Sea 1, 1/10, Vis. good |
12.00 |
DB 6291 |
Day's run: Surfaced 69.5 nm |
Submerged 46 nm |
16.00 |
DB 6292 |
19.59 |
Airship bearing 90°T. |
20.00 |
DB 6269 |
22.45 |
Airship out of sight. |
23.25 |
Airship bearing 65°T, NE course. |
24.00 |
DB 6344 |
15.06.43 |
00.20 |
E 1, 1/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
Airship out of sight bearing 145°T. |
02.57 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DB 6348 |
Vis. medium, misty horizon, bright moonshine, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DB 6264 |
11.26 |
SSE 1, Sea 0, 9/10, Vis. moderate, summer lightening |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DB 6255 |
Day's run: Surfaced 69 nm |
Submerged 40 nm |
13.47 |
Airship bearing 229°T. |
15.00 |
3 fighter bombers 220°T, very high. |
16.00 |
DB 6255 |
17.07 |
Airship on the horizon bearing 315°T bow right target angle 80° course 55°, turns away and again passes from sight. |
20.00 |
DB 6256 |
24.00 |
DB 6264 |
16.06.43 |
02.31 |
Airship bearing 272°T. |
04.00 |
DB 6264 |
04.04 |
SW 1, rough Sea, overcast, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
Radio Message 1.) 23 May freighter 120°, 16 knots, hunted in DE 81. |
2.) 9 June miss on 2 large tankers. |
08.00 |
DB 6373 |
10 June newly constructed tanker sunk with MZ, nothing since then. All on course 20°, 15 knots, air escort DB 6280. |
3.) Continuous air, airship, flying boat, fighter bombers along the 200-meter line. Enemy radar detection up to now only by night route DB 30. |
4.) 10 x 8 torpedoes, 130 cbm. High pressure with thunderstorms going to the east during the full moon. |
"Markworth" |
08.43 |
Radio Message . . . . 4.) Markworth report situation or position, if detected. Several sighting reports are from your operations area. |
11.30 |
SW 1, Sea 1, 1/10, Vis. good |
Dived. |
21 - |
continued |
16.06.43 |
12.00 |
DB 6397 |
Day's run: Surfaced 67.5 nm |
Submerged 27 nm |
12.34 |
Masthead in sight bearing 307°T. |
12.55 |
To Action Stations! |
13.10 |
It is a USA Coast Guard cutter type "CAMPBELL". |
14.02 |
Masthead out of sight |
16.00 |
DB 6623 |
17.31 |
Flying boat bearing 120°T, altitude 100 meters, to depth A -20 meters. |
20.00 |
DB 6631 |
20.23 |
Aircraft bearing 180°T, 5000 meters distant. |
24.00 |
DB 6632 |
17.06.43 |
SW 1, blue sky,
Sea 0, Vis. very good, moonshine |
02.50 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DC 4176 |
05.45 |
Crash dive for training. |
05.55 |
SE 3, blue sky,
Sea 3, Vis. good, bright moonshine, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DC 4432 |
11.27 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DC 4543 |
Day's run: Surfaced 71 nm |
SW 2-3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. good |
Submerged 24nm |
16.00 |
DC 4551 |
20.00 |
DC 4551 |
24.00 |
DC 4555 |
18.06.43 |
02.24 |
SSE 2, 5/10, Sea 2, Vis. good, moonshine, marine phosphorescence |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DC 4569 |
SW 2, 3/10, Sea 2 |
08.00 |
DC 4682 |
11.49 |
Crash dive for training. |
12.00 |
DC 5471 |
Day's run: Surfaced 101.5 nm |
SbyW 2, 3/10, Sea 2, light summer lightening, no marine phosphorescence |
Submerged 23 nm |
14.13 |
Surfaced. |
15.24 |
Crash dive for training. |
16.00 |
DC 5473 |
SSE 1, 4/10, Sea 1, Vis. good |
20.00 |
DC 5481 |
20.07 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
DC 5493 |
NW 2, 2/10, Sea 1, Vis. good, moonshine |
22 - |
19.06.43 |
04.00 |
DC 5573 |
08.00 |
DC 5556 |
11.42 |
Crash dive for
training. |
12.00 |
DC 5536 |
Day's run: Surfaced
126.5 nm |
SE 1, 4/10,
Sea 1, Vis. good, bright moonshine, summer lightening, no marine phosphorescence |
Submerged 14.5 nm
13.25 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
DC 5538 |
WSW 2-3, 6/10,
Sea 2, Vis. good |
20.00 |
DC 5537 |
22.40 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
DC 5552 |
SW 2-3, Sea
1-2, 6/10, Vis. good |
20.06.43 |
04.00 |
DC 5493 |
SW 2, 4/10,
Sea 1, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DC 5486 |
10.12 |
SbyW 2, Sea
1, 3/10 |
Crash dive for
training, radar detection. |
10.23 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
DC 5471 |
Day's run: Surfaced
112.5 nm |
EbyS 2, Sea
1, 5/10, Vis. good, heavy summer lightening, no marine phosphorescence |
Submerged 16.5 nm
16.00 |
DC 5456 |
SW 1, Sea 0,
7/10 |
20.00 |
DC 5444 |
EbyS 1, Sea
0, 6/10 |
24.00 |
DC 5428 |
21.06.43 |
SbyE 1, 4/10,
Sea 1, misty, Vis. bad, summer lightening, no marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
DC 5451 |
S 1-2, Sea 1,
7/10, Vis. good, moonshine |
08.00 |
DC 5438 |
11.49 |
Crash dive for
training. |
12.00 |
DC 5551 |
Day's run: Surfaced
182.5 nm |
EbyS 1, 5/10,
Sea flat, Vis. good, moonshine, heavy summer lightening, no marine phosphorescence |
Submerged 2 nm
23 - |
continued |
21.06.43 |
14.04 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
DC 5561 |
SE 1, Sea 0, 5/10 |
20.00 |
DC 5567 |
24.00 |
DC 5821 |
SSE 1, 9/10, Sea 0, Vis. good |
22.06.43 |
04.00 |
DC 5835 |
SE 1, Sea 0, 6/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DC 5588 |
11.44 |
Crash dive for training. |
12.00 |
DC 5588 |
Day's run: Surfaced 173 nm |
SE 1, drizzle,
9/10, Sea 0, Vis. bad, summer lightening, (thunderstorms) |
Submerged 5 nm |
16.00 |
DC 5589 |
17.15 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
DC 5677 |
EbyS 2, 3/10, Sea 1, 3/10 |
24.00 |
DC 5586 |
SbyE 2, 4/10, Sea 1, Vis. very good |
23.06.43 |
SbyE 2, 3/10, Sea 1, Vis. very good, light marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
DC 5581 |
08.00 |
DC 5547 |
09.57 |
S 3, overcast
(rain), Sea 2, Vis. very poor |
Dived. |
10.45 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
DC 5468 |
Day's run: Surfaced 138 nm |
SE 3, 5/10, Sea 2, Vis. good, moonshine, light summer lightening |
Submerged 9 nm |
16.00 |
DC 5554 |
20.00 |
DC 5466 |
SE 3-4, Sea 3, 8/10, Vis. very good |
24.00 |
DC 5451 |
24.06.43 |
S 2-3, Sea 3, 3/10, Vis. changing, no marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
DC 4664 |
08.00 |
DC 4654 |
11.26 |
Moonshine, marine phosphorescence |
Dived. |
24 - |
continued |
24.06.43 |
12.00 |
DC 4569 |
Day's run: Surfaced 182 nm |
SbyE 3, 8/10, Sea 3, Vis. good, moonshine, marine phosphorescence |
Submerged 2 nm |
16.00 |
DC 4568 |
20.00 |
DC 4591 |
24.00 |
DC 4583 |
25.06.43 |
SE 4-5, Sea 4, 6/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
02.32 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DC 4548 |
08.00 |
DC 4468 |
SE 4, Sea 4,
overcast (rain), Vis. moderate to bad, light summer lightening, strong marine phosphorescence |
09.25 |
Crash dive for radar detection. |
12.00 |
DC 4456 |
Day's run: Surfaced 40 nm |
Submerged 29 nm |
16.00 |
DC 4458 |
20.00 |
DC 4458 |
24.00 |
DC 4481 |
SE 4-5, Sea
4, overcast (rain), Vis. medium |
26.06.43 |
00.20 |
Radio Message 1.) Wintermeyer and Markworth free to maneuver in entire coastal area. |
2.) . . . . . . |
02.54 |
Surfaced. |
SE 3-4, Sea 3, 8/10, Vis. moderate, light summer lightening, strong marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
DC 4481 |
Vis. changing |
08.00 |
DC 4471 |
11.25 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DB 6694 |
Day's run: Surfaced 51.5 nm |
SSE 4-5, Sea
4, overcast lightening, Vis. moderate, marine phosphorescence |
Submerged 27 nm |
16.00 |
DB 6689 |
20.00 |
DB 6688 |
24.00 |
DB 6923 |
S 4, Sea 3-4, 7/10, Vis. moderate, medium marine phosphorescence |
25 - |
27.06.43 |
02.50 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DC 4474 |
SSE 4, Sea 4, 8/10, Vis. medium, in squalls SSE 6, Sea 5-6, Vis. very poor (under 2 nm), strong marine phosphorescence |
06.15 |
Radio Message As attack areas occupy. . . . |
5.) "Markworth". . . . with coming new moon period again go close under the coast. |
08.00 |
DC 4721 |
SE 3-4, Sea 3-4, 8/10, Vis. moderate, strong marine phosphorescence |
11.24 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DC 4716 |
Day's run: Surfaced 50 nm |
Submerged 29.5 nm |
16.00 |
DC 4715 |
20.00 |
DC 4715 |
24.00 |
DC 4714 |
28.06.43 |
S 2-3, Sea 2,
6/10, Vis. good, overcast, clear horizon, no marine phosphorescence |
02.52 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DB 6931 |
08.00 |
DB 6913 |
SSW 2-3, Sea 2, 3/10, Vis. good, strong marine phosphorescence |
11.34 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DB 6599 |
Day's run: Surfaced 48 nm |
Submerged 24.5 nm |
16.00 |
DB 6599 |
20.00 |
DB 6832 |
22.55 |
2 flying boats, type "Consolidated PB 2Y" bearing 210°T 10000 meters distant, course 70°. |
22.58 |
Flying boats out of sight bearing 100°T. |
24.00 |
DB 6834 |
29.06.43 |
03.06 |
Surfaced. |
EbyS 4-5, Sea 3, 3/10, Vis. good, strong marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
DB 6852 |
08.00 |
DB 6815 |
11.31 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DB 6217 |
Day's run: Surfaced 51 nm |
SSW 3, Sea 2, 3/10, Vis. good, summer lightening, strong marine phosphorescence |
Submerged 27 nm |
15.31 - |
Flying boat to starboard 5000 meter distant, course 100°. |
16.00 |
DB 6516 |
26 - |
continued |
29.06.43 |
18.10 |
Airship bearing
0°, course 200-210°. |
19.14 |
Airship out
of sight bearing 265°. |
20.00 |
DB 6283 |
24.00 |
DB 6294 |
30.6.43 |
SW 3-4, Sea
3, 2/10, Vis. good, summer lightening |
03.15 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DB 6371 |
Light marine
phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DB 6292 |
11.30 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DB 6282 |
Day's run: Surfaced 70.5
nm |
SSW 3, Sea 2-3,
7/10, lightening, Vis. good, marine phosphorescence |
Submerged 24 nm |
12.45 |
1st airship bearing
250°T, course 90°. |
13.32 |
2nd airship bearing
30.7°T, course 40-50°. |
15.59 |
3rd airship bearing
72.5°T, course 220°. |
16.00 |
DB 6259 |
16.42 |
3rd airship out
of sight bearing 159°T. |
17.54 |
Flying boat
bearing 162°T, course 270°, type "Consolidated PB Y 1".
17.58 |
Flying boat
turns to approach went to depth A -20 meters. |
20.00 |
DB 6266 |
24.00 |
DB 6342 |
01.07.43 |
S 2-3, Sea 2,
5/10, lightening, Vis. good, clear horizon |
03.00 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DB 6351 |
08.00 |
DB 6371 |
Marine phosphorescence |
10.22 - |
10.27 |
Oil slick passed
at the sinking location of my tanker. |
11.30 |
S 3, Sea 2-3,
4/10, lightening, strong marine phosphorescence |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DB 6283 |
Day's run: Surfaced
65 nm |
Submerged 30.5 nm |
15.14 |
Airship in sight
bearing 42°T, course 220°, to depth A -30 meters. |
15.58 |
S 2, Sea 2-3,
4/10, Vis. good |
Airship bearing
175°T, course 220°. |
16.00 |
DB 6267 |
16.38 |
Airship out
of sight bearing 208°. |
20.00 |
DB 6268 |
24.00 |
DB 6266 |
27 - |
02.07.43 |
03.00 |
SE 2, Sea 1
8/10, lightening, Vis. good |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DB 6269 |
S 2, Sea 1-2,
7/10, lightening, Vis. medium to bad, medium marine phosphorescence |
05.40 |
Shadow bearing approximately 200°T, course 40°. Shadow is a loaded tanker, zigzagging around course 40°. Because despite my highest speed the tanker is comming closer and the target angle will only grow larger I decide to attack immediately. This tanker cannot be allowed to pass. Therefore: |
06.07 |
1.) Two-fan, target speed 14 knots, target angle 80°. |
06.09 |
2.) Two-fan, target speed 12 knots, target angle 90°. |
With the first firing 3 shots are made due to a switch error in the conning tower Tube I T 3 |
Tube IV T 2 |
Tube II T 2 |
both T 2s run at a distance of 10 meters behind each other. As a result the second fan is only 1 shot. Estimated range 2000 meters. Of course the distance was underestimated again. Hit after 5 min 6 sec. Range was 4700 meters. Tanker transmits on 600 meters. Because we are only 80 nm from Charleston and the tanker is still moving decide on a coup de grâce. |
Tube VI at 1000 meters past. |
Tube V hit in the engine room. |
06.30 |
DB 6374 |
Tanker sinks by the stern and floats for a short time by the forecastle. |
Measured length of the steamer more than 150 meters (binoculars and fixed range yields 160 meters) |
Estimated target angle and speed were wrong. At the shot the target angle was smaller and the speed higher. The mistakes balanced themselves out and still resulted in a stern hit |
07.08 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
DB 6374 |
11.58 |
Airship bearing 296°T. |
12.00 |
DB 6376 |
Day's run: Surfaced 70.5 nm |
S 2, 5/10, Vis. medium |
Submerged 50.5 nm |
12.55 |
Airship bearing 290°T, circling course. |
13.05 |
Flying boat bearing 290°T, course 0°. |
15.55 |
Airship bears 274°T. |
16.00 |
DB 6384 |
16.40 |
To depth A -10 meters. |
18.00 |
To periscope depth. |
Airship bearing 282°T. |
20.00 |
DB 6386 |
21.56 |
Destroyer masthead in sight bearing 306°T. |
22.13 |
Masthead out of sight bearing 293°T. |
24.00 |
DB 6394 |
28 - |
03.07.43 |
SW 1, Sea 1,
8/10, mist, Vis. medium, marine phosphorescence |
02.50 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DC 4174 |
06.06 |
Radio Message delivered repeatedly, was not understood. |
08.00 |
DC 4423 |
11.19 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DC 4542 |
Day's run: Surfaced 81 nm |
SW 2, Sea 1,
7/10, lightening, Vis. good, strong marine phosphorescence |
Submerged 54.5 nm |
15.15 |
Flying boat bearing 254°T, course 30-40°. |
15.20 |
To depth A +10 meters. |
15.30 |
At periscope depth, flying boat out of sight. |
15.45 |
Flying boat bearing 30°, circling. |
15.46 |
To depth A -20 meters. |
16.00 |
DC 4543 |
20.00 |
DC 4551 |
ENE 3-4, Sea 2, 7/10 |
20.44 |
Flying boat bearing 171°T, course 270°. |
20.46 |
Flying boat out of sight. |
21.40 |
Flying boat bearing 161.5°T, course 100°. |
23.07 |
Flying boat bearing 135°T out of sight. |
24.00 |
DC 4555 |
04.07.43 |
NNW 2, Sea 1-2, 5/10, Vis. moderate |
02.31 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DC 4596 |
04.37 |
Radio Message again sent: |
From "Markworth" tanker sunk DB 62, 15 knots, 20°. Air as before, low Seas, 4 x 8, 88 cbm, 20 day's provisions. Request supply. |
Missing serial number. . . . . |
Situation in DC 50. |
08.00 |
DC 4679 |
NW 2, Sea 1, 8/10, (rain), medium marine phosphorescence |
09.33 |
Radio Message To "Markworth" report situation or position. |
10.00 |
S 1-2, Sea 1, 8/10 |
11.35 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DC 4934 |
Day's run: Surfaced 96 nm |
SSE 1-2, Sea 1, 8/10, Vis. moderate occasionally degraded in rain squalls, light marine phosphorescence |
Submerged 38 nm |
13.07 |
Flying boat bearing 195°T, flies in circles. |
13.10 |
To depth A +40 meters. |
15.00 |
To depth A -20 meters. |
15.13 |
To periscope depth. |
16.00 |
DC 4939 |
29 - |
continued |
04.07.43 |
19.47 |
Flying boat
bearing 33.5°T, course 95°. |
19.53 |
Flying boat
out of sight. |
20.00 |
DC 5741 |
24.00 |
DC 5742 |
05.07.43 |
SbyE 2, Sea
2, 7/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
02.10 |
Surfaced. |
02.35 |
Begin torpedo
work topside, make ready for loading. |
02.35 |
2, Sea 2, 7/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
Radio Message
1.) . . . . |
2.) "Markworth"
reported provision stocks of 20 days appears very low. If 10-14
days operations are still possible in a current attack area, fuel oil
and provision supply is intended in DF 60. If "no", return
transit in accordance with provision stock and provision supply roughly
in named position, report again. |
04.00 |
DC 5754 |
08.00 |
DC 5765 |
10.23 |
Torpedo loading
completed. Tubes 3 and 9 not unloaded because they were flooded. |
11.15 |
Work topside completed. |
11.37 |
SSE 1, Sea 1,
3/10, lightening, Vis. good, strong marine phosphorescence |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DC 5756 |
run: Surfaced 54
nm |
Submerged 27 nm |
16.00 |
DC 5755 |
20.00 |
DC 5754 |
24.00 |
DC 5746 |
06.07.43 |
SE 2, Sea 2,
5/10, Vis. good |
00.05 |
Steamer bearing
320°T. |
To Action Stations! |
Steamer runs
at 15 knots, Type "LASSIN" has undeployed torpedo nets. |
with wild zigzags. Turns sharply towards me across the bow.
Would like to shoot, because this turn is towards me contrary to his other
5-10 zigzags about 50-60° every 1-2 minutes. Target angle 0°,
range 1000 meters. This may be a coincidence, since I have shown the periscope
only very sparsely. Hopefully he will still zigzag away. At 250 meters, target
angle 0° dive quickly but the boat does not get under. Negative
buoyancy tank flooded. In spite of high speed and afterwards AK.
Steamer goes exactly over my No. 1 vent valve hatch. Forces my net
deflector to the side and damages the upper deck. The spindle bearing
of the flood valve for the starboard negative buoyancy tank is damaged
during the ramming, it will only close at diving depths between 5 and
40 meters. The damage cannot be repaired. |
30 - |
continued |
06.07.43 |
01.05 |
To periscope depth, steamer bearing 140° on the horizon. |
01.11 |
Secure from Action Stations. |
01.33 |
Surfaced, chased after. Again the same song. I can only make 14-15.5 knots, the enemy runs at 15-16 knots. I hunt several hours behind again in vain. |
04.00 |
DC 8127 |
SE 2, Sea 2, 4-5/10, Vis. good |
06.04 |
SbyE 2, Sea
2, 7/10, lightening, Vis. good |
Radio Message sent: Day attack on tanker type "LASSIN" course 150°, rammed slightly. 4 x 6 x 2 out of service [torpedoes] 84 cbm. Was loaded for 13 weeks. Return transit 16 July. Enemy radar detection on 26 June 140 cm horizontally polarized barely audible, very quiet tone, strong indication in the magic eye. |
"Markworth" |
08.00 |
DC 8111 |
11.25 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
Day's run: Surfaced 107 nm |
Submerged 25.5 nm |
16.00 |
DC 4956 |
17.15 |
Aircraft bearing 195°T, course 270°. |
17.22 |
Aircraft bearing 228°T out of sight. |
20.00 |
DC 4951 |
24.00 |
DC 4919 |
07.07.43 |
02.35 |
Surfaced. |
SSW 3, Sea 3, 6/10, Vis. good, faint moonshine |
04.00 |
DC 4941 |
08.00 |
DC 4852 |
11.30 |
SW 3-4, Sea
3, 8/10, lightening, Vis. good |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DC 4814 |
Day's run: Surfaced 78 nm |
Submerged 43 nm |
16.00 |
DC 4738 |
20.00 |
DC 4738 |
23.40 |
7-8 detonations heard, far distant. |
24.00 |
DC 4737 |
08.07.43 |
02.45 |
Surfaced. |
SSW 4, Sea 3, 7/10, Vis. good, weak moonshine |
04.00 |
DC 4751 |
SSW 3, 6/10 |
08.00 |
DB 6962 |
11.37 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DB 6919 |
Day's run: Surfaced 70 nm |
SW 2, Sea 1-2, 3/10, Vis. medium-good, light marine phosphorescence |
Submerged 29 nm |
31 - |
continued |
08.07.43 |
15.30 |
Flying boat bearing 280°T. |
16.00 |
DB 6942 |
20.00 |
DB 6941 |
24.00 |
DB 6863 |
09.07.43 |
SSE 2, Sea 1-2,
7/10, lightening, Vis. good, weak moonshine, marine phosphorescence |
02.55 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DB 6864 |
08.00 |
DB 6857 |
09.45 |
S 2, Sea 1-2,
9/10, mist, Vis. medium, marine phosphorescence |
09.45 |
To "Markworth" |
On 5 July the Fürher awarded you the Knight's Cross. Warmest congratulations. |
Ob.dM and B.d.U. |
EbyS 2, Sea
1, 7/10, lightening, Vis. good, strong marine phosphorescence |
11.35 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DB 6762 |
Day's run: Surfaced 60 nm |
Submerged 24 nm |
12.52 |
Aircraft (land-based) bearing 7°T, course 180°. |
14.30 |
2 aircraft bearing 20°T, course W. |
15.47 |
Flying boat bearing 180°T, course roughly 90°. Turned towards the boat. Went to depth A +0 meters. |
16.00 |
DB 6739 |
20.00 |
DB 6814 |
24.00 |
DB 6678 |
10.07.43 |
02.59 |
SSE 3, Sea 2, 6/10, Vis. good, moonshine, light marine phosphorescence |
Surfaced. |
03.55 |
Radio Message
To Kommandant "U-66" congratulations on the award of the
Knight's Cross, warmest congratulations from
F.d.U. West |
04.00 |
DB 8581 |
SbyE 3, Sea 2, 5/10, Vis. good, strong marine phosphorescence |
05.21 |
Radio Message "Markworth" warm congratulations to you and your men. Furthermore good fortune and happy homecoming. |
Chef 3. U.-Flottille |
08.00 |
DB 6585 |
11.40 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DB 6579 |
Day's run: Surfaced 49 nm |
Submerged 30 nm |
15.50 |
Aircraft bearing 355°T, course 45°. |
16.00 |
DB 6549 |
20.00 |
DB 6527 |
24.00 |
DB 6522 |
32 - |
11.07.43 |
03.03 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DB 6885 |
SSW 2, Sea 1, 3/10, Vis. good, later very bad due to heavy mist |
08.00 |
DB 6526 |
Vis. changing
in thunderstorms, strong marine phosphorescence, overcast, rain, thunder,
lightening |
08.31 |
Dived. |
08.52 |
Surfaced. |
11.35 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DB 6524 |
Day's run: Surfaced 48 nm |
Wind calm, 6-8/10,
mist, gloomy weather |
Submerged 24.5 nm |
16.00 |
DB 6522 |
20.00 |
DB 6523 |
24.00 |
DB 6298 |
12.07.43 |
03.00 |
SbyE 1, 2/10, Vis. good, moonshine, marine phosphorescence |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DB 6299 |
08.00 |
DB 6612 |
11.22 |
Dived. |
SW 1, 2/10, Vis. good, indistinct horizon, strong marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
DE 6614 |
Day's run: Surfaced 52.5 nm |
Submerged 24 nm |
16.00 |
DB 6617 |
16.36 |
Aircraft bearing 352°, quickly to depth A +20 meters. |
20.00 |
DB 6618 |
24.00 |
DB 6618 |
13.07.43 |
SSE 2, Sea 1, 4/10, Vis. good, moonshine, no marine phosphorescence |
02.59 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DB 6619 |
08.00 |
DB 6665 |
11.30 |
Dived. |
S 2, Sea 1-2,
2/10, mist, Vis. good |
12.00 |
DC 4473 |
Day's run: Surfaced 73 nm |
Submerged 25 nm |
16.00 |
DC 4481 |
20.00 |
DC 4482 |
22.00 |
Radio Message
To Kptlt. "Markworth" |
On the award of the Knight's Cross I send you and your brave crew warm congratulations. |
Raeder, Großadmiral |
24.00 |
DC 4486 |
33 - |
14.07.43 |
02.30 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DC 4492 |
05.37 |
Crash dive for training. |
05.45 |
Surfaced. |
07.56 |
Crash dive for training. |
08.00 |
DC 4879 |
Surfaced. |
11.34 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DC 4829 |
Day's run: Surfaced 70 nm |
SSE 1-2, Sea 1, 6/10, Vis. good, moonshine, no marine phosphorescence |
Submerged 24 nm |
16.00 |
DC 4837 |
20.00 |
DC 4838 |
24.00 |
DC 4862 |
15.07.43 |
02.19 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DC 4863 |
08.00 |
DC 4957 |
SSE 1-2, Sea 1, 4/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
11.31 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DC 4995 |
Day's run: Surfaced 76 nm |
S 1, Sea 1, 2/10, Vis. good, moonshine, no marine phosphorescence |
Submerged 25 nm |
16.00 |
DC 4999 |
20.00 |
DC 4999 |
24.00 |
DC 5777 |
16.07.43 |
02.22 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DC 8113 |
SSE 2-3, Sea 2, 9/10, Vis. good, bright moonshine |
08.00 |
DC 8122 |
11.29 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DC 8134 |
Day's run: Surfaced 52 nm |
S 2-3, Sea 2, 8/10, Vis. bad, short periods of moonshine, no marine phosphorescence |
Submerged 24 nm |
16.00 |
DC 8126 |
20.00 |
DC 8125 |
24.00 |
DC 8124 |
17.07.43 |
02.05 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DC 8122 |
08.00 |
DC 5776 |
11.31 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DC 5746 |
Day's run: Surfaced 63 nm |
2, Sea 2, 7-8/10, passing showers, mist, no marine phosphorescence, Vis.
12 nm 3 nm in passing showers |
Submerged 22 nm |
34 - |
continued |
17.07.43 |
16.00 |
DC 5754 |
20.00 |
DC 5754 |
24.00 |
DC 5746 |
18.07.43 |
02.00 |
Surfaced. |
SbyW 2, Sea 1-2, 2/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
DC 5746 |
08.00 |
DC 5783 |
SSE 2, Sea 2, 3/10 |
11.44 |
Crash dive for training. |
12.00 |
DC 8122 |
Day's run: Surfaced 53 nm |
SSW 1-2, Sea 1, 2/10, Vis. good, moonshine |
Submerged 23 nm |
16.00 |
DC 8124 |
20.00 |
DC 8121 |
24.00 |
DC 5787 |
19.07.43 |
02.25 |
SW 2, Sea 1, 5/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DC 5757 |
08.00 |
DC 5767 |
SbyW 3-4, W 2, Sea 1, 1/10, Vis. good, bright moonshine |
11.39 |
Crash dive for training. |
12.00 |
DC 5782 |
Day's run: Surfaced 54 nm |
Submerged 22 nm |
16.00 |
DC 5785 |
20.00 |
DC 5768 |
24.00 |
DC 8122 |
20.07.43 |
01.52 |
Surfaced. |
03.19 |
Radio Message sent: Nothing from DA 67 to 62, only medium east-west sea air. Missing Serial Numbers . . . . . 65 cbm, return transit DB 73 all naval squares. Request Metox, because sensitivity reduced after onboard repair, high pressure weather. |
Markworth |
04.00 |
DC 8126 |
S 2-3, Sea 2, 7/10, (rain) |
08.00 |
DC 8241 |
11.21 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DC 8273 |
Day's run: Surfaced 85 nm |
SSW 3, Sea 2, 6/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
Submerged 22 nm |
16.00 |
DC 8284 |
20.00 |
DC 8288 |
24.00 |
DC 8289 |
35 - |
21.07.43 |
01.51 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DC 8642 |
04.13 |
SSE 2-3, Sea
2, 5/10, lighting, Vis. medium |
Radio Message "Markworth" after supply return transit to Kiel is planned. |
06.02 |
Radio Message "Markworth" report weather during the night of 21 July. |
08.00 |
DC 8691 |
12.00 |
DC 9714 |
Day's run: Surfaced 106 nm |
SSE 2-3, Sea
2, 4/10, lighting, Vis. good |
Submerged 26 nm |
16.00 |
DC 9718 |
20.00 |
DC 9719 |
20.50 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
DC 9756 |
SbyE 1-2, Sea 1, 5/10, Vis. good |
22.07.43 |
04.00 |
DC 9878 |
Masts in sight to port, a US tanker on general course 170°. Maneuvering ahead at AK. |
SbyE 1, Sea 1, 5/10, Vis. good |
08.00 |
DN 3397 |
SbyE 1, Sea 0-1, 6/10, Vis. good, bright moonlight, moon occasionally blocked by clouds, no marine phosphorescence |
08.50 |
SbyE 1, Sea 0, 5/10, Vis. good |
To Action Stations! |
08.54 |
Dived. |
09.16 |
Fan from tubes I, III, II |
09.19 |
1. Hit target speed = 15.5 knots |
09.20 |
2. Hit target angle = 73° bow right |
09.25 |
Surfaced. range = 2000 meters |
depth = 3 meters |
Effect not observed because the boat dipped under again. |
New maneuver ahead, last chance to approach the tanker in twilight, otherwise I must let it pass. |
11.16 |
Fan from tubes I, III, IV target speed = 9 |
target angle = 75° bow right |
range = 3000 meters |
Enemy sights bubbles track and turns away. After discovering the boat the enemy shoots with artillery (15) cm and anti-aircraft weapons |
11.23 |
Dived. |
11.50 |
"Secure from Action Stations!" |
Tanker passes out of sight with increasing list. |
Chasing after is useless, because the seas are increasing and the starboard diesel can only run at HF and because the battery is empty because of use of the E-motor to supplement the diesels during the night. |
36 - |
continued |
22.07.43 |
12.00 |
DN 3692 |
Day's run: Surfaced 159 nm |
SSE 2, Sea 1, 3/10, Vis. very good, no marine phosphorescence |
Submerged 17 nm |
16.00 |
DN 3692 |
20.00 |
DN 3668 |
24.00 |
DN 3665 |
23.07.43 |
00.57 |
E 1-2, Sea 1, 3/10, Vis. good, moderate marine phosphorescence |
Surfaced. |
02.17 |
Radio Message sent: US tanker, 16 knots, course 170°, hunted to DN 36. 1 approach 2 hits. Twilight miss, wild artillery shooting. Escaped with increasing list. 2 x 2 x 2 out of service [torpedoes], 56 cbm, SE 2, Sea 2, 19 mb, 5/10, Vis. good. |
"Markworth" |
04.00 |
DO 1414 |
08.00 |
DO 1433 |
SEbyE 2-3, Sea 2, 6/10, Vis. good, moonshine |
11.58 |
Crash dive for training. |
12.00 |
DO 1523 |
Day's run: Surfaced 116 nm |
Submerged 20 nm |
15.23 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
DO 1523 |
SE 2-3, Sea 1, swells, 6/10 (rain), Vis. moderate |
16.59 |
Crash dive for training. |
19.33 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
DO 1621 |
22.00 |
Crash dive for training. |
24.00 |
DO 1397 |
24.07.43 |
00.43 |
2-3, Sea 2, 5/10, lightening, Vis. medium, no marine phosphorescence |
Surfaced. |
Transferred torpedoes from the upper deck containers except for the two damaged torpedoes. |
04.00 |
DO 1633 |
07.25 |
Torpedo transfer completed. |
08.00 |
DO 1633 |
12.00 |
DO 2198 |
Day's run: Surfaced 113 nm |
SEbyE 2, Sea
1, 5/10, lightening, Vis. good occasionally bad in rain clouds, light
marine phosphorescence |
Submerged 20.5 nm |
12.13 |
Crash dive for training. |
16.00 |
DO 2277 |
20.00 |
DO 2279 |
20.35 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
DO 2296 |
E 2, Sea 1-2, 6/10, Vis. very good |
37 - |
25.07.43 |
01.16 |
Crash dive for training. |
01.18 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DO 2387 |
08.00 |
DO 2386 |
12.00 |
DO 3197 |
Day's run: Surfaced 112 nm |
SEbyE 2, Sea
2, 3/10, lightening, Vis. good |
Submerged 24 nm |
16.00 |
DO 3198 |
20.00 |
DO 3276 |
24.00 |
DO 3295 |
26.07.43 |
E 2, Sea 1,
2/10, lightening, Vis. good, 1024 mb, 27° |
04.00 |
DO 3393 |
08.00 |
DP 1138 |
12.00 |
DP 1244 |
Day's run: Surfaced 152 nm. |
EbyN 2, Sea 1-2, 4/10, 1024 mb, Vis. good |
16.00 |
DP 1236 |
20.00 |
DP 1342 |
24.00 |
DP 1361 |
27.07.43 |
04.00 |
DP 2146 |
08.00 |
DP 2165 |
EbyN 2, Sea 1-2, 5/10, Vis. good, 1022 mb |
12.00 |
DP 2254 |
Day's run: Surfaced 168 nm. |
13.01 |
Crash dive for training. |
14.06 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
DP 2266 |
E 2, Sea 1, 3-6/10, 1022 mb, Vis. very good |
16.32 |
Mastheads bearing 115°T, general course 305°, speed 16, type C 3. |
20.00 |
DP 2235 |
20.30 |
EbyN 2, Sea 1, 4-6/10, Vis. good, 1022 mb |
Radio Message . . . . 3.) "Markworth" proceed via naval square DE 50. Supply intended from "Neumann" approximately in this area. |
4.) Neumann make for named square. |
24.00 |
DD 9942 |
Steamer hunted until darkness. |
28.07.43 |
EbyN 2, Sea 1, 4/10, 1023 mb, Vis. good, here and there blocked by rain clouds. |
01.33 |
Steamer is lost from sight behind rain clouds in twilight. |
04.00 |
DD 9925 |
08.00 |
DE 7714 |
38 - |
continued |
28.07.43 |
12.00 |
DE 7728 |
Day's run: Surfaced 223.5 nm |
SEbyE 2, Sea 1, 2/10, Vis. good, 1022 mb |
Submerged 9 nm |
16.00 |
DE 7739 |
20.00 |
DE 7579 |
24.00 |
DE 7559 |
29.07.43 |
SE 1, Sea 0,
3/10, lightening, Vis. good, strong marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
DE 7617 |
Vis. bad, very misty |
08.00 |
DE 7287 |
12.00 |
DE 7367 |
Day's run: Surfaced 168 nm. |
SE 2, shifting counter clockwise, Sea 1, 7/10 (rain), Vis. good, moderate in showers |
16.00 |
DE 8117 |
20.00 |
DE 5787 |
Welding work on the outside of ballast tank No. 8. |
24.00 |
DE 5785 |
30.07.43 |
04.00 |
DE 5765 |
08.00 |
DE 5815 |
SE 1, Sea 0, 1/10, Vis. good, strong marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
DE 5588 |
Day's run: Surfaced 139 nm. |
E 1, Sea 0,
blue sky, Vis. very good |
16.00 |
DE 5585 |
20.00 |
DE 5583 |
Continued work over the side. |
24.00 |
DE 5591 |
31.07.43 |
04.00 |
DE 5645 |
08.00 |
DE 5625 |
12.00 |
DE 5399 |
Day's run: Surfaced 81 nm. |
EbyS 1, Sea
1, 5/10, clear sky, Vis. very good, strong marine
phosphorescence |
16.00 |
DE 6177 |
Work on the upper deck and over the side. |
20.00 |
DE 6174 |
20.22 |
Radio Message 1.) . . . . |
2.) "Markworth" continue transit via CD 66. |
20.54 |
EbyS 2, Sea 1, 3/10, Vis. very good |
Dived. |
21.25 |
Surfaced. |
21.33 |
Crash dive for training. |
21.40 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
DE 6149 |
39 - |
01.08.43 |
04.00 |
DE 6125 |
08.00 |
DE 3795 |
Summer lightening |
12.00 |
DE 3843 |
Day's run: Surfaced 107 nm |
SE 2, Sea 1, 2/10,v [meaning unclear], lightening |
Submerged 3 nm |
12.21 |
Radio Message On 3 August at 20.00 hours supply in square 6755 of large square CD. "Markworth" from Neumann for economical return transit to "Bergen". |
After completion with "Markworth", "Neumann" report "yes" wait in the area. |
16.00 |
DE 3589 |
SE 1, Sea 1, 3/10, Vis. very good |
20.00 |
DE 3647 |
22.10 |
Radio Message 3.) "Markworth" switch Ireland Circuit on 2 August at 08.00 hours. |
24.00 |
DE 3627 |
Wind calm, like
a duck pond, 1/10, v [meaning unclear] |
02.08.43 |
00.05 |
Radio Message Can only reach supply 2-3 days later than intended. "U-66" |
04.00 |
DF 1174 |
Heavy marine phosphorescence, Vis. changing, very misty, Wind calm, like a duck pond, 2/10 |
04.03 |
Steamer with set lights in sight bearing 260°T. Turned towards to close, course 90°, speed 12 knots. It is 2 Swedes "MONGABARRA" and "FORMOSA". Correct national markings, in addition forward and aft of the side marking a black field with a red cross. |
08.00 |
DF 1185 |
Switched Ireland Circuit. |
08.12 |
Course 50°. |
12.00 |
DF 1163 |
Day's run: Surfaced 200 nm. |
NNW 1, Sea 1, 3/10, light marine phosphorescence, Vis. good |
16.00 |
DF 1213 |
19.24 |
Crash dive for training. |
20.00 |
CD 7983 |
20.04 |
Surfaced. |
20.10 |
Crash dive for training. |
20.23 |
Surfaced. |
20.29 |
Radio Message 3.) "Neumann" wait on "Markworth" near the meeting point. Go to the meeting point at the reported time. |
20.31 |
Crash dive for training. |
20.38 |
Surfaced. |
21.00 |
Crash dive for training. |
21.07 |
Surfaced. |
40 - |
continued |
02.08.43 |
24.00 |
CD 7966 |
NNW 1, Sea 1-2, 3/10, Vis. very good |
03.08.43 |
04.00 |
CD 8725 |
08.00 |
CD 8795 |
NW 2, Sea 1-2, 2/10, 1024 mb, light summer lightening, strong marine phosphorescence, Vis. good |
12.00 |
CD 8572 |
Day's run: Surfaced 146 nm |
NW 1, Sea 2, 1/10, 1023 mb, Vis. good |
Submerged 6 nm |
16.00 |
CD 8552 |
19.27 |
In the sun sector apparent cloud of smoke. Turned towards, course 260° both diesels HF. |
20.00 |
CD 8531 |
NW 2, Sea 2, 2/10, Vis. very good |
20.27 |
Broke off, because nothing further sighted. Continued on course 50°. |
21.35 |
A surprise attack
with aircraft armament and bombs from 2 fighters from the sun sector.
Bridge wrongly ordered "Alarm". Crash dive stopped in
time by the Kommandant in the control room. 2 cm ready for action.
Both engines ahead AK. Rudder hard over. The Second Watch
Officer Oblt.z. S. Schütze, apparently fell on the 1st approach.
Shot by 2 cm in the chest. Aircraft approach one after another from
the front from just above the water. On the 3rd approach the 2nd
aircraft drops 2 impact bombs and a depth charge which goes off directly
under the boat. |
On the 5th approach Matr.Gefr. Lorenz, fell after he had fought bravely in spite of repeated wounds until the last. |
On the 6th approach the Kommandant is wounded and falls out briefly with a bruised backbone. |
Because the
aircraft have no more bombs, "Alarm" by the First Watch Officer.
Both casualties are left at the surface because there is no time for rescue.
Interval between the approaches is 30-60 seconds. |
During the crash dive light water intake in the control room at the rod aerial and in the diesel room at the hull valve for the discharge of the auxiliary coolant pump. Both leaks can be made good and are sealed within short time by on board means. By blowing at depth A +10 meters the boat is held at depth A +50 meters. |
In spite of several bombs very close to the boat and a depth charge under boat no major damage. By aircraft armament bombardment, however, very high personnel casualties. |
Casualties: Oblt.z.S. Schütze |
Bridge watch. |
Matr.Gefr. Lorenz |
41 - |
continued |
03.08.43 |
Mech.Gefr Nitsch was on the bridge smoking and on the 1st approach both thighs were shot through by explosive ammunition. He succumbed to his serious wounds about 00.30 hours below deck. |
Heavily wounded: |
Kommandant, bullet lodged in the abdomen |
F.z.S. Pfaff, penetrating gunshot wound to the chest |
Lightly wounded: |
First Watch Officer Ltn.z.S. Herbig, |
Obstr. Frohlich, |
Matr.Obgefr. Müller, |
Matr.Gefr. Künkel, |
Matr.Gefr. Stumpp, |
Matr.Gefr. Dreweck. |
Armament from observation: Type "Grumman Martlet" |
4 fixed 11 mm machine guns, 2 fixed cannons. |
24.00 |
CD 8295 |
Because the wounded cannot stand bridge watch, the bridge watch is stood exclusively by the second watch with the Navigator staying on the bridge continuously. Proceeding submerged by day. |
04.08.43 |
01.55 |
WSW 3, Sea 3, 6/10 (rain), Vis. bad in rain squalls |
Surfaced. |
After surfacing
the Second Watch Officer was found still on the lower machine gun platform,
while Matr.Gefr. Lorenz was lost overboard. |
02.07 |
Course 80°. |
02.20 |
Radio Message 21.30 hours 2 fighters attacked from out of the sun with bombs and on board armament. Heavy personnel casualties. Kommandant with a bullet lodged in the abdomen. Clear to dive with restrictions. Request to put heavily wounded Fähnrich zur See "Pfaff" ashore in the Azores. Position naval square CD 8298. |
"Markworth" |
04.00 |
CD 8372 |
04.48 |
Radio Message To "Markworth" and "Neumann" |
New meeting point tonight 20.00 hours in naval square CD 5565. "Neumann" has a doctor aboard. More to follow. Caution. |
05.05 |
Course 10°. |
05.20 |
Course 350°. |
07.47 |
Oberleutnant zur See Schütze and Mech.Gefr. Nitsch committed to the sea. |
08.00 |
CD 5979 |
WSW 3, Sea 2, 10/10 (rain), Vis. bad, thunder clouds, lightening, summer lightening |
09.00 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
CD 5946 |
Day's run: Surfaced 163 nm |
Submerged 18.5 nm |
14.00 |
Course 345°. |
16.00 |
CD 5942 |
20.00 |
CD 5918 |
24.00 |
CD 5915 |
42 - |
05.08.43 |
00.15 |
Surfaced. |
01.20 |
Course 120°. |
03.00 |
Radio Message 1.) "Neumann" to "Markworth" deliver Metox and if at all possible, substitute personnel. |
2.) "Markworth" report, if return transit does not appear possible because of the condition of the Kommandant and high personnel casualties. |
04.00 |
CD 5568 |
NbyE 1, Sea 1, 5/10, 1032 mb, Vis. moderate, misty |
05.00 |
Positioned at ordered meeting point proceeding back and forth. |
08.00 |
CD 5565 |
Dived. |
NNE 1, Sea 1, 9/10 (rain), 1032 mb, Vis. bad, horizon occasionally overcast in rain showers |
12.00 |
CD 5565 |
Day's run: Surfaced 65 nm |
Submerged 31.5 nm |
16.00 |
CD 5565 |
16.46 - |
16.49 |
Surfaced to take the noon fix. |
20.00 |
CD 5565 |
22.40 |
Course 90°. |
24.00 |
CD 5565 |
06.08.43 |
00.03 |
SE 2-3, Sea 2, 5/10, 1032 mb, Vis. moderate (rain) |
Surfaced. |
00.25 |
Course 140°. |
01.10 |
Course 0°. |
01.47 |
Radio Message 1.) "Neumann" not met, proceeding eastward today suggest meeting 12.00 hours in 6464. |
2.) Killed Obltn. "Schütze" Matr.Gefr. "Lorenz" Mech.Gefr. "Nitsch". Doctor urgently needed for Kommandant, Midshipman "Pfaff" and four other sailors. Submerged by day, because only the Navigator is available. Request instructions. |
3.) 16 cbm, 2 day's provisions, nearly all fuel and ballast tanks leak. |
"Markworth" |
02.00 |
Course 90°. |
04.00 |
CD 5652 |
06.36 |
Radio Message New meeting point for "Markworth" and "Neumann" is naval square CD 6464. "Neumann" immediately report your arrival time at the meeting point. "Blum" contrary to previous orders also head for named meeting point. |
"Markworth" report requirements for return to the homeland. |
07.30 |
Radio Message Meet at 12.00 hours. |
"U-117" |
08.00 |
CD 6451 |
09.06 |
Dived. |
10.16 |
Course 120°. |
43 - |
continued |
06.08.43 |
11.32 |
Surfaced. |
11.43 |
"U-117" in sight. Came to within earshot and began transfer as agreed. Mar.Ass.Arzt Dr. Schrenk aboard. |
12.00 |
CD 6456 |
Day's run: Surfaced 96 nm |
SSE 3, Sea 2, 2/10, Vis. good |
Submerged 36 nm |
13.20 |
Dived, course 0°. |
16.00 |
CD 6461 |
20.00 |
CD 6437 |
23.00 |
Surfaced. |
23.10 |
"U-117" in sight. |
Provisions transfer. Oberltn. Frerks aboard as back-up Kommandant and Watch Officer. |
24.00 |
CD 6189 |
SW 2, Sea 1-2, 3/10, 1034 mb, Vis. good, light summer lightening, strong marine phosphorescence |
07.08.43 |
00.55 |
Provisions transfer broken off. N-course and 1500 meters apart in the wake of "U-117". |
03.00 |
Radio Message Oberleutnant "Frerks" transferred from "U-117" to "U-66" as back-up Kommandant and 1st Watch Officer. |
04.00 |
CD 6189 |
08.00 |
CD 6159 |
WSW 2, Sea 1-2, 2/10 (rain), Vis. moderate, heavy summer lightening and marine phosphorescence |
09.00 |
Begin fuel oil transfer work. |
11.54 |
From port astern from the sun sector a fighter type "Fulmar". Both diesels ahead AK! "2 cm clear to fire"! On the first approach one bomb between both boats at the level of the conning tower. The fuel oil hose was severed and its end immediately cut. After the bombing the fighter held at 4000-5000 meters range. The boat again took a position close aboard and out of the line of fire of "U-117" in a favorable position in relation to the aircraft, and as arranged with "U-117", a crash dive was executed. |
SW 2, Sea 1-2, 1-2/10, Vis. good |
12.00 |
CD 6159 |
Day's run: Surfaced 63 nm |
Submerged 18 nm |
12.20 |
Course 0°. |
12.25 |
Last sound bearing from "U-117" (diesel) bearing 185°. |
12.35 |
2 detonations. |
12.47 |
3 detonations. |
12.47 - |
Astern to port cracking sounds and heavy detonations. Sinking sounds. [crossed out in pen in the original] |
12.58 |
15.25 - |
15.35 |
Boat is at periscope depth. |
44 - |
continued |
07.08.43 |
16.00 |
CD 6156 |
20.00 |
CD 6153 |
22.30 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
CD 6129 |
08.08.43 |
01.30 |
Radio Message sent: 11.53 hours while supplying unsuccessfully attacked by carrier-based aircraft. Suggest new meeting place CD 3483 at 12.00 hours. Require another 35 cbm, 15 days provisions, 2 sailors held, doctor on board. |
"Markworth" |
02.05 |
SW 1-2, Sea 1, 4/10, 1031 mb, Vis. good, moonshine |
03.25 |
Radio Message "Neumann" and "Markworth" new meeting point suggested 8 August at 12.00 hours in naval square CD 3483. After supply "Neumann" make for ordered naval square DF 62. |
03.34 |
Radio Message After completion of fuel transfer and medical assistance for "Markworth", "Neumann" make for naval square DF 62. |
04.00 |
CD 3759 |
08.00 |
CD 3723 |
09.00 |
SW 2-3, Sea 2, W-swell, 9/10, 1030 mb, Vis. moderate, medium summer lightening |
Dived. |
11.43 - |
Positioned at meeting point, at periscope depth. |
11.50 |
12.00 |
CD 3483 |
Day's run: Surfaced 75.5 nm |
Submerged 29 nm |
14.50 |
A U.S.A. destroyer stopped bearing 120°T 1000 meters. Bow left 110-120°. |
Boat goes to depth A +20 meters listening speed! |
16.00 |
CD 3459 |
Course 30°. |
17.10 |
To periscope depth. |
17.14 |
Fighter circling. |
To depth A +0 meters. |
17.50 |
To periscope depth. |
17.54 |
Fighter is still present boat goes to depth A +0. |
18.00 |
Course 340°. |
20.00 |
CD 3464 |
21.11 |
Several detonations heard. |
23.20 |
Boat goes to periscope depth. |
23.30 |
Depth charge detonation. |
23.35 |
Boat to depth A +20 meters. |
23.44 |
Another detonation heard. |
24.00 |
CD 3429 |
09.08.43 |
00.05 |
Came to new course 60°. |
00.40 |
Surfaced. |
02.40 |
2 detonations heard. |
04.00 |
CD 3279 |
Course 90°. |
WSW 2, Sea 1-2, v [meaning unclear], 1029 mb, Vis. moderate, misty, moonshine |
- 45 -
continued |
09.08.43 |
strong marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
CD 3377 |
08.43 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
CD 3379 |
Day's run: Surfaced 78.5 nm |
Submerged 34.5 nm |
12.00 |
Boat proceeding at periscope depth. |
14.15 |
3 detonations heard. |
15.41 |
Radio Message American tanker sighted a U-boat at 04.17 hours in naval square CD 3498. Meeting point suggested for Group "Neumann" and "Gräf" is at your discretion. |
16.00 |
CD 3387 |
19.58 - |
22.30 |
Boat proceeds at periscope depth. |
20.00 |
CD 3388 |
21.17 |
Radio Message 1.) . . . . "Markworth" "Neumann" if not already completed, transfer fuel oil in CE 4555. |
2.) . . . . |
3.) . . . . |
23.33 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
CE 1417 |
SSW 2, Sea 1-2, 2/10, 1030 mb, Vis. moderate |
10.08.43 |
04.00 |
CE 1429 |
Moonshine, indistinct horizon |
05.20 |
Leak in the diesel room repaired by applying a patch. Boat is again clear to dive. |
00.03 |
Radio Message Yesterday at meeting place hunted by destroyer and aircraft while submerged. Proceeding to the north impossible because of the condition of the boat. Suggest the "Azores" as a favorable point. Doctor maintains quick disembarkation of Kommandant and Midshipman is urgent. 25 cbm, 13 days provisions, naval square CE 1439. |
"Markworth" |
08.00 |
CE 1519 |
08.19 |
Radio Message To "Markworth" initially proceed to the ordered meeting place with "Neumann" in naval square CE 4555 and complete resupply. "Neumann" is urgently required for further supply. More to follow. |
08.32 |
SSW 1, Sea 1, 9/10, 1038 mb, Vis. bad, strong marine phosphorescence |
Dived. |
1044 |
Several detonations heard. |
12.00 |
CE 1551 |
Day's run: Surfaced 76 nm |
Submerged 22.5 nm |
15.15 |
Radio Message to "Markworth" |
1.) Supply for return transit to Kals . |
2.) Azores only, if absolutely required and only for a night either for repairs or delivery of the wounded. |
- 46 -
continued |
10.08.43 |
Longer stay not possible politically and in view of enemy action. |
3.) Recommend direct return transit, via vicinity of naval square CG 2230, protected from radar detection by the coast. Air and torpedo boat escort intended. After completion of resupply report intentions. |
16.00 |
CE 1554 |
20.00 |
CE 1557 |
23.20 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
CE 1575 |
SW 1, Sea 1, 4/10, 1042 mb, Vis. good, occasionally misty, moonshine, strong marine phosphorescence |
11.08.43 |
04.00 |
CE 1842 |
08.00 |
CE 4212 |
08.53 |
SW 1, Sea 1, 2/10, 1040 mb, Vis. good |
Dived. |
12.00 |
CE 4241 |
Day's run: Surfaced 83 nm |
Submerged 22 nm |
16.00 |
CE 4244 |
20.00 |
CE 4247 |
23.23 |
Boat comes to course 150°. |
24.00 |
CE 4273 |
SW 1, Sea 1, 2/10, 1041 mb, Vis. good, moonshine |
12.08.43 |
04.00 |
CE 4525 |
08.00 |
CE 4558 |
Light E-swell, 3/10, 1039 mb, (rain), Vis. good changing to poor in rain showers, strong marine phosphorescence and summer lightening |
09.27 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
Day's run: Surfaced 64 nm Submerged 21 nm. |
16.00 |
CE 4555 |
Positioned at meeting point with U-117. |
20.00 |
CE 4555 |
Changing courses. |
23.10 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
CE 4555 |
W 1, Sea 1, 2/10, 1029 mb, Vis. good, moonshine, strong marine phosphorescence |
13.08.43 |
04.00 |
CE 4555 |
08.00 |
CE 4555 |
09.10 |
W 1, Sea 1, 3/10, 1033 mb, Vis. good |
12.00 |
CE 4555 |
Day's run: Surfaced 65 nm Submerged 22 nm. |
- 47 -
continued |
13.08.43 |
16.00 |
CE 4555 |
20.00 |
CE 4555 |
23.15 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
CE 4555 |
SW 1, Sea 1, 3/10, 1034 mb, Vis. good, moonshine |
14.08.43 |
00.18 |
Metox switched off per Radio Message order. |
00.35 |
Radio Message sent: Have been positioned at meeting place for 2 days. Ship not met. - U-66 - |
04.00 |
CE 4555 |
08.00 |
CE 4555 |
08.00 |
S 2, Sea 2, 4/10, 1032 mb, Vis.good, at times moderate in isolated rain showers, strong marine phosphorescence |
08.55 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
CE 4564 |
Day's run: Surfaced 62 nm Submerged 23.5 nm. |
12.14 |
Radio Message |
On 16 August at 12.00 hours in naval square CE 2652 Kuppisch supply Markworth with fuel oil for economical return to western France, about 15 to 20 cbm. Kuppisch report, if arrival later than 17 August, otherwise, only completion with short signal "yes". |
14.00 |
Periscope depth by day. |
16.00 |
CE 4562 |
20.00 |
CE 4539 |
23.12 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
CE 4379 |
SSW 3, Sea 2-3, 9/10, 1034 mb, moonshine |
15.08.43 |
04.00 |
CE 4366 |
08.00 |
CE 2789 |
08.50 |
S 3-4, Sea 3, 7/10, 1026 mb, Vis. good, moonshine |
08.50 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
CE 2792 |
Day's run: Surfaced 110 nm Submerged 28 nm. |
16.00 |
CE 2871 |
20.00 |
CE 2848 |
23.07 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
CE 2854 |
SW 2, Sea 2-3, 9/10, 1021 mb, Vis. good, moonshine, partial lunar eclipse |
16.08.43 |
04.00 |
CE 2917 |
08.00 |
CE 2684 |
08.45 |
SW 2, Sea 2-3, 2/10, 1020 mb, moonshine, Vis. good |
Dived. |
- 48 -
continued |
16.08.43 |
11.45 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
CE 2652 |
Boat positioned at meeting point with U-847. |
NNW 2, Sea 2, Vis. good, 2/10, long swell |
Day's run: Surfaced 101 nm Submerged 34.5 nm. |
12.15 |
Dived. |
At periscope depth on various courses back and forth. |
16.00 |
CE 2652 |
20.00 |
CE 2652 |
20.07 |
In accordance with Radio Message orders screws attaching the Metox removed and the unit locked up by the Kommandant. |
20.38 |
U-boat in sight bearing 320°T. |
20.45 |
Boat surfaces. Discussion with U-847. Time for the fueling agreed. |
21.35 |
Dived. |
23.01 |
Surfaced. |
23.09 |
U-847 in sight. |
24.00 |
CE 2652 |
NW 3, Sea 3, medium swell, 3/10, Vis. good |
17.08.43 |
00.02 |
Begin fuel oil transfer. |
04.00 |
CE 2651 |
05.02 |
Transfer ended. 19 cbm and 5 day's provisions taken over. Gave a brine pump to Kuppisch (Fresh water distiller). |
05.40 |
U-847 out of sight. |
06.40 |
Radio Message: Supply completed. Running on Piening route. - Markworth - |
08.00 |
CE 2664 |
WSW 1, Sea 2, 1/10, 1019 mb, Vis. good, moonshine |
08.29 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
CE 2666 |
Day's run: Surfaced 39 nm Submerged 21 nm. |
16.00 |
CE 3444 |
20.00 |
CE 3446 |
22.50 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
CE 3456 |
SW 1, Sea 1, 9/10, 1030 mb, Vis. medium, isolated rain showers |
18.08.43 |
04.00 |
CE 3546 |
08.00 |
CE 3566 |
SbyW 2, Sea 2, 7/10, 1026 mb, Vis. good, moonshine |
08.30 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
CE 3644 |
Day's run: Surfaced 81 nm Submerged 26 nm. |
16.00 |
CE 3646 |
20.00 |
CE 3651 |
22.46 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
CE 3656 |
WbyN 4-5, Sea 4, v [meaning unclear], (rain), 1022 mb, Vis. bad, strong marine phosphorescence |
- 49 -
19.08.43 |
04.00 |
CF 1545 |
08.00 |
CF 1564 |
NNW 4, Sea 4-5, 9/10, 1024 mb, Vis. moderate, moonshine
08.33 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
CF 1569 |
Day's run: Surfaced 77 nm Submerged
22 nm. |
16.00 |
CF 1647 |
20.00 |
CF 1648 |
20.46 |
Radio Message: Return port for Markworth
is Lorient. |
- F.d.U. West - |
22.47 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
CF 1645 |
NW 3, Sea 3-4, 4/10, 1026 mb, Vis. moderate later good,
strong marine phosphorescence |
20.08.43 |
04.00 |
CF 1664 |
08.00 |
CF 2446 |
NNW 2, Sea 2,v [meaning unclear], 1024 mb,
Vis. good, strong marine phosphorescence and moonshine |
08.15 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
CF 2454 |
Day's run: Surfaced 70 nm Submerged
25 nm. |
12.14 |
Radio Message: Today at 20.00 hours Markworth
switch to Coastal Circuit. |
12.21 |
Radio Message: 1.) . . . . |
2.) To Markworth, Brosin and U-516, 3
boats outbound on the Spanish coastal route.
- F.d.U. West - |
16.00 |
CF 2455 |
20.00 |
CF 2456 |
Switched to Coastal Circuit. |
22.32 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
CF 2466 |
NW 1-2, Sea 1, long swell,v [meaning unclear], (rain), Vis. bad, strong marine phosphorescence |
21.08.43 |
04.00 |
CF 2565 |
SE 1, Sea 1,v [meaning unclear], (rain), Vis.
bad, strong marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
CF 2656 |
Dived. |
SE 1, Sea 1,v [meaning unclear], (rain), medium
marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
CF 2664 |
Day's run: Surfaced 102 nm Submerged
22 nm. |
16.00 |
CF 2665 |
20.00 |
CF 2666 |
22.26 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
CF 3459 |
NNE 3, Sea 2, 7/10, Vis. moderate, strong marine phosphorescence |
22.08.43 |
04.00 |
CF 3558 |
NNE 3, Sea 2-3,v [meaning unclear], (rain),
Vis. bad, moonshine |
07.30 |
NbyE 2-3 Sea 2-3, 9/10, Vis. moderate |
Dived. |
- 50 -
continued |
22.08.43 |
08.00 |
CF 3648 |
12.00 |
CF 3649 |
Day's run: Surfaced 102 nm Submerged 23 nm. |
16.00 |
CF 3657 |
20.00 |
CF 3658 |
22.15 |
N 1, Sea 1, long N-swell,v [meaning unclear], passing showers, Vis. bad, marine phosphorescence |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
CF 3669 |
23.08.43 |
02.00 |
N 1, Sea 1, 9/10, Vis. moderate, misty |
Dived. |
04.00 |
CG 1458 |
08.00 |
CG 1459 |
12.00 |
CG 1467 |
Day's run: Surfaced 43 nm Submerged 54 nm. |
16.00 |
CG 1468 |
20.00 |
CG 1469 |
22.20 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
CG 1545 |
W 2, Sea 1, long swell, 7/10, Vis. moderate, strong marine phosphorescence |
24.08.43 |
01.00 |
Dived. |
04.00 |
CG 1554 |
06.07 |
SW 2, Sea 1, 2/10, Vis. good, moonshine |
Surfaced. |
07.18 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
CG 1567 |
12.00 |
CG 1568 |
Day's run: Surfaced 42 nm Submerged 30 nm. |
16.00 |
CG 1569 |
20.00 |
CG 1647 |
22.10 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
CG 1655 |
NNE 1-2, Sea 1, 1/10, Vis. moderate, medium marine phosphorescence |
25.08.43 |
00.15 |
Dived. |
04.00 |
CG 1656 |
06.10 |
WNW 1-2, Sea 1, 1/10, Vis. good, moonshine, strong marine phosphorescence |
Surfaced. |
07.13 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
CG 1666 |
12.00 |
CG 2444 |
Day's run: Surfaced 32 nm Submerged 31.5 nm. |
16.00 |
CG 2445 |
20.00 |
CG 2454 |
22.10 |
SW 4, Sea 3-4, v, Vis. bad, strong marine phosphorescence |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
CG 2464 |
26.08.43 |
00.32 |
Dived. |
03.03 |
WSW 3, Sea 3-4 |
Surfaced. |
- 51 -
continued |
26.08.43 |
04.00 |
CG 2466 |
Dived. |
06.15 |
NW 3, Sea 3, 4/10, Vis. moderate, strong marine phosphorescence |
Surfaced. |
06.54 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
CG 2546 |
08.27 |
Aircraft from starboard, course 8°. |
Boat goes to depth A -20 meters. |
12.00 |
CG 2554 |
Day's run: Surfaced 42 nm Submerged 30 nm. |
16.00 |
CG 2555 |
Aircraft on various courses, large land-based aircraft. General course north. |
To depth A -20 meters. |
17.21 |
Aircraft bearing 90°T, general course north. |
To depth A -20 meters. |
18.45 |
Land in sight bearing 100°T. |
20.00 |
CG 2556 |
22.18 |
N 4, Sea 3-4, 4/10, Vis. moderate, strong marine phosphorescence |
3 fishing boats ahead on S-course. |
24.00 |
CG 2614 |
Course 0°. |
27.08.43 |
01.10 |
Several illuminated steamers and many fishing vessels sighted. Were avoided. Illuminated motorboat passes on reciprocal heading. Turns back, extinguishes lights and passes from sight. (similar to customs cruiser). |
04.00 |
CG 2266 |
N 4, Sea 3-4, 2/10, Vis. good, very strong marine phosphorescence |
06.00 |
Course 350°. |
06.37 |
N 3, Sea 3, 3/10, Vis. good, moonshine, very strong marine phosphorescence |
To periscope depth. |
08.00 |
BF 7898 |
08.30 |
Smoke cloud bearing 12°T (fishing trawler) |
08.32 |
Aircraft ahead to starboard, course 220°. Land-based aircraft, 2-motored. |
To depth A -20 meters. |
09.33 |
Masthead of a destroyer bearing 338°T, course 180°. |
10.55 |
Destroyer masthead out of sight bearing 220°T. |
11.10 |
Aircraft bearing 197°T, course 240°, large land-based aircraft, 2 motored. To depth A -20 meters. |
11.23 |
Several detonations heard astern to port. |
11.25 |
Sound bearing 150°T, destroyer propellers, growing louder, then again fainter. Last sound bearing 100°T. |
12.00 |
BF 7895 |
Day's run: Surfaced 189 nm Submerged 30 nm. |
16.00 |
BF 7892 |
Heavy fishing trawler traffic close under land. |
19.50 |
2 masted steamer in sight. Spanish freighter "GAYARRE" course 240°. |
20.00 |
BF 7869 |
21.20 |
Freighter out of sight. |
21.30 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
BF 7943 |
NE 2, Sea 1-2, 1/10, Vis. good, strong marine phosphorescence |
- 52 -
28.08.43 |
Numerous traffic of fishing vessels and a few steamers along the coast. |
04.00 |
BF 7933 |
N 1, Sea 1, 1/10, Vis. medium, strong marine phosphorescence |
06.45 |
Dived. Proceeding at depth A -50 meters. |
08.00 |
BF 8734 |
08.59 |
A variety of fishing trawlers and cutters sighted leaving harbors on N-courses. |
09.03 |
Spanish coast guard vessels bearing 225° range 4000 meters, they look like old fishing trawlers with light artillery on the forecastle. Spanish flag at the gaff, a pennant at the after masthead, on the forecastle a painted square. Upper third black with the lower two thirds white. Course 10°. |
09.21 |
To periscope depth. |
09.34 |
Coastal freighter on an easterly course on the 200-meter line. |
10.05 |
Coast guard vessel out of sight bearing 36°. |
12.00 |
BF 8725 |
Day's run: Surfaced 90 nm Submerged 26 nm. |
14.11 |
Aircraft bearing 20°T, type Vickers-Wellington, S-course. |
16.00 |
BF 8726 |
19.00 |
A Spanish tanker bearing 300°T with a white ring and red parallelogram, course 285°, 4000 GRT, range 8000 meters. Distance from the coast 12 nm on the 200-meter line. |
20.00 |
BF 8734 |
A number of fishing vessels on southerly courses sighted. |
22.04 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
E 1, Sea 1, 1/10, Vis. moderate, misty, strong marine phosphorescence |
29.08.43 |
Several lighted fishing vessels and coastal freighters in sight. |
04.00 |
BF 8918 |
E 1, Sea 1, blue sky, Vis. moderate, somewhat misty, strong marine phosphorescence |
05.10 |
Came to new course 0°. |
06.15 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
BF 8687 |
12.00 |
BF 8684 |
Day's run: Surfaced 89 nm Submerged 23.5 nm. |
16.00 |
BF 8681 |
20.00 |
BF 8657 |
22.25 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
BF 8624 |
NbyE 2-3, Sea 2, 2/10, Vis. very good, clear dark night, starry sky, marine phosphorescence |
30.08.43 |
00.30 |
Dived. |
04.00 |
BF 8624 |
04.30 |
N 2, Sea 2, 4/10, Vis. very misty, marine phosphorescence |
Surfaced. |
- 53 -
continued |
30.08.43 |
05.35 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
BF 8381 |
12.00 |
BF 8357 |
Day's run: Surfaced 26.5 nm Submerged 30 nm. |
16.00 |
BF 8354 |
20.00 |
BF 8351 |
22.30 |
NNW 3, Sea 3, 6/10, Vis. moderate, strong marine phosphorescence |
Surfaced. |
23.59 |
Dived. |
24.00 |
BF 8321 |
31.08.43 |
04.00 |
BF 5887 |
04.04 |
Surfaced. |
04.27 |
Radio Message: Positioned to enter port in 30 hours. Request bearing signals from Lorient I station. - U-66 - |
05.40 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
BF 5854 |
12.00 |
BF 5827 |
Day's run: Surfaced 27 nm Submerged 29.3 nm. |
14.37 |
Radio Message to U-66: Escort position 00.30 hours Point Lampe, crossing the 50-meter line without escort prohibited. |
2.Ufl. |
16.00 |
BF 5824 |
Several fishing vessels sighted. |
20.00 |
BF 5821 |
21.00 |
Surfaced for navigation fix. |
22.04 |
Course 40°. |
24.00 |
E 0, Sea 0, 2/10, Vis. moderate, misty, no marine phosphorescence |
01.09.43 |
00.55 |
On route. |
Dived. |
04.00 |
Surfaced. |
06.00 |
E 0, Sea 0, 2/10, Vis. moderate, misty, no marine phosphorescence |
Dived. |
09.50 |
Surfaced. |
11.30 |
Taken in Sperrbrecher convoy. |
13.05 |
Made fast Scorff bunker, Lorient. |
Completed on 1 September 1943. |
Kapitänleutnant and |
Kommandant. |
Comments of the Befehlshabers
der Unterseeboote |
on the K.T.B. of
"U-66" (Markworth) from 29 April - 1 September 1943. |
The boat was offered several favorable opportunities in its operations area off the strongly air-protected American coast from which the Kommandant made two clear sinkings. |
During a surprise
aircraft attack on 3 August the boat suffered heavy casualties
among the bridge watch by aircraft armament bombardment, among
other things the Kommandant was seriously wounded, so that for
the safe return of the boat Oblt.z. S.d. R. Frerks of
"U-117" had to come aboard and take command. |
No further comments. |
Accredited successes: |
Tanker |
10,600 GRT |
sunk |
Tanker |
10,600 GRT |
sunk |
Tanker torpedoed. |
Tanker |
21,200 GRT |
sunk. |
=========================== |
For the Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote |
- The Chief of Operations - |