1.) |
On 29 December the water content of the lubricating oil of the port engine rose to 1.8%. Measurement showed that compression was too low in cylinder I. The intake valve of this cylinder seemed bad (unusual noise) and it was removed. Because there was water on the piston, the engine was placed under cooling water pressure. As a result, a crack was found in the intake port of the cylinder head. Replacement of the head did not take place because the spare head was used on the last patrol and in base (Kirkenes) one could not be supplied. The old head was left on cylinder I. The fuel oil piping as well as cooling water intake and exhaust to the cylinder head were flanged off, the exhaust gas valve fixed closed. At the cooling water exit of the cylinder liner a blind disc with valve and rubber hose were mounted. by this movable pipe the cooling water circulation was maintained and the temperature of the cooling water was monitored. The intake valve was not installed again. The engine was now again clear for 340 RPM. To increase the performance, the intake port was sealed at the flange so that the engine with supercharger could be used at 400 RPM and the boat was clear for 15 knots. In an emergency later 3 x AK even 16.4 knots was reached. |
2.) |
On 26 December fuel oil pressure of the port engine dropped. Investigation while running showed that the chain drive of the fuel oil pump was torn. The engine was stopped and the chain repaired. Duration: 1 hour. |
3.) |
At GF on 5 January the packing was forced out at the cooling water intake to the starboard engine. Because propulsion could not be temporarily interrupted, operation was maintained with frequent pumping of the diesel room bilge. With stopped engine the packing was renewed 8 hours later. |
4.) |
On 13 January in Cylinder II of the starboard engine the exhaust valve jammed in the closed position. The valve was replaced. Duration 1-1/2 hours. Cause of the malfunction was seizure of the control piston in its upper end position. |
5.) |
The spring of the exhaust valve of cylinder I starboard engine broke just below the spring plate. The valve was replaced, the spring renewed. Duration 1-1/2 hours. |