Incoming: |
02.04.43 |
1. |
New objective point for Mässenhausen, Rodler, Pool, Heinsohn, Otto, Junker, Pückler, Wolfram is GG 14. For G y s a e naval square GR, for Mohr contrary to previous orders JZ 65. |
2. |
Vowe taking into account all precautionary regulations in the Bay of Biscay make for KN 35 at high speed. |
05.04.43 |
ßß |
G y s a e passing naval square CG 14 outbound. Short signal strength 2, garbled. |
09.04.43 |
1. |
Schäfer provide situation tonight, Rendtel provide location or entering port message. |
2. |
A U-boat is suspected in HG 45 since 6 March, Achilles if detected report situation. |
3. |
Circuits on 10 April at 08.00 hours. |
Borm, Fiedler, Wolfbauer, Mumm, Müller and Rüggeberg Coastal. Purkhold, Irland. Grandefeld, G y s a e and Buchholz America II. |
4. |
Circuit for Kottmann is Ireland, for all of Group Adler on 10 April at 20.00 hours Hubertus. |
22.04.43 |
To G y s a e: |
1. |
The third sentence of the Wagtail experience Radio Message is incomprehensible. |
2. |
Question: is a rope length of 400 meters necessary for operations? |
24.04.43 |
1. |
Auffermann, Poel, Hackländer, Kottmann, provide weather before 05.00 hours. |
2. |
Short position report. . . |
3. |
On 23 April 08.00 hours switch Neide Diana, Köppe Ireland, Buchholz, G y s a e Africa, Piening Coastal |
03.05.43 |
To G y s a e: |
1. |
Dead angle of Wagtail works out at 40-60°. To bridge over, slow alterations of course up to 80° according to running speed-check by the aircraft pilot. Wagtail will then fly in a relative wind, the direction of which may vary by as much as 40° from the true wind. By means of complementary alterations of course and supplementary sheering off on the part of the aircraft pilot, the dead angle is satisfactorily bridged over. |
2. |
Measured visibility ranges follow at first opportunity. Most favorable altitude 100 meters. |
3. |
According to Baltic experiences, in normal visibility Wagtail cannot be seen at a distance of three miles without binoculars and six miles with binoculars. |
06.05.43 |
G y s a e: |
Inspection [illegible word] informs: Inspect and grease FA-330 impact joints half-hourly. |
Attack area for G y s a e is sea area between the longitudes of GR 54 and KY 66 as well as to the north of the latitude of JJ 48. During favorable moon period operate under coast, later moving to the south. Independent traffic is suspected under the coast and in JJ 10-50. All naval squares. |
12.05.43 |
To G y s a e: |
1. |
Results visibility testing in the Baltic without binoculars: |
1st day: True visibility 30-40 sm. 11000 GRT steamer was detected at 20 nm |