- 14 - |
continued |
26.10.43 |
Central Atlantic |
18.04 |
Surfaced! Course 240°, LF. |
In accordance with Radio Message 118/26/123 to Group "Siegfried" (course 110°, highest speed) evaded to the southwest because convoy course runs to the meeting point. |
19.20 |
3 mastheads in the sun bearing 235°T. Moved off to the northeast for a half hour, then again to old course. |
20.00 |
BD 2844 |
NW 2, Sea 1, cloudy, low Swell, Vis. 15 nm, 1006 mb |
BD 2768 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 202°T, 9 nm. |
"Barber" reported in Radio Message 1801/26/133 that my fuel inventory is 52 cbm. |
27.10.43 |
00.00 |
BD 2787 |
Vis. 2 nm, 1008 mb |
04.00 |
BD 4338 |
08.00 |
BD 4349 |
1010 mb |
09.00 |
BD 4349 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 22°T, 12 nm. |
10.11 |
Crash dive to proceed submerged. Depth A -20 meters, course 0°, 1 E-motor LF. |
12.00 |
BD 4345 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 134.2 nm |
Lat. = 47°40'N |
Submerged = 16.3 nm |
Long. = 35°10'W |
= 150.5 nm |
16.00 |
BD 4343 |
Incoming Radio Message 1105/27/153: |
1.) On 29 October 16.00 hours supply "Hille" for economical return transit from "Barber" in square BD 4318. |
2.) . . . . |
3.) . . . . |
4.) . . . . |
5.) "Brauel" remain with supplier. |
19.00 |
Surfaced, course 270°, 1 diesel LF. |
20.00 |
BD 4314 |
W 2, Sea 1, overcast, low Swell, Vis. 15 nm, 1006 mb |
21.50 |
A white light on the horizon bearing 270°T, flashed briefly. |
- 15 - |
continued |
27.10.43 |
Central Atlantic |
22.05 |
The same phenomena bearing 180°T. |
22.30 |
Course 70°, 1 diesel LF in accordance with Short Signal 2146/27/162 from "Deecke" to old supply square. |
23.45 |
Incoming Radio Message 2255/27/166: |
1.) "Deecke" report position immediately. |
2.) "Barber" with "Brauel" go to Deecke. |
3.) . . . . |
4.) . . . . |
28.10.43 |
00.00 |
BD 4313 |
NbyW 3, Sea 2, rain in places, Vis. 1 nm |
04.00 |
BD 1997 |
08.00 |
BD 2773 |
Overcast, Vis. 8 nm, 1009 mb |
09.00 |
BD 2773 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 260°T, 11.5 nm. |
Intentions: After navigation exchange submerged until 18.00 hours. |
09.57 |
Navigation exchange. "Barber" turned away 20° for diving maneuver. |
10.03 |
2 carrier aircraft ("Martlet" and "Mustang") in low approach. (altitude 30 meters) out of the sun (bearing 100°T). Machine Guns go! |
"Barber" overflown. Aircraft shot with on board weapons and threw three bombs, the impact points were colored green, aircraft repelled. "Barber" dived. Aircraft circled the diving location, attacked several times but were driven away immediately by anti-aircraft fire. Forward quadruple had one bore premature. |
10.12 |
Outgoing Short Signal: 1012/28/172 Was attacked by aircraft in square BD ____. U-256. |
Ran over the diving location and steered east west courses. Aircraft continued to circle the boat at 6000-8000 meters range and changing altitude from 500-3000 meters, shot several white light signals off. Repeated attack attempts thwarted by well-placed anti-aircraft fire from the 3.7 cm.. |
10.34 |
Outgoing Short Signal: 1033/28/174 Attack by 2 or more carrier aircraft. "U-256." |
I believe that reinforcements were requested by the shot light signals and decide to dive in a favorable moment, particularly as "Barber" must have reached necessary depth. |
- 16 - |
continued |
28.11.43 |
Atlantic |
10.40 |
Get below! Crash dive! Went to depth A +50 meters. |
With "Barber" agreed Underwater Telegraphy Signal: 1 short sent and answered by him with 2 shorts. In the mean time momentary course of 70° and by agreement on southerly course (160°) and Signal sent. Slowly to depth A -20 meters, 1 E-motor LF. No listener sounds. |
11.55 |
Distant depth charges, that were not meant for us. |
With the first Short Signal square 4313 was encoded, the transmitted groups were repeated incorrectly by the receiving station, giving BD 4520. |
12.00 |
BD 2776 |
Day's run: = 115 nm |
Lat. = 48°30'N |
= 16 nm |
Long. = 33°34'W |
= 131 nm |
16.00 |
BD 2779 |
18.12 |
Surfaced! Course 110°, 1 diesel LF. |
18.15 |
BD 5121 |
2 aircraft bearing 80°T ("Lerwick" and "Mustang") flying past on course 300°, medium altitude. Machine guns go! |
Aircraft turn away to the north in bearing 40°T. Remained unnoticed. "Barber" was not seen. |
18.22 |
Get below! Crash dive! |
Shortly before the crash dive in 20°T below the horizon impact columns (about BD 2760) and another aircraft bearing 90°T. |
Went to depth A +50 meters. Course 70°. Listening speed. Nothing! Underwater Telegraphy signals remain unanswered. If "Barber" went on the old course this morning,, the attack might have been on him. In the boat no detonations were perceived. |
19.00 |
No sound bearings. |
Course 160°, 1 E-motor LF, depth A -20 meters. |
20.00 |
BD 5121 |
20.2x |
Surfaced! |
20.31 |
Detection! (steady tone 154 cm). |
20.32 |
Crash dive! To depth A +20 meters. |
21.00 |
Course 150°, 1 E-motor LF, depth A -20 meters. |
No sound bearings. |
21.50 |
Surfaced! Course 50°. 1 diesel LF. |
- 17 - |
29.10.43 |
Atlantic |
00.00 |
BD 5126 |
"Barber" not seen. Headed for the meeting point. |
NW 3, Sea 2, overcast, low Swell, Vis. 36 nm, 1011 mb |
03.00 |
"Wanze" out of service (1 condenser, 3 resistors burned out). |
04.00 |
BD 2793 |
06.15 |
"Wanze" in service again. |
06.58 |
Crash dive to listen. Depth A -20 meters, 1 E-motor LF. Nothing! |
08.00 |
BD 2843 |
09.05 |
Surfaced to take a navigation fix. |
BD 2851 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 81°T, 4.7 nm. |
09.20 |
Crash dive to proceed submerged. Depth A -20 meters, course 0°, 1 E-motor LF. |
12.00 |
BD 2827 |
Day's run: = 81.1 nm |
Lat. = 49°00'N |
= 20.2 nm |
Long. = 31°56'W |
= 101.3 nm |
16.00 |
BD 2824 |
Course 225°. |
19.02 |
Surfaced! 1 diesel LF. |
Search courses back and forth in the square. |
20.00 |
BD 2819 |
Sea 1, cloudy, Vis. 15 nm, 1015 nm |
20.30 |
Incoming Radio Message 1233/29/190: |
1.) . . . . |
2.) To clarify position: Meeting point for "Barber", "Brauel", "Deecke" and "Hille" is square BD 2819. |
30.10.43 |
00.00 |
BD 2819 |
Vis. 3 nm |
04.00 |
BD 2819 |
1016 mb |
08.00 |
BD 2842 |
Vis. 4 nm, 1015 mb |
09.23 |
U-"Deecke" in sight. Proceeded together. |