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No. 32 Washington, February 8, 1942. |
I--Processing prisoners of war and alien enemies.--Pending issuance of regulations regarding the treatment and processing of prisoners of war, including preparation of essential forms, the following instructions are issued to all field commanders: |
1. W. D., P. M. G. Form No. 1 will be accomplished under the direction of the commanding general of each division or similar command in lieu of the field report now required to be made on prisoners of war. W. D., P. M. G. Form No. 1 will contain the date and place of capture and capturing unit. On the back of the tag will be printed, in the language of the prisoner, the following instructions: "Do not destroy or mutilate. No tag, no food." These tags will remain on each prisoner until he is processed (completion of W. D., P. M. G. Form No. 2). It will be distributed by the War Department. |
2. W. D., P. M. G. Form No. 2 will be prepared in triplicate at the point of processing for each prisoner of war captured. One copy will be forwarded with the prisoner to the place of final detention. One copy will be retained by the command effecting the processing, and one copy will be transmitted to the Prisoner of War Information Bureau, Aliens Division, Office of the Provost Marshal General, War Department. These forms will be completed in every respect, including the fingerprints and front and profile photographs with internment serial number appearing thereon. Preparation and distribution of these forms will be accomplished by the War Department. |
3. A. Prisoners of war captured by the Army.--The assignment of internment serial numbers for prisoners of war normally will be accomplished at the first army prisoner of war enclosure to which the prisoner is sent. Internment serial numbers will consist of four components as follows: the first component will be the symbol: "ISN," standing for "internment serial number"; the second component will be the designation, by number, of the army making the capture, or, if there is no army involved which is acting as such, the department or defense command involved, or, if no department or defense command is involved, the division or highest unit under which the capture is made will be indicated by number and initial; the third component will be the individual prisoner of war number assigned consecutively, to each such prisoner; the fourth component will be the symbol, "(Mi)," standing for "military internee." Examples of the use of these serial numbers are: the first prisoner of war captured by the First Army will be "ISN-1-1-(Mi)"; the twenty-fifth prisoner captured by any unit operating under the Caribbean Defense Command would be "ISN-CDC-25-(Mi)." |
b. Naval prisoners of war.--In case the prisoners of war are captured by the naval forces and delivered to the Army for custody, the second component will designate, by number, the naval district in which the prisoner was landed and processed. The fourth component will be "Na," meaning naval prisoner of war. See section II of this circular. |
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c. Alien enemies.--The assignment of serial numbers for alien enemies apprehended will be accomplished as follows: the first component will be the symbol "ISN"; the second component will be the letter standing for the department or defense command concerned, followed by the capital letter designating the nationality of each alien enemy, using the capital "J" for Japanese, "G" for German, etc.; the third component will be the alien enemy number starting from 1 consecutively (blocks may be assigned); the fourth component will be the symbol "Ci," meaning civilian internee. In determining the department concerned, the letter "Z" will stand for Canal Zone, the letter "A" for Alaska. For example: THe fourth Japanese apprehended and interned in the Canal Zone would have the following internment serial number assigned him: "ISN-ZJ-4(Ci)." Forms will be prepared by type writer. Signatures will be in ink. Red ink will not be used. |
d. Alien enemies apprehended by Justice Department.--The assignment of serial numbers to alien enemies apprehended and ordered interned by the Department of Justice will be accomplished by District Immigration Service officials. The second component will indicate the immigration district number and the State number. States will be numbered arbitrarily. Example, assuming the state of Maine to be State Number 1 and that it is the immigration district number 1 the fifth alien enemy apprehended in and ordered interned from the State of Maine would be assigned the following serial number: "ISN-1-1-5-(Ci)." See section III of this circular for Immigration Service instructions in this respect. |
4. Commanding generals of armies, corps areas, departments, defense commands, and base commands will designate blocks of internment serial numbers to be used by the subordinate units of their respective commands. |
II__Regulations in regard to transfer of custody from the Navy to the Army of prisoners of war and other interned persons. |
(1) In time of war or other acute emergency, all prisoners of war and other interned persons in the custody of the Navy Department, whether military, naval, or civilian, will ultimately be placed in the custody of the War Department. |
(2) Any such personnel will first be retained under naval custody, on or near the seaboard, and thence transferred to such place of delivery as may be designated by the War Department. | ||
(3) Such personnel will, in general, be detained in naval custody for only so long a time as may be necessary to effect the details of transfer to the custody of the Army. |
(4) An exception to rule (3) is found in the case of such personnel suffering from wounds, sickness, or disease, whose detention in naval custody is necessary for health or sanitary reasons. |
(5) Whenever the Navy Department desires to transfer such personnel to the custody of the War Department, the Judge Advocate General of the Navy will request the Provost Marshal General of the Army to designate the place of delivery to which such persons should be sent. In making such requests, the Judge Advocate General of the Navy will supply such data concerning such personnel as may be necessary to enable the War Department to determine the place of delivery most suitable under the attendant circumstances. |
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(6) Upon receipt of such request the Provost Marshal General of the Army will designate to the Judge Advocate General of the Navy the place or places to which such personnel referred to in the request should be sent. |
(7) Such personnel transferred from the jurisdiction of the Navy to that of the Army will be sent under naval guard to the Army station designated and there delivered into the custody of the Army commander, who will give receipt for such personnel. |
Transfer of responsibility for the charge and safe-keeping of such personnel will take effect upon their delivery to the custody of the Army. |
(8) Promptly upon the departure of a party of such personnel under naval custody, the naval commanding officer effecting such transfer will notify by dispatch the commanding officer of the Army station of destination the hour of departure and the probable hour of the arrival of such personnel. |
1. General.--a. By mutual agreement between the Navy Department and the War Department the following administrative regulations are adopted to govern the processing of prisoners of war and other interned persons captured by or in the custody of the Navy and the transfer of such personnel from the custody of the Navy to the custody of the Army. |
b. As used in these instructions, the terms "prisoner of war" and "naval war prisoners" include not only prisoners of war captured by the Navy but also all other classes of interned persons who may be in the custody of the Navy, whether naval, military, or civilian, as the case may be. |
2. Assignment of serial numbers.--As soon as practicable following the landing of naval war prisoners at any naval shore station, each such person will be assigned a serial number, designated as "Internment Serial Number." Thereafter, in all official correspondence with reference to such prisoner of war, the internment serial number so assigned will be employed. Ordinarily the abbreviation"ISN" will be used. Such serial numbers will consist of four components. The first component will be the symbol "ISN." The second component will be the designation by number of the naval district in which the shore station is located where the prisoner was landed and processed. The third component will comprise the prisoner of war number. The fourth component will comprise the symbol "(Na)," meaning naval prisoner of war. For example, the first prisoner of war received and processed at a naval shore station in the Fourteenth Naval District will be assigned the following serial number: "ISN-14-1 (Na)," and the twenty-fifth prisoner of war received and processed in the Thirteenth Naval District will be assigned the following serial number: "ISN-13-25 (Na)." Each naval district commander will distribute numbers for the third component of the internment serial number around the shore stations in his district. |
3. Photographing.--Upon the assignment of an internment serial number, naval prisoners of war will be photographed in two positions, full face, and profile, in both of which positions the subject's internment serial number will appear. Not less than five sets of each photograph will be printed in order to facilitate accomplishment of the Basic Personnel Record for each prisoner in quintuplet. The size of the photographic prints will be not |
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greater than 2" x 2" in order to accommodate the Basic Personnel Record (W. D., P. M. G. Form No. 2). |
4. Basic personnel record.--W. D., P. M. G. Form No. 2 will be accomplished in quintuplet at the time of processing. This form is printed and furnished on heavy paper suitable for permanent record purposes and for filing and classification of fingerprints. * * * The arrangement of contents and size is subject to such revision as the Provost Marshal General, War Department may consider necessary. |
a. Fingerprints.--Where photographic equipment is available only one set of original fingerprints need be accomplished and the additional forms may be reproduced by photographing; otherwise, five sets will be taken, one on each record. The roll method will be employed in order to insure a clear print. |
b. Disposition of record.--When naval prisoners of war are transferred from Navy to Army custody, the officer in command of the naval escort party will carry with him the Basic Personnel Record of each prisoner of war being transferred in quadruplet. The commanding officer of the Army enclosure to which such prisoners are delivered will check the contents of the Basic Personnel Record against the prisoners actually delivered and will receipt for each such prisoner in the space provided on the reverse side of each of the quadruplet records. Upon checking each prisoner's personal effects, as provided in paragraph 5 below, he will retain three copies of the Basic Personnel Record and return the fourth copy, evidencing the transfer receipt, to the commanding officer of the naval escort party for permanent retention by naval authorities. In executing the receipt, the commander of the Army enclosure will note in the space provided on the reverse side of the Basic Personnel Record the date and place of transfer and the place from which each prisoner was transferred, in quadruplet. |
5. Personal effects.--An inventory of any personal effects taken from each naval prisoner of war will be accomplished, in quintuplet, in the space provided on the reverse side of the Basic Personnel Record, at the naval shore station where each such prisoner is received and processed. Each copy will bear the signature of the prisoner of war whose personal effects are inventoried thereon on the line provided for this purpose. The commanding officer of the naval escort party will deliver such personal effects to the custody of the commanding officer of the Army enclosure and, after checking the inventory in each case against the personal effects delivered, the receiving officer will affix his initials to all copies in the space provided therefor on the reverse side of the Basic Personal Record, returning one copy of the Basic Personnel Record, thus executed to the commanding officer of the naval escort party for retention by naval authorities. The personal effects of each prisoner of war will be packaged separately before delivery to the custody of the Army. |
6. Requests for transfer.--Requests for transfer of custody of naval prisoners of war from the Navy to the Army will be made by the commandant of the naval district concerned directly to the Provost Marshal General, copy of which request will be forwarded to the Judge Advocate General of the Navy. Such requests may be submitted in the form of a letter or by despatch, containing the following information: |
a. The total number by sex and nationality of prisoners of war the transfer of whose custody is requested. |
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b. The place or places at which such prisoners of war are located at the time of making the request. |
c. The number, if any, who will require immediate hospitalization. |
Upon receipt of such a request, The Provost Marshal General will designate to the commandant of the naval district concerned the place at which the transfer of custody will be effected, informing the Judge Advocate General of the Navy thereof. |
Promptly upon the departure of a party of such personnel under naval custody, the naval commanding officer effecting such transfer will notify by despatch the commanding officer of the Army station of destination the hour of departure and the probable hour of the arrival of such personnel. |
1. Subject persons, in many cases, will require certain articles of clothing while in naval custody. As necessary for health and sanitation, such persons may be outfitted with items of the Clothing and Small Stores list, which are not distinctive of the naval uniform. While on board ship such items as watch caps, overcoats, jumpers, and trousers may be issued from the lucky-bag or Small Stores stock. Items distinctive of the naval uniform should never be issued to prisoners on shore if it is possible to purchase appropriate civilian clothing (similar to outfits issued to men discharged under other than honorable conditions). Otherwise, any clothing that is issued should be free of naval insignia and distinctive marks. Clothing issued from Small Stores stock will be charged to "Miscellaneous expenses." Civilian clothing will be procured by sundry purchase. |
2. All expenditures for clothing for prisoners of war and other interned persons will be supported by a written order of the Commanding Officer, directing the issue of specific items for certain designated prisoners. |
3. Existing regulations, articles 874 (5) and 1824, Navy Regulations, provide for the subsistence of prisoners of war. Article 1340-2 (e) (3), Bureau of Supplies and Accounts Manual, provides accounting instructions for rationing supernumeraries and persons not in the naval service. These regulations and instructions are applicable to the subsisting of prisoners of war and other interned persons under the jurisdiction of the Navy Department, whether embarked in a naval vessel or on shore. |
4. The cost of any transportation necessary to carry out the instructions contained in subsections A and B will be borne by the appropriation "Miscellaneous expenses." |
5. Instructions relative to other matters in connection with the subject named persons will be issued as may be necessary. |
III__Immigration and Naturalization Service instructions pertaining to alien enemies ordered permanently interned.--1. Under the existing plan alien enemies who have been ordered interned will be transferred to the Army for permanent detention. Transfers will be made in accordance with instructions which will be issued from time to time by the Central Office on the basis of arrangements made with the office of the Provost Marshal General. |
2. W. D., P. M. G. Form No. 2 will be prepared in duplicate by this Service in the case of each alien enemy ordered interned. One copy of the form |
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will be delivered to the representative of the Army into whose custody the alien enemy is delivered, the the other copy will be forwarded to the Central Office. Should it be desired, a third copy made for District Office records. The form should not be folded. |
3. Instructions concerning the preparation of the form: |
a. Serial number.--The serial number is to be entered on the form by the preparing office of this Service. In each case the first component will be "ISN" for internment serial number. The succeeding components are designed to show the immigration district in which the alien is in custody at the time of his transfer to the Army, and will be indicated by the district number; the State in which the alien resided in at the time of his arrest, which will be shown by the appropriate number, one of which has been assigned to each State as in the enclosed list; the alien's nationality to be indicated by the letter "J," "G," or "I" for Japanese, German, or Italian; and the alien's serial number from "1" to infinity, to be assigned by the district. The last component of a number will in each case be the letters "CI," to indicate a civil internment as distinguished from a military internment. Each component will be separated from adjoining components by a hyphen. As an example, a Japanese national ordered interned who resided in the State os Massachusetts at the time of his arrest, and who was the thirty-fifth alien ordered interned from the Boston Immigration and Naturalization District, would be assigned the serial number "ISN-2-20-J-35-CI." |
b. The internee's name will be entered on the form as follows: Surname in capitals first, followed by the first given name and initials representing other given names. |
c. Two photographs, one full face and one in profile, will be attached to the form in the space provided therefor. If it is not practicable to furnish photographs of the correct size with this Service's photographic equipment, such photographs as are made should be clipped to the form. The individual's internment serial number should be shown in the photograph. |
d. The ten numbered lines under the heading "Inventory of Personal Effects Taken From Internee" will be left blank. |
e. The name of the immigration station at which the card is prepared will be entered on the line immediately under the photograph. |
f. The internee's fingerprints will be taken in the spaces provided, but the fingerprint classification and references spaces will be left blank. |
g. On the reverse of the form, lines numbers 1, 2, and 3 will be left blank; numbers 4 to 18 inclusive, should be completed. |
h. The only transfer data to be entered on this form will be that showing the internee's transfer from this Service to the Army. In each case the signature of the representative of the Army into whose custody the alien is delivered will be secured in the space provided therefor. |
i. The column under the caption "Personal effects not transferred" will be left blank, as all of the alien's effects should be transferred with him in each case. Receipt for the alien's property will be secured on the form and in the manner prescribed in paragraph III-4 of the instructions relating to the parole of alien enemies dated December 15, 1941, file 56035/52. |
4. This instruction will not apply to districts numbers 21 and 23, or to aliens ordered interned from the territory of Alaska. For serial number purposes, the detention camp at Fort Lincoln will use the number "23," and Fort Missoula the number "24." |
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Numerical designations of States and the District of Columbia |
[A. G. 383.6 (1-17-42).] |
Chief of Staff. |
E. S. ADAMS, |
Major General, |
The Adjutant General. |
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