I have no other choice, unless I withdraw the boats altogether. But I cannot lay the boats up now, of all times, without damaging the whole arm to an unpredictable degree. As long as there is the chance of a small percentage of success, operations must be continued. |
Work is already in progress on the adaptation of the impact firing unit. It is hoped that by inserting an electric contact a large proportion of the "AZ" failures will be avoided. The boats which are ready to sail will therefore be kept back until they have been fitted out with adapted pistols. The delay of 2-4 days can be accepted if it will mean better results. |
24.5. |
U 122 entered Heligoland and from there Wilhelmshaven. She took supplies to Trondheim and did not have any opportunity to attack. |
U 37 reported by short signal that she had transferred her operations area to square BF SW sector. In order to make cooperation between the boats possible, U 43 will also be sent to the sea area of Finisterre; it is not thought necessary to separate the operations areas. The area west and northwest of Finisterre seems favorable, traffic coming from the Mediterranean and the South Atlantic meets here, danger from the air is slight as enemy air bases are so far away and therefore only carrier-borne a/c and long-range reconnaissance planes are to be expected. |
25.5. |
U 26 and U 101, which are west of the Orkneys and Herbrides on their outward passage, have been ordered to operate in the English Channel. The development of the situation on land has led to this decision. If, as is to be expected, the coast of Calais and Boulogne falls into our hands, cross-channel traffic between England and France, which so far has to a large extent plied the Dover-Calais Straits, will have to be drawn further west. Le Havre and Cherbourg will have more and more valuable traffic. Even the larger boats can operate in this sector of the Channel, the mining situation is favorable, water depths are adequate and the sea area is sufficiently wide for them to move away if necessary. |
26.5. |
U 48 left Kiel. |
U 122 is proceeding to Kiel, as it appears that she can be made ready for operations more quickly there. |
27.5. |
U 28 reported engine damage which has caused considerable loss of lubricating oil. This boat has had to be recalled, as otherwise there is the danger that she may not be able to manage on her remaining lubricating oil. She will go to Trondheim for repairs. |
28.5. |
U 101 has been ordered to penetrate into the Channel and to make a situation report on the area Cherbourg - Le Havre - Dieppe. |