So communications with Choshi Radio was very difficult. From Naval Attaché Tokyo receipt of the Radio Message were not confirmed. Radio Message reception from one sided service of Tokyo Radio was always good and assured. |
To f) |
The Command suggests that directional transmitter DGM for the Indian Ocean be used at certain Program Times also for the "Afrika" U-boat Circuit. The suitable Very Low Frequency transmitter for Afrika was "Goliath", because the control transmitter 15.5 kHz was even heard by day still with Volume 4/5, while sometimes the other wavelengths were no longer heard. |
The transition to radio circuit "Bruno" only needs to take place from 80°E. Since from Penang it is no longer possible to pick up all Radio Messages on the "Bruno" Circuit without gaps, it is proposed that the Tokyo Radio one-side service broadcast the messages intended for the boat during its Program Times. To check whether all Radio Message broadcast by the one-way service Tokyo Radio are picked up, they must be numbered consecutively. Since all other Radio Messages originating from Naval Attaché Tokyo are encrypted by other encryption means, all Radio Messages encrypted with Ägier [Norse god who personifies the sea] must be identified externally, otherwise the boat has no key check. At the instigation of the boat, the following solution was found between Penang and the objective port. Radio Messages encrypted with Ägier receive predetermined padding letters as 5th filler letter in the initial and final radio identification groups. This solution can be maintained if the padding letters are changed from time to time. |
Since wavelengths from the U-boat Circuits sometimes appeared more favorable for transmitting messages between Penang and the objective port than wavelengths from the "Bruno" radio circuit, it must be ensured that Radio Messages encrypted according to Ägier can also be decrypted on U-boat Circuits. See section d). U-Boat wavelengths recognized as favorable for transmitting: |
Ireland "rx" from 19.00 to 21.00 DGZ and America I "cd" from 17.00 to 20.00 hours DGZ. Traffic on Choshi Radio posed great difficulties (See Section e) and therefore the Command suggests: because the Naval Attaché Tokyo receive side radio circuit "Bruno" is manned, it only has to be on a particular wavelength of the "Bruno" radio circuit at certain Program Times in order to pick up all the messages transmitted from the boat on these wavelengths, even if the Control Center does not hear them. If these suggested Program Times are between those of the one-side Tokyo Radio Service, the Naval Attaché Tokyo may very quickly give the boat an acknowledgment of receipt, which is essential. Traffic via Choshi Radio may remain as an additional way to send Radio Messages. If a German base in Penang or Shonan receives a transmitter and this also switches to the "Bruno" radio circuit at the suggested Program Times, they can possibly act as a radio repeater. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
Ltn.z.S. and Radio Message Officer |