02.06.44 |
Nordmeer |
06.50 |
1) U-394 (Borger) departed Andfjord-Narvik morning 1 June. |
2) Pietsch, Nees, Schreyer, Borger lengthen patrol line from AB 6561 to 6597, join Group Trutz. |
F.d.U. |
16.30 |
1) Hellwig with transmitter failure return transit Andfjord-Narvik. Be at Point Schwarz 3 June 04.00 hours. |
2) Groups Grimm and Trutz set off 2 June at 16.00 hours via position line 1 AB 2816 to 9117 to position line 2 AB 6473 [typo AB 4673] to 8836. Reach position line 1 on 3 June at 16.00 hours. Position line 2 on 4 June at 16.00 hours. Order: Group Grimm: De Buhr, Franz, Buchler, Schwassmann, Eickstedt, Lehmann, Schweiger, Lange, Herrle, Zoller. In Group Trutz: Brasack, Bentzien, Schaar, Pietsch, Nees, Schreyer, Borger. |
F.d.U. |
19.17 |
Group Trutz and Grimm: |
1) Remain in position in patrol line AB 6473 [typo AB 4673] to AB 8836 |
2) De Buhr determine ice limit in shifted patrol line and send the last three square numbers on "A". Avoid ice damage. |
F.d.U. |
22.06.44 |
18.24 |
ßß |
Carrier aircraft AB 8441. |
U-344 |
21.44 |
Group Trutz: Be in attack areas on 23 June 08.00 hours, depth 25 nm: Eickstedt AA 6635, Schweiger AB 4473, Lange AB 4738, further in patrol line from AB 7435 to AF 1329 Herrle to Dunkelberg. Set off immediately. |
F.d.U. |
23.06.44 |
00.19 |
Group Trutz operate on Zoller-report of destroyer in AB 7626 at highest speed. Assume formation on NW-course. |
F.d.U. |
03.57 |
F.d.U. suspects from previous reports from U-boats that the Zoller-destroyer was screening a convoy in AB 76 and a carrier was set off 100 to 150 nm to the north. Convoy speed from experience 10 knots. Intend to detect and fight in accordance with Nordmeer Order No. 8. Report every indication immediately. Convoy bearing wavelength "Dora" is in effect. |
F.d.U. |
02.46 |
Group Trutz: Boats strive as much as possible to get ahead in the direct vicinity of the convoy until 10.00 hours. If there is no contact by then boats be in patrol line from AB 5299 - 6772 at 19.00 hours. In no case fall behind. |
F.d.U. |
10.54 |
ßß |
AB 8156 |
U-344 |
12.34 |
Group Trutz: Complete air reconnaissance without results. Suspect carrier group without convoy. Occupy new patrol line from AB 5471 to 8694. |
F.d.U. |
25.06.44 |
23.45 |
1) Group Trutz 26 June 00.00 hours set off at 7 knots to attack areas depth 30 nm: . . . . . . , Pietsch AB 7497, . . . . . . |
2) New disposition must remain undetected. Radio silence except for reports concerning convoys, or indications thereof, heavy warships, attacks and when noticed. Irregular courses. Dived according to visibility conditions. |
3) Give report of intentions before setting off. |
F.d.U. |