-44- |
PG/16423 |
Top Secret. |
Copy No. 171. |
C/Ws Robertson & Watson. |
Current Order No. 82 - January, 1945. |
1) Prompt information as to new enemy weapons and methods of attack and the cause of U-boat losses is important for the conduct of the war. |
2) Order. Boats should be ready to transmit the following short signals (transmitters should always be tuned in with power switched on, on the surface, and at periscope depth). |
a) When surfaced: |
UJKZ = "Am being attacked by aircraft", and ULJA = "Am being attacked by surface craft". In case of air attack, the signal is to be sent by the wireless room immediately on receipt of the command "Aircraft" without further orders. |
b) When using Schnorkel and proceeding submerged; UJVK = "Am being bombed by day while using Schnorkel". |
UJWL = "Am being bombed at night while using Schnorkel". |
UJXM = "Am being bombed at dawn/dusk while using Schnorkel". |
UJYN = "Am being bombed at periscope depth, not using Schnorkel". |
UJZO = "Am being bombed while submerged (at a depth of approximately 40 metres)." |
Signal should be transmitted when the attack has made surfacing necessary. |
c) In addition a report as detailed as possible regarding U-boat's condition and type of attack, should be made. |
The following short signals may be used: |
/According to FT 2227/27/d37 |
(April) these short signals |
can be transmitted in code |
instead of in cypher./ |
(this column is unreadable but consists of four letter groups beginning with U) |
: |
"Have been attacked without success". |
: |
"Am slightly damaged". |
: |
"Limited diving capacity". |
: |
"Am unable to dive". |
: |
"Am unable to dive and out of control". |
: |
"Aircraft has made a high-level attack". |
: |
"Aircraft has made a low-level attack". |
: |
"Aircraft has attacked with one bomb". |
: |
"Aircraft has attacked with super-heavy armament". |
: |
"Aircraft has dropped a stick of bombs". |
: |
"Aircraft has made a torpedo attack". |
: |
"Aircraft shadowing". |
: |
"No location obtained before or during attack". |
U-boat "U-249". |
Rec. 15 Jan. 1945. |
Reg No: Top Sec. 154. |
Encl. --. |
3). In case of need, war emergency reports should be transmitted in accordance with the signal table from "War Emergency Reports". The signal table is to be hung up in the wireless room where it can easily be seen. |
-45- |
PG/16423. |
C/Ws Robertson & Watson. |
Current order of the B.D.U. No. 82. |
Insert under 3) the following new paragraph. |
These are always to be transmitted instead of short signals if the boat is so severely damaged, that it is out of control, or if immediate help is required. This applies particularly in coastal waters, including the Baltic, in order that escort and security vessels may be informed without delay. |
Copy No. 171 |
Top Secret. |
Current Order No. 83 - Jan 44. |
As an amendment of Kriegsbefehl (War Order) 211a the procedure for a/c sending signals for D/F purposes is as follows: |
1) For the purposes of D/F, the aircraft flies in circles on a different bearing and distance from the convoy, and after contacting the convoy it makes two circles with a 15 minute interval, and 2 more circles about 30 minutes later. Then the ship should reply, and after approximately 1 hour, more signals should be transmitted, if flying-time permits. |
2) D/F signals should consist of an a for 5 minutes interspersed with contacting callsigns. Report in accordance with Figure 7. War Standing Order (Stehender Kriegsbefehl) 211a at the end of each D/F transmission. Boats should add a report on the present state of their engines to the D/F report, giving D/F position, in the fourth group of the short signal and the interval in the fifth. |
3) Without collective calculations, boats can get a very good position of a convoy, in relation to their own position, geometrically constructing it on calculations of D/F of different transmissions. |