18.08.41 |
1422 |
Position BE 37. |
19.08.41 |
0106 |
Enemy is located in BE 2644. "U-204". |
19.98.41 |
0139 |
LL BE 2564 lower-center edge. Enemy steers 190°.
"U-201". |
19.08.41 |
0313 |
LL BE 2568 upper-left. Enemy steers SW-course. "U-201". |
19.08.41 |
0503 |
LL Square BE 2567. Enemy steers S-course. Was forced
off. "U-201". |
19.08.41 |
0418 |
Weather report. "U-564". |
19.08.41 |
0625 |
LL Enemy convoy in sight in square BE 2914. Enemy
steers S-course. "U-559". |
19.08.41 |
1045 |
BE 2869. "U-201". |
19.08.41 |
1624 |
LL Square BE 5318 enemy steers southerly course. "U-201". |
19.08.41 |
1708 |
LL Was forced off, last observed position of the enemy BE
5345. "U-201". |
19.08.41 |
1753 |
LL Square BE 5349, enemy steers SE-course. "U-106". |
19.08.41 |
2206 |
Square BE 5646. "U-564". |
19.08.41 |
23.18 |
LL BE 5647, course 180°. "U-201". |
20.08.41 |
0114 |
LL Enemy lost from sight in square 5388.
"U-106". |
20.08.41 |
15.10 |
Square BE 8382 46°.
"U-126". |
20.08.41 |
1520 |
Square BE 8632 55°.
"U-201". |
20.08.41 |
1434 |
Square BE 6486 247°.
"U-123". |
20.08.41 |
1424 |
Square BE 8867 21°.
"U-124". |
20.08.41 |
1423 |
Square BE 8634 39°.
"U-201". |
20.08.41 |
1414 |
Square BE 8321 50°.
"U-106". |
20.08.41 |
1509 |
Square BE 8368
"U-664". |
20.08.41 |
1525 |
ßß 23.
"U-564". |
21.08.41 |
0845 |
Square BE 9718 a Sunderland
sighted. "U-564". |
21.08.41 |
2016 |
To B.d.U: |
Began return transit.
No successes. 13 + 6 torpedoes, W 4, clear, Vis. very good,
1024 mb. Square 8868. "U-124". |
21.08.41 |
2027 |
CF 30348 "No".
"U-75". |
21.08.41 |
2043 |
E 96. "U-108". |
21.08.41 |
2106 |
"No" BE 9790.
"U-126". |
21.08.41 |
20.52 |
CF 30351. "U-564". |
21.08.41 |
2345 |
To B.d.U.: |
Will be at Point "Stern"
at 23.30 hours. "U-204". |