- 1 - |
08.11. - 20.12.43 |
Lorient |
Shipyard period. |
20.12.43 |
15.30 |
Skorff Bunker Lorient |
Cast off. |
16.00 |
SSW 1-2, Sea 1, overcast, rain, 1017 mb |
In Sperrbrecher convoy. |
17.45 |
Point "Leben" |
18.15 |
In outer convoy. |
20.00 |
BF 5533 |
24.00 |
SSW 1-2, Sea 1, 3/4 overcast, 1015 mb |
21.12.43 |
00.00 |
BF 5549 |
02.13 |
BF 5549 |
Deep diving test. |
04.55 |
BF 5548 |
Surfaced. |
SSW 3-4, Sea 3-4, 1/2 overcast, 1011 mb |
Return transit begun due to leaking flange grommet of the
G.H.G. cable. Defective weld. |
08.00 |
BF 5552 |
SSW 4, Sea 3-4, 1/2 overcast, 1011 mb |
09.05 |
BF 5529 |
Dived. |
10.16 |
BF 5529 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
BF 5530 |
14.25 |
In inner convoy. |
16.50 |
Skorff Bunker |
Made fast. |
to |
25.12.43 |
Lorient |
Shipyard time. |
16.30 |
Skorff Bunker |
Cast off. |
16.50 |
Lorient harbor |
Dived for trim test. |
17.11 |
Surfaced. |
18.57 |
Point Leben |
19.00 |
Released by the inner escort. |
20.00 |
BF 6177 |
WNW 2-3, Sea 2, overcast, misty, 1039 mb |
21.32 |
Incoming Radio Message: 2110/25/45 |
To "U-505" "Geider" 4. Torpedo
Flottilla enter via Point Eis for Brest. Expect encounter. |
F.d.U. West. |
- 2 - |
continued |
25.12.43 |
Inner Bay of Biscay |
24.00 |
BF 5546 |
WNW 1-2, Sea 1-2, overcast, 1039 mb |
26.12.43 |
00.00 |
BF 5546 |
00.09 |
BF 5549 |
Reached the 200-meter line. Deep diving test. |
02.00 |
Deep diving test ended. |
04.00 |
BF 5548 |
06.10 |
BF 5547 |
Surfaced. |
06.25 |
Starboard diesel fire. Up to 06.36 hours extinguished
by fire extinguisher. |
07.30 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
BF 5468 |
W 1-2, Sea 1, overcast, 1039 mb |
08.11 |
Beginning of twilight. |
12.00 |
BF 5467 |
Day's run:
19 |
16.00 |
BF 5459 |
18.34 |
End of twilight. |
18.36 |
BF 5459 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
BF 5449 |
WNW 1-2, Sea 1, 1/4 overcast, 1039 mb |
20.59 |
BF 5447 |
Dived. |
24.00 |
BF 4669 |
27.12.43 |
00.00 |
BF 4669 |
04.00 |
BF 4668 |
06.15 |
BF 4668 |
Surfaced. |
07.30 |
BF 4658 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
BF 4658 |
WNW 1-2, Sea 1, 3/4 overcast, 1038 mb |
08.18 |
Beginning of twilight. |
12.00 |
BF 4655 |
Carry over:
19 |
30 |
49 |
16.00 |
BF 4651 |
18.28 |
BF 4651 |
Surfaced. |
18.45 |
BF 4615 |
End of twilight. |
19.48 |
ENE 2, Sea 2-3, overcast, 1036 mb |
Dived. |
- 4 - |
continued |
28.12.43 |
Inner Bay of Biscay |
20.42 |
Continuation of Radio Message 1733/28/98: |
5) Own destroyer are prohibited from attacking U-boats. |
20.48 |
Incoming Radio Message: 2208/28/6 |
To Group "Hela": |
1) Involved in 15.00 hours combat enemy cruisers,
destroyers and aircraft. Otherwise no picture of enemy situation. |
2) Own destroyers and torpedo boats attempting to
return in groups and separately. No indication concerning "U1534". |
3) Search for survivors according to wind and weather
starting from combat area "Z 27" in naval square BE 6938, beware
of enemy air. To begin with continue search after daybreak. In case of enemy aircraft
report and continue to search submerged. |
4) If "Wilberg" and "Lange"
can not reach the combat area by 12.00 hours, continue outbound transit. |
24.00 |
BF 4482 |
EbyW 2-3, Sea 2, overcast, 1033 mb, Vis. bad |
29.12.43 |
00.00 |
BF 4482 |
01.15 hours "Wanze" motor failed. |
01.40 |
BF 4478 |
Red emergency signal (star signal) sighted bearing 177°T. |
04.00 |
BF 4745 |
Crew from 2 independently floating liferafts taken over. |
E 4-5, Sea 4, overcast, misty, 1033 mb |
05.00 |
BF 4745 |
Crew of 7 joined together liferafts taken over. |
Including the Kommandant of T 25 and 28 men. |
05.02 |
BF 4745 |
Emergency signal bearing 223°T did not repeat.
Up to 05.45 hours search unsuccessful. |
05.45 |
A red star signal sighted bearing 55°T. Search
unsuccessful up to 06.10 hours. |
06.10 |
BF 4745 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
BF 4745 |
09.30 |
BF 4741 |
Came to periscope depth. |
E 5-6, Sea 5-6, Swell, low nimbus cloudsbelow 200 meters |
09.40 |
A flying boat (Sunderland) at low altitude about 2000 meters
away. Remained unnoticed. |
- 5 - |
continued |
29.12.43 |
Inner Bay of Biscay |
12.00 |
BF 4741 |
Carry over:
80 |
18 |
98 |
16.00 |
BF 4745 |
18.38 |
BF 4745 |
Surfaced. |
18.45 |
End of twilight. Emergency signal bearing 274°T. |
19.15 - 19.30 |
BF 4744 |
From 2 independently floating rafts 5 men taken aboard. |
Several emergency signals sighted bearing 250°T to
295°T. Steamer lights bearing 260°T. |
19.13 |
BF 4744 |
Incoming Radio Message: 1527/29/21 |
To Group "Hela" |
Own rubber boats drifting in positions naval square BE
6921, 6965, 6933. At present in first named position there is an
Irish steamer therefore search for rubber boats in both other squares
bearing in mind drift in the wind and seas. |
20.00 |
BE 6966 |
ENE 5, Sea 4, overcast, misty, 1033 mb |
20.10 |
BE 6965 |
The sighted steamer lights were recognized as being from
the Irish steamer (Radio Message 1527/29/21). Steamer searches with
searchlight for survivors. Apparently we are not sighted.
Because the steamer is now searching in naval square BE 6965, it is assumed
that naval square 6921 was searched. |
Course change. Run at high speed to naval square
BE 6932. |
22.15 |
BE 6932 |
Search speed in naval square BE 6932 and 6933. Search
unsuccessful. |
22.43 |
BE 6933 |
Outgoing Radio Message: |
Kommandant and 33 men of T 25 aboard. Return transit.
BE 6933. "Lange". |
23.42 |
BE 4714 |
Dived. |
23.21 |
BE 6936 |
Incoming Radio Message: 1107/29/18 |
1) Own air sighted at 0935 hours rubber raft in BE
6921. Aircraft sends bearing signals for U-boats on bearing frequency
"Emil" see Standing Kriegsmarine Order 211a. |
2) At 09.45 hours Z 23 reports his position from
BF 7868. |
3) All naval squares. |
24.00 |
BF 4714 |
ENE 4-5, Sea 4-5, overcast, misty, 1033 mb |
- 9 - |
B r e s t
Harbor |
From 2 January to 16
March 1944 shipyard period in Brest! |
16.03.44 |
18.35 |
Brest |
Put to sea. |
19.05 |
Brest Roads |
Dived for trim test. |
19.25 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
Released by escort. |
24.00 |
BF 5265 |
SSW 2, Sea 1-2, 2/10, 1020 mb |
17.03.43 |
00.00 |
BF 5265 |
04.00 |
BF 5278 |
SSW 2, Sea 1-2, 4/10, 1022 mb |
06.40 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
BF 5547 |
07.52 |
Dived. Deep diving test. |
09.26 |
Surfaced. |
10.25 |
BF 5547 |
Released by escort. Tactical movement begins. |
11.35 |
BF 5498 |
Dived. |
N 1, Sea 1, 1023 mb |
12.00 |
BF 5498 |
16./17.03. nautical miles
7 |
16.00 |
BF 5497 |
16.11 |
1 aircraft bomb heard at medium range. |
20.00 |
BF 5731 |
20.10 |
End of twilight. |
22.57 |
BF 5723 |
Surfaced. |
18.03.44 |
00.00 |
BF 5727 |
SE 2, Sea 1-2, 3/10, Vis. good, 1023 mb |
00.46 |
Dived. |
04.00 |
BF 5743 |
05.13 |
BF 5743 |
Surfaced. |
SE 2, Sea 1-2, 2/10, Vis. good, 1024 mb |
05.36 |
BF 5742 |
Dived. |
06.50 |
Beginning of twilight. |
- 10 - |
continued |
18.03.44 |
Inner Bay of Biscay |
08.00 |
BF 5745 |
12.00 |
BF 5744 |
Carry over:
7 |
23 |
30 |
16.00 |
BF 4969 |
20.00 |
BF 4993 |
20.24 hours End of twilight. |
23.00 |
BF 4992 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
BF 4994 |
ESE 2-3, Sea 2, 2/10, Vis. good, 1025 mb |
19.03.44 |
00.15 |
BF 4986 |
Crash dive! Detection on Naxos. |
04.00 |
BF 4889 |
ESE 1-2, Sea 1, 2/10, 1025 mb |
04.53 |
BF 4989 |
Surfaced. |
05.49 |
BF 8111 |
Dived. |
06.50 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
BF 7333 |
12.00 |
BF 7336 |
Carry over:
30 |
33 |
63 |
16.00 |
BF 7338 |
20.00 |
BF 7337 |
20.30 |
End of twilight. |
22.47 |
BF 7353 |
Surfaced. |
23.32 |
BF 7352 |
Crash dive! Detection "Naxos". |
20.03.44 |
00.00 |
BF 7352 |
NE 2-3, Sea 2, 8/10, Vis. medium, heavy marine phosphorescence,
1023 mb |
01.00 |
BF 7354 |
Surfaced. |
02.10 |
BF 7349 |
Crash dive! Detection "Naxos". |
03.11 |
BF 7348 |
Surfaced. |
NE 2-3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. bad, 1019 |
04.00 |
BF 7371 |
04.54 |
BF 7293 |
Crash dive! Detection "Naxos". |
06.53 |
Beginning of twilight. |
- 11 - |
continued |
20.03.44 |
Inner Bay of Biscay |
08.00 |
BF 7296 |
12.00 |
BF 7295 |
Carry over:
63 |
31 |
94 |
16.00 |
BF 7297 |
20.35 |
End of twilight. |
22.51 |
BF 7522 |
Surfaced. |
23.46 |
BF 7524 |
Crash dive! Detection "Naxos". |
24.00 |
BF 7524 |
ESE 4, Sea 3, 6/10, Vis. medium, 1023 mb |
21.03.44 |
03.22 |
BF 7519 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
BF 7542 |
ESE 4, Sea 3-4, 8/10, Vis. bad, 1020 mb |
04.45 |
BF 7541 |
Dived. |
07.00 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
BF 7466 |
12.00 |
BF 7465 |
Carry over:
94 |
34 |
118 |
16.00 |
BF 7467 |
20.00 |
BF 7483 |
20.45 |
End of twilight. |
22.18 |
BF 7483 |
Surfaced. |
23.32 |
BF 7484 |
Dived. |
ENE 2, Sea 1-2, 3/10, Vis. medium, 1016 mb |
22.03.44 |
00.00 |
BF 7479 |
03.02 |
BF 7479 |
Surfaced. |
ENE 3, Sea 2-3, 3/10, Vis. medium, 1015 mb |
04.00 |
BF 7711 |
04.47 |
BE 9936 |
Dived. |
07.00 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
BE 9938 |
12.00 |
BE 9938 |
Carry over:
118 |
33 |
151 |
- 12 - |
continued |
22.03.44 |
Outer Bay of Biscay |
16.00 |
BE 9961 |
19.00 |
BE 9953 |
Propeller sounds. Probably piston engines bearing
165°T - very faint. |
19.20 |
Sea 3 |
Went to periscope depth - nothing seen. |
By divergent courses determined the bearing persists. |
22.34 |
BE 9953 |
Surfaced. Nothing seen. Ran on course 300°
for 30 minutes. |
23.04 |
SE 1, Sea 0, 9/10, Vis medium, 1013 mb |
Again on general course. |
23.03.44 |
00.00 |
BE 9949 |
00.07 |
BE 9949 |
Dived. |
04.00 |
BE 9971 |
03.06 |
BE 9949 |
Surfaced. |
W 1-2, Sea 0, overcast, Vis. bad, 1012 mb |
05.05 |
BE 9896 |
Dived. |
07.05 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
BE 9899 |
12.00 |
BE 9898 |
Carry over:
151 |
33 |
184 |
16.00 |
CG 1221 |
20.00 |
CG 1221 |
22.18 |
CG 1216 |
Surfaced. |
24.03.44 |
00.00 |
CG 1245 |
W 1-2, Sea 1, blue sky, Vis. medium, 1018 mb |
00.42 |
CG 1271 |
Dived. |
SW 1, Sea 0-1, blue sky, Vis, bad, 1020 mb, heavy marine
phosphorescence |
02.58 |
CG 1193 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
CG 1198 |
05.43 |
Dived. |
07.10 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
CG 1456 |
- 13 - |
continued |
24.03.44 |
Outer Bay of Biscay |
21.00 |
CG 1455 |
Carry over:
184 |
29 |
213 |
16.00 |
CG 1458 |
20.00 |
CG 1481 |
21.00 |
End of twilight. |
22.40 |
CG 1484 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
CG 1715 |
S 2, Sea 1-2, 3/10, Vis. medium, 1022 mb |
25.03.44 |
01.49 |
CF 3969 |
Dived. |
04.00 |
CF 3969 |
S 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. medium, 1021 mb |
04.06 |
CF 3969 |
Surfaced. |
04.34 |
Outgoing Radio Message: 0436/24/42 |
My position is: CG 17.
"U-505". |
06.09 |
CF 3995 |
Dived. |
S 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. bad, 1021 mb |
07.15 |
Beginning of twilight. |
12.00 |
CF 3997 |
Carry over:
213 |
30 |
243 |
16.00 |
CF 6323 |
20.00 |
CF 6326 |
22.26 |
CF 6329 |
Surfaced. |
ESE 5, Sea 4-5, 5/10, Vis. medium, 1024 mb, heavy marine
phosphorescence |
26.03.44 |
00.00 |
CF 6354 |
01.57 |
CF 6376 |
Dived. |
04.00 |
CF 6378 |
04.57 |
CF 6612 |
Crash dive! Detection "Wanze 169 cm". |
ESE 5-6, Sea 4-5, 7/10, 1015 mb |
- 14 - |
continued |
26.03.44 |
Central Atlantic |
07.20 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
CF 6612 |
12.00 |
CF 6615 |
Carry over:
243 |
29 |
282 |
16.00 |
CF 6618 |
20.00 |
CF 6642 |
22.57 |
CF 6645 |
Surfaced. |
SEbyE 5, Sea 4-5, 2/10, 1010 mb, Vis. good |
27.03.44 |
00.00 |
CF 6672 |
01.13 |
CF 6678 |
Dived. |
03.43 |
CF 6912 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
CF 6915 |
SSW 6, Sea 5-6, overcast/passing showers, Vis. medium,
weak marine phosphorescence |
04.30 |
CF 6915 |
Dived. |
07.20 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
CF 6918 |
12.00 |
CF 6942 |
Carry over:
282 |
30 |
312 |
20.00 |
CF 6948 |
21.05 |
End of twilight. |
22.45 |
CF 6948 |
Surfaced. |
28.03.44 |
00.00 |
CF 6978 |
SW 3, Sea 2-3, blue sky, 1018 mb, Vis. good |
01.08 |
CF 9315 |
Dived. |
03.31 |
CF 9318 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
CF 9342 |
S 3, Sea 2-3, 2/10, 1016 mb, Vis. medium |
05.10 |
Dived. |
07.17 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
CF 9375 |
Carry over:
342 |
12.00 |
CF 9378 |
30 |
342 |
- 15 - |
continued |
28.03.44 |
Central Atlantic |
16.00 |
CF 9612 |
20.00 |
CF 9615 |
21.04 |
End of twilight. |
23.31 |
DF 9615 |
Surfaced. |
23.58 |
CF 9618 |
Incoming Radio Message: 1719/28/22 |
New objective for "Lange" and Wintermeier"
is Blue PD 20. [EU 70] |
29.03.44 |
00.00 |
CF 9618 |
SW 6-7, Sea 5-6, overcast, rain, 1006 mb, Vis. medium |
01.28 |
CF 9646 |
Dived. |
04.00 |
CF 9649 |
04.29 |
CF 9649 |
Surfaced. |
05.30 |
CF 9673 |
Dived. |
SW 6-7, Sea 5-6, 3/10, 1006 mb, Vis. good |
07.15 |
End of twilight. |
08.00 |
CF 9675 |
12.00 |
CF 9678 |
Carry over:
342 |
33 |
375 |
16.00 |
CF 9677 |
20.00 |
CF 9833 |
21.03 |
End of twilight. |
23.07 |
CF 9833 |
Surfaced. |
30.03.44 |
00.00 |
CF 9833 |
WSW 4, Sea 3-4, 4/10, 1010 mb, Vis. medium |
02.07 |
CF 9864 |
Dived. |
04.00 |
CF 9859 |
Surfaced. |
WSW 4, Sea 3-4, 2/10, 1010 mb, Vis. medium |
06.10 |
CF 9884 |
Dived. |
07.19 |
End of twilight. |
08.00 |
CF 9884 |
12.00 |
CF 9879 |
Carry over:
375 |
29 |
404 |
- 16 - |
continued |
30.03.44 |
16.00 |
CF 9878 |
20.00 |
DH 2312 |
21.07 |
End of twilight. |
22.35 |
DH 2311 |
Surfaced. |
31.03.44 |
00.00 |
DH 2311 |
WSW 3-4, Sea 2-3, overcast, 1017 mb, Vis. medium |
02.05 |
DH 2252 |
Dived. |
04.00 |
DH 2252 |
Surfaced. |
WSW 3-4, Sea 3, 8/10, 1017 mb, Vis. good |
06.40 |
DH 2244 |
Dived. |
07.20 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
DH 2244 |
12.00 |
DH 2169 |
Carry over:
404 |
27 |
431 |
16.00 |
DH 2169 |
20.00 |
DH 2192 |
21.04 |
DH 2192 |
Surfaced. |
21.10 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 292°T, 10 nm. |
21.15 |
End of twilight. |
23.09 |
DH 2191 |
Dived. |
S 4-5, Sea 4, 8/10, 1014 mb, Vis. medium |
01.04.44 |
00.00 |
DH 2181 |
04.06 |
DH 2176 |
Surfaced. |
SWbyW 5-6, Sea 5, overcast, 1011 mb, Vis. medium |
06.14 |
DH 2178 |
Outgoing Radio Message: 0614/1/85 (Short Signal) |
My position is naval square DH 2170.
"U-505". |
06.28 |
DH 2178 |
Dived. |
07.25 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
DH 2178 |
12.00 |
DH 2177 |
Carry over:
421 |
30 |
461 |
- 17 - |
continued |
01.04.44 |
Central Atlantic |
16.00 |
DH 1633 |
20.00 |
DH 1633 |
21.03 |
DH 1632 |
Surfaced. |
21.21 |
Beginning of twilight. |
22.20 |
DH 1623 |
Detonation of a machine gun shell observed beating 280°T,
distance 10 nm. |
23.23 |
DH 1628 |
Incoming Radio Message: 1015/1/92 |
06.14 hours received on Coastal Circuit Short Signal My
position is ES 7170. "Lange" |
Assume signature is incorrect. |
1) If Signal is not from Lange concerned
boat report again. |
2) If from Lange Circuit and position unintelligible.
Boat should have switched to Ireland Circuit 12 hours after sending
passing report and on 30 March at 08.00 switched to America 2 Circuit. |
02.04.44 |
00.00 |
DH 1628 |
SSW 5-6, Sea 5, overcast, rain, 1610 [1010?] mb, Vis. medium |
04.00 |
DH 1645 |
WSW 6, Sea 5-6, 7/10, 1011 mb, Vis. medium |
06.33 |
DH 1593 |
Dived. |
07.30 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
DH 1592 |
12.00 |
DH 1595 |
Carry over:
461 |
21 |
482 |
20.00 |
DH 1589 |
20.10 |
Sound bearing 205°T. Bearing shifts up to 20.40
hours out to 120°T. |
(diesel sounds) apparently a U-boat. |
20.46 |
Surfaced. Nothing seen. |
21.10 |
End of twilight. |
03.04.44 |
00.00 |
DH 1824 |
W 5-6, Sea 5, 8/10, 1011 mb, Vis. medium |
02.00 |
Clocks on board advanced 1 hour. |
04.00 |
DH 1818 |
W 5, Sea 4, 8/10, Vis. good |
- 18 - |
continued |
03.04.44 |
Central Atlantic |
08.00 |
DH 1767 |
08.29 |
DH 1768 |
Dived. |
W 5, Sea 4, overcast, 1012 mb, Vis. medium |
08.40 |
Beginning of twilight. |
12.00 |
DH 1791 |
Carry over:
482 |
20 |
502 |
16.00 |
DH 1783 |
20.00 |
DH 1785 |
22.19 |
DH 1785 |
Surfaced. |
22.30 |
End of twilight. |
04.04.44 |
00.00 |
DH 1787 |
SSE 3, Sea 1-2, overcast, rain, 1013 mb, Vis. medium |
01.41 |
DH 4113 |
Incoming Officer Only Radio Message: 0027/4/301 |
1) "Lange" hand over a new Stichwortbefehl
[Cue-word order] to Schröter at dawn on 5 April in naval
square 6135 of the large square east of disguised square blue XX. |
2) If not met by two hours after dawn submerged and
repeat in the night and on the following day. Report only if not met after three times. |
07.30 |
DG 6364 |
Distance to ordered meeting point 580 nm. |
07.32 |
DG 6364 |
Outgoing Radio Message: Short Signal not heard
twice. |
08.00 |
DG 6359 |
SSW 3-4, Sea 2-3, 4/10, 1013 mb, Vis. good |
08.36 |
DG 6383 |
Dived. |
08.43 |
Beginning of twilight. |
12.00 |
DG 6385 |
Carry over:
502 |
21 |
523 |
16.00 |
DG 6388 |
20.00 |
DG 6387 |
22.26 |
DG 6621 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 169°T, 15 nm. |
22.37 |
End of twilight. |
23.15 |
DG 6651 |
Crash dive! Detection (Naxos). |
- 19 - |
05.04.44 |
Central Atlantic |
00.00 |
DG 6654 |
W 4, Sea 3, 7/10, rain showers, 1013 mb, summer lightening |
00.03 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DG 6911 |
00.08 |
DG 6654 |
Outgoing Radio Message: Short Signal 0008/5/315 |
Expect to be at meeting point on the 10th day of the current
month. My position is DG 60.
"U-505". |
02.13 |
DG 6675 |
Incoming Radio Message: 0121/5/317 |
Lange, Schröter meeting point cancelled.
Both boats continue transit. More follows. |
08.00 |
DG 6865 |
WNW 4-5, Sea 4, 4/10, 1015 mb, Vis. good, summer lightening |
08.39 |
DG 6864 |
Dived. |
08.46 |
Beginning of twilight. |
12.00 |
DG 6864 |
Carry over:
523 |
22 |
545 |
16.00 |
DG 6859 |
20.00 |
DG 6858 |
22.30 |
DG 6857 |
Surfaced. |
22.41 |
End of twilight. |
06.04.44 |
00.00 |
DG 6873 |
WNW 7-8, Sea 6, 2/10, 1021 mb, Vis. good |
00.35 |
DG 6873 |
Incoming Officer Only Radio Message 1206/5/326 |
To Lange and Schröter. New
meeting point blue Sophie, Bruno 3675 on 7 April at dawn. Procedures
same as before. |
02.30 |
DG 6875 |
Course change to 222°T. |
Range to meeting point 183 nm. |
04.00 |
DG 9133 |
NW 6-7, Sea 4, 4/10, 1021 mb, Vis. medium |
08.00 |
DG 9159 |
08.50 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 32°T, 2 nm. |
08.50 |
Beginning of twilight. |
- 20 - |
continued |
06.04.44 |
Central Atlantic |
08.57 |
DG 9182 |
Dived. |
WNW 6-7, Sea 5-6, 1/2 overcast, 1021 mb, Vis. good |
12.00 |
DG 9184 |
Carry over:
545 |
21 |
566 |
16.00 |
DG 9187 |
20.00 |
DG 9179 |
22.30 |
DG 9179 |
Surfaced. |
22.46 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
DG 8636 |
NNW 2-3, Sea 2, 1/2 overcast, 1025 mb |
07.04.44 |
04.00 |
DG 8658 |
08.57 |
DG 8675 |
End of twilight. |
NNW 2-3, Sea 2, overcast |
09.08 |
"U-123" in sight bearing 10°T. |
09.15 |
DG 8675 |
"U-123" alongside. |
Stichwortbefel for transferred by the First Watch Officer
by rubber boat. |
09.40 |
Set off. |
09.45 |
DG 8675 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DG 8678 |
Carry over:
566 |
20 |
586 |
16.00 |
DG 8911 |
20.00 |
DG 8914 |
22.39 |
DG 8917 |
Surfaced. |
Completed test firing of the anti-aircraft weapons. |
22.51 |
End of twilight. |
08.04.44 |
00.00 |
DG 8863 |
NNE 1-2, Sea 1, overcast, Vis. good |
04.00 |
DG 8899 |
08.00 |
DS 3356 |
NNE 1-2, Sea 2, 1/2 overcast, Vis. good |
08.59 |
Beginning of twilight. |
09.08 |
DS 3359 |
Dived. |
- 21 - |
continued |
08.04.44 |
Central Atlantic |
12.00 |
DS 3383 |
Carry over:
586 |
20 |
606 |
16.00 |
DS 3386 |
20.00 |
DS 3389 |
22.41 |
DS 3623 |
Surfaced. |
22.50 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
DS 3629 |
NE 2, Sea 2, overcast, 1024 mb, Vis. good |
09.04.44 |
04.00 |
DS 3686 |
NE 2, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. good |
08.00 |
DS 3929 |
09.11 |
DS 3959 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DS 3956 |
Carry over:
606 |
20 |
626 |
14.30 - 19.59 |
Detonation of 25 aircraft bombs heard at medium to long
range. |
16.00 |
DS 3959 |
16.14 - 17.30 hours 24 aircraft bombs detonated at medium
range. |
20.00 |
DS 3983 |
22.41 |
DS 3983 |
Surfaced. |
22.48 |
End of twilight. |
10.04.44 |
00.00 |
DS 3989 |
NE 2-3, Sea 1, overcast, Vis. medium-good, 1023 mb |
04.00 |
DS 6353 |
04.49 |
Outgoing Radio Message: 0449/10/394 |
My position is DS 63. What is my new operations area. |
"U-505". |
09.13 |
DS 6626 |
Dived. |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 0°T, 9 nm. |
08.00 |
DS 6389 |
09.01 hours Beginning of twilight. |
12.00 |
DS 6626 |
Carry over:
626 |
20 |
646 |
16.00 |
DS 6629 |
- 22 - |
continued |
10.04.44 |
Central Atlantic |
20.00 |
DS 6653 |
22.26 |
DS 6656 |
Surfaced. |
22.47 |
End of twilight. |
11.04.44 |
00.00 |
DS 6659 |
NE 3, Sea 2-3, 1/2 overcast, 1023 mb |
04.00 |
DS 6926 |
07.25 |
Incoming Radio Message: 0904/10/396 |
To "Lange" your objective is in accordance
with Serial No. 179 of 29 March green XU 2x. [EU 70]. Operation
intended east of this. Southern transit along the coast seems to be promising. |
08.00 |
DS 6983 |
NE 3-4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. good |
09.01 |
Beginning of twilight. |
09.15 |
DS 6994 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DS 6997 |
Carry over:
646 |
20 |
666 |
16.00 |
DS 9332 |
20.00 |
DS 9335 |
22.28 |
DS 9335 |
Surfaced. |
22.46 |
End of twilight. |
12.04.44 |
00.00 |
DS 9339 |
NE 3-4, Sea 3, overcast, 1021 mb, Vis. medium |
04.00 |
DT 7175 |
08.00 |
DT 7427 |
NE 4, Sea 3, 3/4 overcast, 1020 mb, Vis. medium |
08.58 |
Beginning of twilight. |
09.15 |
DT 7449 |
Dived. |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 298°T, 16 nm. |
12.00 |
DT 7418 |
Carry over:
666 |
18 |
684 |
16.00 |
DT 7445 |
20.00 |
DT 7449 |
- 23 - |
continued |
12.04.44 |
Central Atlantic |
22.28 |
DT 7449 |
Surfaced. |
22.44 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
DT 7484 |
NE 3, Sea 2-3, 1/4 overcast, 1019 mb, Vis. medium |
13.04.44 |
04.00 |
DT 7729 |
NE 3-4, Sea 2-3, 3/4 overcast, 1016 mb, Vis. good |
08.00 |
DT 7791 |
08.58 |
Beginning of twilight. |
09.15 |
DT 7798 |
Dived. |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 250°T, 14 nm. |
12.00 |
DT 1123 |
Carry over:
684 |
20 |
704 |
16.00 |
DT 1123 |
20.00 |
DT 1134 |
22.34 |
DT 1137 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
DT 1162 |
NE 3-4, Sea 3, 3/4 overcast, 1018 mb, marine phosphorescence |
14.04.44 |
02.15 |
Incoming Radio Message 1253/13/340: |
"Rudolf" "Wintermeier"
"Lange". |
1) Occupy the following operations areas: |
a) Rudolf . . . . . . . . |
b) Wintermeier area west of Rudolf
up to longitude of naval square 71 of the large square east of disguised
square green CP [EU]. |
c) "Lange" area west of Wintermeier
up to the longitude of green CN 81 [ET 31] |
2) According to moon and defense set off or under
the coast. |
3) Attention is called to the Seehausen
situation report. |
04.00 |
EJ 1278 |
NE 3-4, Sea 3, 3/4 overcast, 1016 mb |
08.00 |
EJ 1527 |
08.57 |
Beginning of twilight. |
09.10 |
EJ 1554 |
Dived. |
- 24 - |
continued |
14.04.44 |
Central Atlantic |
West of the Cape Verde Islands |
12.00 |
EJ 1558 |
Carry over:
704 |
20 |
724 |
16.00 |
EJ 1558 |
20.00 |
EJ 1583 |
22.21 |
EJ 1586 |
Surfaced. |
22.29 |
End of twilight. |
15.05.44 |
00.00 |
EJ 1597 |
NE 3-4, Sea 3, clear sky, 1016 mb, marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
EJ 1863 |
08.00 |
EJ 1875 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual
position after a navigation fix: 179°T, 16 nm. |
NE 3, Sea 2, 1016 mb, 3/4 overcast |
09.06 |
EJ 4312 |
Dived. |
08.55 hours Beginning of twilight. |
12.00 |
EJ 4342 |
Carry over:
724 |
25 |
749 |
16.00 |
EJ 4343 |
20.00 |
EJ 4354 |
22.18 |
EJ 4354 |
Surfaced. |
22.33 |
End of twilight. |
16.04.44 |
00.00 |
EJ 4382 |
NE 3, Sea 3, 1017 mb, 1/2 overcast, Vis. medium, marine
phosphorescence |
04.00 |
EJ 4633 |
NE 4, Sea 3-4, 1/2 overcast |
08.00 |
EJ 4546 |
08.55 |
Beginning of twilight. |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 270°T, 10 nm. |
08.59 |
EJ 5446 |
Dived. |
NE 3, Sea 3-4, 1/2 overcast, Vis. good |
12.00 |
EJ 5449 |
Carry over:
749 |
20 |
769 |
16.00 |
EJ 5457 |
20.00 |
EJ 5482 |
22.28 |
End of twilight. |
- 25 - |
continued |
16.04.44 |
West of the Cape Verde Islands |
22.23 |
EJ 5482 |
Surfaced. |
17.04.44 |
00.00 |
EJ 5494 |
NE 4, Sea 3-4, 1/4 overcast, 1018 mb, medium Swell, marine
phosphorescence |
04.00 |
EJ 5812 |
08.00 |
EJ 5829 |
NE 3, Sea 2-3, 1/2 overcast, 1015 mb |
08.46 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.50 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 100°T, 5 nm. |
08.54 |
EJ 5862 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
EJ 5865 |
Carry over:
769 |
20 |
789 |
16.00 |
EJ 5864 |
20.00 |
EJ 5944 |
22.22 |
EJ 5947 |
End of twilight. |
Surfaced. |
18.04.44 |
00.00 |
EJ 5973 |
NE 3, Sea 2-3, 1/2 overcast, 1016 mb, Vis. medium, marine
phosphorescence |
04.00 |
EJ 5997 |
08.00 |
EJ 9115 |
NE 3, Sea 2-3, overcast, 1015 mb, marine phosphorescence |
08.41 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.50 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 315°T, 5 nm. |
Dived. |
11.41 |
EJ 9119 |
1 aircraft bomb detonation heard. |
12.00 |
EJ 9119 |
Carry over:
789 |
20 |
809 |
12.40 |
Weak sound bearing 110°T. |
Went to periscope depth - nothing seen. |
14.34 |
Sound bearing 45°T. Disappearing. |
14.50 |
7/10 cliody, high clouds 1500 meters |
At periscope depth nothing seen. |
16.00 |
EJ 9127 |
- 26 - |
continued |
18.04.44 |
West of the Cape Verde Islands |
20.00 |
EJ 9152 |
22.14 |
EJ 9152 |
End of twilight. |
Surfaced. |
19.04.44 |
00.00 |
EJ 9163 |
NNE 2-3, Sea 2, 1/2 overcast, 1016 mb, marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
EJ 9272 |
08.00 |
EJ 9523 |
NE 2, Sea 1-2, overcast, 1014 mb |
08.36 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.40 |
EJ 9538 |
Dived. |
09.40 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 160°T, 12 nm. |
12.00 |
EJ 9538 |
Carry over:
809 |
22 |
831 |
12.27 to 13.40 hours 24 detonations heard. Presumably
aircraft bombs in medium to long range. |
16.00 |
EJ 9563 |
16.53 to 18.19 hours 9 aircraft detonations at medium range. |
20.00 |
EJ 9641 |
22.08 |
EJ 9645 |
Surfaced. |
22.11 |
End of twilight. |
20.04.44 |
00.00 |
EJ 9646 |
NE 2, Sea 1-2, 1/10, 1016 mb, medium marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
EJ 9695 |
08.00 |
EK 7713 |
NbyE 1, Sea 1, overcast, 1015 mb |
08.30 |
Beginning of twilight. |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 123°T, 11 nm. |
08.37 |
EK 7719 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
EK 7728 |
Carry over:
831 |
21 |
852 |
16.00 |
EK 7752 |
20.00 |
EK 7753 |
21.55 |
EK 7753 |
Surfaced. |
- 27 - |
continued |
20.04.44 |
West of the Cape Verde Islands |
22.08 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
EK 7765 |
N 1-2, Sea 1, overcast, 1015 mb, marine phosphorescence |
21.04.44 |
04.00 |
EK 7873 |
08.00 |
ET 1232 |
N 1-2, Sea 1, 1/2 overcast, 1014 mb, Vis. good |
08.26 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.29 |
ET 1239 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
ET 1314 |
Carry over:
852 |
19 |
871 |
16.00 |
ET 1314 |
20.00 |
ET 1318 |
21.44 |
ET 1319 |
Surfaced. |
21.57 |
End of twilight. |
22.04.44 |
00.00 |
ET 1352 |
NW 1, Sea 1, overcast, 1015 mb, marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
ET 1369 |
07.40 |
ET 2184 |
A white light in sight bearing 60°T about 3 nm away.
Single masted fishing boat on the 200 meter line. Ran off at increased
speed to remain undetected. 08.02 hours light out of sight. |
08.00 |
ET 2188 |
NW 1, Sea 1, overcast, 1015 mb, marine phosphorescence |
08.16 |
ET 2188 |
Dived. |
08.18 |
Beginning of twilight. |
12.00 |
ET 2433 |
Carry over:
871 |
21 |
892 |
16.00 |
ET 2431 |
20.00 |
ET 2435 |
21.40 |
ET 2435 |
Surfaced. |
21.50 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
ET 2518 |
- 28 - |
23.04.44 |
Off Freetown |
04.00 |
1 day after the new moon |
ET 2556 |
NW 1-2, Sea 1, 1/2 overcast, heavy marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
ET 2672 |
NW 1-2, Sea 1, nearly completely cloudy, heavy marine phosphorescence |
08.05 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 282°T, 2.5 nm. |
08.13 |
ET 2672 |
Beginning of twilight. |
Dived. |
10.00 - 10.30 |
Submerged at listening speed at depth 60 meters. |
12.00 |
ET 2676 |
Carry over:
892 |
19 |
911 |
Port propeller makes strong noise even at low RPM similar
to an empty iron barrel on pavement. |
Assumption: a loose edge on one side of the outer metal
cladding. |
16.00 |
ET 2684 |
20.00 |
ET 2685 |
21.38 |
ET 2685 |
Surfaced. |
End of twilight. |
Attempt to sheer off the suspected corroded sheet metal
at high reverse speed on both shafts. Henceforth the port propeller
exhibits no further noise at low speed. |
24.00 |
ET 2933 |
WNW 3-4, Sea 3, 3/4 cloudy, heavy marine phosphorescence |
24.04.44 |
2nd day of the new moon |
Entered the assigned operations area in accordance with
Radio Message. |
00.37 |
ET 3711 |
Cruised through the operations area on southerly
course up to St. Ann Shoals. |
WNW 4, Sea 2-3, few clouds, Vis. good |
Medium-shallow depth sounder is occasionally out of service. |
04.00 |
ET 3773 |
NW 2, 3/4 overcast, 1013 mb |
Course change to 220° - ran off along the known entry route
to Freetown in accordance with Standing Kriegsmarine Order 481. |
Intention: Occupy intercept position in SW approach
sector between ET 5362, ET 3781 and 6162 up to the 100 meter line during
the first nights of the new moon. |
- 29 - |
continued |
24.04.44 |
Off Freetown |
08.00 |
ET 6117 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual
position after a navigation fix: 270°T, 9.3 nm. |
WbyN 5, Sea 3, overcast, 1014 mb, clear horizon |
08.10 |
ET 6117 |
Dived. |
08.11 |
Beginning of twilight. |
Submerged at listening speed at depth A -50 meters. |
Twice hourly at periscope depth. |
12.00 |
ET 5362 |
Carry over:
911 |
22 |
933 |
16.00 |
ET 5338 |
W 1, medium Swell, overcast |
20.00 |
ET 5336 |
21.27 |
ET 5336 |
Surfaced. Difference between dead reckoning and actual
position after a navigation fix: 151°T, 17 nm in 13.3 hours. |
21.35 |
End of twilight. |
21.41 |
At slow speed on easterly course in search triangle. |
24.00 |
ET 6152 |
The Fu.M.O. gear can not be used to assist.
The device was demonstrated by K.M.W. technicians at Point "Eis"
with the following operational values: |
WNW 2, Sea 1, 3/4 overcast, 1014 mb, marine
phosphorescence |
And delivered: Sea targets: 35-3800 meters |
Air targets by Aphrodite 2500 meters. |
Maximum limits. |
Practical tests during the outbound transit to the operations
area have not reached limit values. |
25.04.44 |
Off Freetown |
01.40 |
Depth 88 meters. Ran off to the NW to the 100 meter
line. |
04.00 |
ET 6152 |
NW 2, Sea 1-2, 1/2 overcast, 1016 mb, medium marine phosphorescence |
07.30 |
Depth 50 meters. |
07.40 |
" 40
" |
08.00 |
ET 3776 |
WNW 2-3, Sea 1-2, 1013 mb, 3/4 overcast |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 335°T, 5 nm in 10.4 hours. |
08.03 |
ET 3776 |
Dived. Submerged at listening speed at depth A -50
meters. |
08.11 |
Beginning of twilight. |
Torpedo tube fairing for tube 2 can not be closed completely.
Cause not known for now. Linkage markings go to the limit postion,
despite this the tube floods quickly and strongly. |
Boat clear to dive up to max depth A +20 meters.
T V in the tube can not be ventilated and maintained. |
- 30 - |
continued |
25.04.44 |
Off Freetown |
12.00 |
ET 3776 |
Went to periscope depth every two hours. |
Overcast, NW 2, Sea 1 |
Carry over:
933 |
20 |
953 |
16.00 |
ET 3778 |
20.00 |
ET 6112 |
W 1, Sea 0, 1/2 overcast |
21.29 |
ET 6115 |
Surfaced. |
21.35 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 223°T, 11 nm in 13.6 hours. |
Attempt to sweep possible blockage away by high speed settings
in front of the outer tube fairing for torpedo tube 2 - without success.
Condition unchanged. |
21.41 |
End of twilight. 23.42 hours moonset. |
At slow speed on SE course in the SW approach sector. |
24.00 |
ET 6154 |
Course change to 270°. |
WNW 2, Sea 1, 1015 mb, 2/10 cloudy, Vis. good, heavy marine
phosphorescence |
26.04.44 |
02.06 |
Moonset. |
04.00 |
ET 5364 |
WNW 3, Sea 1, slightly cloudy, Vis. good, 1012 mb |
08.00 |
ET 6154 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual
position after a navigation fix: 89°T, 6 nm in 10.4 hours. |
WNW 2, Sea 1, 2/10, 1012 mb |
08.07 |
ET 6155 |
Dived. |
Submerged at listening speed at depth A -50 meters. |
08.09 |
Beginning of twilight. |
Tube 2 with T V unchanged. |
In the morning hourly, afternoon every two hours at periscope
depth. |
12.00 |
ET 6156 |
Carry over:
953 |
29 |
982 |
20.00 |
ET 6165 |
- 31 - |
continued |
26.04.44 |
Off Freetown |
21.24 |
ET 6165 |
Surfaced. Difference between dead reckoning and actual
position after a navigation fix: 104°T, 5 nm. |
21.37 |
End of twilight |
Left the area off Freetown. |
Intention: In search legs to cross the shipping route
from Cape Palmas and Monrovia. |
24.00 |
ET 6273 |
WNW 2, Sea 1, 1/2 overcast, 1014 mb |
27.04.44 |
04.00 |
ET 6297 |
N 2, Sea 1, 1014 mb, overcast, heavy summer lightening
in the SE from 00.32 to 06.55 hours |
05.35 |
ET 6299 |
White light ahead bearing 92°T about 20000 meters away.
Light taken astern. Two steamer lanterns come in sight. |
Steamer course 310°. matched speed 14 knots.
Approached on the hounds curve. |
Steamer proves to be neutral passenger steamer with illuminated
Portuguese colors. Name plate could not be read at 1500 meters.
Size approximately 9000 GRT boat did not go closer due to severe summer lightening. |
07.02 |
Steamer passed. Ran off at high speed. |
07.40 |
ET 6296 |
White light out of sight. |
Measurements with Fu.M.O. at a range of 3500 meters were
not successful. |
08.00 |
ET 6378 |
NNE 3, Sea 1-2, slightly cloudy, 1014 mb |
08.06 |
ET 6378 |
Dived. Submerged at listening speed at depth A -30
meters. |
NE 5, Sea 3, overcast, low rain clouds |
Beginning of twilight. |
Every two hours at periscope depth. |
12.00 |
ET 6379 |
Carry over:
982 |
24 |
1006 |
Tube 2 and T V no change! |
16.00 |
ET 6387 |
20.00 |
ET 6388 |
20.30 hours depth 85 meters. 20.50 hours depth 86
meters. |
21.21 |
ET 6389 |
Surfaced. |
ENE 3, Sea 1-2, overcast |
21.30 |
End of twilight |
At slow speed shallow zig zags over the shipping route. |
- 32 - |
continued |
27.04.44 |
Freetown - Monrovia |
24.00 |
ET 6635 |
28.04.44 |
01.28 |
Moonset. |
02.20 |
ET 6397 |
Depth 86 meters. |
04.00 |
EU 4444 |
NE 1, 1/2 overcast, medium marine phosphorescence, 1013
mb |
07.46 |
EU 4464 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 220°T, 4 nm. |
Cape Mount bearing 232°T, 20 nm away. Dived. |
Depth 74 meters. Cruising submerged at depth A -50
meters, listening speed. |
On course to Monrovia harbor. |
07.59 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
EU 4464 |
Wind calm |
10.40 |
Monrovia lighthouse bearing 104 about 12 nm |
Lerwik flying boat bearing 45°T, 8000 meters away,
course N, altitude 400 meters. |
11.05 - 11.30 hours at periscope depth. |
12.00 |
EU 4468 |
Carry over:
1006 |
Wind calm |
24 |
1030 |
Tube 2 and T V no change. |
12.20 |
Lerwik flying boat bearing 80°T, 4000 meters away,
course 300°, altitude 600 meters. |
Unnoticed! |
Suspect it is the same aircraft as at 10.40 hours.
Reconnaissance along and immediately off the coast. |
13.00 |
EU 4548 |
Monrovia lighthouse bearing 100T distance 2
nm, depth 46 meters |
The roadstead can be seen completely. |
No steamers or patrol vessels lie at anchor. |
In the northern part lie about 20 single-masted fishing
vessels without sails. Single fishing boats north and south from
the lighthouse tower close under land with white sails. |
There is little surf on the coast. The roofs of the houses
in view - usually red painted tin roofs - shine strongly in the
sun. |
The boat is pushed to the SSE by a current of about 0.7
knots. |
16.00 |
EU 4571 |
Distance from Monrovia lighthouse about 2.8
nm. Depth 72 meters. |
SSE 1, Sea 1, lightly cloudy |
20.00 |
EU 4574 |
- 33 - |
continued |
28.04.44 |
Off Monrovia |
21.20 |
EU 4577 |
Surfaced. |
Monrovia lighthouse bearing 40T, distance 7.5 nm |
21.31 |
End of twilight. Monrovia lighthouse is not illuminated.
White lights in the town are easily seen and pass out of sight at 21.56
hours. |
Moved off to the south to cut the suspected steamer route on and outside the 200 meter line. |
Intention: Conditions discovered off Freetown and
the complete absence of patrol vessels on the Monrovia roadstead suggest
no active traffic at the moment. The extremely weak air surveillance also
suggests this. |
Intend to proceed with shallow legs to EU 4884 (troop carriers
sighted by von Schröter) and back to the 100 meter line
slowly east-southeastward to Cape Palmas where hopefully opportunity is
rewarding. |
24.00 |
EU 4815 |
S 2, Sea 1, no clouds, Vis. good |
29.04.44 |
02.06 |
Moonset. |
04.00 |
EU 4884 |
S 2, Sea 1, 1/2 overcast, medium marine phosphorescence,
heavy summer lightening |
07.45 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 115°T, 4 nm. |
07.55 |
Beginning of twilight. |
07.56 |
EU 7236 |
Dived. Submerged at listening speed at depth A -20
meters. |
08.00 |
EU 7236 |
W 3, Sea 1, overcast, rain, 1013 mb |
12.00 |
EU 7314 |
Carry over:
1030 |
SW 3, Sea 1, 1/2 overcast |
24 |
1054 |
Tube 2 with T V unchanged. |
Every two hours at periscope depth. |
16.00 |
EU 7315 |
20.00 |
EU 7319 |
21.16 |
EU 7319 |
Surfaced. End of twilight. |
24.00 |
EU 7355 |
NW 2, Sea 1, rain, 3/4 overcast, Vis. medium, heavy marine
phosphorescence |
- 34 - |
30.04.44 |
Off Monrovia |
01.00 |
EU 7383 |
Boat stopped. |
Main ballast tank 1 flooded. Boat lies before the
seas 3° down by the stern. |
Mech.Ob.Mt. overboard with Tauchretter to check the outer
tube door of torpedo tube 2. |
Findings: |
1) Rim of the tube opening is evenly smooth everywhere. |
2) Rubber ring of the outer tube door is likewise
undamaged. |
3) Outer tube door goes completely open, fairing
flap goes completely back so that the torpedo could be ejected freely. |
4) On closing the outer tube door does not seat firmly
on tube mouth and the fairing flap does not nestle itself completely into
the hull. |
Assumption: Presumably, the linkage has been twisted
because when the door was first opened on 25 April the linkage was very
stiff at first. |
Measures: |
1) Linkage inside the boat was uncoupled. Crank
was set back half of a rotation. The linkage was turned one half turn
closed. The outer tube door is still leaking. The crank was then put
back into original starting position to ensure that in any case the tube
door could be fully opened. |
2) Because the T V loaded in torpedo tube 2 is likely
to be inoperable after several days without maintenance in the flooded
tube, the Fat II loaded in tube VI is replaced [with a T V]. |
02.52 |
Moonset. |
04.00 |
EU 7393 |
NE 1, calm sea, 3/4 overcast, rain, Vis. 4000 meters |
07.50 |
Off Cape Palmas |
Beginning of twilight. |
07.52 |
EU 8158 |
Dived. Submerged at listening speed at depth A -50
meters. |
08.00 |
EU 8158 |
NE 1, smooth sea, 3/4 overcast, rain |
09.30 |
Bearing Kaba 8T, 8 nm away |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 120°T, 6.3 nm. |
Clear, very good visibility. The surf is easily distinguished
in the highly extended periscope. No ship traffic under land.
Single one-masted sailing fishing vessels. |
12.00 |
Bearing Subabo 36°T, 9 nm away. |
Carry over:
1054 |
23 |
1077 |
- 35 - |
continued |
30.04.44 |
Off Cape Palmas |
16.00 |
EU 8192 |
20.00 |
EU 8278 |
21.04 |
EU 8278 |
Surfaced. |
21.11 |
Very clear moonlit night, Vis. about 7 nm to all sides |
Beginning of twilight. Difference between dead reckoning
and actual position after a navigation fix: 100°T, 8 nm. |
Raked in long shallow legs off the Cape. Harper is
made out as isolated illuminated houses. The Cape Palmas lighthouse
is not illuminated. |
24.00 |
EU 8523 |
SSE 2, Sea 1, 1014 mb, slightly cloudy |
01.05.44 |
Off Cape Palmas |
02.00 |
Heavy summer lightening, increasing cloudiness, thunderstorms,
heavy summer lightening |
04.00 |
EU 8526 |
SSE 2, Sea 1, 1014 mb, 3/4 overcast |
07.45 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 118°T, 9 nm. |
08.00 |
EU 8557 |
12.00 |
EU 8586 |
Carry over:
1077 |
28 |
1105 |
Tube 2 with T V unchanged. |
Every two hours at periscope depth. |
20.00 |
EU 8567 |
20.55 |
EU 8565 |
Surfaced. Difference between dead reckoning and actual
position after a navigation fix: 103°T, 12 nm. |
21.09 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
EU 8652 |
WSW 2, slightly overcast, Sea 1, 1014 mb, Vis. 6 nm |
02.05.44 |
02.55 |
EU 8618 |
Crash dive! Detection Naxos. |
(buzzing sound, pitch 300). |
03.19 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
EU 8614 |
WSW 2, Sea 1, Vis. 6 nm, 1/4 overcast |
07.45 |
Beginning of twilight. |
07.49 |
EU 8523 |
Dived. Submerged at listening speed depth A -50 meters. |
- 36 - |
continued |
02.05.44 |
Off Cape Palmas |
08.00 |
EU 8523 |
08.30 |
The coast is visible through the haze distance about 10
nm. |
11.00 |
Bearing to Cape Palmas 345°T, 6 nm |
Off the roadstead cruise fishing boats with brown sails.
On the roadstead no ships are seen. |
Heavy westerly coastal current begins. ENE wind |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 5°T, 8 nm. |
Tube 2 and T V unchanged. |
12.00 |
EU 8289 |
Carry over:
1105 |
ENE 6-7, Sea 6, ground sea, 3/4 overcast |
01./02.05: 104
1131 |
Hourly at periscope depth. |
16.00 |
EU 8523 |
20.00 |
EU 8526 |
20.58 |
Surfaced. |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 256°T, 9 nm. |
21.10 |
Beginning of twilight. |
Naxos briefly out of service. |
Cable pulley broken at the bottom in the forward periscope shaft. |
Roller of the other tensioner for the lowering pendant
was used in place of the broken part in the shaft. A roller from the torpedo
transfer gear was used as a substitute roller for the tensioner. |
24.00 |
EU 8532 |
Wind calm, Vis. 6 nm |
03.05.44 |
04.00 |
EU 8614 |
NE 2, Sea 1, 1/3 cloudy, 1012 mb, summer lightening, medium
marine phosphorescence |
04.52 Moonset. |
07.35 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 188°T, 12 nm in 10 hours. |
07.42 |
EU 8378 |
Beginning of twilight. |
Dived. Submerged at listening speed at depth A -50
meters. |
08.00 |
EU 8375 |
NW 2, Sea 1, 1/2 overcast |
11.00 |
Village of Gd. Tabou bearing 308°T, 2.8 nm |
12.00 |
EU 8371 |
Carry over:
1131 |
25 |
1156 |
Point Tabou lighthouse bearing 268°T, 3.5. |
Details on land are easily distinguished. The coast
radio station can be seen far away. In the roadstead no ships and boats,
ran along the 50 meter line. No traffic is seen. |
- 37 - |
continued |
03.05.44 |
Off Cape Palmas |
Went to periscope depth hourly. |
Tube 2 with T V unchanged. |
16.00 |
EU 8374 |
20.00 |
EU 8533 |
20.50 |
EU 8533 |
Surfaced. |
21.09 |
EU 8533 |
End of twilight. |
Clear moonlit night |
During four days cruising off Cape Palmas no traffic was
observed even with the best visibility, search legs from the 50 meter
line to 54 nm from land were driven on the basis of all possible passing
courses. |
The roadsteads of the locations: Rocktown, Harper, Half
Cavalla and Tabou were observed. Intend to set off to the south
during the next night, for the duration of the full moon period to intercept
traffic coming from Cape Town or Ascension and to repair
the outer tube door of torpedo tube 2 |
24.00 |
EU 8556 |
SSW 2, Sea 1, |
04.05.44 |
04.00 |
EU 8816 |
SSW 2, Sea 1, 1/2 cloudy |
05.30 |
Moonset. |
07.45 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
EU 8793 |
SSW 2, Sea 1, 3/4 overcast, horizon is hazy in the east |
12.00 |
EU 8793 |
Carry over:
1156 |
26 |
1182 |
Tube 2 and T V unchanged. |
Every two hours at periscope depth. |
16.00 |
EU 8795 |
20.00 |
EU 8786 |
20.48 |
Surfaced. 21.09 hours end of twilight. |
24.00 |
EU 8784 |
SSW 2, Sea 1, 1/2 overcast, heavy marine phosphorescence |
- 38 - |
05.05.44 |
Off Cape Palmas |
04.00 |
EU 7998 |
From 02.00 to 06.30 hours |
SSW 1, calm sea, SW-Swell, 3/4 overcast, Vis. 7 nm |
outer tube door of torpedo tube 2 repaired. Rubber
boat with 2 men launched. Main ballast tank 1 flooded up to 4°
stern down, boat heeled to +7°. By pitching the boat, for the
most part the work was carried out under 1-1/2 meters water. |
The pin of the outer tube door was removed and thereby
the door fairing was separated from the outer tube door. Then closing
the outer tube door with the linkage is very easy, the outer tube door
holds tight. |
The roller bearings of the fairing are very stiff - probably
damage fault and does not slide on the bearing plate. |
07.53 |
Beginning of twilight. |
07.55 |
FF 1322 |
Dived. Submerged at listening speed and headed to
depth A to test the tightness of torpedo tube 2. Tube holds tight. |
08.00 |
FF 1322 |
SW 2, Sea 1, 9/10, cloudy |
12.00 |
FF 1321 |
Carry over:
1182 |
1202 |
Every three hours at periscope depth. |
16.00 |
FF 1316 |
20.00 |
FF 1319 |
20.54 |
FF 1319 |
Surfaced. |
21.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 85°T, 23 nm in 61.4 hours. |
T V was pulled from torpedo tube 2. |
Findings: |
The torpedo was flooded from 25 April at 20.00 hours to
5 May at 07.00 hours = 227 hours and exposed to a greatest depth of A
-40 meters. Torpedo externally only slightly corroded. Air loss
20 kg. Voltage drop from moisture short = 65 Volts.
No shorts in the MZ device, torpedo dry inside. Pistol container
dry. No issues when regulating after drying the moisture
short. The torpedo can still be used as a T V. |
24.00 |
FF 1349 |
SW 1, calm sea, 1/4 cloudy |
- 39 - |
06.05.44 |
Southwest of Cape Palmas |
04.00 |
FF 1377 |
SW 1, calm sea, clear moonlit night, Vis. very good, 1010
mb |
07.57 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
FF 1561 |
SSW 0-1, smooth sea, 9/10 cloudy, 1011 mb |
08.07 |
FF 1553 |
Dived. Submerged at listening speed at depth A -50
meters. At periscope depth in the smooth sea the boat forms a strong
foaming eddy over the antiaircraft weapons platforms. Because the
residual swell penetrates to 4-6 meters underwater, went 10 meters deeper
for listening cruise. |
10.03 |
FF 1556 |
Aircraft sighted at periscope depth beating 71°T.
Aircraft course 11, altitude 300 meters, range 3-4000 meters. |
Type: Probably Lockheed "Hudson".
Aircraft flies a serpentine course at the under edge of the clouds. |
12.00 |
FF 1556 |
Carry over:
1202 |
Totally cloudy, smooth sea |
1223 |
On the assumption, that according to Radio Message ships
north bound from "Annobon" exploit the Guinea current to get
to Freetown and northern ports, set off in shallow legs to the NNE. |
In the morning hourly, in the afternoon every two hours
at periscope depth. |
16.00 |
FF 1564 |
20.00 |
FF 1565 |
20.44 |
FF 1565 |
Surfaced. |
Wind calm, 7/10 cloudy |
21.10 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 275°T, 34 nm in 24 hours. (Guinea current) |
21.16 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
FF 1538 |
SSE 1, calm sea, 8/10 cloudy, Vis. good |
07.05.44 |
04.00 |
FF 1625 |
In the course of the night passed three clearly
visible steamer tracks. |
Wind calm, smooth sea, moonshine, Vis.
very good, 1013 mb |
80-260°, 0-180°, 120-300°. |
Confusion with wind streaks seems impossible. These tracks
and the "Hudson" sighted yesterday are indicative of traffic in this
sector. Decide to remain here two days to cruise. |
07.55 |
Beginning of twilight. |
- 40 - |
continued |
07.05.44 |
Southwest of Cape Palmas |
08.00 |
FF 2412 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual
position after a navigation fix: 32°T, 5 nm in 10.8 hours. |
SE 1, calm sea, 1/2 overcast, 1013 mb |
08.04 |
Dived. Submerged at listening speed at depth A -35
meters. Up to 14.00 hours hourly then every two hours at periscope
depth. |
12.00 |
FF 2187 |
Carry over:
1223 |
Wind calm, smooth sea, 1/2 overcast, low
hanging rain clouds |
20 |
1243 |
16.00 |
FF 2179 |
20.00 |
FF 2175 |
20.47 |
FF 2175 |
Surfaced. |
S 1, 1/2 overcast |
21.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 62°T, 40 nm in 23.8 hours. |
21.12 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
FF 1394 |
SSW 1, calm sea, 1/2 overcast, clear moonlit night |
08.05.44 |
04.00 |
FF 1371 |
The vent for the watertight stern was removed
from the overdeck, one knee joint repaired. |
SE 2, Sea 1, 1/2 overcast, full moon night |
04.40 |
Passed an oil streak about 1-1/2 nm long in direction 340-160°.
Line disperses each end and can not be followed. |
07.56 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
FF 1267 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual
position after a navigation fix: 255°T, 34 nm in 11 hours. |
SSE 2, Sea 1, 2/10 overcast, misty in the east, SSE rain
squalls |
08.10 |
FF 1267 |
Dived. Submerged at listening speed at depth A -25. |
12.00 |
FF 1193 |
Carry over:
1243 |
Totally overcast, cloud height about 1500 meters |
22 |
1265 |
Every two hours at periscope depth. |
16.00 |
FF 1169 |
20.00 |
FF 1166 |
20.53 |
FF 1163 |
Surfaced |
NE 2, Sea 1, totally overcast |
21.20 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
ENE 2, Sea 1, 9/10 overcast, Vis. clear, 1012 mb |
- 41 - |
09.05.44 |
Southwest of Cape Palmas |
04.00 |
FF 1315 |
NE 1, calm sea, 1/2 overcast, moonlit clear night, 1009
mb |
07.54 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
EU 7998 |
ENE 1, calm sea, 1/2 overcast, Vis. good, 1009 mb |
08.02 |
Dived. Submerged at listening speed at depth A -35
meters. Every two hours at periscope depth. |
12.00 |
EU 7899 |
Carry over:
1265 |
26 |
1291 |
16.00 |
EU 8778 |
Wind calm, totally cloudy |
20.00 |
EU 8779 |
20.40 |
EU 8779 |
Surfaced. |
21.05 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 242°T, 8 nm. |
21.13 |
Beginning of twilight. |
21.25 |
FF 2112 |
Test dive. |
21.35 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
FF 2122 |
SW 3, Sea 1-2, 1/2 overcast, clear moonlit night |
10.05.44 |
00.23 |
Crash dive! Detection on 169 cm (Wanze). |
01.00 |
Surfaced. |
Because detection suggests the possibility of traffic,
cruised in long SE and NE legs. |
04.00 |
FF 2217 |
SSE 4, Sea 2, totally overcast, Stratus mist, moon shines
through, Vis. clear, heavy marine phosphorescence |
07.46 |
Beginning of twilight. |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 252°T, 7 nm. |
07.56 |
FF 2221 |
Dived. Submerged at listening speed at depth A -35
meters. Every two hours at periscope depth. |
12.00 |
EU 8888 |
Carry over:
1291 |
20 |
1311 |
- 42 - |
10.05.44 |
Off Cape Palmas |
16.00 |
EU 8886 |
16.05 |
EU 8888 |
Smoke feather in sight bearing 170°T. About 14
nm away in naval square EU 8888. |
To Action Stations. |
Smoke feather taken ahead. Masts come well out bearing
184°T, 11 nm away, enemy course 310°. |
15 minutes 1.5 nm GF on attack course for target angle
90°. We can not make it. Passing distance remains 5-6
nm too far for Eto running distance. |
Apparently a fat morsel of 8000-9000 tons. Type 4 master
like "CAMBRIDGE", smokestack "ROYAL MAIL" colors. |
16.47 |
Turned off to parallel course. |
17.50 |
Smoke feather out of sight bearing 237°T. |
Surfaced 18.14 hours. |
18.14 |
EU 8885 |
Smoke feather bearing 282°T about 14 nm away.
SE 3, Sea 2, high S-Swell, 4/10 cloudy, Vis. clear |
Attempt to hold on to the north, to maneuver ahead at the
limit of visibility. |
Enemy speed is plotted at 14.5 knots. We run at 15.2
knots. |
I can be abeam tonight by 02.00 hours, and be ahead
of him by the morning. |
The weather is very clear, for the first time in weeks
we can feel the sun. |
Diesels run well, starboard diesel leave a slight dark
exhaust cloud. |
18.56 |
EU 8881 |
Destroyer mast in sight bearing 230°T. |
Turned to hold on to it because it is too late to turn
away. Masts come quickly out. |
Vessel has bow left, target angle 20° with course 160°. |
18.58 |
EU 8888 |
Smoke feather bearing 271°T about 16 nm away. |
Destroyer mast bearing 335°T about 10 nm away. |
Crash dive! |
New enemy came out quickly and was made out in the periscope
as an escort boat, therefore no destroyer. |
Enemy now has bow right target angle 10°. Silhouette:
"ATHERSTONE" class. Very prominent signal halyard - Fu.M.O.
aerial. |
Steers with bow left and right about 5 nm away from us. |
Escort boat seems to listen, stopping
and starting again with the propellers herad clearly in our listeng gear. T V
in tube 2 is prepared for W.S. [far] shot. However the enemy does
not come closer than 4-5 nm and suddenly goes out of sight at high speed
bearing 70T, target angle right 160°, course 90°. |
20.04 |
Assume that the escort boat wanted to chase after the steamer
steering 310° but was distracted by the sight of our diesel exhaust
cloud. |
- 43 - |
continued |
10.05.44 |
Off Cape Palmas |
20.04 |
The listening and sudden departure to the east, indicate
that he was not sure of his case, but at least suspected our presence. |
The maneuver ahead is screwed up, because the steamer has
gained more than 20 nm which we cannot make up. |
Results from our balcony sound locator: |
Steamer with 80 RPM at sharp target angle detection range
= 7 nm. Volume 3. |
At broad target angle heard at range = 13 nm at volume
2. |
20.42 |
EU 8881 |
Surfaced. |
Moved off in legs on the opposite course of the escaped
steamer. Hope to get something else here. |
24.00 |
FF 2231 |
SE 2, Sea 1, 1/2 cloudy, Vis. good, moonshine, 1012 mb |
11.05.44 |
04.00 |
EU 8987 |
SE 2, Sea 1, 3/4 cloudy, moonshine, Vis. good |
06.36 |
FF 2334 |
Crash dive! Detection 169 cm (Wanze). |
At periscope depth nothing seen. |
07.04 |
Surfaced. |
07.42 |
Beginning of twilight. |
07.53 |
FF 2335 |
Dived. Submerged at listening speed at depth A -35
meters. |
08.00 |
FF 2335 |
Hourly at periscope depth! |
SE 2-3, Sea 1, overcast, thunderstorms rain, 1012 mb |
12.00 |
FF 2336 |
Carry over:
1311 |
20 |
1331 |
16.00 |
FF 2333 |
20.00 |
FF 3111 |
20.38 |
FF 3112 |
Surfaced. |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 270°T, 9 nm in 37 hours. |
21.03 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
EU 9749 |
Go on easterly legs, to slowly come again to
Grand Bassam under the coast. |
SE 2, Sea 1, 2/10 overcast, Vis. clear, 1012 mb |
- 44 - |
12.05.44 |
Southeast of Cape Palmas |
04.00 |
EU 9731 |
SE 2, Sea 1, 1/2 overcast, clear moonlit night, 1010 mb,
heavy summer lightening |
07.36 |
Beginning of twilight. |
07.45 |
EU 9541 |
Dived. Submerged at listening speed at depth A -35
meters. |
08.00 |
EU 9542 |
SE 2, Sea 1, 1010 mb, overcast, Vis. good |
12.00 |
EU 9547 |
Carry over:
1331 |
24 |
1355 |
16.00 |
EU 9546 |
20.00 |
EU 9557 |
20.40 |
EU 9557 |
Surfaced. |
21.00 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
EU 9695 |
S 2, Sea 1, 1/2 overcast, 1010 mb, medium marine phosphorescence |
13.05.44 |
04.00 |
EU 9651 |
S 2, Sea 1, 3/4 overcast, moonshine, Vis. good, 1011 mb |
07.30 |
Beginning of twilight. |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 0°T, 8 nm in 46.8 hours. |
08.00 |
EU 9395 |
Every two hours at periscope depth. |
ESE 3, Sea 2, 1/2 overcast, Vis. clear, summer lightening
to the north |
12.00 |
EU 9396 |
Carry over:
1355 |
24 |
1379 |
16.00 |
EU 9393 |
20.00 |
EU 9369 |
SSE 2, Sea 1, 3/4 overcast, thunderstorms rain, 1011 mb |
21.30 |
EU 9369 |
Surfaced. |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 118°T, 5 nm in 13.1 hours. |
20.55 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
EV 7146 |
Made a leg at "Three Points" to be off the roadstead
of Grand Bassam at dawn |
- 45 - |
14.05.44 |
Southwest of Three Points (Gold Coast) |
04.00 |
EV 7143 |
SW 2, Sea 1, 1/2 overcast, clear moonlit night, Vis. good,
medium-heavy marine phosphorescence, 1013 mb |
07.25 |
EV 7114 |
Dived. Submerged at listening speed at depth A -40
meters. |
07.29 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
EV 7114 |
Boat is positioned off Grand Bassam roadstead. Details
can still not be distinguished. |
09.40 |
Maneuvered in the roadstead to depth 38 meters. No
ships are seen. The roofs of the overseas trading stations shine
glaring red. The lighthouse tower is high out. |
12.00 |
EU 6999 |
Lighthouse tower bears 348°T. We are about 1-1/2
nm seaward from the head of the long pier. All details are easily
distinguished. |
The most important port in the Ivory Coast is before us,
unfortunately, oil tanks are nowhere to be seen. If no mastheads
appear off these peaceful villages, one feels tempted to look for other
opportunities. Go west to "Port-Bouët." |
Carry over:
1379 |
20 |
1399 |
16.00 |
EU 6998 |
Also here there are no ships, no boat traffic. |
Port Bouët lighthouse bears 330°T, 6 nm |
Move off in westerly legs via the 200-meter line, to be
off Fresko at dawn. |
20.00 |
EU 6989 |
20.32 |
EU 9383 |
Surfaced, the coast is clearly visible, distance 10 nm. |
20.55 |
End of twilight. |
I decide to send a situation report as early as today because |
1) The presence of U-boats is probably known by Radio
Messages from "Rudolf" and "Wintermeier"
and |
2) The change of being DF'd so close to land is slight.
23.02 |
Outgoing Radio Message: (was received partly
distorted) |
Situation in operations area: |
1) Off main harbor ET in 3 dark nights no traffic,
no air, no sea patrol. |
2) Likewise on the coast to EU 69 from the 40 meter
line and beyond. Harbor roadsteads observed. |
- 46 - |
continued |
14.05.44 |
Continuation of outgoing Radio Message |
By days "Monrovia harbor" one "Lerwik"
EU 8618 one Naxos land detection. |
3) Set off in the moon period. On 10 May EU
88 by day hunted a fast freighter course 310°. Forced off in
8881 by "ATHERSTONE" escort boat. Here is an assumed intake
point. |
4) FF 1556 one "Hudson" sighted by day.
FF 23 and 21 old air Wanz detection. |
5) EU 9236, 110 cbm. Return transit 21 May. |
"Lange". |
24.00 |
EU 9236 |
NW 2, Sea 1, overcast, rain, heavy marine phosphorescence,
1017 mb |
15.05.44 |
01.40 |
EU 9223 |
Dived. |
Heavy rain squalls. Positioned within the 200 meter
line off "Grand Lahou". Decide to proceed submerged at
listening speed until visibility is again favorable. |
04.00 |
EU 9222 |
Totally overcast, heavy marine phosphorescence |
05.05 |
SW 3, Sea 1, 1/2 overcast, Vis. clear, summer lightening
to the north |
Surfaced. In flashes of summer lightening the coast
is seen, Distance about 8 nm. |
Incoming Radio Message: 0549/15/372 |
Radio Message 2302 from Lange on America Circuit
with volume 2 receive with heavy distortion. Understood contents
situation in operations area: 1) Off main harbor Emil Ulrich
(19 letters not read) no traffic, no air, no sea. |
2) Likewise on the coast up to EU 69 from 40 (35
letters missing) Monrovia harbor (23 letters not read) 8868 Naxos land
detection. |
3) At moon time moved off (24 letters not read) 8889
by day fast freighter 310° (6 letters unclear) 8881 (xx letters unclear)
Forced off "ATHERSTONE" escort. Here suspect intake point. |
4) (37 letters not read) day sighted FF 23 and 21
(rest unclear). |
07.21 |
EU 9212 |
Crash dive! Detection 169 cm (Wanze). |
07.36 |
Beginning of twilight. Submerged at listening speed
at depth A -30 meters. |
Hourly at periscope depth. |
08.00 |
EU 9212 |
12.00 |
EU 9214 |
Positioned off Fresko roadstead - no vessels seen. |
- 47 - |
continued |
15.05.44 |
Off Fresko |
12.00 |
EU 9214 |
Carry over:
1399 |
1419 |
16.00 |
EU 9136 |
20.00 |
EU 9135 |
20.43 |
Surfaced. The coast is still visible. Turned
away on course 180° so as not to be sighted. |
20.55 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 158°T, 10 nm in 28.9 hours. |
21.01 |
End of twilight. |
23.00 |
EU 9192 |
On new leg on the 200 meter line headed on course for "Point
Drewis". |
24.00 |
EU 9191 |
SW 2, Sea 1, 8/10 cloudy, rain bank from the NE through
S to W, summer lightening in the south, marine phosphorescence |
16.05.44 |
03.00 |
EU 9145 |
It is dark under the coast, however when lightening flashes in the weather one can distinguish
the contour of the coast. "Point Drewis" bears 300°T.
No traffic here. |
Proceed to sea, to the suspected escort intake point from
10 May in EU 8381 to monitor one more time and afterwards pursue in legs
in direction 310°. |
According to the received Radio Message Control received
the situation report distorted. |
In my opinion, the main problem was that the Radio Message
could not be sent in one shot because Control ordered an interruption
after sending the first half of the situation report due to a frequency
change. |
04.00 |
EU 9147 |
SW 2, Sea 1, 3/4 overcast, rain to the NE, Vis. good, 1013
mb, heavy marine phosphorescence |
07.31 |
Beginning of twilight. |
07.45 |
EU 8635 |
Dived. Submerged at listening speed at depth A -40
meters. |
Hourly at periscope depth. |
08.00 |
EU 8635 |
12.00 |
EU 8637 |
Aircraft sighted at periscope depth. |
Altitude 600 meters, range 4000 meters, course 230°. |
Mid wing, suspect Wellington. |
Assume normal reconnaissance especially since the course
of the aircraft was seaward. |
- 48 - |
continued |
16.05.44 |
Southeast of Cape Palmas |
12.00 |
EU 8637 |
Carry over:
1419 |
3/4 overcast |
1447 |
16.00 |
EU 8629 |
20.38 |
EU 8655 |
Surfaced. |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 153°T, 2.5 nm in 17.9 hours. |
21.06 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
EU 8679 |
SSE 2, Sea 1, 3/4 overcast, Vis. good, medium marine phosphorescence |
17.05.44 |
03.54 |
EU 8866 |
Crash dive! Detection (Naxos). |
04.00 |
EU 8866 |
SSE 2, Sea 1, overcast, heavy marine phosphorescence |
04.29 |
Surfaced. |
04.46 |
Beginning of twilight. |
07.46 |
FF 2231 |
Dived. Submerged at listening speed at depth A -50
meters. |
08.00 |
FF 2231 |
Now positioned again on the course line of the steamer
that I hunted in vain on 10 May, proceeding in legs in direction 130°. |
12.00 |
FF 2254 |
Carry over:
1447 |
Totally cloudy |
1475 |
16.00 |
FF 2235 |
20.00 |
FF 2236 |
20.39 |
FF 2236 |
Surfaced. |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 268°T, 7 nm in 41.7 hours. |
21.07 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
FF 2348 |
S 3, Sea 2, 3/10 overcast, medium marine phosphorescence |
18.05.44 |
01.00 |
FF 2373 |
Come about and searched in legs in the opposite direction. |
04.00 |
FF 2341 |
SW 2, Sea 1, 1/2 overcast, rain showers, Vis. good, 1014
mb |
07.46 |
Beginning of twilight. |
07.56 |
EU 8885 |
Dived. Submerged at listening speed at depth A -50
meters. |
We are near the assumed escort intake point. Nothing
seen. Nothing heard. |
- 49 - |
continued |
18.05.44 |
South of Cape Palmas |
08.00 |
EU 8885 |
SW 2, Sea 1, 3/4 overcast, Vis. good, 1013
mb |
Hourly at periscope depth. |
The average of the boat interior temperature during the
daytime dives is about 32°C. This inconvenience, due to the
shallower listening speed depth of A -50 meters must be accepted,
as the water depth increases stratification is very strong here in the
Guinea current and a greater depth would adversely effect the listening
results. |
12.00 |
EU 8884 |
Carry over:
1475 |
S 6, Sea 4 |
1497 |
16.00 |
EU 8873 |
18.10 |
EU 8873 |
Aircraft sighted in the periscope. Altitude
500 meters, range 5000 meters, course 110°. Type: Flying
boat "Lerwik". |
3/4 overcast, Sea 4 |
19.06 |
EU 8873 |
Aircraft sighted in the periscope. Altitude 600 meters,
range 9000 meters, course 300°. Type: Flying boat "Lerwik". |
20.00 |
EU 8873 |
W 2, Sea 2, 3/4 overcast, Vis. good, 1015 mb |
20.49 |
EU 8848 |
Surfaced. |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 270°T, 12 nm in 13.1 hours. |
21.09 |
End of twilight. |
Despite the aircraft sightings, which indicate
certain traffic, nothing sighted and nothing heard. In the coming
dark nights again we lack the useful Fu.M.O. |
24.00 |
EU 8731 |
W 1, Sea 1, 1/2 overcast, dark night, medium-heavy
marine phosphorescence, 1015 mb |
I will follow this steamer route up to off Freetown. |
19.05.44 |
04.00 |
EU 8473 |
W 2, Sea 1, 1/2 overcast, thunderstorms to the SE, medium
marine phosphorescence, 1013 mb |
07.52 |
Beginning of twilight. |
07.59 |
EU 7638 |
Dived. Submerged at listening speed at depth A -50
meters. |
08.00 |
EU 7638 |
W 2, Sea 1, 9/10 overcast, rain to the W, 1015 mb |
10.04 |
EU 7637 |
Aircraft sighted in the periscope. |
Altitude 600 meters, range 6000 meters, course 150°,
"Lerwik" |
- 50 - |
continued |
19.05.44 |
South of Cape Palmas |
12.00 |
EU 7637 |
Carry over:
1497 |
1521 |
16.00 |
EU 7626 |
20.00 |
EU 7625 |
NW 3, Sea 2, 8/10 cloudy, summer lightening |
20.50 |
EU 7624 |
Surfaced. |
21.10 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 322°T, 8 nm. |
21.18 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
EU 7347 |
NW 1, Sea 1, 1/2 overcast, medium summer lightening and
marine phosphorescence, 1017 mb |
20.05.44 |
04.00 |
EU 7251 |
NNW 2, Sea 1, 9/10 overcast, heavy marine phosphorescence,
very dark, Vis. clear |
06.12 |
Searchlight bearing 125°T below the horizon about 15
nm away. Searchlight searches, brightness changes. Bearing
shifts suddenly to 112°T at that range can only be an aircraft. |
06.14 |
E 7213 |
Crash dive! |
Naxos detection! Very loud! |
Suspect: Aircraft switched on location [radar] after
using the searchlight. |
07.15 |
EU 7213 |
Surfaced. |
07.53 |
EU 4878 |
Dived. Submerged at listening speed at depth A -50
meters. |
07.55 |
Twilight. |
08.00 |
EU 4878 |
NNW 1, Sea 0, 8/10 cloudy, medium marine phosphorescence,
1015 mb |
Hourly at periscope depth. |
12.00 |
EU 4877 |
Carry over:
1521 |
Rain |
1546 |
16.00 |
EU 4796 |
20.00 |
EU 4795 |
Rain |
- 51 - |
continued |
20.05.44 |
Southwest of Monrovia |
20.54 |
EU 4795 |
Surfaced. |
21.27 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
EU 4755 |
WNW 3, Sea 2, 1017 mb, summer lightening, medium marine
phosphorescence, St. Elmo's fire on the water and weapons. |
21.05.44 |
00.30 |
EU 4754 |
I decide to submerge at listening speed because
there is no sense in running along in this visibility conditions. |
Scattered rain, Vis. under 1000 meters, no summer lightening |
04.00 |
EU 4721 |
Rain |
07.04 |
EU 4719 |
Surfaced. [apparently briefly diving again was not noted] |
07.59 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
EU 4721 |
Hourly at periscope depth. |
N 3, Sea 2, 1/2 overcast, Vis. moderate |
12.00 |
EU 4713 |
Carry over:
1546 |
1577 |
16.00 |
EU 4478 |
20.00 |
EU 2079 |
21.02 |
EU 4777 |
Surfaced. |
21.20 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 225°T, 10 nm in 48 hours. |
21.32 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
ET 6682 |
S 2, Sea 1, 1/2 overcast, dark night, heavy marine phosphorescence |
22.05.44 |
03.40 |
New moon night |
Steamer light bearing 340°T, 12 nm away. |
Ran on the hound's curve, to determine the nationality. |
04.00 |
ET 6616 |
SSW 2, Sea 1, 3/10 cloudy, very dark night, Vis. 3000 meters,
for shadows clear horizon |
05.10 |
ET 6616 |
Spanish steamer about 3500 GRT, course 125°, passed
at 600 meters. |
05.25 |
Steamer lights bearing 270°T, 12 nm away. Approached
on the hound's curve. |
- 52 - |
continued |
22.05.44 |
Off Monrovia |
06.00 |
ET 6615 |
Portuguese steamer about 4500 GRT, course 125°, passed
at 800 meters distance. |
08.00 |
ET 6536 |
Beginning of twilight. |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 53°T, 2 nm in 11 hours. |
08.06 |
ET 6535 |
Dived. Submerged at listening speed at depth A -50
meters. |
12.00 |
ET 6514 |
Carry over:
1577 |
1601 |
16.00 |
ET 6526 |
20.00 |
ET 6522 |
21.11 |
ET 6521 |
Surfaced. Difference between dead reckoning and actual
position after a navigation fix: 350°T, 7 nm. |
21.39 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
ET 6247 |
SW 2, Sea 1, 1/2 overcast, Vis. heavily changing, occasional
fog banks with marine phosphorescence |
23.05.44 |
1st night of the new moon, very bad visibility, dark night |
30 days in the operations area. Will advance one
more time to the 200 meter line at the St. Ann Bank and then begin the
return transit to the west. |
03.26 |
ET 6153 |
Crash dive! |
Dived for Naxos detection (Rotterdam gear). |
Fast running propellers (turbine) in sound gear bearing
230°T, that slowly shift astern. |
One further sound bearing in 50°T. |
Nothing seen in the periscope. Pitch black night,
unclear horizon. |
04.21 |
ET 6152 |
Surfaced. |
In both bearings nothing seen. Visibility 12-1800
meters, changing greatly. |
While still blowing - Detection! |
04.24 |
Crash dive! Dived for Naxos detection (Rotterdam)
suspect aircraft as locater. |
Propeller sounds were changing louder and weaker.
Vessel zig zags and curves, have no indication of course and range, because
sounds are greatly changing. Shoot no T V because there is no shooting
data. Propeller sounds to starboard disappear slowly, then reappear
ahead. Stop several times and runs at listening speed. I go
to silent running and take the boat slowly to depth A -40 meters.
Both propeller sounds shift astern. Quickly to periscope depth,
nothing is seen. Visibility conditions are unchanged. |
- 53 - |
continued |
23.05.44 |
Southwest of Freetown |
05.02 |
Pursuit is hopeless in this visibility without Fu.M.O and
Fliege. |
Probably, I came across a search group of two destroyers or escort
boats who work with the support of air location [radar]. No "Asdic"
or propeller noises merchant steamers were heard. The result of the sound
bearings show that the Balkon sound gear does not detect vessels at sharp
target angles until very late. |
07.20 |
ET 6152 |
Surfaced. |
SW 1, calm sea, 1/2 overcast, misty horizon |
07.57 |
ET 6143 |
Dived. Submerged at listening speed at depth A -50
meters. |
08.00 |
ET 6143 |
12.00 |
ET 6118 |
Carry over:
1601 |
1627 |
Intend to leave the operations area this evening and then
begin the return transit. Today marks 61 days at sea - about 35-40
days required for the normal return transit. |
Overview |
Cross the boundary of the operations area to the west.
Begin return transit. |
Fuel inventory: 91 cbm. |
21.30 |
ET 5339 |
Surfaced. |
21.35 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 270°T, 11 nm. |
21.44 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
ET 5313 |
WSW 2, totally cloudy, occasional thunderstorms, heavy
marine phosphorescence, 1015 mb |
Summary of the period in the operations area off Sierra
Leone, Liberia and Ivory Coast from 21 April to 23 May 44. |
A) Sierra Leone Freetown: |
During several successive moon-dark nights monitored the
approach sector from the SW to within the 200 meter line of the Saint
Ann Shoals. |
No traffic appeared, air and sea defenses were not met. |
No detection. |
By this the approach route leading from ET 5386 set forth
in Standing Kriegsmarine Order 481 B XI 2 seems lightly traveled. |
Four weeks later, also in dark night with unfavorable visibility |
- 55 - |
continued |
24.05.44 |
Northwest of Freetown |
12.00 |
ET 2769 |
Carry over:
1627 |
1657 |
16.00 |
ET 2765 |
20.00 |
ET 2761 |
21.36 |
ET 2761 |
Surfaced. |
21.45 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 140°T, 10 nm. |
21.53 |
Twilight. |
24.00 |
ET 2725 |
S 3, Sea 2, 1/10 overcast, 1014 mb |
25.05.44 |
04.00 |
ET 4271 |
NNW 3, Sea 2, 1/2 overcast, medium marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
ET 1629 |
08.15 |
Twilight. |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 90°T, 11 nm. |
08.18 |
ET 1634 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
ET 1634 |
Carry over:
1657 |
1677 |
16.00 |
ET 1623 |
20.00 |
ET 1388 |
21.40 |
ET 1388 |
Surfaced. |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 180°T, 1.5 nm. |
22.00 |
Twilight. |
24.00 |
ET 1375 |
NW 3, Sea 1-2, 3/4 overcast, heavy marine phosphorescence |
26.05.44 |
04.00 |
ET 1234 |
08.10 |
EK 7873 |
Dived. |
08.15 |
Twilight. |
12.00 |
EK 7848 |
Carry over:
1677 |
1697 |
- 56 - |
continued |
26.05.44 |
Southeast of the Cape Verde Islands |
16.00 |
EK 7845 |
20.00 |
EK 7842 |
21.51 |
EK 7852 |
Surfaced. |
22.07 |
Twilight. |
24.00 |
EK 7811 |
NNE 2, Sea 1-2, 2/10 overcast, Vis. bad, marine phosphorescence |
27.05.44 |
04.00 |
EK 7463 |
N 2-3, Sea 2, 1/2 overcast, 1015 mb |
08.00 |
EK 7192 |
Dived. |
08.14 |
Twilight. |
12.00 |
EK 7178 |
Carry over:
1697 |
1717 |
16.00 |
EK 7165 |
20.00 |
EK 7161 |
22.08 |
EK 7168 |
Surfaced. |
22.12 |
Twilight. |
24.00 |
EK 4798 |
NNW 4, Sea 3-4, 1/4 overcast, medium marine phosphorescence |
28.05.44 |
04.00 |
EK 4498 |
07.55 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
EK 4432 |
NE 3-4, Sea 3, 1/4 overcast, heavy marine phosphorescence |
08.09 |
Twilight. |
12.00 |
EK 4198 |
Carry over:
1717 |
1737 |
16.00 |
EK 4195 |
20.00 |
EK 4192 |
22.12 |
EK 4168 |
Surfaced. |
22.18 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
EK 4138 |
NW 4, Sea 3, medium marine phosphorescence, 1016 mb |
- 57 - |
29.05.44 |
East of the Cape Verde Islands |
04.00 |
EK 1768 |
NNW 5, Sea 4, 3/10 cloudy, Vis. good, 1016 mb |
08.00 |
EK 1736 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 180°T, 12 nm. |
08.04 |
EK 1499 |
Beginning of twilight. |
12.00 |
EK 1499 |
Carry over:
1737 |
1757 |
16.00 |
EK 1496 |
20.00 |
EK 1493 |
20.10 |
EK 1493 |
Surfaced. |
20.15 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 313°T, 6 nm. |
20.21 |
End of twilight. |
20.16 |
EK 1468 |
Crash dive! Dived for Naxos detection. |
22.58 |
EK 1468 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
EK 1465 |
NNW 4, Sea 3, 1015 mb, 1/10 cloudy, clear moonlit night,
Vis very good |
30.05.44 |
00.02 |
EK 1462 |
Crash dive! Dived for Naxos detection. |
00.45 |
Surfaced. |
01.02 |
EK 1462 |
Crash dive! Dived for Naxos detection. |
The detections start suddenly. Immediately after
diving, nothing seen at periscope depth. Bright moonshine. |
03.01 |
EK 1462 |
Surfaced. While still blowing |
03.12 |
Crash dive! Naxos detection. |
The locator is stubborn. I can not believe that it
is an aircraft from the mainland because at 180 nm distance from base
it could barely stay on station five hours here. Will surface again after
two hours - after moonset. |
04.00 |
EK 1435 |
05.34 |
EK 1438 |
Surfaced. |
Dark starry clear night. Immediate detection.
Anti-aircraft weapons manned. |
Detection rapidly swells from volume 3 to 4 and 5. |
Detection pauses briefly and suddenly roars loudly again. |
After blowing proceeded at high speed. False courses
steered in NW sector. |
05.40 |
EK 1435 |
Two separate detections in Naxos gear and Wanze! |
Both very loud - occasionally off. |
- 58 - |
continued |
30.05.44 |
East of the Cape Verde Islands |
05.40 |
Probably a third detection heard in the gear. |
05.48 |
EK 1435 |
Crash dive! Dived to depth A -10 meters. No
bombs. |
I suspect carrier aircraft - possibly a carrier search
group. |
Was not heard. I decide to set off to the east, towards the coast,
opposite to the steered deceptive courses. |
04.00 |
EK 1435 |
08.00 |
EK 1436 |
08.03 |
Beginning of twilight. |
12.00 |
EK 1514 |
Carry over:
1757 |
1793 |
I decide because it is a clear night, to surface for an
hour to charge batteries, so in the coming night I will not be forced
to do so. |
14.28 |
EK 1514 |
Surfaced. |
NbyE 5, Sea 3, 2/10 cloudy, Vis. clear |
15.20 |
EK 1516 |
Dived. |
16.00 |
EK 1516 |
20.00 |
EK 1521 |
20.15 |
6 aircraft bombs were heard at long range. |
22.24 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
EK 1522 |
NbyE 3, Sea 2, overcast, 1013 mb |
31.05.44 |
04.00 |
EK 1523 |
08.00 |
EK 1297 |
Beginning of twilight. |
12.00 |
EK 1298 |
Carry over:
1793 |
1827 |
16.00 |
EK 1299 |
20.00 |
EK 1374 |
22.24 |
End of twilight. |
23.39 |
EK 1375 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
EK 1376 |
NbyE 3, Sea 2, overcast, 1013 mb |
- 59 - |
01.06.44 |
Northeast of Cape Verde Islands |
03.30 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix: 245°T, 23 nm. |
04.00 |
EK 1343 |
NNW 2, Sea 1-2, overcast, 1014 mb |
05.53 |
EK 1312 |
Detection! Crash dive! |
08.00 |
DU 7979 |
08.02 |
DU 7979 |
Twilight. |
12.00 |
DU 1312 |
Carry over:
1827 |
14 |
1841 |
16.00 |
DU 7973 |
20.00 |
DU 7949 |
22.35 |
Twilight. |
23.22 |
DU 7949 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
DU 7945 |
NNE 2, Sea 2-3, 1/4 overcast, Vis. good |
02.06.44 |
00.35 |
DU 7942 |
Crash dive! Detection Naxos! |
03.00 |
DU 7918 |
Surfaced. |
03.46 |
DU 7914 |
Crash dive! Detection on Naxos! |
Nights continuous air, here under Cape Blanco. |
04.00 |
DU 7911 |
12.00 |
DU 7911 |
Carry over:
1841 |
1875 |
16.00 |
DU 7677 |
20.00 |
DU 7674 |
22.14 |
DU 7672 |
Surfaced. |
22.26 |
Twilight. |
23.28 |
DU 7644 |
Crash dive! Detection Naxos! |
24.00 |
DU 7641 |
NbyE 5, Sea 4, medium marine phosphorescence, 1016 mb |
03.06.44 |
01.15 |
1 aircraft bomb heard at long range. |
04.00 |
DU 7641 |
07.10 |
DU 7539 |
Surfaced!! Crash dive! Detection
Naxos! |
07.53 |
Twilight. |