5) |
U 217 sank 6,000 ton steamer on 20.12. in EF 89, course 3500. On 29.12. he scored 2 hits on a vessel of "Martarva" class (12,390 GRT) course 3300, speed 15 knots. |
b) |
None. |
c) |
U-boat sightings: FC 6850, ED 96, EG 9379. |
1 submarine warning from unidentified position (probably Convoy No. 72). |
d) |
None. |
IV. |
Current Operations: |
a) |
Convoy No. 72: |
Weather on the morning of 28.12. was still unfavorable, wind only S.W. 2 - 3, but very hazy. Fog was reported until nearly 1400. It cleared up about 1600 and visibility became very good. Boats were able to get fixes, which later enabled many boats to find the convoy. On the morning of 28.12. the convoy was in BD 9347. From 0700 U 260 kept reporting contact with the convoy. At midday he was able to pick it up only by hydrophone bearings. Then when it cleared during the afternoon, U 260 along with 9 other boats was able to maintain contact until dark. The 9 boats were: U 336 - 203 - 615 - 123 - 406 - 591 - 664 - 225 - 440. During the night U 435 - 662 - 628 also picked up the convoy. Until about 2200 the convoy maintained its course of 1800, with speed of 8 to 9 knots according to dead reckoning. Then after the first attacks at dusk, it had apparently again divided into 2 formations, one on a westerly course, one on a southerly. According to reports made on the morning of 29.12. the convoy appeared to have scattered by the submarines. Several times single ships were reported. |
Successes: |
Sunk |
Torpedoed |
1) |
U 260 |
2 ships |
9,000 GRT |
1 ship |
4,000 GRT |
2) |
U 225 |
3 ships |
19,000 GRT |
3 ships |
12,000 GRT |
1 ship |
7,000 GRT |
3) |
U 591 |
1 damaged vessel |
5,000 GRT |
1 ship |
5,000 GRT |
sinking not observed because of defences |
4) |
U 435 |
1 destroyer |
5) |
U 628 |
1 damaged ship |
5,000 GRT |
1 corvette |
6) |
U 406 |
2 ships |
11,000 GRT |
1 ship |
1 ship left sinking |
6,889 GRT |
7) |
U 123 |
1 damaged ship |
5,000 GRT |
1 ship |
9,419 GRT |
torpedoed by U 435 |
(later sunk by another boat with gunfire) |
After comparing times and grid square details for the sinkings, and after making allowances for the torpedoed vessels and the damaged ships sunk, the total number of ships in the convoy which have been sunk so far amounts to 15 ships (totaling 84,000 GRT), 1 destroyer and 1 corvette, and 3 vessels torpedoed. |