Excerpt of the Radio Log " U 548 ".
Patrol " U-548 " from 21 March 1944 to 24 June 1944.
09.04.44                                          Ireland..
03.43 My position is large square AL 14, still have 210 cbm fuel oil.
11.04.44                                          Ireland..
01.07 59°N, 27°W, steady 982 mb, up to 1/4 overcast, cloud form not possible, mainly cloudy to overcast, with moderately strong wind.  Vis. moderate, horizon just barely distinguished, no fog at the time of the observation.  Wind direction unchanged from the SE, light breeze 2, Swell as abated, 2-4 meters high from the SE. 40-150 meters long, +9°C, air temperature same as water temperature.
12.04.44                                          Ireland..
00.30 58°N, 28°W, 998 mb, rising, drizzle, shifting wind in rainy weather, Vis. moderate up to 5 nm, SW Wind, shifting right.  Evenly blowing breeze 3.  SW-Swell abating, length 40 meters, +6°C air temperature lower than water temperature 1.6-2.0°C
12.04.44                                          Diana.
04.52 0107 from 11 April was first weather report.  Am missing Rose No. 4. 5. 7.
12.04.44                                          America II.
10.49 58°N, 28°W, 990 mb rising, up to 1/4 Cumulus clouds, shifting wind with rainy weather, Vis. changing up to 10 nm, SW-Wind breeze 3, SW-Swell unchanged, medium-long, 2-4 meters high.  +7°C air temperature lower than water 1.6-2.0°C.
13.04.44                                          America I.
00.17 "Yes".
13.04.44                                          America I.
00.49 57°N, 29°W, falling 984 mb, nearly completely overcast, medium-high, thick, uniform Stratus clouds.  Sustained precipitation, Vis. bad, no fog. SE-Wind shifting to the left at strength 4, wind has freshened, SE-Swell unchanged 2-4 meters high, 40 meters long, +6°C air temperature lower than water 3.1-4°C.
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13.04.44                                          Ireland..
10.42 58°N, 29°W, 990 mb rising, nearly completely overcast, medium-high, thick, uniform Stratus clouds.  For hours persistent precipitation, Vis. low, horizon unclear.  Wind E 7 shifting to the left, E-Swell, moderately high, medium-long 40-50 meters, +9°C air temperature lower than water temperature 0.1-0.5°C.
14.04.44                                          Ireland..
02.52 59°N, 29°W, rising 1000 mb, up to 3/4 overcast, medium-high Stratus clouds, shifting wind with rainy weather, Vis. low, horizon unclear, NE-wind 3, NE-Swell unchanged, short.  +10°C air temperature higher than water temperature 0.6-1.0°C.
14.04.44                                          Ireland..
11.05 60°N, 29°W, rising 1006 mb, nearly overcast, low uniform Stratus clouds with moderate winds, Vis. bad due to precipitation and fog.  N-Wind 4, N-Swell unchanged, medium-length, 2-4 meters high.  + 9°C, air same as water temperature.
15.04.44                                          Ireland..
01.56 59°N, 29°W, rising 1010 mb, up to 3/4 overcast Cumulus clouds, mainly cloudy to overcast with weak winds, Vis. low, horizon unclear.  N-Wind 1, N-Swell has abated, low and short.  +8°C air higher than water temperature 1.6-2.0°C.
15.04.44                                          Diana.
11.17 60°N, 29°W, rising 1012 mb, drizzle, mainly cloudy to overcast, Vis. moderate up to 5 nm, horizon barely discernible. NO-Wind 4, N-Swell, moderately-high, short, +10°C air higher then water temperature 0.1-0.5°C.
16.04.44                                          Diana.
00.17 61°N, 29°W, rising 1016 mb, nearly overcast, medium-high Stratus clouds, mostly cloudy with weak winds, Vis. moderate. NE-Wind 2, NE-Swell unchanged, 2-4 meters high, +7°C air lower than water temperature 1.6-2.0°C.
09.05.44                                          America II.
01.33 1)  3 May explained T 5 miss on destroyer BB 6652, at the same time repelled "Liberator".
  2)  7 May destroyer sunk BB 6964.
  3)  Newfoundland Bank and off harbor 6385 no steamer traffic, only strong destroyer groups, brisk day and twilight air, little radar.  In the entire area strong hindrance by daily fog and ice.
  4)  BB 9298, 150 cbm, fog, 1032 mb.
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04.06.44                                          America II.
02.21 1)  18 May BB 7556 independent course 300°.
  20 May 7854 fast independent course SE
  23 May 7556 partial convoy course 200°.
  24 May 7813 by sound bearings partial convoy NW-course medium speed.  25 May 7813 2 escort destroyers, 14° zigzag around SW course, high speed.
  2)  In area traffic only by day with strong air, high flying.  23 May 7828 illuminated by patrol vessel with red light, afterwards overflown by liberator escorting convoy. Only parachute flares
  3)  No detection determined, Fliege out of service.
  4)  Land beacons burn as in peacetime.
  5)  BC 88, 95 cbm, SW 2, 1012 mb.
07.06.44                                          America I.
06.06 43°N, 36°W, 1026 mb rising, up to 3/4 overcast, fleecy clouds, mainly cloudy to overcast, abating winds, Vis. 10 nm, NW-wind, NW-Swell has decreased, moderately high, medium-long, +16°C, air temperature lower than water temperature 0.1-0.5°C.
09.06.44                                          America I.
  44°N, 28°W, air pressure falling 1024 mb, nearly to completely overcast with strong winds, Vis. 5 nm no fog, NW-wind 2, NW-Swell 2-4, medium-long, 40-150 meters, air +18°C, difference 2°C.
23.06.44                                          America I.
04.10 Position 24 hours off convoy intake point.
24.06.44                                          Coastal.
02.29 Request bearing signals from escort.