Photos from Maschinenmaat (Fireman First Class) Albert Quinten's Notebook

Maschinenmaat Albert Quinten and his wife

Albert Quinten and family members

The soldier from the above photo (the writing above the soldier's head says Trondheim 24 June 1940)

Kapitänleutnant Johann Mohr, CO of U-124

Cake prepared by the crew of U-124 for their CO Kapitänleutnant Johann Mohr - The inscription, which is a play on the CO's name, reads "The Mohr has done his duty".  It is a line from a proverb by Friedrich Schiller.  Mohr is a very old german name for African people.  The entire line reads 'The mohr had done his duty - the mohr can go".  Donitz sent this signal to Mohr when he reported his sinkings at the end of a successful patrol.