7) |
U 161 reports destroyer on northeast course in CF 5415 at 1705 hours. 2 smoke plumes aft. Boat set out for operational area after destroyer forced it to submerge causing it to lose contact with the enemy. |
8) |
At 1532 hours U 82 sighted a large transport with destroyers course 1100, speed 14 knots in BB 8873. Enemy force, according to later reports, consisted of 2 transports and 2 destroyers. Boat made contact and sank one destroyer. Follow up under way. Last report 0801 hours from CC 1296, speed 14 knots, still has 2 stern torpedoes, wind N 7, sea 6, bright night. |
9) |
U 130 (in position to transfer fuel to U 109) made contact with British steamer "Tacoma Star" (7924 BRT) at 1542 hours in CB 4842. Course east, low speed. Since U 130 has no more torpedoes, she is keeping contact until U 109 arrives. U 109 stalked the ship and sank it at 0400 in approximate position CB 46. |
b) |
None. |
c) |
1) |
U-warning given for BE 1945, CF 4626, AM 5230, BE 6654. |
2) |
British steamer "Tacoma Star" (U 109 reported she was torpedoed CA 6897. SSS signals picked up in Holland: steamer "Salland" (6,447 BRT) in FF 3430. French steamer "Maurienne" (3,259 BRT) in BB 7550 and American tanker "Hahira" (6,855 BRT) in CA 7352. |
IV. |
Current Operations: |
a) |
None. |
b) |
1) |
After U 575 relieved from convoy operation she took up areas CC and BC for attack squares. |
2) |
U 435 - 455 - 352 make up Group Hecht. |
U 213 - 86 - 591 " " " Schlei. |
Home port for both groups is Bergen unless large scale repairs are necessary. Attack area for U 213 is AL 30. |
c) |
Convoy operation of U 432 going according to plan. |
d) |
U 130 plans to transfer fuel to U 109 in CD 4965 on 1 February at 1500 hours. |
V. |
Reports of Success: |
U 105 reports sinking 1 steamer out of convoy. |
U 109 " " "Tacoma Star: 7924 BRT. |
U 82 " " 1 destroyer from convoy. |
VI. |
General: None. |
Dönitz. |