16.04. |
07.05 |
20.38 |
Situation: Hatteras Coast: |
Heavy traffic, to a large extent controlled by bays, inside the 25 m line. "Capes" are brightly lit for navigation. Fairway buoys are lit. Defended by subnaval chasers. "Diamond Shoal" buoy is rounded closely, and/or inside. Defense is strong in terms of numbers but completely unpractised. No enemy radar detection noted. Airplane coverage by day and night, destroyer, trawler, subchaser type "Pafla" C 451, unpleasantly low silhouette. Valuable targets provided with destroyers and/or airship protection, Schreckwabos and Fleibos, once illumination flares. Sound conditions constantly changing, however range is further than periscope. Tanker transmitted after torpedo or mine hit. Because of cloudy water aircraft can not see boat at periscope depth. |
Mützelburg. |
xx.x8 |
02.15 |
For 2 days at the buoy for "Hattteras" to "Henry" no night traffic lights as in peacetime, patrols as briefed, illuminating flares. |
Uphoff. |
xx.x2 |
22.27 |
To all boats: |
xx.x8 |
23.21 |
Prepare short reports on current operations in detailed form ready for transmitting. Report must contain: approximate routes and operations areas, observed warships and merchant vessels of each type, provide details of type, number, date, times, location, course and speed. (In well trafficked areas, for example, arrival ports, only general data). Sighted vessels with date, location, type designation. Sighted laying mines with date and position. If in an area several days where nothing is sighted, an appropriate note with date. Other statements, like ice and unusual conditions etc. individual small fishing vehicles are not to be announced, on the other hand report fishing fleets and/or. vessels, which have military characteristics or appear to be suspicious. |
17.04. |
06.12 |
20.14 |
1) Borchert, Suhren, Cremer and Mützelburg morning weather permitting between 01.00 and 05.00 hours. |
2) On 16. April 08.00 hours switch receiver to Greenland circuit. |
18.04. |
08.32 |
41 degrees North, 42 degrees West, 1024 mb, falling, +22, SE 5, Sea 3-4, Vis. 2 nm, medium-high swell, clouds: stratus. U-564. |
xx.03 |
15.40 |
1) Message instructions figure 146 are revised as follows from 12.00 hours on 19 April: |
xx.57 |
17.07 |
In those areas where enemy surface forces search by day and night proceed as follows: Communications center requests message delivery by flashing "A" for 5 seconds. Boat repeats 3 times answer characters for sea/air forces and afterwards Morse identification. |
2) Figure 151: |
Boats approaching the current battle area and the French, German and Danish coasts unsolicited answer characters for sea/air armed forces. |
b.) On Norwegian Coast shooting signal cartridges is forbidden. |
3.) Figure 152: |
If boats believe they must make their presence known by a signal, e.g. because they appear unexpectedly or at a time other than announced at the coast, they proceed in accordance with. Figure 151. |
new day? |
xx.x6 |
11.27 |
To all boats: |
To not later than to 20 April provide all as yet announced successes. |
new day? |
xx.35 |
02.35 |
Coastal area CA 79 as briefed. Twice daily airships. Hatteras is headed for frequently on NW course. |
Möhlmann |
xx.xx |
23.52 |
In 18 April and 19 April in FH 29 heavily escorted traffic before
dusk in 10 meters of water. Strong motorboat and air patrol,
also small airships, very low. |