This record was kindly provided by the generous assistance of Tony Cooper
COPY No. |
C.B. 04051 (90) |
"U 470" |
"U 533" |
Interrogation of Survivors |
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December, 1943 |
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This book is the property of His Majesty's Government. | ||
It is intended for the use of the recipients only, and for communication to such Officers under them (not below the rank of Commissioned Officer) who may require to be acquainted with its contents in the course of their duties. The Officers exercising this power will be held responsible that such information is imparted with due care and caution. | ||
Attention is called to the penalties attaching to any infraction of the |
Official Secrets Acts. |
C.B. 04051 (90) |
"U 470" |
"U 533" |
Interrogation of Survivors |
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December, 1943 |
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ADMIRALTY, S.W.1. | ||
N.I.D. 08408/43. | ||
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The following report is compiled from information derived from prisoners of war. The statements made cannot always be verified; they should therefore not be accepted as facts unless they are definitely stated to be confirmed by information from other sources. | ||
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(C51198) B* | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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REPORT ON INTERROGATION OF SURVIVORS FROM "U 470," | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ON 16th OCTOBER, 1943 |
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"U 470," the first U-Boat with a rubber coating known to have been sunk by our forces, was destroyed by depth-charges in approximate position 58° 15' N., 29° 10' W., by Liberators "E" and "Z" of 120 Squadron. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The U-Boat was working with a group of about 30 other U-Boats in an attack on a convoy, but was sunk about 35 nm distant from the convoy, towards which she was being homed. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Although about 15 survivors were seen in the water by the attacking aircraft, only two were picked up by H.M.S. "Duncan." Both these proved moderately security conscious in subsequent interrogation. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Commanding Officer, Oberleutnant zur See Gunther Grave, who did not survive, had been W/T officer in the "Altmark." He and his fellow officers, one of whom was the medical officer, with the rank of Kapitänleutnant, were popular on board. On one occasion, when a member of the crew had a birthday, he spent the whole day in the ward room with the officers. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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II. DETAILS OF "U 470" |
(C51198) B*2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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"U 470" left Kiel on 9th September, 1943. in company with two other 500-ton boats, one of which was "U 761" (Oberleutnant Geidel). They proceeded to Kristiansand S., where they remained overnight. The next day they continued to Stavanger, arriving there at 1800, and also stayed overnight. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On the third day the boats proceeded to Bergen. "U 470" remained there about a fortnight, and during this time replaced her Metox Type G.S.R. receiver with a "Wanz" set. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"U 470" finally sailed on patrol on 28th or 29th September in company with another 500-ton U-Boat. Only one vessel was sighted, a Swedish steamer which was stopped, questioned and allowed to proceed. No torpedoes were fired and no aircraft attack experienced until the day they were sunk, although two G.S.R. aircraft contacts were reported. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The boat was at sea for about 18 days, and at the time of the sinking was one of a group of about 30 boats detailed to attack a British convoy. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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IV. SINKING OF "U 470" |
It proved impossible to obtain from the two survivors a coherent account of the aircraft attacks which lead to the sinking as both prisoners were below deck the whole time. Their chief comment was that the attacks were very accurate. The nearest depth-charge exploded within two yards of the U-Boat's side, and most of the others within two or ten yards, very few being outside this distance. They thought there had been about ten depth-charge explosions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following account is compiled largely from the reports of Liberators "E" and "Z": | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(i) First Attack by Liberator "E" of 120 Squadron | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"U 470" was being homed onto an Atlantic convoy during the day of 16th October, and was proceeding surfaced at dusk when a four-engined aircraft was sighted on the starboard quarter, although no G.S.R. contact had been reported. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Commanding Officer decided to remain surfaced and engage the aircraft. Fire was opened with all guns as the aircraft attacked, and it was thought that hits had been scored. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(N.I.D. Note. Liberator "E" of 120 Squadron, on convoy escort duty, sighted a surfaced U-Boat, bearing Red 40, distant 15 miles, in position 58° 20' N., 29° 20' W. (Liberator was fitted with Mark 11 A.S.V., but contact with this U-Boat was not obtained.) This position was 35 nm, bearing 185° from convoy. Aircraft immediately altered course to attack and at 1,500 yards, when U-Boat was manoeuvering stern on, flak and tracer were observed. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Aircraft took evasive action and 25 rounds were fired from the nose-gun, hits being seen on the bridge structure. During final stages of run aircraft lurched slightly to starboard, indicating possibility of a flak hit, but it was later found that lurch was caused by the loss of the starboard beam window, the window hitting the leading edge of the tail plane. | ||
The U-Boat's manoeuvering, combined with the possibility of having been hit by flak resulted in a poor line up for attack, and depth-charges were not dropped. Aircraft then circled to starboard and attacked from Red 90to U-Boat's course tracking across stern of U-Boat, releasing from 50 ft. four Mark XI Torpex depth-charges set to shallow depth, spaced 60 ft. The first two charges straddled the U-Boat abaft the conning-tower and the rest overshot.) | ||
(ii) First Attack by Liberator "Z" | ||
(N.I.D. Note. Liberator "Z" of the same squadron had by now arrived on the scene and attempted to attack the U-Boat on the beam. This was carried out by flying on a parallel course to the U-Boat, on her starboard side, and then turning to port in a steep curve. On the approach the U-Boat swung her stern towards the aircraft, bringing light and heavy accurate flak to bear. Two bursts were observed to explode just ahead of the nose of the aircraft and shrapnel struck the nose but did not penetrate. | ||
Attack was actually carried out from Red 140 to the U-Boat's course, releasing from 200 ft. six Mark XI Torpex depth charges set to shallow depth, spaced 50 ft. The first two undershot, the third exploded under the U-Boat's starboard quarter, and the other three overshot. The U-Boat's stern was lifted out of the water by the explosion of the depth-charges. | ||
(iii) Second Attack by Liberator "E" | ||
(N.I.D. Note. Immediately after Liberator "Z's" attack, Liberator "E" made a second attack from Green 60 to the U-Boat's course, releasing from 30 ft. four Mark XI Torpex depth-charges set to shallow depth, spaced 60 ft. The U-Boat did not manoeuvre during this attack, as her gunners were concentrating on Liberator "Z" and consequently offered a good opportunity for "E"'s attack without opposing gunfire. When aircraft tracked over U-Boat the gunners were seen to be confused and not firing at all. Four depth charges were dropped, one exploding very close to the U-Boat's starboard quarter and the other three overshooting.) | ||
This attack caught the U-Boat just as the Commanding officer had given the order to crash-dive, although this was not carried out. The first run-in had resulted in a certain amount of confusion, as the P.O. who was in charge of the magazine-filling machine for the 20 mm. guns was killed by machine-gun fire from the attacking aircraft, and hence the machine could not be found, with the result that the guns could not be loaded. | ||
(iv) Second Attack by Liberator "Z" | ||
(N.I.D. Note. Liberator "Z" now made a second attack which seemed to finish the U-Boat. No flak was experienced from the boat during this attack and two depth charges were dropped which straddled the bridge structure. When the explosion plumes subsided, the U-Boat was seen to sink stern first, leaving only 10 ft. of the bows visible. | ||
The U-Boat appeared to be attempting to re-surface and then sink back into the sea. The bow rose to about 80°, hovered for a moment and then sank at a very steep angle. A large oil patch, depth-charge scum and various pieces of wreckage were observed, also about 15 round black objects like heads were seen at the edge of the oil patch.) | ||
Survivors stated that the order to abandon ship was issued when the U-Boat [remainder of this Section, about two sentences and an N.I.D. Note, are covered by the insert below.] | ||
Owing to an error no mention is made in this narrative of the sinking of "U 470" of the part played by Liberator "C" of 59 Squadron. | ||
The credit for this sinking has in fact been divided in the following proportion: E/120, 20%, Z/120, 50%, and C/59, 30%. | ||
two survivors.) | ||
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(i) External Bottles in 500-ton U-Boats | ||
Other prisoners state that the following high-pressure air bottles are carried outside the pressure hull in 500-ton U-Boats: | ||
"Flaschengruppe 2," consisting of two bottles, housed approximately over the Diesel engines. | ||
"Flaschengruppe 6," consisting of one bottle, carried in the water-tight bow compartment. | ||
One bottle housed next to the forward upper deck torpedo containers. | ||
These bottles each contain 225 liters (8 ft.³) of air at a pressure of 205 kg./cm.² (2,915.71 lb./in.²). Prisoners considered that should these be damaged by ramming or depth-charging, they would not only leave a bubble trace, but the explosion would probably wreck the boat. | ||
In addition two hydrogen bottles, each containing between 90 and 100 litres (ca. 3.5 ft.³) at a pressure of 160 kg/cm.² (2,276.17 lb./in.²) are fitted outside the bridge structure. | ||
(C51198) B** | ||
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(ii) New Type of U-Boat (VII F) | ||
One prisoner described a new type of U-Boat being built in the Germania Werft, Kiel, and referred to as "VII F." which has a displacement of 1,100 tons and is termed a "Torpedoträger" (torpedo carrier). This type has a special compartment between the control room and the Petty Officers' mess, in which 45 torpedoes are carried and was said to have five bow and five stern tubes. Prisoner added that these boats could also be used as supply boats. | ||
(N.I.D. Note. Although the existence of a Type VII F is established, prisoners have not previously referred to this type by number. Torpedo carrying supply U-Boats have been previously mentioned in C.B.s 05051 (80), page 4, and 04051 (88), V (vi). There is at present no confirmatory evidence that Type VII F is a torpedo carrying U-Boat nor has the use of the boat described been established. The mention of the additional tubes suggests offensive rather than supply use.) | ||
(iii) "Wanz" G.S.R. Sets. | ||
One prisoner from "U 470" stated that shortly after leaving Bergen, an order was received forbidding the use of the "Wanz" set. Certain alterations to the set were effected, but the prisoner could give no accurate details. He said that a resistance was removed and an ordinary Morse key built in. When an aircraft contact was obtained, the operator immediately switched over to hand search and pressed the Morse key, releasing it again almost at once. | ||
This survivor stated that "Wanz" sets are manufactured in Kiel, and that there were only two women who were proficient in their construction, which was the main reason for the slow supply. | ||
In order to prevent congestion at Kiel, many boats now proceed to Norwegian ports, and particularly Bergen for the fitting of new type G.S.R. and other equipment which was formerly installed at Kiel. | ||
(iv) U-Boat Shelter at Kiel | ||
One survivor from "U 470" stated that Docks 4 and 5 at the Deutsche Werke in Kiel were being converted into U-Boat shelters. | ||
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"Graf Zeppelin" | ||
The "Graf Zeppelin" is still far from complete, and has no engines installed yet. Some of the machinery is being manufactured in Austria. One prisoner stated that a certain number of "blisters" have been added to the hull. | ||
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In July or August, 1942, "U 470," which was nearing completion, was towed to Dock 5 at the Deutsche Werke in Kiel. At this time a different crew was standing by, which was transferred in November to "U 487," a supply U-Boat. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
During this period the U-Boat was covered with rubber. In November a fresh crew arrived, and the boat was towed to a berth near the revolving bridge in the Deutsche Werke, where she lay until January. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"U 470," was commissioned on 7th January, 1943. Final adjustments were carried out in Kiel, and in August, 1943, the U-Boat was about to enter Gdynia to carry out trials at the A/S School when she was rammed by another U-Boat. She returned to Kiel for repairs which lasted eight weeks. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
After the repairs were completed, the U-Boat proceeded to Horten in Norway to carry out trials at the A/S school there, instead of returning to Gdynia. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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(i) Survivors: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(ii) Casualties: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(iii) Total Crew: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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REPORT ON INTERROGATION OF SOLE SURVIVOR OF "U 533," | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ATTACK ON 16th OCTOBER, 1943 |
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"U 533," sunk in position 25° 28' N., 56° 50' W., in the Persian Gulf on 16th October, 1943, was a normal 740-ton boat commanded by Oberleutnant zur See Hennig. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The U-Boat was destroyed as the result of a surprise attack by an aircraft which dropped depth-charges on the U-Boat as it crashed-dived. Only two members of the crew succeeded in leaving the boat, and one of these, the First Lieutenant, did not survive. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
From a complement of five officers and forty-eight men, the sole survivor, a seaman torpedoman, claimed he had swum for twenty-eight hours before reaching the shore at Khor Fakkan. Although security conscious at the outset, he subsequently mellowed, but did not prove particularly knowledgeable. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Equivalent German and Royal Navy ranks used in this report are: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The suffix "(Ing.)" after a rank in place of "zur See" denotes an Engineer Officer. The suffix "der Reserve" denotes an Officer of the Reserve. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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II. DETAILS OF "U 533" |
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Although "U 533" finally left Lorient om 6th July, 1943, on her last patrol with orders to operate in the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden, she had already made a previous attempt to commence her patrol, but after three days at sea it was discovered that splintered glass had been inserted in the grease cap of the periscope mounting, and that a Diesel exhaust cap was not watertight. After docking at Lorient, it was found that sabotage was the cause of these defects. | |||||||||||||||||
The U-Boat finally sailed in company with "U 506" commanded by Kapitänleutnant Erich Würdemann (see C.B. 04051 (75) ). She proceeded along the Spanish coast, submerged by day and surfaced at night. The U-Boat kept well out to sea when off the west coast of Spain and Portugal. | |||||||||||||||||
Off the West African coast, the U-Boat fired a salvo of two torpedoes at a 12,000-ton vessel, but they both missed. A few days later, "U 533" attacked two 150-ton sailing vessels with gunfire, and sank them with forty-seven rounds from her 105 mm. gun. | |||||||||||||||||
These sailing vessels were carrying petroleum, and the crews were mostly white. Prisoner estimated the complement of each at about twenty-five. After the sinking the crews swam to within five yards of the U-Boat, but the Commanding Officer made no attempt to rescue them, and left them to drown in spite of being out of sight of land. | |||||||||||||||||
Throughout the patrol so far, "U 533" had been having trouble with her crankshaft bearings, and about three weeks after leaving Lorient, while still off the West African coast, a new one was taken over from a U-Boat, commanded by Hartmann, which was on return passage to France, "U 533" also carried a spare bearing, and the defective ones were replaced. | |||||||||||||||||
(N.I.D. Note. It is thought that Fregattenkapitän Hartmann is in command of "U 198," a 1,200-ton U-Boat.) | |||||||||||||||||
A small amount of surplus fuel was also transferred from Hartmann's boat, and they remained in company for about three to four hours. The rendezvous was per-arranged by W/T and the transfer took place in daylight. | |||||||||||||||||
"U 533" kept well southward when rounding the Cape of Good Hope, and met a number of icebergs. One U-Boat in the vicinity was damaged by a collision with an iceberg, and had to return to France. A rendezvous was kept in this area with the U-Boats commanded by Schäffer and Lüth. | |||||||||||||||||
Towards the end of August, "U 533" was refuelled by a 1,600-ton U-Boat. Neither the number of the boat nor the name of the Commanding Officer were known to the prisoner, but he said that the badge on the conning-tower was the coat of arms of a German town. | |||||||||||||||||
"U 533" reached the rendezvous in the late afternoon, but had to wait in the vicinity until dawn the following day before the other U-Boat arrived. Re-fuelling began almost immediately, and was completed between 1200 and 1300. It was rumoured among the crew that the rendezvous was about 300 miles off Cape Town. The rendezvous had been arranged by W/T. | |||||||||||||||||
About two weeks later, when off Madagascar, "U 533" kept another rendezvous with four other U-Boats, including those commanded by Schäffer, Junker ("U 532") and Lüth, and the German tanker, "Brake." Four of the boats arrived punctually and the fifth the next day. Prisoner thought that they were all 740-tonners. It had been intended to refuel an Italian submarine, the "Ammiraglio Cagni," but at this time Italy surrendered and the submarine failed to put in an appearance. | |||||||||||||||||
(N.I.D. Note. The Admmiraglio Cagni" was, at the time of the Italian armistice, on passage to Japan, about 2,000 miles east of Durban, in approximate position 28° S, 60° E. She eventually put into Durban on 20th September, 1943.) | |||||||||||||||||
"U 533" took over fuel, drinking water and provisions from "Brake," but no torpedoes. Each U-Boat took about 4 hours to refuel, but all the U-Boats remained alongside the three days. During this time all the anti-aircraft armament was fully manned. | |||||||||||||||||
All the members of the U-Boat' crews gave lists of requirements to the "Brake," which was to proceed to Penang and meet the U-Boats again about Christmas somewhere in the Indian Ocean. | |||||||||||||||||
(N.I.D. Note. Previous information indicates that the refuelling rendezvous with "Brake" may have taken place either in position 25° S., 64° E., or 18° S., 72° E. Thus it appears that "Brake" may be in one of these positions at Christmas. Neither the positions nor the date should be taken very literally.) | |||||||||||||||||
One of "U 533's" seamen, who was suffering from eye trouble, was relieved by Able Seaman Bauer of the "Brake," who had previously served in Raider 28. | |||||||||||||||||
"U 533's" crank shaft bearings had still been giving trouble, and one of these was re-metalled by mechanics from the "Brake." | |||||||||||||||||
On the third day the Captain of the "Brake" grew anxious that the Italian submarine might have betrayed his position. Refuelling was accordingly interrupted, and the "Brake" proceeded. The last U-Boat supplied still had all her provisions on deck. | |||||||||||||||||
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The fuel taken over from the "Brake" was Japanese, and could only be used when they were well away from enemy shipping as it gave a very dirty exhaust. | ||
After leaving "Brake," "U 533" proceeded to the Gulf of Aden, where Lüth was also operating. Most of the time, the East African coast was completely out of sight, but the prisoner believes that they did sight it on one night, when they rounded C. Guardafui before entering the Gulf of Aden. | ||
Shortly afterwards, a small convoy was sighted and torpedoes were fired at two merchantmen, one of which, a 6000-tonner, was claimed as sunk. "U 533" was depth-charged by the convoy's destroyers and slight damage was caused to the torpedo tubes, sufficient to prevent any further attack on the convoy. | ||
(N.I.D. Note. This account may coincide with events at the end of September in the area mentioned.) | ||
The crew was disappointed at the lack of success in the Gulf of Aden. They had been expecting single vessels rather than convoys. A search for targets was made along the coast of Arabia, during which the U-Boat kept clear of native dhows, as it was thought that they would report her presence. The prisoner said that on one occasion they came close inshore and put off a few men in the dinghy to make purchases ashore. This was also a common practice with Japanese U-Boats operating in the area. | ||
While "U 533" was engaged in this unsuccessful search for targets, the order was received to proceed to the Persian Gulf. | ||
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IV. SINKING OF "U 533" |
"U 533" spent about 10 days in the Persian Gulf before being sunk. During this time two torpedoes were transferred from the upper deck containers, no signals were made and the use of G.S.R. was forbidden. For this reason, there was no warning when the boat was attacked by aircraft on 16th October, three days after passing Oman. | ||
The aircraft was only seen at the last moment approaching on the port beam. The U-Boat crash-dived, but a depth-charge exploded very near at a depth of about 25 m. (82 ft.). All the lights went out. | ||
The prisoner, who, although a Seaman Torpedoman, had been keeping watch on deck as an extra look-out, was in the conning tower with the First Lieutenant. He heard the Engineer Officer report that the hydroplanes were out of action, and give the order for the bilge pumps to be started. | ||
At about 60 m. (197 ft.) another depth-charge exploded near the hull, and the prisoner heard the Commanding Officer order the tanks to be blown. | ||
The prisoner suddenly found himself standing up to his neck in water which came flooding up from below through the lower hatch. The First Lieutenant unclipped the conning-tower hatch, and both men were blown to the surface. The prisoner lost consciousness for a short period, but recovered on the surface and found the First Lieutenant still unconscious. He supported him for about an hour and then had to let him go. | ||
He had stripped off his clothes and started swimming for the coast. The water was very warm, and he saw a few fish, which made him suppose that he would soon be attacked by sharks. As night fell, he caught a glimpse of the coast in moonlight which gave him fresh heart, and he finally reached the coast at Khor Fakkan the next evening after swimming for 28 hours. The prisoner said that he was not a good swimmer, and can hardly credit his own performance. | ||
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(i) Look-out | ||
Look-out strength on "U 533" was increased to six men in danger areas, partly to lessen the danger of surprise attack by aircraft, and partly to enable the men below to get fresh air. | ||
Four members of the bridge watch kept a look-out for shipping and low flying aircraft, and each covered 90 degrees. The first aircraft look-out kept watch ahead from Red 90 to Green 90. He was stationed between and just abaft the two after look-outs. The second aircraft look-out was stationed on the bandstand and kept a look-out astern from Green 90 to Red 90. | ||
(ii) Torpedoes with Turbines | ||
While at Eckenförde, the prisoner had seen trials with an acoustic torpedo driven by turbines but was unable to give any further details. | ||
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(i) Penang | |||||||||||
The prisoner stated that Penang is being developed as a U-Boat base. There are about 2,000 German workmen there, and several German U-Boats have visited the port. The supply ship "Brake" was said to be operating from Penang. | |||||||||||
(ii) Torpedo Depôt at Lorient | |||||||||||
The Torpedo Depôt at Lorient is on the road from Lorient to Kerneval, and consists of five shelters. Each shelter has the name of a torpedo boat of the Raubtier class painted on it, such as "Jaguar," "Leopard," etc. | |||||||||||
Two oil bunkers and a fresh-water bunker have been built at Lorient, so that U-Boats can take fuel and water without having to use lighters. | |||||||||||
Heavy batteries have been installed on either side of the harbour entrance. | |||||||||||
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First Patrol | |||||||||||
"U 533" left Kiel on her first patrol with "U 528" (see C.B. 04051 (71) in April 1943, and remained at sea for six weeks, entering Lorient in June. | |||||||||||
She operated in the North Atlantic, but sank nothing, although an attempt was made to attack the convoy from which von Bülow ("U 404") claimed to have sunk the aircraft carrier "Ranger." (N.I.D. Note. This probably refers to Convoy O.N.S.5.) During an aircraft attack by a Sunderland in the early part of May three members of the crew were wounded by machine-gun fire, but the bombs dropped by the aircraft fell wide. | |||||||||||
Some days later, when surfacing during the daytime, they found themselves near an enemy destroyer. The U-Boat dived again, but the destroyer rammed, damaging the after torpedo tubes. A depth-charge attack did no further damage, and the U-Boat arrived in Lorient without further incident. | |||||||||||
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(i) Survivor: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(ii) Casualties: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(iii) Total Crew: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(C51136) 500 1/44 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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