0336/2/0165 |
1.) von Rothkirch occupy Narviwatch Position 1. |
2.) Nielsen, Pancke go to Reval for special task Adm.östl.Ostsee. Nilsen MVO Finn.Flotte bring radio troops and gear to Reval. |
3.) Breckwoldt, Schunk, go to Masholm east edge, 60°20.6'N, 26°27.7'E put to sea to transit to Reval with U-Nielsen. |
0525/3/0167 kr. |
All |
All Finish ships. Put to sea under pretext, especially important steamers "GOTTFRIED", "NAJOJES", "OTTO" with war material in free travel to Finland. |
NOK Ost. |
0830/3/0169 |
9.S.D. |
Departed 08.30 hours with U-Pancke and Nielsen. Radio troop Hamina embarked U-Nielsen. All patients taken from Finnish hospital ship . |
MVO on U-Pancke. |
1248/3/0181 |
All |
Finnish have pledged full support. Under protection honorary German flag, avoid incidents, report difficulties. |
Adm.östl.Ostsee. |
1150/25/0118 |
1158/25/0119 Urgent |
1.) Pancke in the night of 25 to 26 return on Route 28 x. Advantageously with lightness on archipelago route. |
2.) Stöffer depart at darkness on Route 28x and south of Narvi, then via square 143 D 11 into operations area. Be at Schepel 60°N 29°E 3 nm to the east and west. |
3.) Breckwoldt at darkness on same route go into square 143 D 23 and 25. |
4.) M.V.O. Finn.Flotte ordered measures. |
5.) East of Seeigel attack on U-boats forbidden. |
1541/25/0122 kr. |
Pancke, Stöffer |
From the beginning of darkness, southeast of Pikkänen 2 Finnish gun boats with patrol vessel at the beginning of searchlight activity at Narvi, shot by K-Boats. From direction west of Hatti 6 S-Boats. Advance to square 119 A 29 and back. |
MVO.Finn.Flotte |
1955/25/0142 |
25 August 10.11 hours in 144 C 75 stopped special vessel, type like dispatch ship "ASTRONOM" or "KOMPASS" about 600 tons with alongside positioned barge sunk. Depth 4 meters, MZ on, range 600 meters. |
Pancke |
1938/25/0195 |
Finnish report B-Dienst 142 B 6 report at 19.04 hours one drifting mine in 143 A 41, at 19.13 hours one drifting mine in 142 B 38. |
MFS Reval |
0914/26/0195 |
U-Pancke |
Good |
Kom.Adm.Östl.Ostsee. |